Jan 31, 2021


Just once in a while, I find myself 
truly missing some of those precious 
happenings of yesteryear.

I miss sitting down with my family 
at dinner, actually conversing and 
no techno bits and pieces.

I dream of cradling my grandsons
in my arms, listening to their coos
and loving them as I have never 
loved before.

I long for hanging out with my dad
in the tool shed, watching him work
and listening to his wisdom.

I need to lay eyes on my friends 
who have gone before. Their crazy
ways always inspired me to let
loose just a tad bit more.

And oh, to walk the streets of my
beloved Mexico, bathing my soul
in the vibrant colors surrounding
the very essence of memory.

Surely, no one would mind if I
dwell there for just a while longer!

remembrances mine
memories most fond
yesteryear awaits

Jan 30, 2021


Speaking of dreamers dreaming dreams . . .

I had a doozy last night. I dreamt I bought 
a new house; only the gods know where the
shekels came from even in a dream! Walked
in with the Real Estate Agent and said "I'll
take it." I wrote a check for the full amount,
then and there. Within minutes, several people
showed up for a welcome home party.

I looked and looked at them, not certain I knew
who they were. I came to the conclusion that
maybe I did, but wasn't sure. They wanted
drinks, but of course, I hadn't laid any in. They
suggested music, but no player. What about
food? The fridge was empty.

When they suggested a tour, I revealed that I
still hadn't seen the upstairs. They were rather
dismayed, as anyone would be. We trudged
upwards; odd! strange!! unusual!!! The prior
owner had decorated the entire place with
what looked like bits and pieces out of second
hand stores and garbage bins. It was atrocious.

Thinking I could deal with a little re-do, I
started making notes. Pull this out. Remove
that. Take out this tub. Make over this room.
By the time I had three pages, I thought, "No
way in hell, could I deal with this." About
then, I woke up.

I pondered this sad, silly dream and wondered
why it was so vivid. What the hell?! Knowing
that dreams are often messages, I thought,
maybe me buying the house represented me
entering a new era of my life, maybe even the
last one. The people who came might have
been 'users' rather than actual friends. The
upstairs and the incredible amount of work to
be done, may have indicated the things I need
to work on prior to passing onto a better life.

One way or another, bears thinking about . . .

dreams premonitions
delusions or fantasies 
just want to go home

Jan 29, 2021


I am not sorry
for being all thunder
and no rain

I imagine that the gift of aging brings
about all kinds of musings, imaginings,
thoughts, wanted and unwanted, as
well as actual break throughs. 

I have come to realize that I indulge in
a bit of pontificating . . . okay, a great
deal of pontificating. In the interest of
total honesty, I'd have to say I like to

I can remember taking drives with 
my parents as a kid. Dad would say,
"Alright Linda-Dale, no talking for
the next 30 minutes." My parents
must have died and gone to heaven
in that short time of peace and quiet.

As long as I'm confessing to my
verbal crimes, I may as well admit
to being somewhat opinionated. 
I'm working on it though. My adult
aims are to learn to be quiet, to listen,
and spare my friends from so much 

I do get that I may be exhausting
any excessive spouting via FB.
Ouch! Apologies ahoy . . .

Thunder, hear me roar . . .

yak yak yak yak yak
how i long for some quiet
where are you silence

Jan 28, 2021

01/28/2021 - EARTH

In the first month of any new year,
I like to ponder the elements . . .
I do make a habit of thinking about
them on a regular basis; they are
ever so important in our lives and
to our survival. 

It would be hard to say which of
the five is more important, but
Earth, or Mother Earth to be more
exact, will ever and always be my

When walking the paths of Mother
Nature, I am so enamored with her
coloring book; she moves me! There
is no other beauty that can compare.
I find myself lamenting that modern
times especially have marred her

We have so multiplied in numbers,
we have sprawled out throughout
the world. We have built homes,
homes, apartments, complexes,
businesses, cities, highways and 
byways. Poor mama barely fits 

In our modern day world, I'm not
certain much can change. I would
say however, if each of us commits
to honoring her to the best of our
abilities, perhaps she can endure 
a bit longer.

Pray it be so . . .

our earth is dying
mama has given her all
time for her to heal

Jan 27, 2021

01/27/2021 - AIR

I've been pondering the element 
Air and all that it signifies . . .

