May 31, 2018


Exciting times in the new library
now named, OUR LADY ARCADIA,
after the goddess of wisdom. There
are still a couple of boxes of books
to be put away, but my lover is now
installing those little rows of shelves
above the bookcases that will hold
my three-footed tea cup collection.
Rather adds a touch of the feminine
to the sea of books. My excitement
knows no bounds and I am already
fantasizing about time spent there,
books to be read, candles to be lit
and good times to be had.

in search of wisdom
my lady arcadia
need read at your feet

May 30, 2018


There are only a couple of more boxes of books
remaining to be put away before I can call the
library finished. But its had its first vacuum and
I had my first class there. Frankly, it felt like
pure magic to me. This, of course, lent meaning
and excitement to the class and I feel most
grateful. 'Tis an amazing thing to watch a project
from the nothing come to fruition. Add in the
way I feel about books and the love of reading
and it's a win; make no mistake. Welcome home!

on the wings of hope
tis a place of enchantment
our lady wisdom

May 29, 2018


Once again,  delicious hours spent
in my library to be. I was able to house
a plethora of books and recycle a multitude
of boxes. With each newly alphabetized
shelf, I found myself whispering, "Oh, I
must read you again." Or, "I don't recall you
my darling." So, it was slow going, but lovely
nonetheless. 'Twill be most fun finally settling
on a choice to take to bed with me. I'm exhausted
from visiting old friends all day, yet the exhilaration
still remains.

a forest of books
awaits my feverish mind
healing in reading

May 28, 2018

05/28/18 - Memorial Day

Today is an actual dichotomy for me, a
contradiction in terms, if you will. My
entire family, on both sides, was and is
military and today marks a remembrance
for them. I hark back to college where I
marched, lost the bra, bared the breast and
only got find, whereas my fellow conspirators
actually got suspended. And yet, perhaps
because I am a libra, I can now appreciate
both sides of the equation. To this day, I
continue to be both anti-war and pro-family.
Still, I must honor my own fighters on this day.

at a loss for words
honoring my family
yet abhorring war

May 27, 2018


I have let down my project as I spent
the day resting. But, I suppose the
exhaustion of lifting and shelving books
for a dozen hours takes its toll after all.
In truth, I could hardly wait to get back
to it but I had nothing left to give. Let's
see how today pans out. Project books!

a dreamer of dreams
in love with the written word
library ahoy

May 26, 2018


I spent the loveliest day drowning in books,
books and more books. 13 bookcases in all
and I even had to put books above the top
shelf to even hope of getting rid of all the
boxes. I can only hope that alphabetizing by
author is helping this addled brain of mine.
Me thinks this space will be ever so healing.

books books and more books
drowning in seas of knowledge
balm in gilead

May 25, 2018


Exciting times! We had a black bear
in our back yard. He simply came
barreling down the back hill and into
our space. No fear, no hesitation! It
was rather unnerving as he was a
proper adult and could have wrecked
us asunder. Our trash went out
yesterday and we promptly took our
recycle down. Hopefully he saw us as
uninteresting and won't be back. Still . . .

for love of creatures
the beauty of one and all
theres fear nonetheless

May 24, 2018


Soooooo excited about today. I'm getting the
last two of 13 bookcases moved into my library.
It will be an amazing amount of work to organize
all of those books but me thinks a library is the
goddess' version of paradise, after all. I have every
intention of having a grand opening and honoring
Russel for its creation. I can only imagine the good
times we'll have there with classes, chats, and it will
be a most wondrous get-away for me as well.

paradise awaits
lets get this show on the road
staggering wonder

May 23, 2018


We had a lovely evening sitting in front
of the fire and sharing a bottle of wine.
We hadn't done that in a long, long time.
Today, we're moving a couple of bookcases
into the newly rehabbed library and tomorrow
the last two. It has turned out so well and it's
simply a pleasure to be there. My daughter
spent a few hours with me and she says the
library may be the miracle that returns me
to myself as she can already see it happening.
A sweet thought from a sweeter girl!

skipping spring this year
going straight into summer
so loving the sun

May 22, 2018


It's funny, funny strange, that it's only been
two days of dark and dreary, receiving much
needed rain, and I'm already so low I can
hardly cope. SADS is such an interesting
malady. I so wish it could be handled with a
positive attitude. I imagine this so makes no
sense to those who haven't lived it.

