Oct 31, 2020

10/31/2020 - Halloween, Samhain, Day of the Dead eve

Although I hate to see my fave month
come to an end, it always crescendos in
wondrous cultural celebrations.

Here in the US, we are accustomed to
celebrating HALLOWEEN. The children 
dress in fantastic costumes, the scarier
the better. They go door to door in what
is known as 'Trick or Treats'. Obviously,
kids want candy and threaten pranks if
not rewarded. All in good fun . . .

For those practitioners of Paganism, 
the celebration is SAMHAIN. This is
our most important Sabbat of the year.
It honors the third harvest; gleaning
takes place, both physically and
metaphorically. Samhain marks both
the end of the current year and the
beginning of the Pagan new year. 

The three day Pagan celebration of 
Latin America's Días de los Muertos
begins. Many use the entire month of
October in preparation for this event.
This being the EVE of the three-day
celebrations, families and friends 
congregate around sundown, many in
costumes. Altars to lost family are built.
Amazing foods, for both the living and 
the dead, are set up on tables. Dancing, 
eating, story telling ensue . . . all in 
honor of our beloved dead.

so missing my dad
tonight i visit with him
the veil is thinning

Oct 30, 2020


Pondering comeuppance and just desserts . . .

On the one hand, what with the majority 
of us having a bit of a sweet tooth, how did
the concept of just desserts ever come out 
of our love for confections?! Perhaps, 'tis
the end of this meal that is life . . .

Obviously, there are many who don't go
for sugar, per se. Still, we probably could
all do with that one piece of chocolate now 
and again. Extrapolating here, how then
does one ensure that the baddies get their 
just due?

Sometimes it's all about the law, and alas, 
the law most likely deals with those bigger 
crimes. Karma steps in from time to time
and takes care of business. Still others take
it upon themselves to punish and protect,
sometimes paying a high price as well.

Perhaps the operative word here IS karma.
Bringing out those wise old adages . . .
"Stay in your own lane. Mind your own 
business. Do right by yourself and others. 
Keep striving! Keep your hands clean."

Seems to be there's a bit of wisdom in 
those old axioms! Me thinks I'll just try 
to be a good girl and enjoy my chocolate 
after dinner!

mama done told me
a good spanking awaits
must mind p's and q's

Oct 29, 2020


Me thinks life is a sphere of concentric circles . . .

Visualizing our tiny beginnings and those small
endings . . . LIFE, with our living fleshed out in
the center. I find those beginnings of interest,
that little life I was living as a child. My whole
world was the town I lived in, the church we
attended, those few family and friends, and my
beloved school.

As I grew and left home at 15 to study abroad,
so did my world. A bigger city, more friends,
a plethora of nationalities, different ways of
thinking and a broader exploration of politics.
I was WOWED . . . and loved every moment.

Marrying out of my own race, living south
for 20 years, studying a variety of unrelated
disciplines, all brought about this broadening
of life experiences. I love to think the center
of my own circle of life is my children. Such
amazing, beautiful creatures they are. 

41 years of teaching in two countries . . . 
talk about a broadening of life experiences!
Truly, nothing else can compare. Alas, as one
walks away from a beloved career, slightly
bent and facing the cane years, that sphere
begins its travels towards the finish line. 

I'm nearly there . . . tremendously interested 
in that upcoming experience, a bit frightened, 
yet anxious for a good look-see. 

that enticing sphere
coming round full circle 
beginnings endings

Oct 28, 2020


Thinking about forgetfulness as it applies 
to me. Forever and a day, we've all heard 
the elder forgetting jokes and can't help 
but wonder if that's us waiting to happen.

I just took out the trash and can't remember
if I brought back my guy's trash can! Go
figure! Sometimes, I eat two breakfasts, fun! 
And, I've been known to answer the same
e-mail twice or comment a couple of times
on the same post.

So, I've been having a think . . . Is it that I'm 
truly forgetful, or is it that I don't pay attention 
to business? Maybe, my mind doesn't consider
whatever to be important and dismisses it.
Perhaps, I'm acting by rote and am pondering 
some things I consider to be important and am 
distracted. It may even be, d) all of the above.

Bottom line, I'm coming to the conclusion
that we humans show all of the above traits 
at all ages and we don't particularly pay
attention to this until we're oldsters.

