Feb 5, 2020


It was probably during my 20-year
sojourn in Mexico that I fell in love
with the street urchins. Make no
mistake, it is compelling to see an
impoverished child selling his wares
to help his family. i always made an
effort to stop and view whatever was
being sold. I liked to fall into a bit of
chat with these children. Taking my
time over the products, if they can
be called that, I would ask for names
and generally suss them out. I would
buy several things, usually candy or
bread, but sometimes I'd leave some
shekels under the guise of, "If you
ever see such and such candy, would
you get it for me!"

These children, both boys and girls,
were gleeful. They didn't seem down
trodden with their lot in life. They had
a level of acceptance and go get 'em
like I've never seen before nor since.
I love these children. i admire them,
their persistence, their struggles . . .
albeit a grin on their faces. I just wish
I could hug them all and make them
safe. I don't know what kind of day
they'll have on the 14th, but I hold
them in my heart.

well fed and sated
why are you so unhappy
warm in your own bed

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