Apr 30, 2020


I keep seeing signs of 'happy' all around me.
I hear friends insisting we try to be happy
during the onslaught of this horrific plague.
There are very positive articles suggesting
that making an effort to be happy will make
enduring and surviving this time easier. The
message is coming through . . .

And then, I remembered my Jr. High days.
We had this 'Happiness is . . .' thing going.
We would make lists. The girls would even
decorate theirs with hearts and strings.
We really got into it, making it a bit of a
competition. Notebooks full of hundreds of
happy . . . Priceless! Me thinks I'll try a few.

Happiness is . . .

     loving my children
     a fab partner
     my Pagan clan
     phenomenal friends
     staying in touch
     living in my cabin
     studying and writing daily
     food in the larder
     a decent liquor cabinet
     a retirement to enjoy
     a long life
     reliable transportation
     a magick carpet for travel

Hey, pretend you're in Middle School and
make your own list!

happy over sad
so making this commitment
try to remember

Apr 29, 2020


"I am drawn to freethinkers. The dark
horse. The black sheep. The odd bod. 
The daydreamer. The underdog. The 
loner. The hermit. The enlightened. 
The outcast. The believer. The eccentric. 
The maverick. The old soul. The lost. 
The forgotten. The wild spirit. The 
quirky. And all who believe in magick. 
You are my tribe". ~Amelia Dashwood

I soooo wish I had written these words! 
They are inscribed on that magick banner 
that proceeds me in the battle that is this

I am beyond grateful that I was reared 
by an eccentric father. I never did fit in 
the cookie cutter set. Too odd, would 
be my guess. My entire life, I have been
fortunate to find those fab peoples who,
although different from me, are unique.

I like people who think outside the box.
I LOVE people who dispense with the
box entirely! Come on! Let's build a
Spring bonfire and burn those boxes!
What a glorious way to keep warm. 

Let's color outside the lines! All colors,
black and white, no colors at all. Let's
seek out those brilliant strains that make
us each different. Live and let live! Let's
raise our glasses to those quirks within.

color me magick
so love me some strange odd rare
lets rock different

Apr 28, 2020


I don't know how to save the world.
I don't have the answers or the answer.
I hold no secret knowledge as to how
to fix the mistakes of generations past
and present. I only know that without
compassion and respect for all of earth's
inhabitants, none of us will survive, nor
will we deserve to. ~Leonard Peltier

Me thinks Leonard Peltier has the right
of it. I don't know how to save the world
either. I don't even know how to save my
world. I don't even know how to save me.
But, I want to make a stab at it. I know
there are no answers . . . but perhaps if
each were to work on saving ourselves,
the world would be a better place.

This wretched plague in which we find
ourselves much involved, has shown us
the right of it. It's revealed who we miss
most, what foods we run out of first,
what mail we wish we would receive,
who we wish would call. I actually feel
stymied. Action lies dormant, my body
is in stasis. And in contrary mode, my
thoughts run amuck.

I keep thinking, when all of this is over,
I'm going to exercise, eat better, write
more. And now I ask, "What's wrong
with right now?" Alas, it seems I need
an ending in order to have a beginning!
Me thinks I need to get out of my head
and into my body!

wake up old woman
you are alive are you not
so what the hell gives

Apr 27, 2020


From the time I was pre-teen, I heard
adults talk about 'finding themselves'.
I was fairly curious about the statement.
I imagine I was taking it literally. In time,
I came to understand exactly what they
were talking about. Still, I've come to
believe that this doesn't happen in one
fell swoop! We learn about ourselves by
simply living life and paying attention.

As a child, I had only one doll at a time.
Each Christmas, I got a new doll. If I had
kept the old doll as nice as the new doll,
I could keep it and give the old one away.
I remember going to a small shack with
my dad to give my old doll away. I was so
overwhelmed with their poverty, I gave the
little girl my new doll. We sat on the floor
and played with them, me with my old doll
and she with the new. From this, I learned
that I have a generous nature.
One day, my dad measured both me and
my best friend. My bestie was a tad taller.
I burst into tears. From this, I learned that
I have a competitive nature.

