May 18, 2024


"If only our eyes saw souls
instead of bodies . . .  how 
different our world would 
be." ~Lauren Jauregui

Methinks all we need is a
closer look! Most people
wear their hearts on their
sleeves anyway . . .

We spend way too much
time being distracted by
beauty instead of enjoying
personalities, intellect and

There is naught wrong with
beauty. But, it is not the be
all, end all. There has to be
something behind the facade
to make the person interesting.

So enjoy listening to a person
of decent intellect. All said in
conversation captivates me.

Some are beautiful and some
not! Seems to me, they don't
pay any attention to looks.

They enjoy learning, reading,
forming their own opinions
and sharing in conversations.

Just who I want to be when
I grow up . . .

May 17, 2024


"The ache for home lives in 
all of us. The safe place where 
we can go as we are and not be
questioned." ~Maya Angelou

There are days when I so long
for home. Not quite sure where
it is anymore . . .

The closest I've ever found is
here in my tiny 1876 year old
cabin. I so love being here. It's
like living in a bit of history.

I've come to understand that
home isn't just a place where
we feel comfortable. It also
has to do with those who are
with us from time to time.

There are those who lend a
sense of home wherever they
are. An interesting quality;
make no mistake. My gran
was like that. 'Twas a comfort
simply to be in her presence.

Can't help but wonder if we
don't somehow carry a sense
of home with us?!

May 16, 2024


"My body isn't a temple,
it's a haunted house. It
needs a lot of work, makes
mysterious creaking sounds,
and contains the spirit of a
creepy old lady that's always
mad about something."
~Wild Woman Sisterhood

This entire aging thing is
amazing, mysterious, crazy!

No way to figure it out, just
endure. I always consider the 
alternative and find I'm just
fine with being somewhat an

I know I'm lucky . . . straight
and tall, a good stride, no cane.
But, I could so do without the
knee pain and saggy you know

Funny, I still don't think of
myself as elderly, older,  in
my dotage. I feel the same
inside . . .

 . . . and am simply amazed
when I look in the mirror!

Go f---ing figure!!!

May 15, 2024


Every night when trying to
fall asleep, I silently murmur
Live as I breathe in and Exist
as I breathe out.

I do so partially to fall asleep
with good vibes in my soul,
as well as focusing on living
rather than simply existing.

Today was errands day . . .
hit taxes, Social Security, 
water, Safeway and the 
liquor store. We treated
ourselves to pizza as our
chef seems to have left us
in the lurch.

I'm exhausted, fairly broke
and want naught more than
a nap . . . here's hoping my
fairy godmother leaves me
something under my pillow
tonight! I deserve it!

What I like about days such
as today, other than getting
things done, is the reminder
that living is ever so important.

Still, one must note . . . existing
has its place. Bills must be paid,
taxes filed, water picked up, etc.

These tasks in the existing field,
make living ever so much more
lovely after all!

May 14, 2024


"It's important to find people
who make you realize there's
nothing wrong with being 
who you are." ~Unknown

Nice one to wake up to . . .
having ever and always been
the weird one in the crowd.

Can't remember it bothering
me, even when I was a kid.
I belonged to daddy and he
was an eccentric so I didn't
think anything of it.

There are gifts found in the
cauldron of eccentricity.
Meeting the most interesting
people . . .  absolutely fab!
Conversations that amaze
and sustain. Finding the
fascinating anywhere you go.

And no, one need not be an
eccentric to possess these
qualities. There are a great
deal of fascinating people
out there.

Let's all simply enjoy each
other. It's important; make
no mistake!

May 13, 2024


"The sole purpose of human
existence is to kindle a light
in the darkness of mere being."
~Carl Jung

I've been a fan forever and 
a day! Such wisdom . . .

I get that he has been been
controversial throughout the
decades of his life. Still, he
does hit on certain important
points. And, I like this one.

When all is going well, we
tend to forget that there are
others to are struggling to
the point they may not even
wish to go on.

Seems to me, it's only when
we're down and out that we
tend to remember the
suffering of others. Maybe,
this is one of the whys we're
allowed the downs!

If we're in a good place,
let's hark back to the dark
times and shine a light for
those who aren't doing so
well just now.

Could make all the difference
in the world to them.

May 12, 2024

05/12/2024 - Mother's Day

This early morn, I find my 
mind listing towards those
special ones who are not 
thought of as mothers.

-I know an amazing nurse
who has saved many a child
and is much revered.

-Aunts with listening ears 
to whom our teens go to talk
are sheros; make no mistake.

-Teachers who spend their
days with troubled teens
surrogate moms to many!

