Apr 30, 2023

04/30/2023 - Beltane Eve

Today marks the beginning 
of Beltane celebrations as it 
is May eve. 

You may know the name as 
May Day rather than Beltane. 
It's a day for Maypoles, fun
foods, good drinks and much

So, what are we celebrating 
on Beltane Eve and Beltane

Spring is at its peak; not that
we would know that here in
our town. Our neighbors got
10" and we got six or seven
inches of snow only a couple 
of days ago.

And of course, the second
reason to celebrate is that
summer is 'round the corner.
I can hardly wait!

Of all of our eight yearly
celebrations; Spring, Sum,
Autumn, Winter, Mayday, 
Halloween, etc. Beltane is
about having fun, letting our 
hair down, as it were.

The way I feel about Winter
makes me think Beltane or
Mayday, if you prefer, is all
about celebrating the return
of warmth, blue skies, long
days and the pure joy of this.

Happy Beltane Eve . . .

Apr 29, 2023


"Ask yourself what is really 
important, and then have the
wisdom and the courage to
build your life around your
answer." ~Lady Winter-Moon

Part of me wishes I had known
this at a much younger age. Still,
it's never too late; perhaps one
knows this innately. 

Wisdom and courage, both fab
attributes, are wondrous apart
and phenomenal together. I tend
to forget that from time to time.

Learning through the years of my
life that wisdom is very different
from intelligence, has been quite
important. Intelligence, brains,
smarts . . . all having to do with
how bright one is. But, wisdom
must be the key of what to do w/it.

Courage makes me think of doing
that which the universe asks us to
without minding the accompanying
fear. There are ever so many things
we've each had to do or accomplish
that have frightened the bejesus out
of us!

I am grateful for the experiences in
my life that have taught me these
truths, albeit the accompanying fear!

So praying I continue to learn more
each day . . . Oh, the complexities of

Apr 28, 2023


"Do not regret growing older.
It is a privilege denied to many."
~American Hippie

Sooooo get this! Having survived
cancer at 36 and my own suicide
attempts due to SAD, I am wowed,
awed, and ever so grateful to have
reached 73 virtually unharmed!

And no, I do NOT mind aging at
all. It's so interesting! It may be 
a cliché, but indeed I do feel the 
same inside and every time I catch
myself in the mirror, I am rather

Love the stories hidden in my soul.
Value and appreciate the friendships
I've been privileged to have in my
life. Bow at the feet of the honor it
has been to teach in two countries
for 40 years. Adore the gift of my 
own children beyond measure!

Bottom line? Who the hell could
resent aging? Do these people have
no soul? Do they not get what a gift
it is? I worship at the feet of whom-
ever made my being here and STILL
being here possible!

Bring on the champagne, celebration
ahoy . . .

Apr 27, 2023


"Moments of solitude with 
Mother Nature is sunshine 
to a soul."
~Anthony Douglas Williams

I so miss her! I understand
winter has its own beauty.
I quite love looking out the
window at fresh fallen snow.

In fact, all seasons do indeed
have their own beauty. My
only sorrow is that winter has
kidnapped spring and won't
let her go until a week or two
before summer.

I need to get out, outside, and
in the embrace of our Mother.
Looking out the window thru
an extended winter simply does
not cut it.

I long to walk thru the grasses,
look at the dandelions, scent
the fresh breezes and be wowed
by the glories to be found only
in warmer climes.

I need to visit our earth mother,
take her gifts and reacquaint
myself with her glories and her

Sooooo longing to sit awhile 
in her arms, tell her how much
I've missed her, share a bit of
red and wax eloquent in the
poetry of her summer beauty.

Oh winter, when will you be
shot of your hold on spring?
'Tis time to let go and let warm
have its turn . . .

 . . . I pray you!

Apr 26, 2023


"I'd rather be haunted by 
memories than by what if's."

Indeed, I thank the gods for
the fact that I've lived plenty
rather than simply existed . . .

So honor that I ran away from
home at the end of  9th grade 
and went to the academy! 
From there . . .