Upon hearing gossip, I would defend - loyal.
Visiting a new place, i like to explore - curious.
My guy paying too much attention to another
gal - jealous. Seeing shoddy work - disdainful.
Comparing prices - penny pincher.

Our actions, at different ages, under different
circumstances, give away our natures. All we
have to do is pay attention. I find myself pleased
sometimes, others, vastly disappointed. Really,
we know who we are. Learning to accept oneself,
striving to grow, patient with ourselves as much
as we are with others; 'tis the way . . .

so trying my best
exhausted with the effort
understanding me

Apr 26, 2020


Where do we go from here?

Right or wrong, I usually think ahead.
We just saw the announcement that
the mandated quarantine will end in
less than two weeks. So, of course it
got me thinking . . .

This 'plague' isn't over yet, but the
quarantine will be. How do we slowly
reintegrate ourselves into society
without becoming ill? Do we still take
precautions or just lump it? We do
need groceries and other essentials
(like wine and beer).

I freely admit, I've always had trouble
with the happy medium. Still, it might
be time to embrace it. Wonder if I can
actually pull it off? Wear a mask, buy
some groceries, get wine at a safe
distance, and still stay home as much
as possible!

Maybe, therein lies the answer . . .
reentry little bit by little bit. What's
a few more weeks? Months? I'd
rather be alive than dead, anyway!

peeking out windows
tis nature over nuture
dare to venture forth

Apr 25, 2020


Lady In Waiting

Lady in waiting
Just turned three
Playing 'let's pretend'
With that invisible friend.

Lady in waiting
All of Seven
Flying feet of gypsy queen
Dancing with the wind.

Lady in waiting
Sweet sixteen
Princess in a castle tower
Carriage standing by.

Lady in waiting
Just nineteen
Here comes your dashing prince
to crown you his queen.

Lady in waiting
Games all done
Ruined castle ravaged
Your men gone to war.

Lady in waiting
Are you still there?
Are you still waiting?
Still waiting? Still waiting?

~Linda-Dale Jennings

Apr 24, 2020


I find it interesting how we each seem to be
interacting with the plague. Some of us are
lucky enough to be home and stay at home.
Sure makes for some interesting meals though.
Ever had homemade chili on top of pasta? How
about mushroom soup mixed with noodles?
My fave is a breakfast blender drink with a
dash of vanilla vodka; I kid you not!

All jest aside, I recognize how difficult this has
been for parents dealing with homeschooling.
Unless you happen to be lucky enough to be
a teacher, it's a daunting task. How to balance
the pressure, the tedium, those time outs and
parenting vs adult time?!

I don't watch tele, but my guy tells me there
are exercise programs, sing alongs, cooking
lessons, infomercials and any number of
sows to help you get through the day.

There are plenty of jokes about women staying
at home with their children, drinking early,
watching soaps and getting fat. I doubt very
much that there's any truth to that. I wouldn't
be caught dead watching a soap. I'm already
fat and I have no issue with drinking early.

Bottom line, we have to have patience and
take much care to not become ill. We will
ultimately come out of this; Lord willing and
the Devil doesn't intervene!

impatient by birth
facing tests of solitude
so pray i make it

Apr 23, 2020


During this wretched plague, we've been
delving into a great number of mysteries.
They're entertaining and it's rather fun to
try and guess the 'who done it'. We each
have our own opinions, thus we argue back
and forth to see who guessed the ending.

I've always loved mysteries, albeit by book
or by movie. The absolute most fun is when
you've read the book and then get to see
what they've done with it in movie form. It
always annoys me when the powers at be
don't respect the author's work!

Now, here in my little corner of paradise,
I'm often the one reading or watching the
mystery, while his royal highness enjoys
his westerns. But, during the plague, we
have enjoyed the mysteries together.

My fear through, is that the pair of us are
turning into perfect murder buffs. We talk
about what the murderer did wrong, how
we could improve manner and means. We
even discuss how the perfect murder could
be accomplished.

Alas, I fear you'd better watch out for the
pair of us . . . or maybe I'll just join my guy
in westerns from now on.

beware state of mind
ever murder on the brain
wheres my horse and gun

Apr 22, 2020


04/22/2020 - Earth Day

Today marks the 50th anniversary of
Earth Day. I am particularly proud that
this remarkable honoring of Mother Earth
happened in my own lifetime. I was 20
at the time; me thinks that makes me
about 100 years old!