I would have to admit, I find Air 
to be one of the most intriguing 
of elements. In a sacred circle, 
Air is housed in the East. I like
to think of the sun coming up
in the East, high up in the sky
midst all that sweet, lovely air . . . 
Rather fits doesn't it?!

Let's look at some of the different
meanings attributed to Air. The
first thing that comes to mind for
me is freedom. Think, free as a 
bird. The freedom of the skies is
a pretty amazing thing. 

Air also represents intellect. The
gift of intellect is ever so precious.
Alas, it is not given to all and 
should certainly be cherished and
cared for. I believe that intellect
gives way to thought and perhaps
thought to speech . . . freedom of
speech. There's that word freedom

Lastly, Air gives us that wondrous
breath of life. There are no words
for the gratitude I feel for this gift.
Without Air, there would be no life.
I much lament how often I have
simply taken this for granted . . .

bless the gift of air
am grateful beyond the pale
worth thinking about

Jan 26, 2021


I have to smile, nay snicker, at 
all the different tastes we have 
in entertainment . . .

I've been pondering types of flicks
and series of all sorts in which we 
indulge ourselves. I have friends 
who much enjoy opera, others who 
like musicals, and yet others who 
even indulge in soaps. What I have
never understood is the attraction 
to stand up comedy . . . and I don't
care a whole lot for comedy per se.

But, oh do I love me some murder 
mysteries and detective shows!!!
The only person I feel sorry for is
my guy who often has to watch
them with me. I'm not even sure
if he likes them, and I am afraid 
to ask!

I should be up front that I really
have no interest in the murders,
only the detection process! That,
I love. I used to enjoy Columbo
as the murder took place in the 
first few minutes and then the 
next two hours were pure process.

Strangely enough, I can't deal
with anything dark. I don't need
my viewing to be as light as
Murder She Wrote, but give me
some NCIS or Magnum P.I. and
I'm a happy camper.

So, please don't get murdered!
You'll never be certain whether
I'm devastated by your loss or
just plain interested in the
intricacies of your passing!

Yikes! I so fear God is going to 
get me for this!!!

between you and me
so enjoy me some murder
dont tell anyone

Jan 25, 2021

01/25/2021 - SPIRIT

I find myself thinking of the element 
of Spirit . . . 

I know we all have different beliefs, 
but having said that, I do think that 
Spirit resides within each of us. And,
I imagine, Spirit has many a face!

For some, Spirit represents God in 
the heart, a loving Christian God, a
conscience and protector, an entire
belief system.

For others, Spirit is that personal
center of feelings; joy, angst, sorrow, 
elation . . . for anything from the joy
at the birth of a child, to the sorrow
that the fave team has lost a game.

For me, Spirit is an element in the
center of the great ALL . . . The 
center of my being . . . of my belief 
system. It's the center of the world, 
the center of the elements.

Spirit is a guest in our own personal
time and space, a gift granted by the 
Universe, the gods, if you will. We
must be ever mindful of Spirit, what
ever this means to each of us. For
once it expires from our souls, so do
we . . .

Thank God for Spirit within . . .

such joy in spirit
a gift from god for within
spirit my best friend

Jan 24, 2021


Rebellion is when you look society in
the face and say, I understand who you
want me to be, but instead, I will show
you who I actually am.

Not quite certain when I became so
rebellious . . . I was a family child, bent
on helping out with my special brother.
Yet, I do know I was allowed to speak
my mind and have my own opinions.
I am beyond grateful to my parents for
this amazing gift.

My rebellious nature certainly helped
me in my teaching. It allowed me to
accept my students and challenge their
minds to different ways of thinking. 
Not so sure how my administrators 
felt about that!

Still, I have to believe that there is a
right way and a wrong way of doing
things, no matter how rebellious! Just
because one is different, unusual,
eccentric, this doesn't give the right 
to be unkind, hurtful, or thoughtless.

I realize I will ever be an eccentric
and a rebel. Still, I wish to always 
strive to understand the other side 
of the equation. I want to listen to
alternative thought and opinion. I
long to understand different ways
of looking at things and thinking

Pray I go to my grave kicking up
the dust under my feet . . .

behave yourself girl
just who do you think you are
longing to be me

Jan 23, 2021


Today, we escaped the cabin.  It's been 
a long time since we've been able to run 
away . . .