I'm beginning to think forgetfulness is fairly
unimportant, so I'm going to treat myself to
second breakfast with Tolkien as my guest.

a light in the dark
forgetting remembering
both phenomenal

Oct 27, 2020


Then there's all those fantastical words . . .

It almost seems that they've been made up.
I find myself flummoxed by all those crazy
words enticing my silly side at every sound. 
Most people have very lackadaisical attitudes
towards their own speech patterns, but I get
a kick out of them anyway.

I mean, when you think about it, a lot of
lingo is completely discombobulated. For
me, most of it is gobbledygook anyway.
Poppycock! Today, most of these young 
whippersnappers would get entirely lost 
in the kerfuffle when it comes to language!

Well, I'd probably better stop lollygagging
around here. The neighbors are making a
horrific hullaballoo with their Halloween
party. For me, it's a lot of malarkey. Maybe
I feel that way because we weren't invited.

seduce me with words
verbiage is to my liking
love me the lingo  

Oct 26, 2020


Lingo on my mind . . .

Contemplation or thought? Humungous or
large? Nice or awesome? Sweet or lovely?
Phenomenal or good? Delicious or delectable?

Not certain it really matters. We all have a
different predilection for various kinds of
language. Some prefer simple, direct, clear.
Makes for good understanding. One of my
fave authors, Robert B. Parker, wrote his
plethora of books in exactly this manner.

There are those who seem to dote on the
more flowery side of linguistics, almost
poetic. I find I can do floral bouquets of
language just about as much as I can do
PINK . . . so NOT well! Having finally 
confessed, I will say this . . .

 . . . I love! LOVE!! L O V E !!! language.
I revel in the use of those absolutely delish 
words. Give me a . . . transcendent, prolific,
soniferous, veridical . . . and as my practice
is cartomancy, I may as well add that to the

Time was when a word a day was the norm.
And, as we grow older, this kind of thing
becomes even more important. Give it a try!
One a week might be more like it at my 

lingo at its best
gift me some delectables
language enamored

Oct 25, 2020


byword - one that is notorious
curse word - an obscene word
swear word - a profane oath
Mirriam Webster

Obviously, I have been tantalized by language
my entire life. I imagine 'twas born of my love
for reading. I remember a vocabulary test my
5th grade teacher gave me to determine age vs.
word usage. I may have been only eleven, but
I tested out at 84 years of age! Damn that Bill

A fun side of lingo is of course, the 'naughties'
as I tend to think of them. In our daily use and
misuse of them, we forget these words have a
history, as well as very specific meanings.

A byword by definition, is a substitute word.
For example, darn instead of damn. Crap in
lieu of shit. Hades rather than hell, although
heard extremely rarely.

Listen to the term curse word. It actually
refers to placing a curse on a given person.
Obviously used in days of yesteryear, but
now we flaunt it rather loosely.

The same applies to swear word. In days
of yore, this referred to swearing allegiance
to a feudal overlord or the lord of the manor. 
This served to underline one's affirming the 
truth to uttered words and/or promises. Ah,
such, such fun 'tis language!

words of yesteryear
verse making love to the soul
rest in its verbiage 

Oct 24, 2020


Only one more week . . .

 . . . and my fave holiday finally arrives.
What bothers me, I fear I'm so anxious
for Halloween that I'm not remembering
to enjoy each and every day of my birth
month. I intend to find ways to celebrate
during this below freezing week whilst 
Samhain awaits . . .

I've watched a couple of seasons of one 
of my best mysteries; does that count for 
something?! A few besties have visited, 
a couple of phenomenal drives gifted by 
my guy, ice cream for breakfast, and I'm
almost out of ideas for making naughty! 
May as well confess, I've even been 
working on my December Yule cards . . . 

So, if you want to brave the weather, I'll
do the cooking. Fire on the hearth adds
to the 130 year old cabin mystic . . . and
I promise not to start tatting! I couldn't
compete with my gran anyway; I swear
she could break the speed limit tatting.

fun and games at last
partying fast as i can
lets get on with this

Oct 23, 2020


October isn't even over . . .

 . . . and it's 15 degrees outside. I would be
the first to admit I have issues . . . it comes
from having SADS, and that is what it is.
But, couldn't the weather, in general, and
the snow, specifically, have waited until 
November? Just saw the forecast . . . the 
entire week is low temps. Here was me 
thinking we had yet another week of Fall. 
My bad! 

