Jun 29, 2022


Today ends my ale fast . . . 
as I tend to think of it!

Each year, I abstain from drinks
the months of January, May and
September. This year though, 
I chose June as my mid month.

It's been interesting . . . I find 
I haven't missed the drinking 
at all, it's the social side I miss. 
You know, you get together w/
family, friends, neighbors . . .
and per se, alcohol is involved.

Wine, beer, shots, mixed drinks,
all fun and games at parties. Alas,
there are times when those delish
cocktails overtake the common 
sense of the partaker. Methinks we
all strive to avoid that catastrophe.

So today, I intend to spend some
time seriously thinking about just
how I resume holding my infamous
margs in hand! I so pray I have the 
good sense to be careful, sensible . . . 
even abstain several days a week!

ever so thirsty
so what you having darling
throw caution windward

Jun 28, 2022


Color me awaiting July . . .
Sooooo can hardly wait!

And of course, there's always 
our 4th of July celebrations. 
I'm looking skyward even as 
we speak!

July means so many things
to so many people. Birthdays 
ahoy . . . my guy, my bro, my 
dad! And what celebrations 

Then, there's the heat, as little 
clothing as possible, followed
by being burned excessively!
Certainly awakens a thirst for
that ice cold brewski!

My fave may be July moons; 
the 13th - full Thunder Moon, 
and the 28th - the new moon. 
I so love my moons . . . Notice
there're all mine; must mean
I'm loony tunes!

For me though, July is a fave
because of the warmth. I so
suffer during the cold, dark,
months. I feel quite healed in
the heat of summer! If I had
my way, summer would last
twice as long as winter.

Just think, only two more 
days . . .

pray bring on the heat
long awaiting my summer
will it never come


Just color me content . . .

Good night's sleep, awaking
to fresh banana bread made
by a friend, the cool of the
morning . . . 

We seem to be ever seeking 
the thrills offered in heights 
unknown. Heaven forbid we 
should be sated with those 
small joys that surround us. 

And yes, it is easy to forget 
the importance of those little 
things that make up a perfect 
day. I fear we live in a society 
ever seeking the orgasmic high 
rather than that sweet road of 
getting there!

This new me, the me that's 
facing those latter years of life, 
longs to learn this secret ere 
I die . . .

pray do share with me
how may i learn what needs be
so longing to know

Jun 27, 2022


Neither of us like to shop . . .

Methinks, better give thanks 
for that whilst I'm still alive! 
Alas, can't get down on my 
knees any more!

'Tis the whole, once a month,
shop 'til you drop regime that
threatens to kill me! I'd come
home and drink up, but I have
to find places for all those gros!

I so admire people who run by
the grocery store on their way
home from wherever! On my
side of the fence, have to go on
the least busy day, at the least
busy hour, and still pray it will
be quick and dirty!

"Oh my God! They've changed
things around since I was last
here! Where the hell did they 
put my fave salad dressing!! 
Damn, looks like they're out of
those little purple potatoes!!!"

Maybe, I'm at that place where
I should have my gros delivered!
Not sure they service half way to
kingdom come!

okay rants over
ive heard oldsters are grouchy
am i one of them

Jun 26, 2022


I find myself in this mood . . .
Spring ending in June, Summer
beginning in July . . . Whatever's
going to happen next?

I promised myself I would enjoy
every single moment of this up-
coming season and yet I feel antsy!

What will July bring? I know for
certain the sun is coming, perhaps
to stay awhile. I know all about
summer parties, evening suppers,
meeting with friends and the odd

I also know I'll be helping my guy
get ready for his own birthday. I
do appreciate the process, enjoy it

The actual day brings family to our
door, conversations much longed
for . . . the old catching up gambit!

It well may be the biggest event of
the summer, but it's not the entire
season. I enjoy the dreaming up of
ideas, the planning and the execution.