We met up with friends we haven't seen
in three months due to Covid. I swear, I
could hardly keep from hugging the hell
out of them.  I behaved myself as should 
be, but it was difficult.

It was such a strange meet up . . . a room
of sorts, enclosed in plexiglass with heat
for comfort. And speaking of comfort,
it wasn't actually very comfortable, but
it was a palace in my heart.

Sharing painful stories of this killer plague, 
joy and tears, thankful beyond belief. I
truly felt emotionally exhausted by the 
time we parted. Me thinks there needs be
a way for me to show my gratitude to
the universe!

Make no mistake, I'm thinking. I'm
thinking . . .

a happy ending
alas never expected
ever so grateful

Jan 22, 2021


I love that I grew up in a family
of political differences. Mom a
Republican, Dad an Independent,
and I am a Democrat. 

We used to sit at the kitchen table;
discuss different political agendas,
points of view, the pros and cons.
of any given topic.

We never, ever fought. We never
raised our voices or offended each
other. Even today, my own children
differ from me and each other in 
political persuasions. My cousins 
belong to different parties, as do my 
friends . . .

Perhaps religion could explain it
better. Very few of us belong to the 
same church or hold the same beliefs. 
This seems to make no difference to 
any of us, so why should our political

Pray, let us accept each other as we
are. Life is short, oh so short . . .

somethings similar
so many differences
makes life compelling

Jan 20, 2021


I would have to admit to finding myself
somewhat stir crazy . . .

We've been in quasi lockdown for nigh
onto a year. I'm tired of house arrest. 
I'm missing my friends, to say nothing 
of my own children!

I have gotten a kick out of writing cards 
and letters, something I came up with 
whilst missing my people. We've enjoyed
the odd ride and a very occasional seeing
the children with masks on and social

According to the newscasters, this year  
has been one of increased pregnancies, 
family feuds and divorces . . . Frankly,
I'm beyond thrilled that my guy and  
I get along so well, enjoy each other's 
company and are old enough to be 
satisfied with curtailed activities.

Hell, at this point, I might even settle
for a haircut as Phyllis Diller and I
are nigh onto looking like long lost 
twins . . . but I swear, somebody had
better get me the hell out of Dodge
pretty damn soon!!! 

emotions running amok 
color me locked up

Jan 19, 2021


There's always a glimmer
in those
who have been
through the dark.

I find myself a bit awestruck of the darkness
Winter brings to the table. I don't see that
awe as particularly positive or negative. It
simply overwhelms the soul.

We've all had glorious experiences in the
dark . . . think back to bonfires on camping
trips, laying out under the stars on a summer
night, trick or treating on an October eve.

On the other side of dark . . . alone in the
dark, dark night of the soul, the dark side
of forever, in the dark about reality.

Interesting, I can enjoy the dark in Summer,
but Winter's dark brings me to death's door.
Alas, it's a dark I seem unable to overcome.
I am so negatively enthralled by the dark, I
can barely cope. 

I've come to know that there are those who
actually prefer the dark. And, although I'm
a lunar soul myself, I have a hard time
understanding this. I do appreciate that
we're all different, but I will keep praying
for Spring's soon return . . .

loving me some light
pray come keep me company
so afraid of dark


In admiration . . .

Some have had life's curve balls thrown

at them and still find the courage to
soldier on.

Didn't we all grow up with the Cinderella
story?! She and her prince supposedly 
living happily ever after?!

I look at the families with special children,
maladies such as blindness, heart issues,
disease. I am at the feet of these mothers
and fathers who fight to make every day
as normal as possible for their children.

I much admire those school districts that
provide special teachers, classrooms and
curricula. I do wish more funds were
available to make them even better.

Just look at some of the young people
going into Special Education as a life
career. Their single thought is to serve.

When I'm feeling down and out, all I
have to do is look around and realize
there is still so much good in the world.

Longing to be part of that goodness,
decency and kindness . . .

look on the bright side
wise advice from my father
living in the light

Jan 18, 2021


What's to be said about an afternoon

of pleasure,  of pure bliss?!

