Dec 31, 2020


I know we're all hoping and praying that
tonight will bring, not only an ending to
2020, but a new beginning in 2021 . . .
Literally and otherwise!

The logistics are there, tried and true, but
it doesn't mean we'll awaken to a plague
free world, or violence will have ended,
or all have secure jobs and happy families.
Must mean, somehow, that it's up to us
to make 2021 a better place to be. I don't
actually think I'm talking about New Year's
Resolutions . . . It's more about the DOING
rather than just the SAYING.

Donations to the tried and true? I don't 
think so. Certainly, wonderful charities
never have enough shekels . . . but, what
about the family down the street with
children and no jobs for six months? A
couple of bags of groceries on their
doorstep, perhaps? What about the old gal 
across the street who has had no visitors 
lo these many moons? Bet a sweet note
and a bundle of flowers would make her

Yes, I want to be a better person in 2021,
but me thinks the important part is getting
off my ass and doing all that would actually
make me a better person . . .

heres to the doing
time to get down to business
enough of saying 

Dec 30, 2020


Today awaits, with all its promise of  
plans and upcoming events. There will 
be the usual . . . the planning for New 
Year's Eve, cleaning house, laying in 
stores. Obviously, there can't be a proper 
celebration, the plague has seen to that . . . 
Nonetheless, it is customary to prepare 
for the upcoming year.

Tonight is a full moon, the Cold Moon,
as it happens. I like the idea that the 
year ends on a full moon and begins its
demise the following day. Significant

So, what's the meaning of all this? A
full moon, one year ending, another
soon to begin, resolutions to be made.
I do tend to read into things, so why
not make it work for me?!

That's me, always looking for that new
beginning to urge me onto bigger and
better things. Wish I didn't need them,
but why not use them when they come

So, tonight whilst I honor the full moon,
I will ponder this up and coming new
year and what I wish to achieve . . . 
Here's praying for the wisdom and strength 
to uphold my own promises . . .

lunar lady love
pray hear my plegarias 
send much needed strength

Dec 29, 2020


"Within every woman there is a wild 
and natural creature, a powerful force,
filled with good instincts, passionate
creativity and ageless knowing. Her
name is Wild Woman, but she is an
endangered species."
~Clarissa Pinkola Estés

Boning up on my Clarissa Pinkola Estés
of late. I love her sense of passion and
urgency. Rather makes me want to get
my boots on. On the other hand, booting
up can easily tire me out to the point I
just want to sit back down again.

Still, she leaves me pondering; the new
year is upon us, after all. Not sure what
to ask . . . the age old, "Who do I want  
to be when I grow up?" Or, "What do I 
want to work on this year?"

As I'm beginning to lose hope with the
whole growing up bit, 'praps I'd better 
be thinking about what to work on. 
There's always the losing weight bit as
well as the cutting down on the drinks.
But, that's not the kind of work I'm
talking about. 

I want to be real, to be me, never any
cover up. I want to grow, grow every
day, and never give up . . .

so need my courage
this old dame learning to be
challenge after all

Dec 28, 2020


Here's to those pesky 'in between days'.
A holiday sandwich if you will . . .
The bread, Christmas and New Years,
the filling, the days in between.

I find myself thinking I should clear up
the leftover x-mas mess . . . And then
I think, it'll just get messy again at New
Years. Better wait 'til after.

So, what to do with the 'tweeners' as I'm
wont to call them?! Thank you notes . . .
Right! I'll get right on that. Or, take the 
x-mas packages to the post office . . . 
You know, the ones you were too lazy 
to stand in line for an hour to send. Me 
thinks the cabin could do with a good 
clean; start the new year out right!
But, I'm too tired from the holidays!

Maybe those 'twixt and 'tween days are
meant for a sack out and rest period.
Watch those holiday movies you missed
whilst getting ready for x-mas. Snack on
the leftovers. Might be a good idea to 
face the new year rested!

need to get busy
wishing for some sack out time
do it tomorrow

Dec 27, 2020


Interesting how we've only just had the
x-mas holidays and still one begins to
think about the new year. Guess there's
nothing wrong with that; lot's to think
about really!

Where do I go from here? What do I
want to accomplish next year? What
do I intend to strive for? Who do I 
want to be when I grow up? Does any
of this even matter?

Funny the thoughts that pop into one's
head when thinking about serious things.
Of course, all of this matters! I imagine
our choices are limited as the world
around us determine a great deal of the

I'm not talking predestination, just those
pesky little deets like . . . "I can't decide
if I should go for groceries today or
tomorrow." And then you learn that
there's an accident in front of your home
at exactly the time you would have left.

So, here's to pondering . . . going to do
some thinking for a couple of days and
answer my own questions. I want, nay
NEED, for 2021 to be different from

its all about new
new year ideas chances
a new me perhaps

Dec 26, 2020


Aa a child, Christmas Eve was for getting
our new undies. Christmas Day was for
that one special toy and eating the best
feast of the year. Then came the morning
of the day after, as it were.

We were expected to help with a bit of
Christmas clean up and we all enjoyed
the Christmas feast leftovers. But, the day
itself was spent playing with our new

New toys, new escenarios, imaginations
running high . . . can't get any better
than that. Now, as an elder, I love
experiencing that joy through the eyes
of the grandchildren. Rather adds to
the whole reminiscing thing!

Speaking of reminiscing, how do those
days of yesteryear apply to today?! Me
thinks for starters that we'd do well to
somehow keep hold of that childish jo.
It's such a shame that we tend to lose
it as we age.

So, here's wishing you joys, NOT joy.
I wish you the joy of living rather than
existing. I wish you the joy of love
rather than like. I wish you the joy of
sharing rather than having. Life, real
life, is here for the taking . . . let's do
some taking!!!

remember to live
loving me the gift of life
alas, we forget

12/25/2020 - Christmas Day

Me thinks everybody loves Christmas.
Well, maybe Scrooge would give it a
miss, but not likely anyone else.

I've loved watching our young families
in the midst of such joy. One of the gals
starts buying her gifts little by little right
after Thanksgiving. Talk about being in
the spirit!

The family invests in toys, and I do mean 
invests. Wow! They could run their own
toy store. You should watch the glee on
the faces of the grandchildren. I do find
it quite touching.

I find myself much moved by our uncle
in residence. He must have spent a month
of Sundays searching for those perfect
gifts. He's then great at explaining them
to the kids, putting the toys together
and playing with them afterwards.

For me, it's all in the watching. I feel a
part of the family, it's just that looking
on this amazing scene is quite moving.
There truly is love, joy, sharing, just
like it's supposed to be at Christmas.

merry merry us
so brings out the glee in me
love our family


We were driving down the road, minding
our own business, when all of a sudden . . .
I spied a pizza joint. Me thinks I squealed
like little kid on a mission. My guy pulls 
up a bit sharply and says, "What the hell
is the matter?" 

When I suggested, nay demanded, that 
we pull on in, I'm not sure whether he 
was amused or annoyed! Bottom line, 
we went in and ordered . . . absolutely 
the best pizza  either one of us had ever
tasted. It can truly pay to go to those 
small unknown places . . . all under the
guise of being supportive, of course!

After the silence that ensues culinary
contentment, burning of the mouth, 
and consuming way too many slices, 
we fell into conversation about what 
had happened. We grinned, getting
a kick out of doing a bit of the crazy. 
I say, "Bring on the nuts!!!"