My parents used to take us camping  in
the Rocky Mountains late Spring, Summer
and early Fall. When the weather wasn't
cooperating, lovely rides awaited us. So,
I happily blame my parents for my initial
love of Mother Nature. Bless them!

Earth Day has garnered even more gifts.
We now have a nation wide recycling
program. You can see interested citizens
picking up trash on the beaches, along
the highways, as well as walking paths
in the mountains. I've seen people on
their daily walks, simply pause and pick
up a piece of offending trash whenever
they happen to see it.

Two things occur to me . . . Firstly, any
person or persons of modicum intelligence,
should stop littering, period! I feel a rant
coming on so I'll stop right here. Secondly,
if each and every one of us, would pick up
trash when we see it, Mama Earth could
really strut her stuff!

Today is a reminder . . . a reminder to
recycle, aid in picking up trash, to use
and reuse rather than throwing away, to
"waste not, want not". Whatever exemplifies
your own personal pet peeve, continue
doing it in honor of Mother Earth.

(And, don't even get me started on the
trash bountiful in our oceans!)

mom lets sit awhile
mother earth the beautiful
i worship at your feet

Apr 21, 2020


Cabin fever, ahoy . . .

I am grateful that this current brouhaha
and the ensuing quarantine has happened
during the cold of Winter months. At
least, it makes it easier to stay home.

Still, as the warmer weather is creeping
in and our Spring snows are diminishing,
I begin to feel the itch, along with every
one else. In our dotage, we've enjoyed
eating out a couple of times a month.
Grocery shopping takes us out, as well
as the odd errand popping up. So, how
does one reintegrate into societal

I imagine the dive back into life as we
knew it, won't be quite so quick and dirty.
We're as tenebrous as a child taking those
first steps. We ask ourselves, "Is it really
safe to go out? Do I still need to protect
myself? What if . . . ? What if . . . ?"

I also imagine that in due time, it will be
quite easy to revert to old habits. Now,
I wouldn't say we need to reinvent those
pesky New Year's Resolutions,  but 'tis
time to be somewhat forethoughtful.
Whilst we're still in time-out, as it were,
we can think ahead about how to safely

For me, it always boils down to, "Who do
I want to be when I grow up?" Thank the
gods there are always morrows, as upon
rescinding my good intentions, I always
promise to be good the following day!
Here's wishing us all good luck in our
reinventions of self!

can we go out now
daddy daddy im so scared
promise to be good

Apr 20, 2020


Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses,
And all the king's men,
Couldn't put Humpty together again.
~English Nursery Rhyme

I've often wondered about 'broken'. I imagine
we've all been there, one way or another.
The loss of a child, a spouse, a parent . . .
The end of a love that sustained us . . .
A home taken away, life as we knew it,
shattered. Broken . . .

Obviously, you think you'll never get over
it, never heal. The pain is too great to ever
go away. That said, it has also been said
that TIME is the great healer. Yet, there
have been those occasions when I feel there
isn't enough time in the entire universe to
heal me, to deal with my sorrow.

I believe it's a mistake to blow it off. The
other extreme, drowning in sorrow for the
rest of your life isn't healthy either. Perhaps,
the answer lies in balance. Take a long hard
look at the sorrow you are experiencing.
Acknowledge it, honor the pain, go through
it. Your pain, your sorrow is real; don't
down play it! But, don't come to enjoy it

Then, it's time to seek healing. We are
each different. Some will find solace in the
church, others in nature, others in play.
Your healing is as important as the pain
that requires it. Seek the healing, allow
the healing to do its work, and then, and
only then, let it go. You have a life to live;
live it!

my heart cries for you
my soul sings out its sorrow
seeking endurance

Apr 19, 2020


Obviously, we're all different; no contest
there. Some of us are 'touchy feely' while
others don't enjoy touch or even abhor it.
Most of us, in today's society, do hug our
friends upon meeting. And, here we are
today with touch forbidden.

I've much enjoyed the pics and articles
of people's drive by hellos. Parents and
adult children hanging out with 10 feel
between them, sharing their news and
stories in slightly elevated voices. So,
bottom line, what can we do in the
absence of touch?