My guy came up with the sweet idea

of giving ourselves a day by the fire.
We like to light candles and listen to
music while enjoying the beauty and

I had just seen my son's CDs on the
shelf and asked my man if he wanted
to listen to them. What followed was
an afternoon of absolute perfection!

I can hardly explain . . . pride being
the mom, elation at the beauty of
the singing, the memories evoked 
by the beloved Mexican songs . . .
memories of yesteryear!

I'll admit to feeling nostalgic, even
sad. I wanted to sob for all that I
was missing. Joy and sorrow . . .

I wish I could preserve each and
every moment of the day . . .

the gift of music
only missing wine and song
memories of mine

Jan 17, 2021


A dear friend of mine gifted me an

old time type stereo for my birthday.
I've enjoyed it from the off . . . but
sitting in front of the fire during
winter and listening to my faves is
a real treat.

Alas at my age, I tend to like the old
timey kinds of music. My favorite
Western singer is Willie Nelson. So
LOVE him! Waylon Jennings is a
close second.

In the romantic realm, no one can
compare to Englebert Humperdinck!
I worship at his feet. Cat Stevens, nee
Yusuf Islam will always be an idol.

Harking back to yesteryear, I recall
adoring Marty Robbins, and Andy 
Williams. Sooooo, kinda wondering
if I'll ever wake up to the modern
groove and like some of the new guys.

Does enjoying Andrea Bocelli count?
He's rather beyond phenomenal! Still,
rockin' it to Willie Nelson!!!

hey mister crooner 
pray sing me a song or two
love me some music

p.s. Note I didn't even mention
Van Morrison!

Jan 16, 2021

01/16/2021 - FIRE

Sometimes, we have to go down in

flames to feel the burn, to know the
fire, to be the ash, and then come back
to life in the smoke that rises.
~Stacie Martin

What is it about the magic of fire that
touches the soul? It so moves me . . .

I was lucky enough to grow up with
a fireplace as daddy was a mason. He
built one for me in Mexico as well.
When I was upset, ill, or spent, fire
was the all time remedy.

The adages that fire has inspired . . .
fire in her eyes, fire in his soul,
a fire in the hearts of man, a baptism
of fire, fire and brimstone, fire away!

What is it about fire that it bleeds
into the very essence of language?
Me thinks it has something to do
with the power of fire. It wends its
way from the burning fields into the
very heart of the matter . . . all that
which matters to us, that calls to us.

I too have been much moved by fire.
I have been on fire for teaching. Fire
runs through my veins, hot to the touch
for those that I love. I feel the fire in my
heart should anyone touch my children.

I honor fire, its meanings, its ferocity;
I raise my glass in absolute awe . . .

let fire touch your soul
may its love burn ardently 
leaving sacred paths

Jan 15, 2021


I get such a kick out of the gifts that 
retirement brings . . .

It's 2:30 in the morning and my guy 
and I are watching a flick together. 
We had ice cream for breakfast and 
we each ate a different lunch. Then 
a nap from 7:00 p.m. until 1:30 in 
the morning.  What fun playing with 
the clock that way.

We take a drive and stash a picnic 
in the back seat. Lunch can be at 
11:00 in the morning or 3:00 in the 
afternoon. Prior to the plague, we
could visit our children any day of 
the week. And not to forget the odd

You know, one spends an entire 
lifetime on a schedule . . . It's ever 
so freeing not to have one as well
as not having to answer to anyone.

What does bother me a tad is the
whole waking up at 4:30 in the
morning after I've played all day.
Guess you can't teach for 41 years
getting up every day at o'dark thirty
and expect to magically be able to
sleep in once retired . . .

Maybe the answer would be to go
to bed at 4:30 in the morning rather
than getting up then . . .

so love me some weird
me thinks its time to be good
lets call it a day

Jan 14, 2021


Remembering when . . .

Once upon a time, I was a young, healthy,
slender runner . . . teacher and world traveler,
mother of many and living life to the fullest.

Now, I'm an elder, with the usual ills that
accompany one's journey. I walk rather than
run. My somewhat slender body is filled out.
I only travel the state and on a good day, a
state away. I am mother of only a few. I am
still teaching, but classes of a more spiritual
nature. And although my life is small by
comparison to yesteryear, it is still full, and
for this I am ever grateful!