So on a note of happy alternatives, the fire
place awaits. I have this fantasy, dream if
you will, of sitting in front of the fire with
my guy and maybe even sipping a glass of
red. Much better idea than bitching about
the snow.

lets celebrate life
heres to happy beginnings
glad to be alive


Oct 22, 2020


"When real Democrats and Republicans
were running our country, we didn't hate
each other. We didn't vote for parties. We
voted for ideas that came from both parties
that made us better as a country. We didn't
label ideas or parties as racist, sexist or
un-American. We did what we thought 
was best for 'We the People' and accepted
the winner as a united country!" ~Unknown

As a kid, I wanted to choose my own party.
So, I determined I would study the three
major parties for a year. I did so with the
help of my school books, the local library
and my 5th and 6th grade teacher, Joyce
Morse. At the end of the year, I announced
my party of choice to my parents.

We always had family dinner at the table and
had lively discussions about different topics.
My father was an Independent, my mother,
a Republican. And, as a budding Democrat, 
I was eager . . . I look back at those 'lively
discussions' with a certain amount of awe.
We each had our positions. We took turns
defending them, always expected to back
them with data. We talked, argued, debated,
but never disrespected each other. Wow!

The above quote may be a tad rose colored,
yet it is as I remember it. It seems now that
one can hardly have inter-party friendships.
Must be tough on families! Mine continues
to endorse different parties . . . we just get
on with it!

enjoy discussing
why should different matter
still longing to learn

Oct 21, 2020


 Girding up my loins, sallying forth . . .

 . . . and conquering!

Alas, I don't remember the exact Biblical
reference, but I swear, there are times when
I feel just like this. There are simply days
when it takes every effort one possesses to
do exactly this!

My birthday plans for today got canceled.
That just may be part of the problem. On
the other hand, I have so much to get caught
up on that this in itself is a deterrent. Me
thinks there may be nothing wrong with
lying back and getting caught up on my

I have to laugh at we oldsters who have the
wherewithal to criticize our youngsters for
always being hooked up to something . . .
albeit a smart phone, mini computer, games.
Just ask one of us to be without our flat
screens for a day or two . . . nah, make that
days and days, and we may actually get the

So, here's to catching up to my place in 
cyberspace, learning not to critique others
until I've had a good look at my own bits
and pieces. May we all learn to live and
let live . . .

take another look
learning to mind my own biz
almost makes me laugh

Oct 20, 2020


So what's with all the dreaming already?! 

I swear, there are times when I'd almost
rather not go to sleep than have all these
god awful dreams.

This time, several of us gals from high
school were in an antique store trying on
costumes from yesteryear. We were asked
not to inundate the bathrooms for dressing
so we formed a dressing room out of the 
racks themselves by making them into a 
square. We were all in the middle, trying 
on different garments, when we realized  
we were being watched.

It was a kid from our school who happened 
to be a tad on the weird side. He came right 
on into our 'dressing room' and sat himself 
down on a bench with a newspaper. He told
us to proceed, that he'd been assigned by the
dean to make sure we kept our of trouble.

What I don't get is that we all kept trying on
costumes in front of him, chatting and laughing 
as if he weren't there. He kept on reading his
newspaper, but obviously looked up from time
to time to check that all was well.

What the hell?! Why did we allow ourselves
to be taken advantage of in this manner? Was
this dream a sign? A warning? Perhaps, I need 
a closer look at some of my actions!

take a look woman
why do we do what we do
are we so programmed


Oh my God . . . 

. . . my son and his lovely gal gave me the
most wondrous b-day ever. 

We all dressed up and went out to Miner's 
Alley and enjoyed the Speak Easy. The
ambiance was perfect. And the bartender 
was a performance artist. It was so much
fun to watch him at his craft. They weren't 
terribly busy, so he would come over and 
visit with us from time to time.

Best of all, was spending proper time with
my son. He graced our time together telling
tales out of school. So fun to hear stories of
oneself from the kids . . . a whole different

It is truly wondrous to have reached this 
amazing age and find that your children
are glorious people. People you like and
enjoy spending time with. No greater gift
can life serve . . .

so loving my life
like to stay another while
ever so grateful

10/18/2020 - 71 years old

Today is the day . . . 