Bottom line, we decided we're going 
to do a whole lot more of that in the
near future. There's an old tavern on
the way to our daughter's . . . we've
always sworn we're going to stop
there. That may just be the next
installment; SPONTANEITY 2021!

spice up the dreary
try some naughty on for size
enjoyment ahoy

Dec 23, 2020


I'll admit I've had some down days this
winter, even though winter has only just
begun. So, I turned to a wondrous book
a girlfriend of mine gave me, Fear Not
It's a sweet little tome, but what makes 
it rather beyond amazing is that she went
through the book and wrote comments
on almost every page. Example:

"You gain strength, courage and 
confidence by every experience 
in which you really stop to look
fear in the face. You are able to 
say to yourself, 'I have lived 
through this horror. I can take the 
next thing that comes along'. You
must do the thing you think you 
cannot do." ~Eleanor Roosevelt                                                                                                                   
"Your strength has gotten you 
through so much". ~Alice

I like the book and so appreciate the
much needed advice . . . but, it's her own
sweet words that cheer me every time!!!

Let's think outside the box when it comes
to presents this unbelievable 2020. Share 
a gift from your own home. Write a much
needed letter of encouragement. Bake 
something. Make that phone call you've 
been putting off for so long. 

No need to hit the mall! 'Tis that personal
touch that means so much just now.

whats under the tree
looking for encouragement 
pray its what i need

Dec 22, 2020


Alas, 'tis morning of the day after . . .
and I awoke with sweet memories of
yesterday and the question, "What
happens now?"

At 7:00, we're off to the dealership to
spend 8 hours while they fix my car
in a recall. My bones are already sore
in the thinking of sitting around for
the requisite time.

I suggested we walk to our fave café
and drink margs all day. Somehow, my
guy didn't think that was a good idea.
Now, isn't this the same man that
opened a bottle of champagne at o' dark 
thirty yesterday morn by the fire? Gasps
aside, I'm glad there's someone in the 
family with their head on straight.

Sooooo, today is indeed the morning 
of the day after and life returns to what
passes for normal. 'Tis off to the dealer
we go, but we'll always have yesterday!

missing yesterday
morning of the day after
still have memories

p.s. I'll take another piece of yesterday,
please . . .

Dec 21, 2020

12/21/2020 Yule, Winter Solstice

Oh my God! Oh my God!! Oh my God!!!

At o' dark thirty this morning, my guy
awakens me and asks me to come down
stairs. Half stumbling around in the dark,
I had to comply. Magick was afoot after

I sleepily wend my way down the stairs
and find a fire,  candles, and champagne!
As I truly awaken, he raises his glass to
me, to Yule, to the Winter Solstice. I know,
there is NOT another man in the Universe
his equal! 

Many think of Yule as just another  holiday
and a Pagan equivalent to Christmas. Rightly
known, Yule came first, a holiday to celebrate
the lengthening of days. What do I mean by
that? Today is the shortest day of the year!
This marks the beginning of the return of

Each day, from now on, will incrementally
elongate and begin that long journey into
Spring, three months from now. This truly
helps, especially feeling the way I do about 

I raise my glass, salute my man . . . 
Let the light begin!!!

longing for the light
trudging through the cold the snow
pray bring down the light

Dec 20, 2020


five four three two one . . .

would never
hit her 

just couldn't
help himself

at the hands
of his rage

this time
she's gone


*Dedicated to my sisters
suffering in silence

Dec 19, 2020


Memory issues most interesting . . .

Obviously, I recall perfectly that I lost
approximately 17% of my memory when
I fainted and cracked my skull open at
o' dark 30 three years ago. But, this is
a tad different. Me thinks this is aging
at its best!

What I find a bit amusing is how my
guy and I spin off of each other with
the memory issues. It simply seems
that I recall what he has forgotten 
and he what I have left behind. You'd
laugh if you could see us taking turns
down memory lane.

He'll say, 'I don't remember where xyz
is.' and I'll tell him exactly where to go
and how to get there. Next time, I'm
clueless and he straightens me out just
perfectly. Can't help but wonder if the
gods matched us up in the whole sharing
of memory thing.

We get quite a kick at looking back at
when we had the same caregiver, dear
old Grandma Bruchner, at 3 and 4 years
of age. Shyest of friends in elementary, 
and our first kiss  at 14. Perhaps it was 
in the stars for us to bring our wondrous 
offspring into this dreary world and 
reconnect at 50.

Will wonders never cease . . . 21 years
together on January 1st. Wow!

sing me a sweet song
not certain ill remember
let the chords ring out

Dec 18, 2020


I find it both interesting and hilarious
how we're retired and we still keep 
to that old working schedule . . .

Still shower at o' dark thirty, still go 
to bed early so I can get up and go 
to work, still observe all the holidays 
with their allotted breaks as if I were 
still teaching.

What's the issue here? Is it that habits 
are ingrained to the point that they 
can't be broken? Is it that it's easier to 
follow an old time honored schedule? 

Me thinks I'd better sign me up for  
a new me in 2021. Or if not new, 
perchance a bit of a makeover is 
warranted. Not bloody likely I'll
start going to the gym any time 
soon or eat a whole lot healthier.
Having said that,  I do want to add 
some spice to this interesting life 
I'm living.

Perhaps a couple of new recipes, 
an added piece to my all black
wardrobe, a short trip down south.
Bet these could count as a bit of
salt and pepper.

needs me a new dish
a bit tired of the old
ever so hungry

Dec 17, 2020


Sooooo fun . . . my x-mas pressies arrived 
this a.m. from my man . . . oh such delight!

CDs from all his fave Country Western 
Singers; obviously, I've learned to enjoy
them nigh onto as much. After all, I did  
go to see Marty Robbins; I was barely 
weened from the breast!!! . . . not that I
was ever was breast fed . . .

Love me some Kenny Rodgers; so like
Waylon Jennings . . . long, lost relative
that he may be! So enjoy Charlie Pride
and much lament his recent passing. 
I could even summon up some well
mustered 'like' for John Denver though
I hated him for wife beating! Bottom
line, he got his in the end; isn't that 

Every now and then, the gods grant one
an incredible morning like this one . . .
alas, there are women who will never,
ever know the glory of one's lover
inviting them to a fire, westerns, and
margs morning! What a guy! Can I
please keep him?!

music fire and margs
no better combination
come join the naughty

Dec 16, 2020


X-mas vacay a la naughty . . .

It's actually kind of fun, living in a 
130 year old tiny, tiny cabin, on half
retirement, at 70 years old. Wow! 
Sooooo, we play with ideas, dig into 
non-existent funds and simply have fun!
And my guy and I know just how to 
have a good time with almost anything!

Grab a picnic and go to the park, take a
drive up the mountains, walk main street,
hit a second hand store for oddities, see
an old movie in bed with a glass of vino
in hand. All good fun and doesn't cost
an arm and a leg. 

I've always gotten a kick out of trying 
on small shoes for size. You can dance
just as well and it's not a problem. So, I
love reminding myself that hitting three
different restaurants for a three course
meal can be entertaining. Thee different
pubs on a trip to the mountains and just
one drink at each place; fun and cheap!

So no, not going to Europe anytime 
soon. Canada isn't an option just now,
nor is Mexico for that matter . . . but
we are going to enjoy those small 
bursts of flavor, no matter what. In 
fact, if you've a mind to, come and
join us at some point. I make a mean
Mexican meal and you can bring the

learning to enjoy
life at its absolute best
having so much fun

Dec 15, 2020


My entire life I have loved reading.
There simply isn't anything like it.
The heft of the current read, the 
scent of both new and old pages, 
the adoration of a fave author, and
the anticipation one experiences as
the book comes to an end.

Another bit of fun comes when the
movie of a beloved book comes out.
Of course the movie can never, ever
live up to the book; that's a given!
Still, fun to compare and even bitch
about it a bit.

Then, once in a great while, there
are movies that actually live up to 
the books we love. That's a whole 
new kind of delicious. I always 
like to read the book first and then
take in the movie. Then in turn, 
I'm inspired to read the book all 
over again!

I pay homage to all phenomenal 
authors and bow to those who can
actually equate the book on film.

tell me a story
one i long to see and hear
joy in the pages

Dec 14, 2020


As Christmas draws nigh, I am reminded
of certain practices my family had. For
one thing, we got one essential gift of
new undies and one fun gift, and that was
all. The fun gift for me was a new doll.