It's interesting how we are encouraged to
live in the now, never look back and to get
on with life. But I find as one ages, there is
much value in looking back, albeit sorrows
'mongst the joys.

I love looking back at my children of then
and seeing them today in the now. I enjoy
hearing from students of yore, experiencing
their journeys as told by them and honoring
their successes. What fun to tell tales out of
school with girlfriends over a glass or two.

Here's to us, weathering the sorrows and 
reveling in the joys that life dishes out!

strange rememberings
utterly mystifying 
pray forgive myself

Jan 13, 2021


I slept to the sound of clanging keys.
Everywhere I turned, I could hear . . .

Then I remembered, I am in the Lady
Hekate cabin. She being Goddess of 
the Three-way Crossroads and Keeper
of the Keys.

I grew up with the house key on a string
'round my neck. In time, the key to the
post office box added to the weight on
that precious twine. Obviously, I had my
own tiny key to my diary hidden away; 
never, ever to be found!

Over the years in adult land, those rings
of keys kept growing . . . one for hearth
and home, yet another for the vardo and 
travel trailer, not to forget my world of
books, precious library that it is.

And then came the verbiage . . . key to
my heart, keys to the kingdom, the secret
key, key to understanding, key to solving
the problem . . . key to knowledge, good 
and evil. Everywhere I turn, keys raining
down . . .

Good thing I awoke or I would be covered
in bruises!

everywhere i turn
raining keys from skies above
never to be free 

Jan 12, 2021


I find myself missing home, you know,
that old home we were all so anxious
to leave when we were young?! My
brother asking me to read to him after
school, waiting for mom to come
home from work, for family supper,
my dad organizing family worship.

Alas, I fear I'm near the end, simply
because of dwelling in yesteryear. I
have heard elders say they spend a lot
of time there. Scary!

But, my grandmother always said . . .
My dad once told me . . . My mom
made me . . . That boy next door used
to . . . How could one NOT go back
and take a peek though these adult

So now, when I'm really missing . . .
I make myself a kid sandwich . . .
otherwise known as mayonnaise and 
dill pickle, peanut butter and dill pickle,
Velveeta grilled cheese sandwiches. 
(The adult in me wouldn't be caught
dead eating them!) Then there's the 
old fave, thickened fruit on toast.

So, here's to sad missings and happy 
memories . . .

just remembering
wishing i had stayed longer
memory lane calls

Jan 11, 2021

01/11/2021 - WATER

Water, water everywhere,
Nor any drop to drink.
~Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Pondering the gift of water of late,
God knows we certainly couldn't
live without it. It's interesting, we
couldn't drink the water we had in 
Old Mexico the first eight years I
was there. We called it mineral
water, for lack of a better name.
'Twas lovely to have potable H2O
for the following 12 years. Rather
gave me a different point of view 
and a tremendous appreciation.

I've told tales out of school before 
of growing up on a cistern. One
bath drawn per night . . . mother
being the cleanest, got the first
dip. I followed, girl child and all.
My brother next and then my dad.
Poor man must have had quite a
dirty bath and he never complained.

Lo these many years later, here at
the cabin we have tinged water.
We're so close to the water table, 
it comes out colored. We dispensed
with all our white clothing once we
moved in, thus we are able to use it
for washing clothes and dishes, but
it certainly isn't potable.

I am indeed grateful for the water
we buy at Vitamin Cottage. I must
admit however, I rather cringe at all
the drinking bottles we use in a day.
I am thankful they are recyclable.
Still, if you go to those plants, there
are water bottles by the thousands
and thousands. Were we so wrong
to drink tap water our entire lives?

love me some water
bottles needs thinking about
thank you mother earth

Jan 10, 2021


Love revisited . . .

That beautiful, marvelous, amazing, fab

word LOVE is bandied about with an
unrelenting fervor . . . I love buttermilk
and eggnog. I love sleeping in on Sunday
morns. I love it when it rains. I so love
my grandmother. Love my kids to death.
Alas, there seems to be no distinction 
between loving hot chocolate and loving 
your son.

In Spanish, the verb AMAR is used
exclusively for people and GUSTAR for
things. We too have an old English adage,
Love people, like things. This nags at me.
I believe the distinction is important. If
you say to your daughter that you love
peanut butter sandwiches in the same
breath in which you tell her you love her . . .
you get my point.