I'm not a phoner, per se, but even I've
enjoyed the odd call just to say hello.
E-mail and other social media manners
of communication are wondrous ways
to stay in touch. Proper letter writing is
a gift I would so like to see returned to
popularity. I'm not even certain I would
remember how, what with e-mail so

So, let's communicate one way or another.
Staying in touch during this most difficult
time is important, to say nothing about a
way to send alternative hugs.

so missing your touch
sending xox today
when can i hold you

Apr 18, 2020


I'm 70! Wow, that's a mouthful! I've been
waiting so long to die that I find it rather
unbelievable. But at some point, it must
be accepted or rejected. I pray I have the
courage to accept it.

So, having messed about and wasted plenty
of time, what the hell does one do with 70?
Me thinks the only path for me is to embrace
this gift of time shared with me from the
universe. I find I much lament the time I have
wasted . . . frittering it away in lamentations,
worries, curses and stamping my feet.

Having wasted, to some degree or other, the
first few months of being 70 . . . 'tis time to
decide who I want to be when I grow up. I
find myself giddy with anticipation . . .

Above all, I want to grow . . . NOT grow up!
Grow! 'Tis a fine time to leave behind the
'petties' as I like to call them! The petty of
holding grudges, the petty of not forgiving,
the petty of belittling myself, the petty of
smirks and sours, whatever they may be!

Why is it that we simply cannot BE?! Why
can't we bask in the miracle of BEING?!
Watch out life, here I come and I'm going
to be great!!! (I'm tempted to say, "Now,
I'm in for it!" But no, that was the old me!)

slowly but surely
awaking from my nightmares
put them behind me

Apr 17, 2020


Isn't it interesting what we adults get
up to in order to entertain ourselves?!
Or, maybe I should say, 'elder adults'
rather than just adults . . . 'tis a world
of opposites, I suppose.

I can well remember going out to
the movies, and now I actually prefer
flicks in bed rather than leaving home
 . . . go figure!

I used to enjoy going to parties . . .
and still do a bit. But, going out to eat
about twice a month does it for me.

I've always loved hitting the library,
but now it's easier to download books
from an appropriate site.

I used to mail a letter or two a day, and
now I e-mail all the time. I argue with
myself that it's quicker, if not down right
instantaneous . . . but that sweet scent
from a drop of perfume . . . or that pen
in purple used to compose a bit of giddy
verse . . . gorgeous stamps and a hand
written address . . . none of which e-mail
can compare.

Oh, and my outfits of yesteryear, spike
heels included . . . to die for . . . and now
I engage exclusively in my 'black look'
 . . . with boots, if I'm dressing up!

Have I become an old woman? I swore I
never would. Is the weight gain, the lack
of make up, less interest in exotic foods
and fine cocktails, all about aging?!

Oh my God . . . me thinks I've become
an old biddy overnight! I'd crawl away
and weep if indeed I had the energy! Me
thinks I'd better be exploring my inner
crone here pretty soon!!!

celebrating years
'bout aging i sing and dance
awaiting decades

~Linda-Dale Jennings

Apr 16, 2020


Just call me bartender . . .

You hear, from time to time, that people
invent drinks. Me thinks some of them
should be named after our 2020 plague,
or should I say, meltdown!

I suppose it stands to reason, that being
nigh onto shut-ins, we're all getting rather
inventive with our drinks. I imagine we all
have a somewhat hit and miss menu of
home bars. Obviously, we have our fave
bottles of magic . . . and if we're on the
ball, there are the odd bottles of mixers
in there as well.

My guy tried screwdrivers, not quite my
cup of tea. I went for bloodies . . . forgot
I had mixer in the fridge, and let me tell
you, V-8s don't quite cut it! So, we went
back to our fail-safes . . . Margaritas!!!

We had all the ingredients . . . Tequila
and mixer . . . oh no, all out of Triple Sec!
So, made them anyway . . . alas, sans ice.
They were okay, do-able, if you get my
drift. I apologized to my guy about the
lack of Triple Sec . . . but, we decided
we'd survive.