I count those wondrous 20
years in Mexico, the birth of
the most amazing children
that could have ever existed,
and 17 years of teaching in

I so loved the subsequent 23
years of teaching in a low-econ
community here in the U.S.

It's been interesting living in a
135 year old cabin in my elder
years. Praise the gods that my
lover is in the know, as it were,
of all things wrong, WRONG,
W R O N G ! There is naught 
that he can't fix; make no 

No one can have any idea . . .
the work, tasks, wrongs, this 
man has had to fix in this ancient
cabin . . . oh my God!

We're talking perfection here!

"Memories are Made of This"
~Terry Gilkyson, Richard de Dehr,
Frank Miller, 1955

Apr 25, 2023

Apr 24, 2023


I've been given such a gift! 
When I fainted one early morn 
and cracked my skull open five 
years ago . . .

Taking a year to heal as well as
taking somewhere around 20%
of my memory, I wasn't able to
read the way I was used to for
about 50 some years.

I could do a bit of the quick and 
dirty, a la Face Book; I couldn't
read books. Thank God, I was 
very fortunate to get good heath 
care at our local Catholic hospital.

Now, lo these years later, I am 
able to read properly again. As 
I'm just starting out, I'm reading
some of my faves from years past.

Don't tell anybody, but most of
them are murder mystery series. 
Right now, I'm doing some 65
books by Robert B. Parker.

Bottom line, I am ever so thankful
for the gift of reading once again
returned to me . . .

Apr 23, 2023


Mother Earth has gifted us 
six or so inches of snow in 
honor of Earth Day.

Trying to be positive here 
and her gift is stunning indeed. 
There are those who would say
we need the water. Part of me
would have preferred rain, oh

Nice that it's Sunday and we
get to stay in. Just think of all
the shekels we're saving by
not going anywhere!

Just looked out the back yard,
beyond beautiful. There are
tracks . . . rabbit, raccoon, for
sure. And best of all, BOBCAT!
We've seen him to the point
methinks he's nigh onto being
a pet!

We're at 17 degrees . . . I've
got to get up the courage to
wade through and get Saturday's

Still working on my attitude,
I see . . .

Apr 22, 2023

04/22/2023 - Earth Day

I actually lived in Mexico as a
newlywed when Earth Day first
came about. If ever there were a
country that supported, honored
Mother Earth, it would be my
beloved Mexico.

'Twas a glorious day when the
powers at be decided to honor
our Mother. I can't even imagine 
all that happened that made this

Truly 'tis Mother Earth that I'm
all about. I literally worship at
her feet. She is an amazing gift
to us; albeit God, gods, universe,
as host!

One can only imagine what she
means to each of us. For me, she's 
what I'm all about. As a kid; drives, 
camp outs, hikes . . . all within the 
confines of Mother Nature. I so
bless my parents for rearing me 
within her confines.

For me, she is the love of my life.
I will ever and always honor her.
I pray I may represent her well . . .

. . . speak well of her, mind my
manners as to litter and recycling,
make sure the space around me 
tips my hat to her . . .

 - - -

Earth Day is an annual event on
April 22 to demonstrate support 
for environmental protection. 
First held on April 22, 1970, it 
now includes a wide range of 
events coordinated globally by 
earthday.org including 1 billion
people in more than 193 countries.
The official theme for 2023 is
invest in our planet. Wikipedia

Apr 21, 2023


"Wine improves with age. The
older I get, the better I like it."

Methinks 'twas my father 
who taught me the joy of wine. 
He raised his own grapes, five 
different varieties. Fine vintner, 
his wine was valued here in
Denver at $30 a bottle. That
was a long, long time ago.

I've written about this before;
why then, repeat myself?! A
couple of reasons . . . One
would be the missing of my
father! God, every single day!

So love me some red! Like 
white as well, but red will
ever and always be my fave!
Owe that to my dad as well.

Last, but not least, I always
fast three months a year. 
January, May and September.
One month off and three on!
Works for me and keeps me
rather sane and sober.

Can't help but wonder if my 
dad smiles about that wherever
he may be. God, I miss the hell
out of him!!!

Salud . . .