I was expected to give my old doll away. 
If my old doll wasn't kept as nice as the
new doll, then I had to give away the new
doll and keep the old. I really don't recall
ever having to give away my new doll,
but I knew the score.

I remember visiting a little girl to whom
I had gifted my old doll. The doll was
filthy, hairless and had been written on
with an ink pen. Being all of 5 or 6, I
was beyond stunned. I took the doll in
my arms and simply sobbed. The family
just looked at me, not understanding
what was going on with me.

It occurs to me, for all my trying to grow,
that we tend to be who we are from birth.
I haven't changed a great deal over the
years. I still like to take great care with
my treasures . . . as most adults do. I still
enjoy giving and sharing my treasures.
And, I imagine I'd be rather amazed if the
other person didn't love my treasures as
much as I did.

Aren't we all just the funniest creatures
E V E R !!!

just remembering
trees presents decor galore
feel a bit somber 

Dec 13, 2020


It has been said, "That with which you
fill your mind, is who you will become."

I'm thinking! I'm thinking!

So, what do I read? I have a small library
of about 450 or 500 books on all things
spiritual. Pantheism, in different categories, 
dominates. This would be what I read for 
spiritual growth.

I also have a fictional library of roughly
7,000 books that, per se, are all about
intrigue. Add to that, my extensive DVD 
library is virtually the same . . . Is that 
nicely disguised for murder mysteries?!

In discussing nightmares of late, I got to
thinking . . . perhaps reading and watching
the mayhem of who done its, contributes
to my nightmares. Something to think
about. But, as I much enjoy mysteries, 
I really wouldn't want to give them up.

What a conundrum . . . but at least I'm
being honest with myself! And I would
say, as I spend several hours a day in
spiritual studies, me thinks enjoying 
a bit of intrigue brings a nice balance.

Bet I could talk myself into anything!

call an ace an ace 
tis just me being crazy
loony bins await

Dec 12, 2020


Alas, a dose of reality . . .

We're all thinking that 2021 will magically
erase and replace this most difficult year
of 2020. In reality, no such thing is going
to happen. We'll go to bed on New Year's
Eve, perhaps even wake up a tad hung over.
Having said that, New Year's Day is simply
'the next day'!

If indeed any changes are to occur, they
need to come from us, from within, from
a desire for different outcomes. Change 
our outlooks, our actions, our patterns. I'm
making an effort trying to think out what
I want to keep and what I wish to discard.

Me thinks I'll keep my love, sometimes hate,
relationship with life. Same goes for the 
amazing joy I find in my children and besties.
Still want to have some fun with the delicious
side of retirement. (Pray forgive me, trying
to have a positive attitude here!) And please,
please God, let me stay healthy a tad longer!

Now comes bin time . . . so ready to let go
of a few more pounds. Need to lose that ole
negative attitude that sometimes creeps in.
Be a good idea if I could learn to live within
my means . . . may not be bloody likely
though! I suppose I'd be more than happy
to take my leave of those pesky secret sins.

Bottom line, the thing I would like most
would be to accept myself as I am . . .
as well as be a good sport about anything
2021 can bring.

so many questions
still learning all those lessons
much needs me some peace

Dec 11, 2020


Me thinks what I most love about
retirement is the breaking of all the
rules . . .

When you're young, breaking the
rules probably means something a
bit different. Sneaking out of the 
house, illicit parties, smoking in
secret (cigs or MJ), making out in
the bushes, unprotected sex . . .

For us, it's ice cream for breakfast,
mid-morning margaritas, dessert
first, four meals a day, skipping
the house cleaning, going to bed
at 6:30 p.m. and getting up at 2:00
a.m. for watching fave movies and
other activities . . .

Looking square in the face of our
rebellion, looks like it's probably
a lot safer than the ole teenage
naughties! I'll have to see if I can
come up with a few more . . .

just color me bad
so enjoying my naughties
straight not an option

Dec 10, 2020


Those bits of yesteryear floating to
the surface; I find myself missing
these pieces to the puzzle of my life . . .

– Daddy, hero of heroes! Still talk to 
him every day; swear, he's here with me.

– Sammy, little bro and cohort in crime.
I'm ever so glad he's at a much needed
and well deserved rest.

– Esther, great mom. Alas, me . . .
her nemesis. 

– First grade teacher, Mamie, recently 
lost to us. Much loved by all her kiddos. 

– Fellow teacher and one of my besties,
Doug. Miss his notes and music sharings.

– Sean Connery, my first love . . . 
and according to my guy, buried in the 
back yard.

These great losses, hard though they
may be, 'tis ever so wondrous that they 
are recalled in love.

perhaps gone in life
well remembered greatly missed
ever in my heart

Dec 9, 2020


My moods don't
just swing - 
they bounce, pivot,
recoil, rebound,
oscillate, fluctuate
and occasionally

Me thinks this author has been
writing about me again! I used to
think of myself as a steady Eddie,
but in the sharing of myself, lo
these many years, it has become
apparent that I'm all over the place.

'Tis fascinating, amusing, scary, 
crazy, amazing, intriguing and a bit
beyond belief . . . this whole getting
to know me as an olde dame! Who
knew?! Trust me, clueless here!!!

Perhaps, it's our final assignment
to get to know ourselves before we
move onto whatever comes next.
I'm going to get right on this getting
to know me business . . .

"Hi! I'm Linda-Dale Jennings, and 
you? Really? ld? Now that's an
intriguing nickname. How did you
get that? Your cousin, Cathy, you
say?! Wow! Let's get acquainted!"

I did warn you; I'm a tad out there
in my elder years!

getting to know me
interesting savoir faire
have we met before

Dec 8, 2020


Spent yesterday pm in line at the PO.
50 minutes . . . Part of the time I was
outside, six feet apart, and part of the
time inside. I was nearly fainting at
the end. The poor, overworked gal had
to bring me a chair. Umpteen packages 
and hundreds of shekels later, I was in
the car and thinking, "Surely, I'm 80
not 70! OK, 71 . . . "

So, back at packaging again today, I
have full intention of doing this next
year in NOVEMBER. Thank God,
the cards are out! Actually, I may just
do cards next year. I'm out of gifts to
share, shekels and especially energy.

'Tis time to remember what these
holidays are all about. From your
Christian beliefs to my Pantheist
creed, surely it's all about love and
sharing, family, friends and foe,
as well as neighbors, if you're lucky 
enough to have them.

Still, a lot of love and sharing going
on, does my heart good. I do regret 
it takes holidays for us to remember
what we're all about. Me thinks I'm
going to make an effort to honor my
creed months rather than weeks!

love this time of year
holiday spirit abounds
may it ever last 

Dec 7, 2020


So loving the entwining scents that 
are currently surrounding us. Tea 
steeping on the stove, pine wafting 
from the living room, a minuscule 
whiff of smoke from the smoldering
fire, wax from the burning candles.
Scents and sense . . . wondrous!!!

My soul, flooded with memories, 
a kaleidoscope of familial joys and 
sorrows brought to the holiday table,
not to forget the taste of desolation
once the celebrations have ended. 

I love it all . . . weight gain from
holiday delicacies, the mess from
wrapping presents, the trips to the
post office for sending packages, 
disappointment countered by bliss 
and forget not that holiday cuppa 
hot, steamy and naughty. Salud!

I'm trying to remember, is this
what we refer to as holiday spirit?

I'm in . . . 

fave celebrations
loving me the holidays
mistletoe awaits

Dec 6, 2020


Awaking from night terrors, shaking
so hard I'm afraid to go down the stairs.
What the hell?! Haven't I paid enough
for my sins already?! God in heaven,
such horror; where do I go from here?