to live in summer
wishing for death in the dark
who can explain it

May 21, 2018


All are home safely and life resumes.
I am much grateful for the parenthesis
in time. It's been an interesting few days
working alone in the library to be, as the
rain, as well as a tad of snow and hail,
accompanied the days. Most fun was my
daughter visiting with me, once finished,
in a space that promises to be well used
and loved.

thinking john denver
want sunshine on my shoulders
makes me so happy

May 20, 2018


a precious afternoon in which our
extended family gathered to celebrate
baby girl's first birthday . . . I felt
surrounded by love, excitement, joy,
friendship, familial angst, wealth and
want . . . 'twas a juxtaposition of not
two, but many contrasting images and
emotions . . . a kind of pre-existing
art in three dimension . . . a play of
sorts. I had a glass of pink, PINK of
all things, and came home to bed, an
eternal escape.

colors textures wild
collision of images
different kind of art

May 19, 2018


I am reminded, on a daily basis, of the
glories of friendship. I am beyond fortunate
to have amazing women in my life, in my
tiny world. I think of my haiku friends, my
besties, triads and coven, those I am blest
to see from time to time. My heart aches
for those people who have never known
friendship as I have. My heart is full; I am
thinking I live in a permanent state of
Valentines' Day.

heart overflowing
gratitude to the goddess
heaven on earth friends

May 18, 2018


A day to be remembered . . . I'm moved into
the library . . . I still have four more cases to
move in but it is virtually finished. Even with
out the art I will hang and the little framed
photos I'll put on the shelves, there is a sense
of cozy about it that simply works. I must
somehow find a way to thank my parents for
the love of reading that they gave me. What
a gift!

books books books books books
newest places and spaces
a gift of the gods

May 17, 2018

05/17/18 Doña Clemencia

Such a long, long night. Slept only
less than two hours. I wonder what
determines whether there will be
sleep or only rest?! I can't believe
the things sifting through my mind
on sleepless nights. Rather glad
there are no mind readers about!
Sooooo need to catch some zzzzzs!

sleepless at night time
will there be day rest at all
got to sneak a nap

May 16, 2018

05/16/18 Don Luis

An amazing time with family, albeit
dumping a glass of champagne in my
comadre's lap . . . and this that no one
had even had a drink yet. Perhaps it
has something to do with that whole
wanting to make a good impression on
your son's in-laws; you'd think I was old
enough to know better. Still . . . good time,
sound conversation, excellent drinks and
fond farewells . . . what more could one

a moment in time
memories in the making
still looking forward

May 15, 2018

05/15/18 Día del Maestro

A strange month of May is upon us.
Perhaps it's always like this and we
simply forget, however, this feels
different. The range of weather from
70 degrees on one day and several
inches of hail on another is one of
our May extremes this year. As a
rather imbalanced Libra, often up or
down, May rather reminds me of me.

jp and down around
tis not a month of sundays
crazy month of may

May 14, 2018


Upon returning home from the experiences of family,
friends, graduations, picnics, touching base, reconnecting,
I feel somewhat disconnected myself. I don't feel my age,
can hardly believe the vast experiences passing me by, the
ones I have experienced myself . . . go figure . . . unbeknownst
to me, I have been living in spite of myself . . .

the gift of children
so impressed upon my mind
beyond gratitude


Of family and graduations . . . I am brought back
to my thoughts, dreams and considerations. I find
myself with family and friends, watching my own
grandson graduate and remembering only yesterday
when it was my children in the line up. It is almost
unbelievable, experiencing and seeing the cycle of life.
I feel so fortunate to be here.