Apr 20, 2023


"I don't need walls anymore, 
now I know that it makes more 
sense to just close doors." ~A. Shea

Read this bit of wisdom this a.m.
and felt my body go into a shudder. 
Such growth born of sorrow!

A teacher of 40 years, I have seen
and known walls beyond the pale.
Heartbreak beyond measure!

One can only guess at the thats
whys and wherefores of a kid's life 
that would require such a defense 

Obviously, as adults we know of
people who live behind carefully
constructed walls. We can only
ponder the need, the reasons. 

Most of us can't even imagine that 
heart felt pain behind the walls. 
Hurts my soul simply thinking 
about it.

I pray we all can find some sane 
ways of dealing with our sorrows.

Apr 19, 2023


"Prayer is talking to the universe.
Meditation is listening to it."
~Paulo Coelho

I have loved Paulo Coelho
since reading The Alchemist
lo these many years ago! What 
an author, what a mind! 

One of the things I much value
about Coelho, is that he is first
and foremost a teacher. His books
indeed bring pleasure, but more
than that, they teach.

I particularly like his view on
prayer and meditation. Some
religions promote prayer, others
meditation. I like understanding
of the value of the two together.

Within moments, when I pray, 
I find I am talking to my dad. I
doubt very much God minds as
he is a father as well. But, I had
never thought of the listening
part as meditation.

I do so love learning something
each and every day. And, I believe
that listening is something I really
need to pay attention to. I fear, I
sin on the side of talking.

Listen up, woman!

 - - -

Paulo Coelho de Souza is a Brazilian
lyricist and novelist and a member of
the Brazilian Academy of Letters since
2002. His novel The Alchemist, became
an international best-seller and he has
published an additional 30 books. Born
1947, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Wikipedia

Apr 18, 2023


"But, without the dark, we'd never
see the stars." ~Stephanie Meyer

I've ever and always had a very
unusual relationship with the dark.
It's not that I'm particularly afraid 
of the dark, it's more that I'm not
sure where I stand 'twixt & 'tween
night and day.

I tell myself I'm all about the moon
rather than the sun. Yet, I so enjoy
its heat on a bright, sunny day, with
or without clouds.

But, there is no beauty on this sweet
earth like that of the moon. I might
add, unique beauty. So let me think,
are there other dark things that I like
and enjoy?

Well, I do dress in all black and I do
so adore black. Then there's the dark
chocolate that trumps all edibles on
the face of the earth! I love that black
print in those wondrous books I read.

In thinking about it, I see that black
and dark seem to be interchangeable 
synonyms for me. Bottom line, black
is beautiful, I love the dark, but I see
light has a place in my life as well.

Apr 17, 2023


"Much of your pain is self-chosen."
~Khalil Gibran

Alas, I think about pain a great 
deal; all kinds of pain, in fact. 
My knees hurt! I imagine it's an 
age thing. Still, looking at Gibran's 
quote,  why don't I focus more on 
how good I feel,  how straight and 
tall I walk, rather than just the pain 
in my knees?!

Obviously, emotional pain is far 
more difficult to deal with. I miss
my children terribly. I miss my girl
friends. I would say these missings
are fairly normal and they are more 
about how much I love them rather
than anything else.

I miss, miss, miss my dad! I talk 
to him most days and so wish he
were here. But, if he were here,
I'd want him to still be in fine 
fettle and not old and crippled up.

Would I want my mom and brother
to be here? No . . . my mom didn't
know who she was anymore and
my brother's illness made life very
difficult for him to bear.

So, methinks I need to wish away
physical pain, but I fear emotional
pain might just be here to stay.

Apr 16, 2023


"Never change to be accepted by
others. Stay weird." ~Unknown

Eccentricity in itself is ever so 
interesting. It manifests in many
different ways. Dress is one of
my faves.  All black, every color
in the rainbow, a mix and match
of dressed up and dressed down.

Freedom of expression is another.
Eccentrics are most often well 
read. Conversations with saids
can be both interesting and 
informative. Should you choose
to engage, you may be challenged
or applauded.

Their habits can be amazing . . . 
up at day break or work on their 
projects throughout the night.
They do not need an audience,
simply enjoy their own flashes
of insight and break throughs. 