Interesting, all the different stages one
goes through in life. I have my mom
to thank for the concept. I heard her
say again and again, 'It's only a stage;
it's only a stage.'  She may have begun
saying her adage in jest, but I think it
actually comforted her. Me thinks I 
need to adopt it.

Not to worry, I've lived through worse,
but I am curious as to where these
episodes, (affectations?!) come from.
No, I haven't been drinking. No drugs,
no strange foods, plenty of sleep . . .

Maybe, it's a subconscious fear of
dying. Who the hell knows . . .

live exist dream die
pray tell what is the meaning
paying for my sins

Dec 5, 2020


Obviously, we are all assailed with
doubts from time to time. Doubts
about self-worth, what we've done
with our lives, accomplished or not.
What have our lives meant?!

And then, a visit to my firstborn . . .
Oh what a lovely lad! A beautifully
maintained home, art in the works,
wondrous conversation! An offer 
of drink and something to eat . . . 
and suddenly, all is well.

Realization that indeed I have done
something right, so right that naught
else can compare. How I thank the
on high for my children. They ne'er
disappoint and I am blest.

Why, oh why, these doubts? These
questions? How easily one forgets
that as long as life is within, all is
well . . .

yes necessary
sorrow needs be doesnt it
does comfort await

Dec 4, 2020


Sometimes I get wrapped up in this 
notion of what it must be like to be
normal. Alas, has never happened
in my case.

Not to worry, I prefer myself as I am,
even as the fucked up mess I seem
to be. Having said that, I peek over
the fence from time to time, and do

Amazing women, coping with life
as if it were no match for their skills.
Dressed to the nines, professional,
charging straight ahead with no
hesitation. I find myself wondering
what it must be like?!

I also recognize that I was indeed
this woman during my 41 years of
teaching. There was also the 'me
within' wondering who that woman
really was.

The term Libra comes to mind, an
actual fear that my scales will never
ever be balanced . . .

the woman i was
she will never be again
hello new lady

"I didn't belong as a kid, and that always
bothered me. If only I'd known that one
day my differentness would be an asset,
then my early life would have been much
easier." ~Bette Midler

Dec 3, 2020


I heard a rumor once . . . 

When you grow older, you grow
'moreso' . . . And, here's me thinking 
that well may be the case.

Went to bed at 6:30 last night for no 
other reason than it had been a trying
day. Woke up about 1:30 a.m. and my
guy suggested we watch a movie. That
would have been weird enough, but 
then he slipped downstairs and came
back with margaritas! Got a kick out
of the movie, enjoyed the margs and
then went back to sleep and awoke

Sometimes we sit by the fire at odd
hours. We eat ice cream for breakfast
and granola for supper. We don't leave
the cabin for weeks on end and then
we'll take a drive just to enjoy the 
changing season beauty.

If reincarnation turns out to be true,
I want to come back retired and 70!

Am sooooo loving it . . .

work money bills kids 
so been waiting for aging
wanna dance with me

Dec 2, 2020


Somewhere 'twixt and 'tween the plague,
the cold and snow, and my own laziness
when it comes to getting out, me thinks
I'm well on my way to becoming a hermit!

Truly, the cabin is a seductress! It's tiny
and cozy, wrapped up in fresh snow and
our lowest temp yet, 7 degrees. This
antique bed is still a bit too delish for 
me to leave it, but when I do, sitting in 
front of the fire might be a good idea.

Next to the fire place is a large window
through which we can watch those
winter birds that don't migrate. They
much enjoy the bird feeder and give us
a great view. Sun glistens through the
4 and 5 foot ice cycles as they slowly
drip away their existence.

I would be the first to acknowledge
that I have issues with Winter. Having
said that, today is so beautiful I could
almost forgive Mr. Sun for leaving us
for a while . . .

beauty in winter
its ever so cold just now
a high price to pay

Dec 1, 2020


Like a little kid, I feared December
would never arrive . . . and I want
that child within to celebrate an
amazing month! . . . or maybe I'd
better say, the ADULT in me!

A month you say?! Just think, we 
have a new moon on the 14th. Let's
learn about and celebrate Saturnalia 
on the 17th. There's Yule eve on the
20th and Yule on the 21st. And a
fave holiday awaits with Christmas
eve on the 24th, x-mas on the 25th.
Kwanzaa on the 26th and our full
moon on the 30th . . . and wrapping
up in style . . . New Year's eve on
the 31st.

That looks like way much partying
and celebrating to me. We're going 
to all come out alkies if we're not 
careful. But, we have had a year 
from hell; LET'S GO FOR IT!!!

Here's wishing us all a December
to be remembered . . .

must be in a mood
just thinking partying here
wake me in the morn

Nov 30, 2020


Here comes December with all of its 
thinking, planning, buying and gift
giving, to say nothing of decorating,
cooking and partying. If at all possible,
I'd like to hold onto the thankfulness
that November always brings.

We've all been thoroughly wrapped
up in the plague this year, almost to
the exclusion of anything else. The
lesson I'm taking away from that is
two fold. 

The first is . . . It's people that truly 
matter, far more than any other kind 
of wealth. We are rich in our family 
and friends; it's what matters most.

Secondly, simple is best. I am a
master of the complicated; make 
no mistake. I don't want to do that
anymore. It's taken me 70 years
to learn that all time wisdom . . . 
"Slow down and smell the roses!"

Whatever time allotted me, I want
to enjoy every moment. I need to
spend precious hours with my 
family and friends. I pray I keep 
my priorities straight!

love people like things
family friends matter most
honor each other

Nov 29, 2020


I am so enjoying the Lady Salem,
our travel trailer. Back in the day, it
was all about camping and certainly,
the kids had a ball. Bottom line, we
are talking memories in the making!

I get a kick out of the planning . . .
buying the right groceries, picking
up some brewskis, getting on the 
road. Frankly, not a lot different
from those camping days with the
kids, just a lot more comfortable.

I loved proper travel lo these many
years ago. Precious memories of
those trips and photos to prove it.
But now, we've joined the ranks of
all the other seniors who get a kick
out of visiting the family and not
having to bother them for bed and
breakfast, as it were.

And still I have to chuckle, I find
myself longing to return home.
Isn't it interesting how we love to
plan, to get ready, to get on the 
road, have a great time . . . and
still look forward to going home!

To coin a phrase . . . "There's no
place like home!: Simply has to be
one of God's great truths!

lets go on the road
load up and get out of here
ever so much fun


Today, I awaken in fear and concern
for my, d) all of the above. Well you
may ask, "Who is, d) all of the above?"

We met whilst my lover was building
me a gypsy vardo. She and her hubby
would stop by to see the progress. And
make no mistake, it was an amazing,
interesting, phenomenal, fantastic,
glorious, to die for process, and well
worth the watch!

I wasn't in the best place at the time
as I had been caring for my elderly
mother for three and a half years.
Having said that, these incredible
neighbors bore with us and slowly
but surely, we became fast friends.

Alas, this couple has come down with
dreaded COVID and it frightens us all!
Worse, I learned last night that my
friend is in the hospital with pneumonia
on top of the plague. She is a brave
woman, and powerful in her own right.
Lord willing and the devil doesn't
intervene, the docs will soon make her
right as rain.

Still, I find myself praying at those
odd moments of the day when least
thinking about it. May they both be
well . . . and soon!

what is with this plague
the unknown so frightening
pray all will be well soon

~ld jennings

p.s. What then is . . .
d) all of the above?

friend, neighbor, student, teacher,
drinking buddy, cohort in crime, allies


Morning of the day after . . .

I awakened with virtually the same
attitude with which I went to sleep,
yet somehow the euphoria is gone.
I imagine, as the hours pass and I
get to see the children, some of that
will return.

Yesterday, as each was busy with his
or her pre-ordained task . . . along
with music, chatter and the odd marg,
we were running high, no substances,
legal or otherwise, in sight. Thinking
about it,  when feeling this good about
your family, you know you've done
a good job somehow; praise God!