. . . the end of a full year of celebration. 
God, I have so enjoyed being 70. It was 
never supposed to happen . . . and yet it did.

I need to make 71 a good sequel rather than a
let down. So, what do I want to do with 71?!
Perhaps, 71 will have more to do with living
rather than celebrating. Maybe moments of
joy rather than partying.

I know life is messy. It's almost like a meal.
The baby years are much like hors d'oeuvres.
The younger years, the salad. The mid years,
perhaps the mail meal and the final years,
dessert and brandy.

But, I'm actually thinking, I'm in the middle
of coffee and port. Upon reflection, maybe 
the afters are the best part. I know one thing
for certain, I want to enjoy the afters as long
as I can.

So, raising my brandy snifter, here's to enjoying
every single moment. Life  R O C K S !!!

learning my lessons
living versus existing
finding joy in life


I've often heard people complain that 
they partied too much in the latter months 
of the year. Thought it rather silly until I 
took a look.

So, October has always been my fave . . .
Halloween! Yay! Moving onto November
and we have Thanksgiving. I've always
loved Thanksgiving because family makes
the effort to get together! And December
must be king as it brings us Yule, Christmas 
Eve, Christmas Day and New Year's Eve.

Can't help but wonder if there will be
anyone sane and sober during December.

hey want to party
three months to get it going
think to invite me


I have to laugh at myself . . .

Today, I find myself without a computer 
as I took it in for maintenance yesterday 
afternoon. It's the first thing I reach for 
every morning as I begin the day with 
writing my blog and haiku. 

I like to check in on Facebook and have 
a look/see into the news, the goings on . . .
along with family, friends and acquaintances. 
By then, I hopefully have something in mind 
about which to write.

So, here I am with pen in hand, finding my
penmanship much degraded. I'm trying to 
decide whether to blame this on lack of
practice and use or on the computer.
Obviously, it has naught to do with age!

So, today begins life without a computer.
We'll see how I fare.

back in the old days
no technology in sight
modern life awaits

Oct 15, 2020


Finding myself sooooo frustrated . . .

Every guy and his dog owns a computer
in today's world. Some are knowledgable
and others, like me, limp along just trying
to send a few e-mails, look things up and
enjoy Facebook.

It's rather along the lines of heartbreak when
learning that your FB has been hacked or
that half of your servers are fraudulent. And,
it might even be worse . . . I don't even know 

Reminds me of driving the highways when
you really have no idea if the other driver is 
16 without a clue, or 90 and shouldn't be
driving. We all think, "I've got it!" In reality, 
there is much knowledge to be garnered and 
we're not even half way there!

Not sure if I'll resign myself to  limping along 
in this techno-driven world of if I should just
bow out and enjoy my own ignorant existence!

call me frustrated
old dog not learning new tricks
so not keeping up

Oct 14, 2020


. . . Living in a town where wildlife and 
humans seem to co-mingle with great
success, makes me ponder certain humans
of late. 

We tend to slow down as both elk and
deer pad along the road at their own pace.
We quietly and slowly back up when Mr.
ginormous bear saunters up the sidewalk
next to where we're having afternoon
drinks! We just chuckle when we see a
couple of wild turkey enjoying the heat 
of the engine and then leave us a gift of 
excrement in thanks.

. . . And then someone, purportedly 'out
of towners', comes blazing through, horn
a beeping, window down and shouting
at the herd to get out of the way. Where
the hell are they going in such a hurry?!

I never really feel we're in danger. But,
bottom line, we're in their territory and
me thinks they're quite patient with us.
Pretty impressive though, when a bull
elk lets out a proper bugle. So, we'll 
continue to enjoy the wildlife, be on 
the lookout and take care not to get in
their way.

Still, a word to the drivers . . . slow
down already!  What's the rush?!

love me my wildlife
let me get out of the way
a gift of the gods

Oct 13, 2020


October is full of marathons . . .

 . . . and alas, not the running kind! There
are family and friendship marathons. Coffee
ice cream binging comes to mind. Seeing
Practical Magic, my usual Halloween flick.
Watching fave series in bed. E-mailing my
besties and above all, being as naughty as
I can! October only comes once a year, 
after all!