So dreaming it is . . . and already 
about three ideas come to mind!
Can hardly wait . . . and yes, I have
full intention to kiss and tell!!!

tis coming coming
love me some new beginnings
feeling inspired

Jun 25, 2022


A weekend with family . . .  and
I find myself unexpectedly moved!

One appreciates relatives, honors 
them, loves them from afar . . . 
but on those rare occasions when
a get together is planned and works
out . . . 'tis perfection indeed.

I find myself looking at things from
a slightly different perspective. Aha
moments, precious understandings 
and the resulting chuckles or tears,
are gifts indeed; make no mistake!

I recognize that vast geographical
distances play a role in families.
We tend to have greater familial 
type relationships with close friends 
who live nearby as this is indeed

I wonder if harking back to days 
of yesteryear with phone calls, cards
and letters wouldn't bring a greater

Methinks a concerted effort may be
what is needed. An effort to stay in
touch as well as making a point to
reunite from time to time.

I do recognize the importance of this.
And, I wish to follow my own advice.
My family is worth staying in touch.
Honoring them is important. And,
I love them . . .

pray come sit with me
let's have a little look see
shall we go forward

Jun 24, 2022


I know one good way of getting
rid of the shakes . . . work my 
ass off in the yard. Summer is 
not only coming, it's here!

I swear, I could simply live out
doors during these warm months.
There is something so invigorating
about Summer!!! 

I find myself getting up at o' dark
thirty, wishing the sun would hurry
and get up as well, all so I can be 

I have to laugh at myself, I don't
seem to mind the bug bites and
sunburn, just get me out there 

Sooooo, bring it all on . . . the
heat, the work, the visits of fam
and friends, the cool drinks and
picnic foods . . . I'm in for the

love me some summer
come on over lets party
make up for lost time

Jun 22, 2022


There are times when I am so
absolutely overwhelmed with
what I would call apprehension!
I do not understand it!

All afternoon, I've been sporting
this angst. Frankly, it's more than
a bit unnerving. I ask myself, 
"What's this all about? How can
I get over it? How can I let it go?"

Can't help but wonder if it has 
something to do with me treating
myself to coffee today . . . my
once a month treat.

Might it be because I'm trying to
get ready for a family reunion this
weekend? I would have to admit
this takes some planning . . . 
Taking a peek at the map, packing
up, looking over food and drinks.
Thinking about a hostess gift.

The heat . . . which I've anxiously
awaited for the entirety of Winter
and Spring?! The cold nights? 
When will the two get on the same
page already?!

Methinks a good night's rest might
help mitigate this entire episode . . . 
Sooooo pray these jitters will all be
behind me on the morrow!

Do other people sometimes deal 
with this sort of thing?! Damn it 
all to hell, anyway!!!

lets quell the willies
bring on some serenity 
just calm yourself down

Jun 21, 2022


'Tis the morning of the day after
and I'm just not quite ready to say

Still, I do love that we're in the 2nd
day of summer, that second day in
a six week period . . . and I intend
to enjoy every single day of it!

Thinking here . . . just how am I
going to celebrate these hot climate 
days . . . let me think! 

The first thing that comes to mind is 
getting my ass outside for a change. 
I rather loathe just how used I get to 
staying indoors over the winter and 
early spring!

Next, I want to see if my legs still
work . . . maybe the odd walk or two,
just as long as they are no longer
than to the mailbox!!! Right?!

Not to forget that I have this sweet
little basket sitting at the ready just
waiting for a picnic to happen!!! I've
been hankering after a picnic for so
long, I'm not certain what one even
looks like at this point!

I find my calendar filling up . . . seems
to me that I'm going to soon lay eyes
on fam and friends. It's been a long
couple of years or so with that dreaded
plague on our hands.

Damn! It's summer time and the livin'
is easy . . . Thank you Louie Armstrong!
And, I want to live it every single day!
To hell with just existing . . .

06/21/2022 - Summer Solstice

"Midsummer, the Summer
Solstice, also known as Litha,
arrives when the powers of
nature reach their highest
point. The earth is awash in
the fertility of the Goddess
and God". ~Scott Cunningham
I am ever so enamored with 
any and everything that has to 
do with the warmth of summer.
I feel like dancing!