Here we are on the morning of the
day after . . . and, me thinks finding
myself grateful isn't quite enough.
Where do I go from here and what 
goes hand in hand with gratitude? This
may be the true gift of TG! Obviously,
this special day brings to mind those
things for which we are to be grateful.
So, why only on Thanksgiving day?

I pray I can daily be aware of the
beauty that surrounds me . . .
love, family, friends, and sustaining
food and water . . . ever and always.

indeed im grateful
bears thinking about daily
pray i remember

11/26/2020 - Thanksgiving

It has finally arrived. Per usual,
I thought it would never come!

It may be programing, but I find
I am continuously thinking of all
the things I am thankful for. Part
of this may simply be watching
the news . . . that would do it for
anyone, wouldn't it!

Obviously, all of us are thankful
for family, friends, hearth and
home. But, in thinking outside
the box, I must give thanks for
yet other things.

The sweet little chickadees eating
out of our feeder, Mr. Blue Jay is
feeding from leftovers under the
feeder. Our red fox dances up the
path, constantly looking left and
right. Can't help but wonder if he
is looking for friend or foe. We
have one grey squirrel left . . .
all the other chipmunks and red
squirrels have gone to ground.
Deer and elk abound . . .

Not to forget breakfast in bed
from my lover or those sweet
hugs from the grandchildren!
I find myself actually hoping
the gods give me a few more
years . . .

find myself thankful
absolutely as should be
god bless friends and foe

Nov 25, 2020


Oh my God . . . our fave mountain 
lion visited us again this morning
at o' dark thirty!
He lived under my gypsy wagon for 
several months a couple of years ago 
when a passerby killed a deer in front 
of my cabin. The police placed the 
deer on my property thinking they'd 
come the next day to take it away. 
Alas, we awoke to about 8'' snow . . . 
So, he stayed all through winter and 
wined and dined on Deer Supreme!

This is our second visit this year, 
once this summer and again now. 
My guy caught him on camera, so 
we've watched him over and over. 
God, he's big! I sure hope we're 
never outside at the same time!

Truly, we have been so blest in 
living here at the cabin. We have
just over 30 sightings from the
wild at this point. Here's looking
forward to many more.

so love me some wild
lions tigers bears oh my
liking me all kinds

Nov 24, 2020


One of the things that keeps me dancing
is the knowledge that there are still
phenomenal people in this world. We've
stayed home, except for groceries about
every three months, ever since the plague
hit us. Me thinks many know and actually
get this so no issue.

I've had a fave restaurant in the town I
lived in for the 25 years after returning to
the US. It has the most authentic Mexican
food I've eaten, as well as delicious margs.
Yesterday, I received a call from the bestest
cook ever, telling me that the owner was
concerned because she hadn't seen us in
several months.

He asked if he could run by with some
thing she had for us. Now, 'run by' was
actually about 30 miles away. Of course
we said yes. About an hour later, here
he comes with two packaged meals and
a margarita. I was absolutely blown away.
Nearly broke down in front of him.

We've lived months of dirty politics and
COVID, missing family and friends due
to this god awful plague and here comes
one of the sweetest acts of kindness I've
ever received. I am simply blown away!

never expecting
amazing acts of kindness
im ever undone

Nov 23, 2020


Now I lay me down to sleep . . .

Have you ever thought about all the 
ways there are to pray?! 

We grew up as kids kneeling down by 
the bed and quoting Sidney D. Mitchell's 
sweet words. And not to forget, grace 
before every meal! Alas, I fear grace is 
usually saved now for the Thanksgiving 
family feasts.

For those of us who lean towards the 
spiritual rather than the religious, we 
find great comfort in meditation. For
me, it's all about sitting in solitude by
the fire and pondering the divine, both
within and without. In good weather, 
a walking meditation can be beneficial.
Those last few minutes before sleep
overcomes, are precious for a short

I don't think of Asian meditation as
as prayer. Still, it is a beautiful thing.
We as a people tend to be larger and 
may find the sitting position and the 
OM to be foreign to us. I do hear
good things from those who have
achieved it.

Do enjoy your form of prayer and/or
meditation in the way it makes you
comfortable. This does truly help!

pray grant me the grace
meditation brings me peace
my answered prayer

Nov 22, 2020


I was so sensible about the plague . . .

 . . . until it hit home! 

I read about it, came to understand 
it a bit better, followed the news 
closely, took all the precautions.

But, finding out that two of my close
friends and my daughter-in-law have
it, has me quaking in my boots. And
our neighbors are awaiting test results
even as we speak.

It's here, it's REAL, it's in our lives;
I'm truly frightened. What worries
me, it's become so commonplace
that we're being haphazard in our

Sometimes we forget our masks!
We practice social distancing, but
find ourselves closing in the space
as we converse. We go to town;
we should be staying at home.

As the plague becomes even more 
prevalent, let's take a step back and
return to the more cautious ways of
those initial months.

learning real fear
so need to face my demons
hopes prayers not enough

Nov 21, 2020


So loving me some Wild Woman Sisterhood!
Honor that they are not cookie cutter women!
Care that they both take care of themselves
and the family and friends who surround them.
Here's wondering where I fit in?!

I do know about me that I seriously lean on the
wild side. I've always appreciated that I'm not
a cookie cutter kind of gal. I adore my family, 
love my friends and even help my prójimo 
when I can. Always, always, comes back to 
the time eternal question, "Who do I want to 
be when I grow up?"

Even when I was little, I understood I was not
like the rest. It bothered me a bit of course.
But, I think I rather liked thinking outside the
box. Ditto for a couple of friends of mine. I
went through all the stages, just like anyone
else . . . Still, self-acceptance happens in 
stages along the way. And here I am, now
initiating my 70's and still the query, "Who 
do I want to be when I grow up?"

I have come to understand that this is actually
phenomenal. No matter the place, time, age
in which we find ourselves, there is always
room for expectations, for growth, for fun and
delight, for B E C O M I N G . . .

So, watch out, here I come . . . If you thought
I was weird before, just wait!!!

who am i to be
embracing my inner weird
finding out awaits

Nov 20, 2020


Been pondering the age old issue of beauty . . .

Me thinks every man, woman and child likes

to be told they are beautiful, gorgeous. We
all enjoy compliments and the feeling that
ensues of feeling good about ourselves.

I recall as a teacher, I had the goal of giving
100 compliments a day; 'bout 15 an hour.
Say it and walk away . . . "Fab scarf, like the
hairdo today, did you get your nails done;
they look nice. Hey, heard you playing your
guitar; great job." 

I actually made a point of never saying any
thing about looks. Not only do teachers have 
to be careful, delivery is important. Hence,
give the compliment and walk away. This
also helps with plausible discomfort and
what one must say after the compliment is

Beauty is indeed wonderful, but we all know
that it's the inner beauty that lasts. Just think
about giving compliments that don't have so
much to do with looks. This matters!

Making the effort . . . so want to be beautiful
on the inside!

no longer pretty
beauty is as beauty does
thinking gorgeous thoughts

Nov 19, 2020


As Thanksgiving draws nigh, I find myself

thinking about gratitude; 'tis the wherewithal
of the holiday, after all.

It's 2020 and most of us feel as if we've been
to hell and back this year, so perhaps I'm
feeling less grateful than usual. And, that
sentiment sparks a recognition in me . . . 

Frankly, I'm being a bit of a prat, if not a
downright brat! There are ever so many 
things to be thankful for even though we're 
enduring a great deal just now. So, how and 
where do I get my attitude fix?!

Positive thinking might be a bit much just 
now, so baby steps! Every morning, I'm 
writing down three things for which I am 
thankful. Living in a 130 year old cabin, 
there are things that spring to mind!

