Feb 21, 2020


Not sure if I love, like, or am simply
enamored with the gadgetry I've found
here in the US.

I grew up with the rudimentary potato
peeler, cheese grater and can opener.
Credit goes to both tin and stainless.
I can remember how thrilled I was when
I got my first hard boiled egg slicer. So

Now, when you're looking through the
gadget section at the local grocery stores
or the likes of Walmart, there are entire
aisles dedicated to the subject. For hand
comfort, they now have plastic handles
in a variety of colors. If you had one of
each, they wouldn't fit in your kitchen

And, forget the hand held . . . now almost
every one of those is found in electric as
well. That changes the class from gadget
to small appliance.

For me, in my 130 year old cabin, I'll stick
with my first loves. Anything more modern
would look ridiculous and the old fashioned
serves me well. Plus, since I love my old
gadgets, I have to be loyal, don't I?!

the battle of age
valuable archaic
sticking with older

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