This morning, I go into the kitchen and
noticed . . . the bottle was NOT Tequila,
it was Triple Sec, the mixer I thought we
were out of. Sooooo, where the hell was
the Tequila?! Guess, I didn't have any?!

Don't know if any of you have had the
privilege of a non-tequila marg, but 'tis
a 2020 marg! Wonder how much the
agents of booze will be willing to offer
me for that invention!!!

twenty twenty drinks
invents ever so much fun
call me bartender

Apr 15, 2020


I always wanted a sister . . .  alas, 'twas not to be!
But incredibly, Mama Earth has gifted me several!!
Me thinks I am the luckiest sister in the world!!!

Unfortunately, all my cousins lived far, far away.
The closest was my younger first cousin. I loved
it when she came to visit. We could play for hours;
I would actually cry when she had to leave with
my uncle. To this day, she is the sister I never had.
Sooooo love her!

I have a friend a few towns away. Once a month
she comes for a night of reds and treats by the fire.
We talk, laugh, cry, confide . . . my soul is rescued.
The next morning, we coffee, brunch and discuss . . .
 . . . books and issues with another dear friend.
Bless mama for these two sisters!!

I have sisters far, far away . . . found in boarding
school, in my years in Mexico, at college and
teaching. I thought I was there for learning, for
garnering a career. Maybe, I was wrong; maybe,
I was in these different places to find my sisters?!

At the end of the day . . . I've loved my own kids,
enjoyed my students, adored my friends and
raised cain to hell and back again with my sisters.
Who could ask for more?!

so love my sisters
me thinks they belong to me
other moms daughters

Apr 14, 2020


Woke up at o' dark thirty this morning at
5 degrees and 6 - 8 inches snow (My guy
measures 6"; I measure 8"!). Some Spring
we're having . . . I am sooooo done!

I swear, I'm having phantasies of getting
in the old chuck wagon and moving West,
or South, or South West! Anywhere to get
me away from these Winters!!!

What's the answer? I go through this every
single Winter, but I truly believe this has
been the hardest Winter in forever. I do
admit though, it might be because of the

Sooooo, where to go from here?! The news
this a.m. says we're to have two sunny days
and then Mother Nature is gifting us yet
another dump. Me thinks the state won't be
having any trouble with her water table!

Think I'll do a table puzzle . . . oh that's
right. Not supposed to go out and the stores
are closed anyway. Maybe I'll mix a drink . . .
oh no, all out of booze. A book perhaps . . .
ah, my library is across the street. Guess I'll
cook . . . yikes, the food situation is quite
interesting if nothing else!!!

Not to worry, only a few more months to go
and Pollyanna will be chatting with me this
afternoon. She seems to think I'm wayyyyy
tooooo negative and that I need to get over
myself. I'm trying! I'm trying! Just been
hanging out with the wrong people. Oh,
that would be 'me' I've been hanging with!

sorry weathermen
skipping spring welcome summer
enough already

Apr 13, 2020


I am ever amazed at human ingenuity and
these tough times seem to bring about the
best in us! The various ways of celebrating
Easter yesterday, showcased this perfectly.

Some folks actually braved the storm and
went to church anyway, not a good idea in
my opinion. There were on line services
from every walk of faith. Still, my fave
was to be found in Delta, Colorado, home
of my maternal grandmother and favorite

People gathered at what must be the last
outdoor theater in existence. They parked
carefully and left their windows closed.
At the pre-arranged time, Easter Sunday
was presented and celebrated on this
gigantic, outdoor screen. It must have
been phenomenal. I imagine even God
must have been impressed, and of course
the angels sang.

I know a lot of families still made the
traditional Easter egg hunt possible for
their children. Many of our little babes
sported Easter dresses and the actual
Easter baskets were as delightful and
clever as ever.

Midst all the ingenious celebrations,
the reason for this Christian observance
must not be lost in the frivolities . . .
Remembrance is important!

need to celebrate
the reasons notwithstanding
praise the lord indeed

Apr 12, 2020


What a difference a day makes!