Although my water isn't potable, I have it.
We can shower, wash dishes, clean. flush.
The deer eat my flowers, but just think of
all that gardening I'm saved! Love birds
on the feeders; better than TV any day.
Perhaps I'm being facetious, but trying
to think outside the box here!!!

Bottom line, I'm alive even if I'm a 100
years old . . . and I'm damn grateful!

i am here arent i
in line for attitude fix
glad to be alive

Nov 18, 2020


I find interesting all the innumerous ways

people communicate today. As a kid, I
sent a postcard a day. At the weekends, I
would send someone a card and another,
a letter. Obviously, it was something I 
loved and still do to this day.

Alas, I am unfamiliar with the many ways
people communicate today. I understand
there is Twitter along with a host of other
techno founts such as; Mastodon, Gab,
Amino and Peeks. Don't even mention 

Almost forgot the telephone. I didn't
have a phone in Mexico for the 20 years
I was there, until the last couple of months.
My parents didn't have a phone until I was
9 or 10 and that was a 3-way party line I
wasn't allowed to use . . . so today, I rarely
ever use it.

Of course, we have e-mail and Facebook, 
the former being my favorite way of 
communication. You can write your notes
when the rest of God's world is asleep and
the recipients can answer at their leisure.

Best yet . . . send a postcard!

find im missing you
morse code telegrams drum rolls

Nov 17, 2020


For in much wisdom is much grief:

and he that increaseth knowledge
increaseth sorrow. Eccl. 1:18

I find myself thinking about this 
age old gem from time to time. Not 
only that, but there are times when
wisdom hurts so much that I long 
to be a dumb blond, to coin a very
inappropriate phrase!

It's interesting how life gifts us so
many learning experiences, that the 
only path left to us is to grow or die. 
And trust me, there are times I wish 
I had chosen death. Certainly glad 
I didn't, but this marks the difficulty 
of the path we choose to follow.

Recognizing that wisdom is virtually
an unattainable goal, still it must be
sought after religiously. The hope is
that one day we may acquire a bit
and have the joy of sharing it with
our children and grandchildren.

pray grant me wisdom
the path is so very hard
a race to be run

Nov 16, 2020


Me thinks . . .

'tis Monday morning coming down!

My apologies to Kris Kristofferson, 
but for me it will always be Monday; 
not my favorite day! Perhaps, it's all 
just a set up. You work hard all week, 
counting down to the weekend, and 
it goes by at the speed of sound.

Don't get me wrong, I loved teaching 
more than life itself, but I would be 
lying if I didn't admit to how much
I always enjoyed weekends. In fact, 
enjoyed them so much I always 
wanted just one more day with my 
family, as well as some quiet time 
for me!

What I don't get is, now that I'm 
retired, I still find myself looking
forward to, and enjoying the week
ends. Can't help but wonder who
programmed me . . . but, I still
don't care for Mondays!

no can do mondays
give me weekends every time
promise to work hard

Nov 15, 2020


I find myself pondering life before, during
and after this malady that plagues us . . .

Looking back, I think I did a lot of taking
life for granted prior to COVID. Life was
simply life and I was enjoying it to the 
max. I didn't have a clue what the gods
were about to bestow on us.

The plague caught us out. We didn't know,
we weren't prepared and we haven't coped
very well. This is an entirely new scenario 
for us. Did instructions come with the kit?
And here we are, winning first place in the
entire world for numbers and deaths. 
Where do we go from here?

Me thinks people are tired of coping and
obeying the rules. We're beginning to go
out, shop, eat out and hug again. But,
bottom line, we need to fight this thing
with everything we have.  We want, we
need to have an AFTER the plague.

Let's fight, let's be careful, let's live to
celebrate another day . . . 

tired of our now
live for another morrow
help me to be good

Nov 14, 2020


Survived Friday the 13th virtually
unscathed. Note the word, virtually!
Where do we go from here?

Listening to the news and COVID
updates . . . not quite sure what to
think . . . and it is this PLAGUE
that I find myself thinking about.

I fear we're becoming used to it
and thus, taking less care. Truly,
it's back to the drawing board for
how we take care of ourselves 
and our families. 

We need to be religious with 
both social distancing and our
masks. Perhaps, the best answer
would be a bit more staying at

We can put together interesting 
meals, do a puzzle, write a few
cards, telephone calls, e-mails.
I would add, do some house
cleaning, but that would be so

Nonetheless, let's do take care!

listen to daddy
tis better safe than sorry
stay home and be safe

Nov 13, 2020

11/13/2020 - Friday the 13th

So, is Friday the 13th the perfect gift 
from 2020, or what?! @!#$%^&*()_+

I don't tend to think of myself as being 
particularly superstitious, but I do catch
me holding my breath! I'm about halfway
betwixt and between putting out every
amulet I own and simply ignoring the
whole thing!

It's a bit comical that 13 is one of my
fave numbers. I use it a great deal and
even honor it. I also like Friday in that
it marks the end of the work week and
perhaps even the anticipation of FAC.
And, then there's the fact that the entire 
weekend awaits . . .

Frankly, I'd bet my non-existent fortune
that we're not really afraid of the day.
Rather, we have have fun with it, get a
kick out of it! And, that's exactly what
I'm planning to do.

Brunch with a fellow witch this morning
to begin . . . hey, did I just say witch?! I
meant friend. But maybe I'm just a tad
superstitious after all!

friday the thirteenth
come and get me if you can
i will be waiting

May today be the Fridayest Friday that ever Fridayed!

Nov 12, 2020


Hippie generation notwithstanding,
my own anti Viet Nam marches and
bra burnings . . .

My family is a military family and
I am proud of these, my family.


     FINO: Nicholas Fino, Alfil Fino 

     HOSKINS: Michael Hoskins

     JENNINGS: Samuel Jennings, 

     Chester Jennings, Mervin Jennings,                            

     Stanley Jennings, Gene Jennings

     KAUFHOLZ: Russel Kaufholtz, 

     Zak Kaufholtz

     MCGUINNESS: Ryan McGuinness

     KUKKONEN: Tony Kukkonen

     MACLEOD: Jacob MacLeod, 

     Kyla Dawn MacLeod

     SEYMOUR:  Michael Seymour

     VEATCH: Delton Veatch, Homer Veatch, 

     Ray Veatch, Shaun Veatch

It's such a conundrum! Obviously,
we'd all like to live in peace, see
no need to carry a gun, be friendly
and accepting of all. Alas, that is
not the world we live in today.

Perhaps acceptance is the answer.
We need to honor those who have
fought for our country, our lives.
We also have the right to wish it
unnecessary. But, bottom line . . .

 . . . we love our families; 
we are proud.

love and peace not war
vets protected family
acceptance of sorts

Nov 11, 2020


Help! I'm already tired of Winter . . .

and it's not even December 21st yet, 
the first day of Winter! Every year
I determine to have a more positive
attitude towards Winter . . . cold,
freezing, snowy, lonely days! It's
pretty hard to have said better 
approach when you have SADS, 
but, I'm going to try.

I've been thinking of some positive
things I could do to help myself.
We should go out to lunch every
week on a day that tends towards
bright and sunny. I've begun posting
the weather forecast on my calendar
so we can plan ahead to go out. It's
probably a good idea to do so early
in the day in order to get some sun!
Me thinks brunch or lunch might
work better than supper or dinner.

An early night with an upbeat movie,
maybe even popcorn too. Perhaps, I
need to get a table puzzle going. I 
used to do them regularly. I'm still
doing my crosswords and I find this

Alas, when it gets right down to it, 
me thinks I'll enjoy sitting in front
of the fire and having me some red!

so not dealing well
hate me some cold winter days
question survival 

Nov 10, 2020


Wild women are an unexplainable spark
of life. They ooze freedom and seek
awareness. They belong to nobody but
themselves, yet give a piece of who
they are to everyone they meet. If you
have met one, hold onto her, she'll allow
you into her chaos, but she'll also show
you her magic. Gypsy-Heart-Living

So love that wild within! Me thinks we
fear losing this spark as we grow older.
Said spark translates into different terms
for each of us, wild woman being one of
them. Independent, free thinker, eccentric,
unconventional, whimsical . . .