children shining forth
not ending not forgotten
from my eyes and hers

May 12, 2018


Of late I have been reading, hearing the
meaning behind those brilliant words,
"Tomorrow is another day." I so wish to
incorporate into my life that YESTERDAY
is past and that each new day we face is
yet another opportunity to try again and
do better . . . and if we fuck up, tomorrow
is another chance. I have to wonder what
it is about me that only lives in the past,
dreams of a better future and gives little
thought to the present. I'm learning but
part of me so wishes I would learn faster!
Never satisfied, eh? ~!@#$%^&*()_+

yesterday is past
learning to live in present
future not here yet

May 11, 2018


At least I'll get to see two of you today.
You are so far, far away that I can hardly
bear it sometimes. You did the right thing
by moving away and I'm so happy for you;
I just miss you, is all. I've been contemplating
the whole friendship dynamic of late. We are
so lucky; most never even experience a
friendship such as ours. Yes, lucky us!

my forever friends
not only valentines day
each and every day

May 10, 2018

05/10/18 – Día de las Madres

The library saga continues. Yesterday,
Russel moved in three more bookcases,
perhaps yet another three today. There
are 13 in total. I'm reminded of a chuckle
I read once. a mover was dealing with a
gal's bookcases, which is backbreaking
any way you look at it. He asked her
finally, "Lady, why didn't you read these
damn books before you moved?!" I
rather imagine Russel must have similar

in a sea of books
in love with the written word
can't wait to read all

May 9, 2018


The new library is actually beginning
to look like one. Such joy to watch
the creation evolve, if I may use those
two words together. Slowly, but surely,
I am witnessing the demise of an
archaic garage and the birth of a new
space. Me thinks there may be a lesson
here! Need to think about this.

the birth of a dream
the wait tis almost ended
a long time coming

May 8, 2018


Today is the day! Antique Persian rug,
two bookcases and a desk will be the
beginning of the new library. I search
for a name of a special goddess for
whom to name the library. I'm ever
so excited to witness this dream of
mine coming true! I can hardly wait!

a home for my books
a have for women friends
a joy to be shared

May 7, 2018


Dreams of yesterday . . . my library is paintd
and almost ready to be moved into. It has been
a process; make no mistake. The longing, planning
and happening; all of a piece. I can only imagine
the hours of enjoyment to be spent there. There
will be classes, discussions, conversations, teas
and a bit of solitude when needed. I so thank
my man! Bless him!

a haven of books
imaginings that wont quit
solace to be found

May 6, 2018


I awake with the joy of a most glorious day
and night spent. Rest after contentment.
Fine thoughts and fabulous memories. I
wonder, were it possible to live eternally in
such a way?! Is this something to strive for?
Must I plan? Heaven forbid I should live life
as it comes! I'm coming to understand I'm
more of a yesterday and tomorrow person
rather than a today person. I truly believe 
enlightenment is ONLY achieved by living 
in the moment. I do believe much is learned 
by focusing on the past and that it is
appropriate to plan for the future . . . but 
not at the expense of the present. Now, if 
ONLY I could adopt this and get on with it!

play with ideas
ruminate about life death
what is the answer

May 5, 2018

05/05/18 - Cinco de Mayo

I so love the fifth of May!
Cinco de Mayo, mom's
birthday, my daughter's
birthday, our anniversary,
such a day for celebration.

remembering her
cinco de mayo ahoy
such celebrations

May 4, 2018


I much appreciate the perspective that
spring in the foothills comes after June
first. I thin my first mistake was going
by the Pagan calendar marking March
21st as the first day of spring. It may 
be on said calendar thusly, but it
doesn't ring true in the reality of Mama
Nature. I'm going to re-set my calendric
expectations. And make no mistake, I
much appreciate the moisture the snow
has gifted us. I bet Mama Gaia is ecstatic.

mamas looking good
wet and lush from her snow spa
now the drying off

May 3, 2018


Snowing again! And it's MAY! I'm ever
so tired of winter. It's only five weeks
to summer; looks like spring may be
bypassed completely this year.

winters hanging on
spring is sprung and grass is riz
not bloody likely

May 2, 2018


'Tis May and I always thought May represented
early summer, as it were . . . and it is supposed
to snow today; go figure! Maybe it's like this
every year and I simply forget. Having said that,
it feels like this has been the strangest Spring
E V E R !!!

longing for summer
tired of cold rain and snow
give me some real heat

May 1, 2018

05/01/18 - Beltane

Happy Beltane to one and all! There is
something wrong with Beltane being
on a Tuesday, don't you think?! Still . . .

a first day of may
my heart explodes in wonder
tis beltania