I blame it all on my dad . . . 
praise the universe that he was a
true eccentric!!! He dressed all
in light blue. Always wore shorts.
Invented and created with each
passing day. So enjoyed talking
to people, really talking, chatting
not a part of his regimen.

I want to  be just like him when 
I grow up!

Apr 15, 2023

04/15/2023 - Tax Saga, Day 2

I've decided I may live after all,
but still not quite sure yet.

It was snowing when we left for
my tax appointment with death. 
My guy had us leave early and it
was a good thing too! Visibility
was horrendous and the trek
dangerous. We even got lost 

Oh yeah, I just remembered, I
have a GPS for a reason! Right!
Finally arrive . . . the secretary
tells me that as my W2 form is
missing, I won't be able to file.

I know! I know! That's why I
left getting an appointment so
late . . . I never received my W2.

Finally, we get in and my guy
says we should do as much as
we can with or without forms.
Turns out, I'm properly retired,
and nothing else was needed; 
all ended well.

God in heaven, I made the entire
day a nemesis for anyone who
came within viewing distance of
moi . . . especially myself!

I can see it all now . . . methinks 
I'm one of those characters who 
seems to take all things to an 
anxiety laced level!

Go figure . . .

Apr 14, 2023


Today is the day . . . my very
own tax day! And, per ever and 
always, I'm a nervous wreck. 

All year long, I keep meticulous 
records, I label everything . . . 
you have never even seen order 
until you've seen my tax prep.

Anal that I am, I like to go thru
everything just one more time
before going to my appointment.
And there it is - that empty space
where my tax doc from the powers
at be should reside!!!

Nervous breakdown #1 . . . scan
though the piles a la quick and 
dirty. Nervous breakdown #2 . . .
slow down, look carefully, peruse
everything. Nervous breakdown 
#3 . . . phone my accountant. 

Should I still come? Ask for a
continuance? What's going to
happen to me? Will I be fined?
Make no mistake . . . I'm running
on scared nigh onto death.

Going to go to my appointment
anyway and see if there's any 
hope for moi and mine! Do visit
me should worse come to worse.
I hear the jails aren't as bad as
they used to be!

To be continued . . .

Apr 13, 2023


Alas, I fear I am ever and
always a la quick and dirty!

I scan my calendar quickly.
I jot notes on it abbreviated 
to the point that not even 
God could understand them!

Today, at exactly this time,
I'm supposed to be at the 
doctor's office. I canceled
because my calendar said I
had a dentist appointment.

It's not that I can't read . . .
it's simply 'twixt always
being in a hurry and 'tween
not able to read my own
handwriting, I mess up.

See how cleverly I got out
of blaming all this on aging
and half-hymers?!

I fear I'll be having more
incidents of this nature in
my future. Can't help but
wonder just excuses I'll
be giving myself?!

Where's my calendar . . .
Oh my God, no way in
Kingdom Come can I read
those scribbles!

Apr 12, 2023


Isn't it interesting how we 
all like to dish out bits of 
advice, sage or otherwise.
Still, we find it a tad harder 
to take it!

"You really need to lose 
some weight, but of course
I don't. Stop asking me for 
a loan; I've never had to 
borrow money in my life
She's such a gossip; no way
would I talk about anybody
the way she does."

I get that was all a bit catty.
Okay, more than a bit catty. 
I fear we often say some of 
the most horrendous things 
to ourselves. In fact, I am
only even now coming to 
understand what damage 
we do to ourselves with our
self talk.

"I'm too fat. I'm not smart
enough. I shouldn't put up
with his talk. I need to read
more. I'd better work a few
more hours."

Frankly, it doesn't really
matter how surly or how
sophisticated our self
comments are. For sure, 
it would be truly important
that our self talk be of a 
higher caliber.

"My hair looks nice today.
I really like this dress on me.
This is a really good book I
am reading just now. I should
tell Jo how much I enjoy her

These types of higher self
comments are so healthy. We
would all benefit from seeking
to be much more positive!