-And there are those gals who
care for animals, wildlife and

-Mother Teresa, my shero . . .
mother of thousands.

-And have you even thought
of the dad moms? So many
fathers filling in after their
wives passing. They simply

I pray we all honor our moms
today, but never forget those
who are a different kind of 

Happy Mother's Day!

May 11, 2024


Today we moms find ourselves 
halfway 'twixt and 'tween Día 
de las Madres Mexicanas ayer, 
and Mother's Day tomorrow.

So love that we merit these
celebratory days. Fun memes
and fab get-togethers.

On the other side of things, 
now that I'm nigh onto a100, 
I'm making an effort to think 
of my own mother most days.

As we disagreed on all things
philosophical and I cared for 
her three and a half years in 
quite difficult circumstances, 
I found myself riding my high 
horse and dis-remembering 
more important things.

I'm so proud of her for 30
years at the Atomic Energy
Commission. Proud that five
of her bosses flew in from 
parts unknown to honor her.

She wowed me in the way 
she cared for my special, 
blind brother Sammy and 
was very involved in his 
school and activities.

She took time for me as well.
I remember all the amazing 
things she did for our 8th grade 
class, one special field trip, or
activity per month.

Today, as I honor her, I am
determined to let go of any
remaining negative feelings
and celebrate the amazing
woman she truly was.

Thank God I always treated 
her with great respect.

May 10, 2024

Diez de Mayo, Día de las Madres

El día de hoy recuerdo a todas 
las bellas madres que conocí 
en los viente años que viví en 

Juguetonas, querendonas, serias, 
felices, orgullosas . . . para con
sus hijos. Me parece que nunca
he visto igual en ninguna parte.

Una familia en particular me
conmovía. Cristina, reina de la
misma, una madre sin igual. Al
pasar los años, sus hermanas . . .
fantásticas. Todavía recuerdo a
la doña madre de ellas. Ha de
haber sido la madre del siglo
para tener hijas tales.

Bien me acuerdo de mis vecinas.
Desgraciadamente, les faltaba
educación y bienes, pero al igual,
amaban a sus hijos.

Mi hija, siendo tan bella Mexicana,
ha sido una madre fabulosa . . . y
ahora abuela. Espero ansiosa ver
su papel en la misma en los años

Felicidades a todas ustedes . . .
amigas, vecinas, cuñadas, hermanas.

Las adoro a todas . . . 

May 9, 2024


"i'm aware that i am rare."

I remember hearing a certain
comments as a child from time 
to time  . . .

"He's an odd duck." or "She's 
a bit of bother."

I always knew my dad was an
eccentric . . . and ever longed 
to be just like him!

I do know that I was fortunate
to be reared by a man who was
so utterly himself. He always
encouraged me to be my real
self, follow my inclinations
and not worry about the crowd.

This gift, given to me by my 
dad, has brought such amazing 
people into my life. I worship at
the feet of my fellow unusuals.

Frank conversations, personal
beliefs, own way of dress . . .
oh how I admire these brave

Let's celebrate our differences!
Let's lose that whole cookie 
cutter nonsense, ever and always
seeking to be our true selves.

May 8, 2024


"I have loved the stars too
fondly to be fearful of the
night." ~Sarah Williams

I so identify . . .

Alas, I find fear takes over
to some degree. Living out
here in kingdom come, I
worry the bears are going 
to get me. They've come 
strolling up our walk just a
few . . .

I suppose, living in the city,
one could fear the baddies.
Rather boils down to having
to make a decision to live in
spite of whatever maladies
exist in one's world.

So looking forward to hot
summer eves, star lit nights, 
perhaps even a cold beer to
go with . . .

 - - -

Sarah Williams was an English
poet and novelist. 1837 - 1868,
30 years of age. Wikipedia

May 7, 2024


"If you could erase all the 
mistakes of your past, you 
would also erase all of the
wisdom of your present. 
Remember the lesson, not 
the disappointment."
Empaths & Old Souls

Phenomenal bit of wisdom . . .

One of the issues I find hard
about being a lopsided Libra,
I constantly worry about my
errors of the past rather than
celebrating wisdom gained.

What a shame to have spent
so many years concentrating
on the lost; I could have been
enjoying found.

Universe only knows how
many months or years I have 
left at my disposal. But, one
thing I do know, I wish to
spend whatever time I have
left; in the positive, the joys,
the delights offered by mine

Pray, I be gifted with the
courage to change. My the
last times of my life be spent
in the joyful rather than the
sorrowful . . .