Today is the longest day of the
year. Methinks 'tis all about
celebrating hot . . . summer
heat, body heat, that slow fire
that burns between lovers and
makes friendship what it is.

Alas from here, the days begin
to shorten as they approach fall
and winter. But, I am determined
not to dwell on that. I wish to
relish each and every day of sun
and warmth. I have a feeling that
this summer is to be the summer
of all summers.

Let's stroll through the upcoming
summer evenings with family and
friends . . . gatherings, cookouts, 
parties, sharing a pitcher or a few

Mr. Summer will bid his adieu soon
enough. We have six weeks in which 
to revel in the joys of this delightful 

Let's not waste a single moment . . .

long awaited sun
pray do not depart too soon
sol man come to moi

Jun 20, 2022


I am loving the anticipation
of today! 'Tis the eve of our
Summer Solstice, otherwise
known as Litha. Not to forget,
the longest day of the year.

Awaking early, divining the
gifts the day may bring . . .
ever so delicious. A day of
warmth, means some time
spent outside.

Another delight, a colleague
of yesteryear is joining me. 
A time to catch up, share a bit 
of food, spend the afternoon in
learning. Frankly, joy beyond 

I wish to enjoy every single
moment of the day, cherish
them and recall them upon
demand. Precious memories
can sustain; make no mistake!

And, to think 'tis only the eve
and the morrow awaits . . .

summer a long time coming
delights awaiting

Jun 18, 2022


You know, you spend your 
whole life on some kind of 
sleep schedule . . .

Obviously, parents downright 
beg, pray, promise the universe
anything, in hopes their babies
can sleep. Alas, no rest for the 

Then, from the time children 
enter pre-school until they are
actually retired from the work
force about 60 years later, sleep 
is pretty much ordained by God
and the alarm clock.

At last, retirement comes along 
to party and messes with every-
thing! You actually get to sleep
in, stay up late if you so wish,
take a nap or not! And all of a 
sudden, about 65 years of sleep
habits are blown to bits.

Anything from all nighters to
all dayers, now govern the latter
part of our lives . . . and sleep
pays the price.

Not sure that it matters at all.
Still, part of me wishes this 
had all happened when I was
a partying teenager rather than
a sleep deprived oldster!

It's about 1:00 in the morning;
anyone want to come on over 
for whatevers?! Let's see, we
could play cards, have chat
and drinks, throw a pizza in 
the oven or even dance in the 

Hey, we're retired and sure as
hell NOT sleeping!!! Let's do

Jun 17, 2022


The quality of being concerned
with the human spirit or soul as
opposed to material or physical

I so love and enjoy spiritual
observances . . . glorious days 
that remind us of a life worth 
living. I find them utterly up-
lifting. For days afterwards, 
I still revel in them . . .

May Day, First days of Spring, 
Summer, Fall, Winter, spiced
in between with Halloween,
and Yule . . .

Looking at these celebrations
in depth, I see that a pause in
our daily endeavors makes 
them even more special. 

One of the things we fail to 
do in our modern day lives is
to pause . . . It takes a pause
to live in the present, to enjoy
the moment, to appreciate the
offerings that life has to give 

In essence, I want to live
rather than exist, love rather
than like, and celebrate rather
than simply limp through the
days as they present themselves.

Pray, I rise to the occasions as
they present themselves . . .

Let's enjoy Litha, first day of 

Jun 16, 2022


"When I get old, they're never 
going to say, "What a sweet old 
lady." They'll say, "What on earth 
is she up to now?!"  Hippies, 
Music, Nostalgia and Musings

An old friend of mine sent me 
some fun about aging today. 
I say, fun! Frankly, aging is a
lot of work, to say nothing of
a pain in the ass! Methinks the 
only thing that'll get you through
is a good sense of humor!