Yesterday afternoon, my guy steps outside
for some reason or other and finds the weather
to be lovely and the warmth enticing. He hollers
out to me, "Hey babe, come here a minute . . . "
And, that was the beginning of the loveliest p.m.
we've had since this damn plague took over our

It was warm! That says it all after a long, drawn
out Winter. We sat under our fave tree, had a
corona or two and simply reminded ourselves
what warm fresh air feels like! Sitting there,
summer plans kept bubbling over in our 'house
arrest' infested brains. And, we quite literally did
sit there for hours, unwilling to let go of that
miraculous moment in time.

And then . . . awaking this early morn to find it
snowing, and snowing hard! Wasn't it only a few
hours ago we were sitting outside with a cold
one in hand?! And now, all I want is a hot tea in

I believe it wasn't supposed to start snowing
until this evening. This bodes well, or ill (your
preference depending) for getting a proper
dump. I so wish Spring would hurry up and
get here! Me thinks yesterday must have been
Mama Nature in a teasing mood! Indeed, what
a difference a day makes . . .

so tired and cold
longing for all things sunny
depression ahoy

Apr 11, 2020


Oh my God . . . the lovers of today!

I only suggested we go to the laundromat,
You know, not to go out-out, not even to
buy groceries. No inference as to maybe
take a ride in the car or find out how to
do something fanciful like 'tele talk over
the world wide web'!

He informs me that no way in hell are we
going to the laundromat; we can hand
wash our clothes at home. Man, oh man,
I haven't done that sine I left Mexico 30
years ago! Grrrrrrrrr!!! I then responded
that if this were the case, we should each
wash our own. He was agreeable. So, I
proceeded to divvy up the clothes so
we'd each have our respective duties.
Un-f-ing-believable!!! I had a heaping
bushel basket of laundry and he had a
pair each of shorts and socks! Sometimes,
there is simply no justice in this world!

Me thinks I'll be spending Easter Sunday
deep into my great grandmother's
old wash tub. I don't know if she'll be
smiling down on me, chuckles spilling
out inadvertently . . . or . . . frowning
menacingly because I'm not in church.
Guess I'll soon be finding out. Here's
hoping I get the clothes clean in spite of
continuously looking over my shoulder!

not looking forward
a visit to yesteryear
all for a good cause

Apr 10, 2020


We ran out of water, again!

Thought I'd use it as an excuse to see
and check on my kid. (My 'kid' is a
45 year old accomplished artist . . .
but, he's still my kid, right?!)

Gave us a much needed drive up in the
mountains, so enjoyed it! As prearranged,
we honked upon arrival and put the empty
gallons on the stoop. My son came out,
waved and started taking them in . . .
I promptly burst into tears; hadn't seen
that coming!

As he put the now filled water bottles
out for us to grab, I asked him if we could
share a long-distance chat. Ever the host,
gracious as usual, he brought out table
and chairs, placed them about 8, 9 feet
apart. He brought out a bottle of a very
special beer and served up the glasses.

The special beer, indeed fabulous, made
no comparison to sitting with my kids
and enjoying the hell out of them. The
bounty of thoughts going through my
brain, the myriad of feelings flowing
through my soul . . . will never, ever be

I find myself grateful!

forget the bounty
tis the little things in life
creating worthwhile

Apr 9, 2020


I have so enjoyed these past few days
of 60 plus degrees. I walk to the mailbox
and back. I take a few moments to look
around or sit in one of the lawn chairs
and just glory in rising temps!

We're supposedly in Spring, so today's
showers are expected.  What isn't expected
is SNOW starting on Sunday and proceeding
to snow every single day of the week. Pray
I can bear up! Didn't I just say it's supposed
to be SPRING?!

Esoterically speaking, Winter is a time for
going within. It's a time for introspection,
for meditation, for inner growth. Spring
follows . . . an awakening of sorts as those
lovely green shoots begin pushing their
way upwards.

We come out of that quiet Winter into
a waking Spring . . . physically and
spiritually. Still, Mama Earth apparently
needs to throw a bit of Winter into the
Spring mix! Me thinks I need to learn
a bit of patience . . . so ready for light
Spring rains, growing greens, gentle
breezes and fresh air.

Mr. Winter, give Miss Spring a turn,
already! You've had your fun, now
back off!

when comes the warming
dying in cold solitude
so need light and heat

Apr 8, 2020


The old adage, "There are two sides to everything."
fits me perfectly. When my father named me with
two names, and insisted I be called by both, he
inadvertently opened the door for two personalities
in me. Personalities, sides, complexities, whatever
you want to call it.