What is it about birthdays and birth months
anyway? We've all enjoyed them since we
were kids. I suppose in the early years, our
parents enjoyed them for us. As time passed,
we learned to milk the day, as it were. And
then, there's we elders, doing the month up

I'm thinking! I'm thinking! It all must have
to do with reaffirmation of life! There's
naught like a birthday to remind us that
we've been here, done that and are still
doing it, and planning on doing some more.

The older we get, the more we comprehend
the concept of living over existing. Every
moment counts because time is literally
running out. Sooooo, me thinks I'd best get
ready to do some serious celebrating here.
My dearest and best, the first woman I met
upon coming to Denver, is a birthdaying 
with me today. 

Oh, don't you wish you were here!

the older i get
find my heart embraces all
tis life at its best

Oct 12, 2020


I dreamt I had purchased a mansion . . .

 . . . a falling down, decrepit mansion
that no one would be caught in, dead
or otherwise. And, when I said falling
down, I was most likely understating
the damage.

It nigh onto looked like a family reunion. 
Every guy and his dog was there. Some
were cleaning, others repairing, whilst
still others were actually building. The
children, dozens of them, were playing
in the creek. It was cold and I didn't get
how they could enjoy the water in such

I was gathering wood, bits and pieces
good for nothing else; I knew we'd want
a fire in the evening. I was piling them
in what must have been a living room
at one time. High ceiling, broken glass,
a tipsy chandelier, and not a chair in 

One of the younger women came in 
and asked if she could have a beer. I
didn't think anyone had brought any
as this wasn't party time, rather work
time. We looked around, but didn't
find any.

Where the hell did this dream come 
from? So vivid in every detail . . .

let me stay asleep
dreaming better than awake
wonder why that is

Oct 11, 2020


The thing I love most about October . . .

 . . . is catching up with loved ones. For 
those of us lucky enough to have been 
born in this delightful month, there is no 
way we would celebrate one day only.

There are friends and family to see, 
places to go and memories to make . . . 
to say nothing of the pure joy of being 
alive! I feel so lucky to have already 
celebrated ten days and there is still 
two thirds of the month to go. And,
I love! LOVE!! L O V E !!! that the 
month ends with Halloween. 'Tis
rather beyond perfection.

It's going to be a blast coming up with
another 20 celebrations! I'm making 
a list and checking it twice . . . just  
like Santa . . . only October is a lot 
more fun than December!

lets party hearty
loving me some october
calendar of days

Oct 10, 2020


 So love and honor sacred spaces . . .

 . . . What would we do without them?!
I'm fortunate enough to have two such
places in my back yard. You have to bend
down a tad, which is symbolic to me, and
there they are. The one near the end of my
property honors those who have passed. I
find sitting there, from time to time, a real
comfort. The one closer to the cabin, is
simply a hidden space where I can sit and

The wondrous vardo my guy built for me
is one such place. This amazing gypsy
wagon calls out to be entered and enjoyed.
Note that joy is contained within enjoyed
I am always wowed when the sacred cries
out for joy. When I am a tad down . . .
'tis off to the vardo I go!

These sacred spaces are all wondrous, 
but I would have to admit that my fave 
is in front of the fireplace. I have laughed
and loved there, sobbed and cried my
heart out. I've shared secrets, hopes and 
dreams. Meditating there is without par.
Surely, it has to do more with the fire 
than the actual fireplace, but I know I
love sitting there. It heals, truly heals.

knowing what i need
of sacred spaces i sing
cosseting the soul

Oct 9, 2020


Sooooo enjoying my month . . .

Obviously, it belongs to me! I find myself
feeling sorry for those who only celebrate
their birthdays for one day when they could
be enjoying all 30 or 31 days!

Yesterday, my guy treated us to a drive
over the Monument. It's strange though,
even as we loved it and enjoyed it as kids,
the beauty we beheld as adults was far
greater. Me thinks the child within loved 
the camping and hiking, the adult is wowed
by the scenery. I oohed and awed so much
that I was beginning to feel sorry for my

We stopped at the old country store that
we both remembered from childhood.
Treated ourselves to ice cream s-wiches
in honor of yesteryear. It was fun looking
at the shelves stocked with small cans
and packages. The old Pepsi cooler,
taking up most of the front of the
store, was a sight. It was filled with all
sorts of pops and goodies. Talk about
a blast from the past! Wow!!!