None of us like to think of ourselves as
cookie cutter. We tend to respect, even
like, our singularities. I doubt very much
any of us have cared about being like any
one else since middle school. 

Take your hikes, climb your mountains, 
dress your style, speak your lingo, and
love life your way. Let's each delight in 
our idiosyncrasies and enjoy whatever 
time the gods delight to gift us . . .

so love the weirdos 
worship at the feet of strange
learning to love me 

 - - -

Wilderness inside my soul, ground connecting,
air breathing, water bathing, fire breathing,
spirit flying! ~Heidi Unrein Cox

 - - -

Nov 9, 2020


Me thinks today must be Valentine's Day, or
Friendship Day, as it's referred to in Mexico.

I get to spend several hours with my besties.
There's this whole part, ANTICIPATION, 
followed by the actual hours of shared joy. 
But, I find I also love looking back and 
remembering the day, going over those
memories we created together.

I've been thinking about how we played as
children, with our cousins and neighbors.
In grade school, we probably had our first
choice of friends. I love the stories from
people who have maintained friendships
throughout their entire lives. 

Actually, credit goes to e-mail, Facebook,
the US Postal Service and cell phones for
helping us stay in touch. My fave is mail,
so on the morrow, I'll make the effort to
put out some cards.

lets make the effort
important to stay in touch
friends are forever

Nov 8, 2020


I seem to keep forgetting . . .

It either rains or doesn't rain.
It's either hot or cold.
The news is all uninteresting
or else it's all be told . . .
~Roy Croft

This current moment of history making 
may have us all in a kerfuffle, but it seems
life simply continues to move on at its own

I need to get groceries. Oh, and don't forget
those Thanksgiving cards that need to go in
the mail tomorrow. I should really lay in 
some mouse traps before Winter properly 
sets in. And by the way, our neighbor is 
stopping by for a bit and I don't even have
any wine to offer her.

Really, I have to laugh . . . there may even
be a lesson to be learned here! We ALL 
have our hopes and dreams, our own belief
systems, our chores and hobbies. We have
families, friends and plans . . . and yet, life
simply goes on. Maybe what I need here is
a bit of perspective. The stores have always
seemed to be out of it when I need it most!

Hell, do I actually see a tad of maturity
around the corner . . . maybe I'd best not
get too hopeful!

just considering
wonder about me sometimes
grow up already

Nov 7, 2020


Letting go, conundrum of the ages . . .

Alas, I've never been able to let go.
Why should I?! I remember ever so
fondly thee little friends of my youth.
Just because I'm about a hundred 
years old, I see no reason to stop
thinking of them. One of the things
I've much valued about FB is the
reconnection with Bonnie and Trudi.

I think of kids I went to boarding
school with and loved reconnecting
with Kathy Ford and Tish Jeffers.
I ponder those college years and
so wish I knew where Sylvia and
Irma were. No, I am certainly not
ready to let go. Love my memories,
and have no wish nor intention of
letting them go, scrapbooks of sorts
that they are.

I recall lads I dated, jobs I had and
classwork I was assigned. Those
couple of boarding schools, one
English speaking and one Spanish!
Dress codes to be dealt with, rules
to be broken, fave teachers, beloved
friends and even that odd special
chapel service. 

My children's births, husbands of
yesteryear, friends come and gone.
Languages to be learned, teaching
in different styles, class prep to be
turned in with zero computers in
sight. Amazing leadership, glorious
teaching companions, the odd one
 . . . not so good.

Coming to the US again twenty
years later, building a new life,
learning to fit in or accepting it
just wasn't going to happen. I
have loved, and on occasion,
hated, it all. Ever so glad my
destiny was to be here for a

When it's my time to go, I will be
saddened. Life seemed to have
passed by in a second, but it was
my second after all and I'm beyond
grateful to have been chosen. Let
go? No! Now now, now ever . . .

so loved my time here
hoping for a second round
i will let you know


Who says the 70's are old . . .

Just because we happened to have
grown up in peddle pushers and
did our hair in curlers every night.
NOT to forget patten leather and
saddle shoes!

Got our first phone when we were
ten, party line of three. Had our first
TV when we'd been married ten years.
Go ten!

No pants in our scholastic years,
dresses only. Forget make up until
college. Virginity prior to marriage
and work only until the wedding 
ring was on.

Shaved legs, nylons and three inch
high heels to work. Braziers always,
undies and slips . . . heaven forbid
any see through should take place.

We do miss some of those things 
from yesteryear, but me thinks I 
like today even a bit better . . .

dreams of yesterday
who was i then and who now
already forgot

Nov 5, 2020


The world will not be destroyed by
those who do evil, but by those who
watch them without doing anything.
~Albert Einstein 

These are the moments, the hours
and days that we stand by awaiting
the results that will perhaps affect
our lives forever. I lift my glass to
patience. I raise my arms to embrace
you. I raise my hand to help you in
any way I can.

I like this period of not knowing 
as it gives me pause to remember 
who and how I wish to be when 
the counting's done. I have friends 
in both parties. My family actually 
belongs to three different parties.
Sooooo what?! Isn't that what we're 
all about?! 

That priceless freedom we enjoy
so we can each think and believe
differently?! Why should it matter
that my mother is Republican, my
father an Independent and I'm a
Democrat?! I so remember fondly
the wondrous discussions we had

No matter who wins, my family is 
my family, my friends, my friends!

freedom of choices
each with a mind of our own
love me anyway

Nov 4, 2020


Yesterday, I wore pearls . . .

 . . . honoring Ruth Badder Ginsburg, my
shero. Obviously, this all started with her
and initially I was devastated that I didn't
own any pearls. Just not a pearl kind of
gal. Then I recalled a sweet little jewelry
box my grandmother gifted me from her
youth. YES! It contained a short strand 
of pearls. I like to wonder if they're real
and then I remember the time frame . . .
WWI . . . not bloody likely!
Wearing those precious pearls, I began 
thinking about the women in my own 
family tree. My mother was very much 
a modern woman, straight forward, knew 
her own mind. She hailed from the WWII 
era. My grandmother Elsie, with witch 
like canny, was no one to be messing with.
My cousin Cathy knows her own mind,
is very comfortable with her personhood
and takes care of business. Our aunt Vera
was an amazingly strong woman, fearless
in offering up her opinion. And, my girl
bests us all! I want to be just like her when
I grow up!

I pray I am worthy of such women!

longing for the strength
woman stand up be counted
making the attempt

Nov 3, 2020

11/03/2020 - election day

And so begins the waiting game . . .
waiting, waiting, waiting . . .

I remember the waiting as a kid. "Wait until
after supper! Let's wait until the weekend!
Wait until Christmas Eve, dear. That's not
for today; we're having that when grandma
comes over."

I recall the waiting as a young adult . . .
"Sorry, can't access your savings for another 
five weeks. Oh, we won't have that product
back in the store until Thanksgiving as it's
seasonal. You've waited this long, surely 
you can wait another day or two!"

Me thinks waiting as an elder may be the
most difficult of all . . . "Alas, we cannot
schedule it for yet another two months. I'm
sorry, but your account simply can't cover
that check. The children have had to cancel
their visit due to unforeseen circumstances."

And today, we wait . . . wait to see which
party will win the election. Will it be hopes
and dreams or disappointment and sorrow?
Will I have the wherewithal to act as an
adult, albeit a win or a loss? Do I have it
within me to access grace and poise 
'mongst the disappointment I may feel?