Me thinks we should be more careful in
our usage. I love my children, all seven
of them. I love my dad, love of my life
that he is. I love my family and friends.
And, I like all manner of this and that . . .

NOT to be confused, the one with the 

love me loving you
i like all my treasures too
not to be entwined

Jan 9, 2021


So many ways to communicate, although
me thinks we rarely get the same message
the speaker thinks he's relaying. I know
that we're all comfortable communicating
in different ways.

Most of my girlfriends do the telephone,
something I've never gotten used to. I've
actually offended because I only stay on
the phone a few minutes when I do use
it. Alas, I still have original minutes on
my three year old cell phone.

E-mail is my medium of choice. One of
the things I like about it is there's plenty
of space and you can write at 3:00 in the
morning if you so want. Same way, the
other ender can respond at their leisure.

As a kid, young woman, I liked to send
letters, real letters. Add in the fun of
the beautiful cards we have today and
viola . . . 

In these months of the plague, as I tend
to think of it, I've enjoyed mailing out
the odd card. Can't help but wonder
what my friends, family must think! 
Still, a bit of fun in these otherwise, 
dark, dreary days of the plague.

Hey, send me a card; write me a letter.

say mister postman
put something in my mailbox
im waiting waiting

Jan 8, 2021


I like to do a 'Dry January'. Frankly,
it makes a lot of sense after all the
holiday partying that goes on in

You wouldn't think there's a lot of
goings on in January, but you would
be wrong. The New Year, of course,
followed by, Día de los Santos Reyes,
birthdays . . . and that's just the first

Personally, I would like to honor 
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Then
comes the inauguration, albeit to
celebrate or sob in our brewskies.

Sooooo, you can appreciate that
to deny oneself the hefting of a
glass or two, has its finer points.
Truly, it's no issue for me, even
when my guy opens the fridge
drawer to the cold ones . . . but,
when will January be over?!

lets raise our glasses
celebrate january
lemonade in hand

Jan 7, 2021


Somewhere around 45 years ago, 
I was gifted a baby boy. Obviously,
mom's tend to revel in the miracle
of birth and I am no exception!

It is amazing how in one fell swoop,
your life as you knew it is entirely
changed. Good thing the gods give
you nine months to get used to the

Of course, I was the only mother 
on earth and had just delivered the
brightest star in the universe. I
imagine most moms feel this way.
Still, having your son as one of the 
greatest loves of your life, is truly 
a gift.

Thank you son. Thank you for 
being you, for being gracious,
kind and thoughtful. Thank you 
for giving your art to the world.
Thank you for bringing such
interesting people into our
lives. Thank you for sharing 
your beautiful lady with us. 

Thank you . . .

for your existence 
the world is a better place
ever in my heart

Jan 6, 2021

01/06/2021 Día de los Reyes Magos

Hoy, para nosotros los Latinos, es el
Día de los Reyes Magos. Se supone
que Melchor, Gaspar y Baltazar, los
reyes magos, visitaron al bebé Jesús.
Le brindaron regalos de todo índole,
los cuales les permitieron a sus padres
una manera de vivir por mientras.

Se cree que esta bella tradición empezó
en España alrededor de 1885 y pronto
recorrió los demás países Latinos. De
una manera u otra, nos une. 

Una de las tradiciones más encantadoras,
la Rosca de Reyes. La rosca se presenta
como una coronilla con una sorpresa por
dentro. Se parta y se comparta . . . él que
le toca el pequeño niño Jesús, un monito
de plástico, entonces es responsable de
ofrecer la Fiesta de la Candelaria el dos
de febrero.

Hoy día, hacemos el esfuerzo de honrar
estas celebraciones de modo de mantener
nuestra herencia y nuestros costumbres.
Los nenes disfruten con sus familias y
aprendan a gozar con las festividades
latinas. Feliz día de Roscas . . . y buen

mi bello niño 
rogamos bendiciones
mi gente goza

Jan 4, 2021


Friends and fam could easily attest to
just how much I enjoy my laptop. I'd
be the first to admit to being a techno-
virgin, but at least I get the basics of 
e-mail and Facebook. I even know
how to look up things on Google . . .
Give the lady a prize!