We were in such high spirits, we just
had to stop and have a marg. We were
treated like royalty, most likely due to
the fact that we're both quite eccentric
to say nothing of being nigh onto a 100.
The hostess kept coming over to see us
and insisted on a picture. Our waiter
liked us so well he sent us the gift of a
shot from him. Happy birthday to we!

So much fun! I'm half feeling like having
another birthday next month as well.
Bottom line, we should all be living those
wondrous moments of our lives, rather
than simply existing from celebrations 
to vacations.

so loving our lives
want to live to a hundred
celebrate ahoy

Oct 8, 2020


Association must be the name of the game!

I find myself approaching my home town.
I'm blown away by the immediate onset of
memories; Main Street, A & W Root Beer,
Dairy Queen, the baseball field, those sweet, 
little fifties houses.

My mind is filled with a kaleidoscope of 
scenes and scents, colors and conversations.
I feel a sense of regression coming on and
I want to stop for an ice cream cone. I find
myself in the stadium, looking down on the
crowd and players. I can hear the shouts, 
the cheers. 

All of a sudden, we are driving by my folks
home, the one dad built for mom. I become
aware my face is wet and I try to act as if
nothing were wrong. Trying to pull myself 
together, I see my brother on his evening 
walk, his seeing-eye dog by his side.

Make no mistake, there is a part of me that
wishes to turn around and go home . . . 
funny that . . . thought I was coming home.

Ah, there's my girl's house. I'm going to
buck up and enjoy the hell out of that gal!

find im twixt and tween
alas can never go home
beyond missing you

Oct 7, 2020


My kids and theirs are all adults now . . .

 . . . and I find I still worry for them, 
want for them to be safe. Bubble wrap 
comes to mind!

Funny how that is. I try to hide it as I 
imagine it can be unattractive, fawning
over them.  But, what's a parent to do?!
My mother used to say, "Live on your
knees." My father countered with, "Let
them be; let them live their lives, have
their own experiences." I so want to be
like him. I can't help but wonder if this
has to do with whether you're a mom
or a dad?!

What does one say to adult children
as the crossing of the bridge comes
ever closer? Platitudes? Advice, real
or otherwise? Think for me it would be:
"Be yourself. Live rather than exist. 
Be kind! The world already has enough
assholes and decency matters!" And,
"Don't do anything I wouldn't do!"

My advice to me might simply be, 
"Get out of their way already!" And,
that means, in my head. I've done a
good job of doing that physically,
but the head . . . never seems to stop
worrying. A parent's cross to bear?

live but be careful
nah throw caution to the wind
existing boring

Oct 6, 2020


 Anticipation . . .

 . . . the one thing that never, ever gets 
old! I find it everywhere in this infamous
walk of life! "A friend is coming on the
morrow; what can I do to get ready?
I get paid at midnight tonight; now I
can finally get that fab keepsake at the
antique store. The kids are coming for 
FAC this weekend; so love that they're
all grown up. I enjoy them heaps and 

So, how is anticipation different from
waiting? I imagine it's a question of
nuance. Anticipation generally has a
positive vibe; waiting, not necessarily.
"I've been waiting for the mail-in 
ballot to arrive. She's waiting for her
mom to pass; she's in so much pain.
We were anxiously awaiting news of
their arrival when we heard about the

And of course, they can be used 
somewhat interchangeably as well 
as switching nuances. And, therein
lies the wonder of language. Nothing
like it in the entire universe. Short
and sweet, long and tedious, archaic
language or popular lingo. It's all
rather beyond p h e n o m e n a l !!!

I pray a glorious day of anticipation
awaits you . . . pun intended!

dictionary please
so love the power of words
my inspiration

Oct 5, 2020


I find myself back in childhood days . . .

Ever and always so excited when October
finally came. Knowing it was both my
birth month as well as Halloween, every
friend's birthday was not only special, but
brought me closer to my own!

I woke up this morning remembering two 
of my childhood friends' b-days. Becky's
was the 5th and Sylvia the 8th, just 10 days
prior to my own. As a kid, I can remember
feeling sorry for my little friends who had
birthdays outside of October . . . thought
they just hadn't been lucky.