"You look lovely today and 
I'm all dressed up; let's go out 
for lunch. Did you see what a
fine article Alice wrote? I would
like to learn from her; she's such
a good writer."

Now, that's the kind of self talk
we should all be doing!

Apr 11, 2023


One of the things I so love
about living here is all the
wild life we get to see! And,
I'm talking about right here
on my property.

My absolute faves are the
bear, bobcat and mountain
lion. Running in a close
second, the elk and deer.
I get a kick out of the fox
and raccoon, but the raccoon
are a nuisance with the trash,
make no mistake.

Last evening it was a huge
bob cat. He was so big that
initially we thought it was
a mountain lion.  Added to
that, his tail was longer than
we're used to seeing. Still,
made our day, or should I 
say, night?!

We have so invaded their
original territory. I find it
amazing that they have
found a way to adapt. Some-
times, I worry about getting
attacked as we love being

Lord willing and the Devil 
doesn't intervene . . . as
David Mason used to say!

Apr 10, 2023


Well I can remember not
liking Monday mornings
back in the day . . .

I loved teaching, adored the
kids . . . so, methinks 'twas
more about kissing the week-
end goodby rather than the
issue of embracing the new 

Now in my dotage, as it were,
I still like to party hearty on
the weekends with wondrous
family, friends and neighbors.
This makes Monday morning
a refreshing gift of recovery
and healing . . . and then, we
don't even have to go to work!

One of the things I much enjoy
in these elder years is . . .
that recognition of just how 
priceless life is and the need 
to enjoy every single moment 
however that looks to you.

These moments are indeed a 
gift . . . let's spend them well!

Happy Monday to one and all!

Apr 9, 2023


Weekends ahoy . . . Oh how
I love them!

I find it so interesting to be
retired lo these many years
and still honoring weekend

I still love how the weekend
actually begins on Friday, 
FAC with the neighbors. 
Do you remember . . .
Friday Afternoon Club?

Saturday is a sleep in day. A
late, lazy brunch, sometimes
even with champagne. And, 
catching up on the news . . . 
local and/or otherwise!

Once in a while, it's pancakes 
on Sunday morn. Others, I psyche
myself up and make Chilaquiles.
No drinks on Sunday because
Monday brings work . . . teaching.
Ah, sometimes I still forget I'm

Maybe, it's high time I celebrate
each and every day rather than just
the weekends. I heard a rumor we
have a warm spring day coming up.

Again, that much fantasized about
picnic comes to mind. 

Apr 8, 2023


"What we think, we become.
What we feel, we attract.
What we imagine, we create."
Wild Woman Sisterhood

Every now and then, I run 
across a sentiment that speaks 
to moi! The above statement 
is obviously very right brain, 
but that's where I spend most
of my thinking anyway . . .

The Power of Positive Thinking
~Norman Vincent Peale, 1952
was all the rage when I was a
couple of years old. My father
used to quote from it on a regular
basis. So, obviously I grew up
making that effort . . . alas, my
mind rebelled to the order.

It's in these latter of my years
that I suspect our choice of 
thinking has a great deal to 
do with who we are, what we 
become and the outcome of our
lives. I do wonder from time 
to time, if people see me as a 
negative or a positive person.

Bottom line, I'm still here . . .
and methinks I can still fight
to become who I want to be

Apr 7, 2023


Yesterday, I celebrated an
anniversary of sorts . . .
Alas, I didn't share then, as
it was a bit much to think

Six years ago yesterday, I
fainted whilst loading the
pickup of an early morn.
Unfortunately, my head hit
one of my beautiful rocks
and spit my skull open.

When I came to, I crawled to
the door and softly knocked
at the bottom of the door. At
last, Russel came and found

He drove me to the hospital.
I ended up spending three days
there, 16 or 18 tests involved.
I was told by my own doc, that
I probably had two to three mo
to live.

What I celebrate today is my
6th anniversary of a life not
expected to live, but one gifted
me completely unexpected.

I pray, I have many, many more
years to celebrate. Unfortunately,
I lost roughly 17 - 27% of my
memory due to the accident. 
Nonetheless, it's been
interesting being reminded . . .