I feel fine, really! Or, at least I'm
trying to convince myself I do. 
I really do . . . just a few aches
and pains in the joints! What's
that all about anyway?! Maybe
a joint for the joints?! Alas, I
don't smoke!

Something that always gives
me a chuckle is accidentally
seeing myself in the mirror.
No way in hell is that woman
in the mirror me! She doesn't
resemble me at all . . .

One of the things that annoys
the hell out of me is the odd
forgetfulness! I swear, I am
NOT forgetful . . . Yet, there's
that old, "What the hell am I
looking for?" once you get to
the kitchen!

Bottom line, aging is quite 
a blessing as I imagine none 
of us fancy the alternative!
Sooooo, finding myself quite
grateful . . . blessed be!

06/16/2022 - Biz on my mind . . .

Every now and then, there's one
of those special souls that touch
our lives. Looking back . . .

I can still remember my dog,
Wags, and I was only two and
three. Then, there was Tippy,
one of the great loves of my 

One of my fave memories . . .
Tippy running around in her
pack. There was my Tom
turkey, my white goose, a
black hen . . . "last of the
Mohicans" as it were. They
went everywhere together!

But once my brother got his
seeing-eye dogs, we were no
longer allowed to have dogs . . .
so cats it was! 

Tiger was an ole fave. He'd 
have breakfast at home, then
go on over to our neighbors.
Up the hill for freshly milked
and separated cream, proceed 
next door for a fresh raw egg 
and lastly end up down the hill 
for cooked scraps. Just ask me 
if Tiger wasn't a proper celeb 
in the neighborhood?!

Then there's the loss . . . as 
a child, the grief was beyond
overwhelming. Still, sooner
or later, our hearts would be
opened to another pet.

Biz is still with us, but perhaps
saying goodbye soon. I find I
need to honor this wondrous
friend and the man who has
loved him lo these many years.

May your precious memories
ever console you . . .

Jun 14, 2022


I am overcome with angst . . .

I simply do not understand why
there are times I feel so incredibly
antsy. What is it all about? What
does it mean?

I try to think back through the day.
Did something significant happen?
Was there an event that upset me?
Did it remind me of something?

Bottom line, I think our souls make
an effort to communicate with us
through our bodies . . . Might be
rather a good idea if we'd listen up!

I know I'd do well to pay attention
to business. Is it a learning process?
A habit? I'm going to make that
effort, go the extra mile. But, how
is it precisely done?

I'm putting my mind on alert! I want
to be more attentive, see if I can suss
out any particular messages that I
might need to hear.

Pray I listen . . .

pay attention now
its all about listening
need tell you something


"You can't make someone love 
you by giving them more of what 
they already don't appreciate."
~Annie C. White

I know that I am loved, well loved
in fact. It's just that sometimes I'm
in a space where I need to be told,
or reminded. 

In our society, the words come
easily and often . . . alas, they may
have come to mean less over time.

An aside . . . During my twenty
years in Mexico, I learned from 
this mantra . . . "Love people; like 

I find myself pondering, "Just how
can I use these words in such a way
that they are real, full of meaning?"

Something that comes to mind . . .
Be more interested in showing love
than speaking of it. Walk the path,
rather than talking about it.

It comes to me that I should be much
more worried about loving others
rather than being worried about being
loved. That's the real gift . . .

love the great unknown
loving you is loving me
choose love every time

Jun 12, 2022


What about a guy who turns 
to you and says, "How would 
you like for me to make you 
blueberry pancakes tomorrow 
morning?" One would have 
to forgive the man anything! 
Well, almost anything . . .

I've been pondering some of
those endearing things couples
do to keep their love alive. 
Naught wrong with having 
a good look-see!

What matters to me above all, 
is to always treat each other 
with respect. Then, think fun! 
The unexpected, the unusual. 
Keep 'em guessing!

Sweet little gifts. The odd
drink in a fun tavern. An
afternoon stroll down Main 
Street. Window shopping. 