LINDA, the RIGHT side of me, is the mother, teacher,
mentor, friend. Above all, the FEMALE side of me,
with all its complexities and complications. Right

DALE, the LEFT side of me, is a loner, a solitary, the
student, the pensive. And above all, the MALE side
of me, also with all its complexities and complications.
Left brain?!

In this quarantine inflicted upon us due to the plague
that threatens us, there has been plenty of time to
placate the left side of me. I have indulged in my
writing, studies, reading; each discipline different,
make no mistake. Dale reigns!

Interestingly enough, I find myself missing my other
half, the right side of me . . . my children, my friends,
eating out with my guy, sharing a chuckle over a
shared conversation. Indeed, I am missing Linda!

Here's looking forward to the reuniting of my two
selves. It has been said before that balance is

missing part of me
when will i see her again
pray do come home soon

Apr 7, 2020


I am both amused and amazed at the
humor coming out in this horrific time
in our lives.

"I just tried to make hand sanitizer
and it came out as rum and coke."

Baby bird, "I haven't seen a windshield
for miles!" Mama bird, "Then, you'll
just have to hold it."

Cat 1, "The humans have taken over
the sofas!" Cat 2, "Tell me about it, I've
been sleeping in my own bed all week."

"We don't have any kids at home anymore,
so I tried to homeschool my husband. It
didn't work. He's in detention."

Just when one might despair, a chuckle,
a laugh, saves the day. Me thinks I'm
quite proud of how humanity is rising
to the occasion! I would add, I'm
tickled we can still grin even
when the joke is clean . . .

laugh instead of cry
chuckles diminish sorrow
have a crack at it

*The above humor is provided by Facebook.

Apr 6, 2020

04/06/2020 – 3rd anniversary

I was loading the pickup early hours
of the morn. I regained consciousness
lying on the ground with my head
nestled on a sharp rock about the size
of a football.

I was unable to stand, much less walk,
so I crawled to the door and knocked
softly. Alas, I couldn't do so loudly, but
through continuous sound, my guy came
to investigate.

He literally picked me up, threw me in
the pickup and took me to Kaiser. They
took one look at me and sent me to St.
Joe's. After an initial examination, I was
assigned three specialists who proceeded
to give me a series of 16 tests over the
next three days.

I was told that I had indeed cracked my
skull open and that my brain was swollen
against it. Supposedly, it would take about
a year, or a bit more, for the skull to heal.
I would suffer memory loss and perhaps
some coordination issues. One of the docs
was a middle-aged female Chinese specialist.
She, thinking full disclosure was the best
way, told me I might have only a couple
of months to live.

I will remember that day, in a crystal clear
clarity, for as long as I live . . . The docs
surrounding me, their faces, the news given,
and that stern, implacable face delivering
my death sentence. I stumbled out to the
pickup, withdrawn and silent. My man drove
me home without question or comment;
bless him.

And . . . praise the gods, here I am, lo
these three years later, loving, enjoying
live, and dancing as fast as I can . . .

happenstance i ask
was it predestination
the luck of the draw

Apr 5, 2020


I find myself much moved by the kind
responses from my blog of yesterday.
Alas, in times of trouble, me thinks 'tis
easy to forget that there are people out
there who both love and help. Fear
tends to blanket all things positive, and
not only allows, but enhances negativity.

In receiving the gift of encouragement
from so many, I find myself heartened,
something I was sorely needing. This
gift also inspires . . . What can I do for
someone else? How can I be of help?
Words of encouragement? A thoughtful
letter in times of despair? A phone call

Obviously, it is easy to get bogged down
in one's own fears, to the point of never
thinking of another's needs. I pray I can
cloak myself in the courage shown me,
salir avante, and perhaps lend a helping
hand to another Linda-Dale . . . What
was it that David Mason used to say?!
"Lord willing and the Devil doesn't
intervene . . ."

feeling so cherished
inspiration found in deeds
a saints legacy

Apr 4, 2020


God in heaven, I am so scared . . .

Seventy years old and frightened
of the dark like a little kid . . .