May 6, 2024


"You are not the darkness you 
endured. You are the light that 
refused to surrender."
~John Mark Green

My niece, Jamie, posted these 
most wondrous words this early 

Just the reminder I needed . . . 
SAD time is over! Outdoor time
has arrived. Feels like the longest
winter ever! I know. I know. I say
this every year.

FACs outdoors, eating at the
picnic table . . . even warm walks
to the mailbox and library . . . Ha!

Ever so grateful for the return of
Mr. Sun, his warm rays entering
my trembling soul. 

Pray, stay for a long, long while!
 - - -

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
is a type of depression. It happens
most often in fall and winter. It is
thought that shorter days and less
daylight may set off a chemical
change in the brain leading to
symptoms of depression.
Johns Hopkins Medicine

May 5, 2024

05/05/2024 - Cinco de Mayo

"There is always, always, always,
something to be grateful for."
~Rhonda Byrne

And today, it is for the birth of
my daughter . . .

My mother was born May 5th.
As we were living far, far away
in Olde Mexico, we wanted to 
give her the greatest gift she'd
ever received.

Much planning, fun guessings,
and our dream came true! My
doc liked to say, "her first half
'twas born on Cinco de Mayo,
Mexican, and her second half 
on the sixth of May, US. He
even gave us two birth certs
representing the two dates.

Rather makes me think she
coulda, woulda, shoulda been
a Libra.

Today, US will be partying.
Mexico will be having very
serious marchings, speeches
honoring this vast historical
significance . . .

 . . . Hopefully, my dear, sweet 
daughter will be celebrating 
her heart out!

Feliz cumpleaños hijita!

May 4, 2024


"Moonlight is music for the soul."

So love me our Lunar Lady!

Each night as I wend my way 
down the stairs, I peek out the
window for a look-see.

I love watching her journey
across the sky, changing just a
tad each time I see her. Matters
not whether she's full, new or
in between. Simply, beauty of
the highest order!

Sometimes, she peeks out from 
behind the trees; others, she is
framed by the clouds. Every 
now and then, she has the skies
all to herself . . . pure magick!

My guy is all about the sun, 
rather the same way I'm all 
about the moon. But, I just love
how sometimes he awakens me
and demands that I go down and
see the moon.

He's right, of course. There are
those times when she is so
magnificent, that sleep is of no

Lunar Lady, shine on me . . .

May 3, 2024


"No amount of money, oil, or gold
is worth more than the bees, trees
and clean water." ~David Wolfe

I enjoy reading David. Sometimes,
he's a bit out there for moi, but per
se, he makes a great deal of sense.
Might have something to do with
how I was reared.

Still, bottom line, we seem to have
forgotten those precious few that
truly matter. People and houses are
replacing land once inhabited with
animals, birds and fauna.

I sob when reading . . . 

"Lying between CA and Hawaii, 
the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is 
three times the size of France and 
is the world's biggest ocean waste 
repository, with 1.8 billion pieces 
of floating plastic which kill 1,000s 
of marine animals each year." 

What can be done? What can each 
of us do? Again, methinks it all 
boils down to doing our bit in our
own space. Branch out as age and
health allow. Sign ballots and
complain in the right places.

Alas, I fear Mother Nature will be
running out of patience any time
soon . . .

 - - -

"David "Avocado" Wolfe is an
American author and conspiracy
theorist. He promotes a variety 
of pseudoscientific ideas such as 
raw food, alternative medicine,
and anti-vaccine sentiment."

May 2, 2024


"Earth is my church; Nature 
is my spirituality." Pantheism

I am so fortunate to have been
reared by a man who loved the
outdoors, Mother Nature in all
her essence.

I remember drives, exploration,
hiking, climbing . . . precious,
precious memories.

Frankly, there is naught in this
world that can compare to her.
Our mother, Mother Nature,
Mother Earth, is amazing . . .
beyond amazement!!! Make
no mistake!

She brings us gifts of beauty,
the seasons, the sun by day, 
the moon and stars by night.
She provides us with the most
incredible home.

My gratitude knows no bounds . . .

May 1, 2024

05/01/2024 - May Day

May Day has finally arrived!

With it, comes longer days,
a brighter sun, warmer temps . . .
finally summer peaking its 
head out.

I'm beginning my celebration
early . . . 

 . . . Having my early morn
caffeine fix in the form of coffee
ice cream, in bed no less! 'Tis my 
intention to cook and then friends 
are to come over.

Today marks the beginning of
my usual No Alcohol May, as 
I like to take Jan/May/Sep off
from drinks. I swear, the lengths
one must go to . . .

So, here's hoisting my coffee
ice cream cup to you. Have a
most wondrous May Day, a
phenomenal Beltane . . . as 
you weave your very own 
May pole!