Bottom line, it doesn't have 
to be complicated, expensive. 
Methinks 'tis mostly paying 
attention to business. 

I'm going to have a good think
and see if I can't come up with
something fun to get even with
yummy blueberry pancakes!

always in my thoughts
must show you that you matter
ever in my life


I love everything about the
prepping for a trip. The first
descriptive that comes to
mind is excitement . . . add
in anticipation and you've
got me. Funny thing though,
coming home is just as

I find myself thinking of all
the things I'm going to do
when I get home . . . clean
out the travel trailer, get the
wash started, do the camp
dishes, write a thank you
note . . .

Oh my God, can't I ever think
outside the box?! What ever
happened to just sacking out
and resting a tad? Maybe
watching an old movie and
munching on a fun snack?

Methinks' tis time to mend
my ways . . . Mother Nature
is calling my name. And, I
just know she wants me to
sit under my fave tree and
have me a glass of old time

'Tis summertime after all
and if I'm right, that requires
some summertime activities.
Let me think . . . picnics,
drives, get togethers, fun
drinks, swimming, making
homemade ice cream . . .

"Summertime and the livin'
is easy . . . " Where's Nat King
Cole when you need him?!

just come on over
needs me some of that ice cream
do lets have some fun


A new day dawning . . . with
all its inherent promise.

Spent the day in the sun, a
bit of reading, some idle chat,
a conversation in depth. It all
spells out quality time with
family . . .

I find myself being nigh onto
a sun worshipping albino; very
painful . . . color me red . . .
Still, a most glorious day

Taking a look-see . . . these
familial days are a kind of
stress sandwich. Both the
prepping for coming, and the
readying for going, are painful;
make no mistake. But, those
in between days of lovey-
dovey, make it all worth-

Can't help but wonder if this
sussing out might not help
with future trips. I do know we
humans have oft been accused
of same song, second verse
syndrome. But, what the hey?

So, what is the why behind
this scenario? Surely, it not
only has something to do with
love of fam and foe . . . but
with real caring, as well. On
another note, I imagine it's
also about getting the hell out
of Dodge once in a while and
dancing a different tango.

Admitting you can't teach old
dogs new tricks . . . methinks
I'm up for giving it the old
college try!

hello and goodbye
so come again any time
miss you already


Then there's that every once
in a while . . .

What a ghastly day yesterday
turned out to be. Naturally,
there's all that hustle and
bustle whilst getting ready
for any road trip. Add in the 
stress of just trying to get
there, wherever there is!

Each one thinks they know
how to get there and of course
this not only differs from each
other, but also from that 
English gal who lives inside
the GPS.

Sooooo not cognizant of any
reason why this should be the
foundation of a good round,
but it is. Methinks 'tis the end
of the match; somebody ring
the bell, please!

We finally make it, go figure!
The day continues in its vein;
no electricity, no water . . .
"no phone, no food, no pets."
Where's Roger Miller when
you need him?!

Still, families rally, don't they?!
Pick up some pizza, turn on
the campfire, grab a beer and
tell tales out of school. What
may have been a god awful
day, turns out to be one of
the best evenings ever.

Ain't life grand?!

crazy days and nights
so not what I expected
'tis fun nonetheless

Jun 8, 2022


"Lions and tigers and bears,
oh my!" Wizard of Oz, 1939

Pondering fear of late . . .
can't help but wonder what
it's all about.

Was it gifted to us as a kind
of protection? An innate
detector of sorts? Or, perhaps
a more nefarious . . . enemy?

I grant you that fear is a rather
decent defense mechanism. On
the other hand, fear can literally
shield us from that greater
experience called life. And, of
what value is life if it's replaced
with merely existing?!

Methinks fear has its place; 
I'm not questioning that. But, 
one should be the master and 
not the servant of this oh so 
powerful malady. 

Perhaps, recognizing fear for
what it is, honoring it as a 
shield is a plausible possibility.
But, it is not to be placed on
a throne, catered to, exalted!

