Feb 29, 2020

02/29/2020 – Leap Day

Love me this strong like-dislike affair
with being 70. As I was not expected
to live this long, I rather love being 70.
On the other hand, I am finding the
previously forecasted disappearance
of self somewhat hard to deal with.

Perhaps this has something to do with
having lived in Mexico for 20 years, or
teaching for 41, or being the mother
of the most fab kids in the universe.
One way or another, nothing prepped
me for the disappearing act.

It truly is a new learning experience to
deal with retirement, exist on half salary,
live quietly, accept one's age-related
limitations, watch the weight and for
the love of god, don't drink too much . . .
not complaining, just stating the facts.

So, this leap year, which only occurs
every four years, I've decided to embark
on a self-reclaiming mission. 'Tis a leap
of faith, after all. Thanks to CW, I'm back
into my music. Grateful I am to Tattoo
Master, Gentleman Ink, I'm now nigh
onto 13 tats down!!! I'm making an
effort . . . I want to go down fighting!

My peeps shouldn't have to remember
me only as I was . . . I want the 'I am'
to count as well. Let's see what I can
come up with next!

dont die before death
to live rather than exist
dancing the jingle

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