Feb 13, 2020


So love me some being spoiled!

I woke up to blueberry pancakes
in bed yesterday . . . with the extra
mile . . . melted butter, warmed syrup
and oj and ice cold milk to go with.

What kind of man does this for his
woman?! But, it gets worse! I believe
he noticed how bad my SADS was
getting with being shut in and two feet
of snow outside! So, in the afternoon,
he says, "Why don't we have a mystery
fest in bed?!" Next thing I know, he's
popping in a British detective show and
handing me a screwdriver to go with.

I fell asleep content and alright with
my little world. Next thing I know, he's
waking me up and telling me I need to
get downstairs and take a peek at the
moon. I mostly went to please him,
although I'm the moon person in the
family. Oh my God! It was high and
huge; I had to sit on the floor to see it
properly. Bright yellow and shrouded
in mist. I could have wept.

I surmise . . . God isn't dead! Love isn't
non-existent and I'm just loving being
seventy! I promise myself, I'm going to
remember this day the next time he's
annoying the hell out of me!

blest by mother
so love me being spoiled
where do i give thanks

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