Bottom line, it's about sussing
out who is the master and who
is the servant. For me, I wish
to be, ever and always, the
master of my own destiny.
Still, I am grateful that fear
always gives me the ole 
heads up!

ever present fear
you may sit at my table
but not at the head


"The woman I was yesterday,
introduced me to the woman
I am today, which makes me
very excited about meeting the
woman I will become tomorrow."
Poetic Evolution

I think a great deal about these
three days . . . I actually rather
relish looking back over my 
yesterdays, particularly those 
of pleasant memories. Yet, over 
and over you hear that we're not 
to spend much time there.

I love my todays as well. Frankly,
it's rather a glorious place to be.
Each moment is to be enjoyed! I
like all the parts, the planning in
days prior, the enjoyment whilst
happening and even the looking
back for a second round of joy.

Never to overlook our tomorrows,
one way or the other. It's that whole
looking forward to the new, sussing
out those plans we made in days 
past. Sometimes, the planning and
waiting are even more fun than the

Sooooo, methinks I won't be giving
up any of the three! They're there to
be experienced, come hell or high

love me some todays
not to forget yesterdays
whats on tomorrow

Jun 7, 2022


"Getting old isn't for sissies.
The changes we cope with are
in our bodies, minds, emotions,
and social network and they 
happen steadily. We keep having
to make courage and adapt to new
circumstances. This is invisible to
most of the world. What do you
want to be acknowledged for?"
The Defiant Crone

Good food for thought! Excellent,
actually! I have to laugh . . . or I'd
cry, this is my first year for joint
pain . . . guess it happens in the
best of families!

Still, I'm thinking it's all about
considering the alternative. What's
a few pains next to not living any
more?! I actually know people 
who count the days, hoping for a
soon ending. 

I count the days I've been gifted 
beyond the death sentence! I'd
be lying if I didn't admit to being
a bit frightened of my upcoming
demise . . . but I think enjoying
whatever time the gods have
granted us is where the magick

Rather makes me wonder why I
insist on taking three months of
abstinence out of each year just
to make certain I'm not an alkie!

Methinks I'm just trying to be a
right-living woman! Ha!

Jun 6, 2022


I'm almost scared to call it for
fear of jinxing it, but methinks
spring may have finally sprung.

It's bright and sunny outdoors
with a rather high forecast, along
with my own high hopes, on the
the horizon! Yayyyyy . . .

Sooooo, I'm all about thinking 
up some naughties to do today.
One thing for certain, I'm sitting
outside for a long while.

With some heat on the horizon,
so many lovlies come to mind.
Let me think, at nigh onto a 100 
years old, I can go surfing, climb
our mountain, chase the elk out
of the yard . . . hummmmm . . .
think I'll just have a long sit by
the pond and think of margs as I
won't be drinking them! Ha!

On a more serious note, Spring's
beauty, Summer's heat, Autumn's
colors . . . all lend themselves to
healing our souls of that prolonged
dark we've just lived through. My
apologies to Winter Buffs; I know
skiing and other Winter sports are 

Allow me to raise my empty glass
in a toast to the upcoming fun of
these warm months ahead! 


Jun 5, 2022

06/05/2022 - Earth Mother Day

Remembering that Earth Day
was established on April 22,
1970, we've been celebrating
it for 50 years. Having said
that, not many realize that
June 5th, is also an Earth Day
of sorts.

It has been referred to as World
Environment Day. It has also
been called Mother Earth's
Pantheistic celebration. Save
the world is a slogan often used.

For me, this is simply one more
opportunity for all to remember
our Mother Earth. It's a time in
which we can ponder what we
can give back.

It rather boils down to those 
small things we don't pay 
enough attention to. Plastic
utensils and paper plates 
rather than washing dishes, 
paper towels instead of dish
rags, carrying our own bags
for shopping, all good ideas.

I recall writing about these
and other thoughts around
Earth Day. Still, it takes more
than talking, it takes a serious
commitment for action. 