No matter the outcome, I pray I win my
own battle . . .

are you listening
sit up stand straight deal with it
act like a grown up

Nov 2, 2020

11/02/2020 - All Souls Day

Alas today, All Souls Day, ends the three
days of celebrating our beloved dead. We 
can actually find some amusement, if not
actual fun, on October 31st. November 1st,
is heartbreak of heartbreaks as we bare our
souls for the children we have lost. Today,
we celebrate those adults we have each lost 
in our lives.  

Obviously, there are some who are ill and
need to go, and although there is sorrow,
there is also relief. There are young people,
albeit adults, who go years too early, and 
that just hurts on several levels. Sadly, we
have all lost family and friends. Sometimes,
our grief is so overwhelming, we're not
certain we can go on.

Right or wrong, these yearly three day
celebrations of life over death, and the vast
sorrow also felt, actually help to cope with
loss. I find myself grateful for these Days
of the Dead. So today, think of your loved
ones, cook their favorite foods, sing their
special songs, tell tales out of school . . . and
if you are so inclined, build a precious altar.

pray come back today 
oh daddy how i miss you
tales of death abhor 

Nov 1, 2020

11/01/2020 - All Saints Day

Today, Día de todos los Santos, celebrates
those beloved children we have lost. I find
this particular day, a celebration that breaks
my heart.

There must be no loss greater than the loss
of a child. I don't even know how it can be
borne.  So, I much appreciate the way All
Saints Day celebrates the lives of those
children lost to us.

Familial celebrations around the resting 
places of our children, bringing them their
favorite foods, singing and sharing love
and memories, must be both painful and

Heaven forbid, you have suffered the loss
of a child. Should that be your misfortune,
I pray you may be comforted in some way.
Alas, I doubt it can happen and my prayers
go out to you.

my heart is broken
the sorrow of losing you
never be the same

Oct 31, 2020

10/31/2020 - Halloween, Samhain, Day of the Dead eve

Although I hate to see my fave month
come to an end, it always crescendos in
wondrous cultural celebrations.

Here in the US, we are accustomed to
celebrating HALLOWEEN. The children 
dress in fantastic costumes, the scarier
the better. They go door to door in what
is known as 'Trick or Treats'. Obviously,
kids want candy and threaten pranks if
not rewarded. All in good fun . . .

For those practitioners of Paganism, 
the celebration is SAMHAIN. This is
our most important Sabbat of the year.
It honors the third harvest; gleaning
takes place, both physically and
metaphorically. Samhain marks both
the end of the current year and the
beginning of the Pagan new year. 

The three day Pagan celebration of 
Latin America's Días de los Muertos
begins. Many use the entire month of
October in preparation for this event.
This being the EVE of the three-day
celebrations, families and friends 
congregate around sundown, many in
costumes. Altars to lost family are built.
Amazing foods, for both the living and 
the dead, are set up on tables. Dancing, 
eating, story telling ensue . . . all in 
honor of our beloved dead.

so missing my dad
tonight i visit with him
the veil is thinning

Oct 30, 2020


Pondering comeuppance and just desserts . . .

On the one hand, what with the majority 
of us having a bit of a sweet tooth, how did
the concept of just desserts ever come out 
of our love for confections?! Perhaps, 'tis
the end of this meal that is life . . .

Obviously, there are many who don't go
for sugar, per se. Still, we probably could
all do with that one piece of chocolate now 
and again. Extrapolating here, how then
does one ensure that the baddies get their 
just due?

Sometimes it's all about the law, and alas, 
the law most likely deals with those bigger 
crimes. Karma steps in from time to time
and takes care of business. Still others take
it upon themselves to punish and protect,
sometimes paying a high price as well.

Perhaps the operative word here IS karma.
Bringing out those wise old adages . . .
"Stay in your own lane. Mind your own 
business. Do right by yourself and others. 
Keep striving! Keep your hands clean."

Seems to be there's a bit of wisdom in 
those old axioms! Me thinks I'll just try 
to be a good girl and enjoy my chocolate 
after dinner!

mama done told me
a good spanking awaits
must mind p's and q's

Oct 29, 2020


Me thinks life is a sphere of concentric circles . . .

Visualizing our tiny beginnings and those small
endings . . . LIFE, with our living fleshed out in
the center. I find those beginnings of interest,
that little life I was living as a child. My whole
world was the town I lived in, the church we
attended, those few family and friends, and my
beloved school.

As I grew and left home at 15 to study abroad,
so did my world. A bigger city, more friends,
a plethora of nationalities, different ways of
thinking and a broader exploration of politics.
I was WOWED . . . and loved every moment.

Marrying out of my own race, living south
for 20 years, studying a variety of unrelated
disciplines, all brought about this broadening
of life experiences. I love to think the center
of my own circle of life is my children. Such
amazing, beautiful creatures they are. 

41 years of teaching in two countries . . . 
talk about a broadening of life experiences!
Truly, nothing else can compare. Alas, as one
walks away from a beloved career, slightly
bent and facing the cane years, that sphere
begins its travels towards the finish line. 

I'm nearly there . . . tremendously interested 
in that upcoming experience, a bit frightened, 
yet anxious for a good look-see. 

that enticing sphere
coming round full circle 
beginnings endings

Oct 28, 2020


Thinking about forgetfulness as it applies 
to me. Forever and a day, we've all heard 
the elder forgetting jokes and can't help 
but wonder if that's us waiting to happen.

I just took out the trash and can't remember
if I brought back my guy's trash can! Go
figure! Sometimes, I eat two breakfasts, fun! 
And, I've been known to answer the same
e-mail twice or comment a couple of times
on the same post.

So, I've been having a think . . . Is it that I'm 
truly forgetful, or is it that I don't pay attention 
to business? Maybe, my mind doesn't consider
whatever to be important and dismisses it.
Perhaps, I'm acting by rote and am pondering 
some things I consider to be important and am 
distracted. It may even be, d) all of the above.

Bottom line, I'm coming to the conclusion
that we humans show all of the above traits 
at all ages and we don't particularly pay
attention to this until we're oldsters.

I'm beginning to think forgetfulness is fairly
unimportant, so I'm going to treat myself to
second breakfast with Tolkien as my guest.

a light in the dark
forgetting remembering
both phenomenal

Oct 27, 2020


Then there's all those fantastical words . . .

It almost seems that they've been made up.
I find myself flummoxed by all those crazy
words enticing my silly side at every sound. 
Most people have very lackadaisical attitudes
towards their own speech patterns, but I get
a kick out of them anyway.

I mean, when you think about it, a lot of
lingo is completely discombobulated. For
me, most of it is gobbledygook anyway.
Poppycock! Today, most of these young 
whippersnappers would get entirely lost 
in the kerfuffle when it comes to language!

Well, I'd probably better stop lollygagging
around here. The neighbors are making a
horrific hullaballoo with their Halloween
party. For me, it's a lot of malarkey. Maybe
I feel that way because we weren't invited.

seduce me with words
verbiage is to my liking
love me the lingo  

Oct 26, 2020


Lingo on my mind . . .

Contemplation or thought? Humungous or
large? Nice or awesome? Sweet or lovely?
Phenomenal or good? Delicious or delectable?

Not certain it really matters. We all have a
different predilection for various kinds of
language. Some prefer simple, direct, clear.
Makes for good understanding. One of my
fave authors, Robert B. Parker, wrote his
plethora of books in exactly this manner.

There are those who seem to dote on the
more flowery side of linguistics, almost
poetic. I find I can do floral bouquets of
language just about as much as I can do
PINK . . . so NOT well! Having finally 
confessed, I will say this . . .

 . . . I love! LOVE!! L O V E !!! language.
I revel in the use of those absolutely delish 
words. Give me a . . . transcendent, prolific,
soniferous, veridical . . . and as my practice
is cartomancy, I may as well add that to the

Time was when a word a day was the norm.
And, as we grow older, this kind of thing
becomes even more important. Give it a try!
One a week might be more like it at my 

lingo at its best
gift me some delectables
language enamored