Do feel free to bring me tales
untold, I most likely will believe
them, after all . . .

Apr 6, 2023


"No winter lasts forever.
No spring skips its turn."
~Hal Borland

Just read the forecast for the
week. I rather feel like the 
Gypsy who peeks at her own
fortune . . .

After snowing for about 18
hours straight, we're finally
promised an entire week of
what actually looks like 
spring in fine fettle. 

I'm going to celebrate; make
no mistake! Maybe eat out
one day, Have an outdoor
FAC. Take a short walk in
the sun. Speaking of sun,
I may visit my son!

Alas, we still have many
an inch of snow here at the
property . . . but still, lovely
to know we have a few days
respite from Mr. Winter
sticking his head in where
it doesn't belong.

Let's dance!!!

Apr 5, 2023


Have to wonder about myself
sometimes . . .

I am supposedly this peaceful 
person . . . right down to those
times I marched against the 
Viet Nam war in college. I even 
participated in one of the bra-

Then, why the hell do I so enjoy 
murder mysteries, both of the
book and the movie varieties?!
I'll confess, I cannot do those
more horrific, i.e. Stephen King.
But, give me Columbo and/or
Midsomer Murders and we're on!

It comes to me that it's not the
murders themselves that woo
me, but rather the intrigue and
manner of the who done it itself.

At least I have to give myself
credit for never having planned
one myself. That would be too
torrid by half.

At this late in the day, guess I'll
just have to accept myself as I
am. Good thing too as I'm diving 
into England's Inspector Alleyn

Hey, does it count that I only like
fictitious murders and not the real

Apr 4, 2023


"The magic in me is old, it sings
the song of my ancestors, words 
of the forest tongue, long forgotten."
~A.M. Galdorceraft

Alas, I do not live as deep in the
forest as I would like, but I do live
there. A true blessing, after all! 'Tis
strange, I have the forest on my left,
the lady side, and modern life on 
my right, man's world indeed.

I've come to understand that I see
my tiny, 135 year old cabin, a place
of magic centered 'twixt and 'tween
the two. From the moment I enter,
life as we know it is left behind. I
find the era of yesteryear soothes
me and eases me.

There is naught in this world to
soothe one's soul as to sit by the
fire and candlelight in the living
area. I suppose one must honor
our modern day . . . that might
just be why the occasional marg
comes to mind.

I pray I may be granted the wish
of being here 'til my time is ore
and that I am held in the arms of
my ancestors until borne home.

Blessed be . . .

Apr 3, 2023


"My mind is simultaneously
a dream factory and a grave-
yard where ghosts of dead 
memories haunt the promise 
of fresh starts." ~db

If ever there were a truer words
spoken, I don't know what they
would be! Surely, our minds
must be one of our greatest 
enemies at times!

Awaking happy and excited for
the day, and then we remember
the list . . . that godforsaken list
of all we must do or die!

Find myself missing someone,
longing to hold them for just
a moment . . . and then I recall
there may be an offense in the
midst of the missing.

Remembering a loved one fondly
and all of a sudden . . . the sorrow
of harsh incidents mess with my

I'm nigh onto a hundred, as I've
been heard to say . . . when am
I going to start controlling my
mind, my memories?! Aren't I
supposed to be the guy in charge

That saying, that wise saying,
"Time to get over myself!"

Apr 2, 2023


Tonight is one of those 
nights of the sleepless 
nature. As I only drink 
coffee every few weeks
or so, when I indulge,
there's no sleep to be
had that night.

I never dread the price 
I pay for my indulgence. 
'Tis rather fun dividing
up the night twixt and 
'tween the odd mystery, 
crossword puzzles, and
or a good book.

Tonight, my guy and I 
caught an old black and 
white. So interesting to 
note the changes in 
attitudes and allowances 
from back in the day and 
today's world. 

Wouldn't have minded a 
tad of ice cream, but the 
cupboard is bare. And, 
as long as sleep is being
denied me, may as well
have some fresh coffee 
made even more delectable 
with a dash of Bailey's.

So love me those bits and 
pieces, the spice of life . . .