Each time I'm finished e-mailing or
taking a peek at fb, I lean my computer
against my side table and go to sleep.
Once in a great while, I'll hear it slide
to the floor or fall over. I'll reiterate,
this has happened very, very seldom.

I woke up to no internet at the new year.
I assumed the wind had damaged the
pole up the hill and surely a technician
would be fixing it soonish. Three days
went by and nothing, so I called my
provider. The gal walked me through
all the steps and concluded that the
problem was the computer. Damn!

It was only two degrees outside and 
my guy wasn't going anywhere . . . 
so I thought I'd try a little ld repair.
I held the computer about six inches
from the floor and dropped it. And
guess what?! Instant internet . . .
Want me to work on your computer?

silly old woman
beware spellcasts in progress 
harridan at large


There are times I feel so sorry for God.
Bottom line, He gets blamed for every
thing. 2020 is his fault. COVID 19 is
obviously as well. You didn't win the
lotto, God didn't want you to. 

Another thing, pray and pray and pray
again for something that you desperately
want or think you need . . . and then, 
poor God rarely even gets a thank you

So, what's to do about it?! I've always
liked that old adage, "Be careful what
you pray for, you might just get it." I
agree, we should indeed be careful.
We're not kids anymore. We basically
have everything we need. We should
think long and hard before asking for
something just because.

And then, there are those who pray 
for world peace and other unlikelys. 
Me thinks we got ourselves into these
world messes . . . war, over population,
hunger and famine, abuse of all kinds. 
God doesn't just rush in and fix every
thing. We're not three or four years old! 
We've created our messes and like any 
good parent, God allows us to learn 
from them and sort things out.

I vote we grow up, get off our back
sides, fix our messes to the best of our
abilities and learn our lessons. Let's
give God a break . . . sooooo NOT his
fault we can be spoiled brats!

dear god pray help me
my fault feeling lazy here
high time i grew up

Jan 3, 2021


Starting out the new year right, had
a fall coming up the stairs at o' dark
thirty this early morn. I've always
been a tad clumsy, hence I fall from
time to time. Only once in my life,
have I tripped after a few brewskies.
Okay twice, but that's all I'm
admitting to!

I remember this one time at uni, I
was going up the steps to class and
I slipped and fell. No biggie! I just
picked up my books and soldiered on.
Then I fell again, and again I picked
up my books and got on with it. Alas,
yet once again . . . and again . . . a
total of four times. All of a sudden,
two men each grabbed me by my
arms and walked me up the rest of
the way, handed me my books and
left. Didn't know them, they never
said a word . . . WOW!

I've never paid particular attention
to these fallings. And, I do suffer
Petite Mal seizures. Who knows,
may be a connection there. I do
get that now that I'm 71, I'd do 
well to lose these damn falls. 'Tis
going to be the death of me.

am falling for you
falling in love state of bliss
falls falling falling


What's going to be different and/
or better about this new year?!

You tell yourself in that party month
of December that in the new year,
you're going to eat better, drink less,
do some exercise, lose some weight
and stop treating yourself to all and

I recognize one gets all hyped up
at the new year, with lots of good
intentions and self inflicted rules.
Still, me thinks a different approach
bears thinking about.

Rather than hitting the usual highs
and low that happen at the start
of any new beginning, perhaps
a slow, but steady rhythm is

On a good note, I always do a dry
January, sooooo kudos for that one.
Might just get me off on the right 
foot! Here's hoping . . .

behave yourself now
good time for new beginnings
new year promises

January 1st, 2021

What would you think about a guy
who drags you downstairs at o' dark
thirty and presents you with a fire,
candlelight and spiked eggnot?!
That's my guy . . . and Happy New
Year all around, but best of all . . .
happy anniversary to us, 21 years.

The child within is already writing
new years resolutions, you know,
there has to be a dozen or so, just
like the Ten Commandments. Still,
I have learned that I do better with
just three. i find myself thinking
along these lines.

1) Live in the present.
2) Be yourself.
3) Honor your creed.

Sooooo, Happy New Year to you.
Happy anniversary to me, and
may we all live happily ever after!

high hopes for this year
pray leave the other behind
blessings all around