Obviously as an adult, I chuckle at my own
hubris. And yet, I still enjoy October with 
that childlike delight. Slightly cooler weather. 
Leaves turning and falling, Both birthday and 
Halloween. The fun of choosing a costume. 
Decorating the house. Halloween at school;
you can't even imagine the od-ing on candy
that went on . . . the trading, eating and just
basically going nuts!

And today, in my usual October tradition, I
get to see one of my besties. Happy October
to me . . .

lets play halloween
chose my costume already
trick or treat or treats

Oct 4, 2020


October . . . birth month supreme . . .

We're only four days into those delicious
days of October. I sooooo love celebrating
the entire month and to think there are those
who only give their b-days just a few hours.

The first, we did Guanella Pass, the second
I spent with one of my besties, the third we
did the town and today at o' dark thirty,  I 
woke up to ice cream in bed.

I can hardly wait to see what the other 26
days will bring . . . I already know what's
going to happen on the 31st . . .

If it weren't for the fact that I want to enjoy
every single moment of the tenth month of
the year, I'd be wishing it away so I could
love, Love, L O V E every single second 
of Samhain, Halloween . . .

Oh my God, I can hardly wait to share what
we intend to do that day. I need to stop, live
and enjoy each day . . . shut up already ld!!!

lets plan october
maybe it will surprise us

Oct 3, 2020


I find myself utterly unnerved . . .

It must have been about 3:00 in the morn
and I was trying desperately to awaken
from a very sound sleep. I recall tossing,
moaning, but simply couldn't come to.

Then beginning to return to cognizance,
I noticed some people standing at the end
of my bed. The father of my children was
prominent among them and I knew he'd
passed on. In silence, he beckoned that I
was to follow . . .

In an instant, I found myself sitting on a
hillside, watching these, as well as others,
walk, march, and dance, in and out of
various formations. It seemed they were
telling the story of my life. I could easily
depict them, although long forgotten. I
swear, even 'mongst the inanity before 
me, I was almost beginning to enjoy
myself. And then it hit me . . .

They had come 'to take me home', as it
were. Hence, the review of my life, as
well as seeing once again friends long 
gone. 'Twas an unnerving experience,
make no mistake. At that moment, my
guy awoke me, saying I needed to come
and see October's full moon. I nigh onto
wept in relief . . .

so dont want to go
an invitation at best
not quite finished here

Oct 2, 2020


Me thinks I must have the best lover ever!

Yesterday, I swear he spun me a love story.
Early morn, he shared with me that he was
taking me on a little trip. I did see him with
his maps out, having a gander. He loaded
me into the pickup and off we went . . .

Oh my God! Guanella pass. I don't think
I've seen such beauty in Fall. Some of the
trees still turning, others ready to begin
and yet others dead in Winter. I was well
pleased that he stopped several times to
let me forage a few limbs for my Autumn
table. I loved that he took his time and
we were able to enjoy every iota of the
trip. We often chuckled as people passed
us like bats out of hell. Such beauty; such
speed . . . sooooo don't get it.

Once we landed in Georgetown, he took
me on a stroll through the downtown
historical area. And then back on our
travels to our fave Mexican restaurant.
The manager treated me to a shot of
tequila rimmed in chile with a slice of
orange . . . glorious! The service was
wonderful, the food unforgettable and
October has only just begun . . .

buy me a birth month
pray let it be october
my best fave season

Oct 1, 2020


Happy, happy birth month to me . . .

I have to laugh at the entire mixed
salad of feelings that overcome me
and nigh onto overwhelm me in
October! It all began with my mom
and dad meeting on Halloween, then
marrying a year later on Halloween
and planning my birth for the next
Halloween. Alas, I was nearly two
weeks early . . . and I've been early 
to everything since! Damn!

I love Autumn! Watching the colors
change is phenomenal. Building my
Samhain altar is a joy. And I am
beyond thrilled with our Fall drives.
Today will be Guanella Pass. Not
sure what I'll choose next time.

Taking in the last few times for sitting
outdoors, remarking on the cool of
evening and the stunning colors . . .
all part of saying goodbye to Summer
and hello to Autumn. I find myself
wishing the cold beer were a hot toddy
and have to chuckle at the idea.

I've had to wait nine months for the
arrival of my fave month. Me thinks
'tis a proper gestation period after all!
Here's looking forward to what the
month will bring . . .

autumn here at last
costumes parties skulls and masks
such fun awaits us