We have quarantined ourselves here in
this tiny, tiny cabin since the first edict.
Alas, the water isn't potable, although
it serves for other uses. And, we're
'bout out of bottled water.

We'll figure out a way, we always do.
But, it really brings home where we
stand just now with this international
virus issue . . .

(I do feel the word PLAGUE coming on!)

We have plenty with which to entertain
ourselves and thank the gods we get
along beautifully. But I find, fear lurks.
I had never thought of it that way until
it crept into my soul ever so slowly but
surely, none the less.

At times like these, I so wish I had
the faith of that little child who used
to kneel by the bedside and recite . . .

"Now I lay me down to sleep . . ."

so ashamed of me
must rise to the occasion
fear so repugnant

"Fears are educated into us, and
can, if we wish, be educated out!
~Karl Augustus Menninger

Apr 3, 2020


Quarantine ahoy . . .

Sooooo thought I'd get my entire house
cleaned during this god awful plague . . .
and yes, I'm calling it like it is, PLAGUE!

So yes, I have washed the dishes every
day (boring!) and made some pretty quirky
meals (quite fun, actually) and cleaned the
jane (yuck) . . . but other than that, I find
the old movies calling me home.

Rosemary and Thyme make me wish I were
a gardener. I hadn't remembered just how
clever Columbo was. I've never cared for
Mark Harmon until NCIS;  he was great!
 . . . and if you enjoy the Brits, New Tricks
was vast fun!

I do so hope I get around to using the vac.
Mopping would be a bad idea either . . .
but mopping can turn into moping just by
losing one letter, so maybe not.

I suppose I could do with some exercise,
but that would involve getting out of bed
and I'm just dying to see how Columbo
figures out the murder. Can't help but
wonder if I've guessed right.

So proud of those of you buckling down
to do the right thing. Don't know if I ever
will . . . happy cleaning, and boy does
Columbo ever clean house!!! Bad boys

fun spending my time
murder as entertainment
just call me ms sleuth

Apr 2, 2020


At first, we found the news about a new
virus uninteresting, if not downright boring.
Little by little, as stories and stats crept
into the daily broadcasts, we perked up
our ears a bit. We even felt the old heart
tug a tad with the human interest stories
that accompanied them. But bottom line,
it had nothing to do with us. No big deal.
We've had viruses before and will again,
so what's the big deal anyway?!

And then suddenly, it all became real.
Too real . . . The virus came to our state.
People close to home became ill. The
ever increasing death rate penetrated
our otherwise sleepy minds. Scary; real
scary! And then fear set in . . .

Stay home! Don't go out for any reason!
Wear a mask if you absolutely have to.
Wash your hands . . . but not the usual
quick and dirty way with a little soap.
Wash them the way the docs do prior to
surgery. Don't touch your face! Don't eat
off your husband's plate. Don't use your
wife's fork! Don't! Don't!! Don't!!!

Who can we blame? Mother Nature dealing
with over population? God chastising the
sinners? Ourselves because we weren't
paying attention? Who? What? Why?

And yet, slowly but surely we're learning
to live with this. It's already becoming
somewhat common place. We are almost
accustomed . . . I even find myself
chuckling over the many jokes and
cartoons being shared. Crazy!

Damn it, this needs to end! I'm getting
stir crazy. Spring is coming and I have
some new clothes I want to wear. Screw
this, I'm going out anyway. What do they
know?! STOP!!! Listen up! Be both careful
and cautious! There will be a price to pay
if we don't. Thin! Act accordingly . . .

have a think people
responsibility rocks
be a little wise

Apr 1, 2020


God, I am so glad to see the backside
of March! I was sooooo done!! Dusted
off my hands and split!!!

Obviously, I get that it hasn't been March's
fault that we've been to Hell and gone with
the virus, watching so many pass into the
pearly gates, and being quarantined with
little effect. Still, I have hope that April
will bring an end to this ghastly sorrow . . .
or will it just be another April Fool's joke?!

One way or another, I have a good feeling
about April and pray that it will bring an
end to this global devastation. i sense that
all of us, no matter our different faiths,
are on our knees to the gods, begging for
clemency. May it be so . . .

fear of the unknown
longing to end the sorrow
united in grief