Yet, I know we can do more
than the small things. We can
work towards cleaning up our
racial messes, time we did
something about the poverty
that surrounds us and we need
to bite the bullet when it comes
to abuse of all kinds!

Let's do this! Let's do more
than honor April 22nd and 
June 5th. Let's actually go
the distance, do whatever is
within our power to make a

making a promise
might be just little ole me
im making changes

Jun 4, 2022


Don't hold your breath, but
I may be re-entering the land
of the living today. It's been
a long haul.

Not used to being sick, it's
been a bit more than no fun!
It's one thing to spend a day
abed with a fave book, the 
odd movie, a box of chocs
and a drink most delish. The
whole days abed thing, cos 
the doc told you to . . . not 
so much!

So, methinks a look-see into
future plans as I missed so 
many, might just be in order.

Looking forward to laying
eyes on our friends would 
be the first, maybe going 
out to eat, or perhaps, the
operative words would
simply be GETTING OUT.

Feel free to put your notes
in the suggestion box; I can
always use those . . .

tossing and turning
i may have bed sores by now
can i get up now

Jun 2, 2022


Pondering my beliefs of late;
seeking that core essence as 
I reach the latter part of my 
spiritual journey . . .

-I believe in the divine, both
within and without. Yet, I feel 
no need to name this.

-And, as we all have our
feminine and masculine sides,
I celebrate both the feminine
and the masculine in the divine.

-I believe we were born both
to love and to serve others.
Anything that comes back to
us is incidental and is not to
be sought. Keeping track is
arrogant and self serving.

-I believe in those virtues 
of tolerance and forgiveness, 
both of others and of self. 
These in no way signify an
acceptance of abuse towards
myself in any form.

-I believe in the importance
of both giving and receiving,
indeed with grace.

-I believe prolonged guilt to 
be wasted energy, although I
recognize this may not always
be controllable. A worthy gift
contrition might offer would be
how to seek better alternatives
of behavior.

This is my creed. Pray, may I
have the courage and strength 
to travel my path with dignity 
and honor. Pray, may I be blest 
with the gift of personal growth 
each and every day. 

So be it . . .


"Here comes the sun,
Here comes the sun, 
And I say, It's all right."
~George Harrison

'Tis finally June . . . 
one of my fave months! 

It's not supposed to snow
any more. You know, just
over five inches at the cabin
on the morning thereof!

Winter's over! Alas, Spring 
never showed up. Summer's 
well on it's way, going to be 
nice and warm. You know, 
just 34 degrees here.

The next three Sundays bring
Earth Mother Day, Children's 
Day, Father's Day . . . and
finally, the Summer Solstice.
You know, June may turn out
alright, after all.

June is the second month of
the year when I abstain. Just
my way of checking in with
my, ''Just say no!" abilities.
It's never been an issue so far,
gods be praised.

A toast to you, as I raise my
fave glass of H2O, "May you
have a phenomenal June and
arrive at July unrepentant! 

Jun 1, 2022


It all started innocently enough.

We invited our good friends 
over for drinks in the afternoon. 
My guy was having a bit of the 
ole hay fever . . . but, we didn't 
think anything about it. It's not 
contagious after all.

We had a few brewskies, caught 
each other up on our news as we 
hadn't been in touch for a bit. I 
recall thinking I didn't want them 
to leave; we were having such a 
good time!

Next day, my own fam came 
in from parts unknown, sooooo
celebrations continued. I much
enjoyed catching up, both w/
our friends the day before and
my family the following.

More fam b-days awaited us
over the weekend. But, by then 
we'd given up the whole hay 
fever theory and recognized 
what we thought were colds.

Wayyyyy tooooo easy! Too
many indicators of the plague.
We had to wait until the holiday
weekend ended as CO School
of Mines was on scholastic
leave for the weekend.

I find it all a bit scary now,
sitting here watching the rain 
and worrying whether or not we
indeed have COVID. Methinks
'twould have been a good time
for instant gratification!!!

Still, at least we've been tested . . .