Jul 31, 2023


"If you feel
suspended from motion,
it may be that you
already mapped out
the part of your soul
that is ready to take flight,
it just needs a moment 
of stillness before
embarking on its purpose."
~janine tamis

I find I am weary . . .

I always look forward to July.
All the familial birthdays, the
celebrations and best of all . . .

 . . . summer, sun and heat are 
here at last!

Still, I'm ready for August.
A little cooler perhaps, a few 
less celebrations, a renewal 
of hope and spirit.

A glorious gift comes to us on
the morrow . . . August gifts us
a supermoon on the first of the
month and bids us adieu with 
a blue moon. 

'Tis rather like winning the
lotto of the ages . . . We must 
all endeavor to make the
entire month something

Jul 30, 2023


Yesterday was hard . . . even
harder than I imagined it would
be. Alas, handled it by imbibing.
Oh well; it is what it is.

Saying goodbye is always hard,
isn't it?! But, I was sooooo NOT
ready, even all this time later.

What I'm asking now would be,
"Do we actually have to say
goodbye? What is gained by it?
Is it really necessary?"

I still talk to my dad most days.
I notice when I'm praying or
meditating, I always end up
talking to my dad.

I'm not delusional. I'm not
pretending he's still alive . . . 
I just have had no need to say

So Julie, I realized yesterday,
when that stunning butterfly
visited the circle, you are still
with us. We'll talk from time
to time . . . or rather, I'll talk
and you'll listen.

Missing you . . .

Jul 28, 2023

07/29/2023 - ever and ever

Will the morrow ever come?!
I can hardly wait . . .

Not everyone RSVPd so not 
sure whoever is going to be 
able to come.

Can't help but wonder about 
when my friends might arrive! 
Most likely whenever!

So trying to think where I put
my wallet. Methinks where-
ever . . . Now, if I only knew 
where wherever might be!

Whatever happens tomorrow
is bound to be phenomenal.

Why ever not?!

Ever and ever; ever . . .


"If there's one way to save some
one, it's by letting them know you 
love them." ~Sinéad O'Connor

Wise words from one who suffered
much. Rather breaks my heart; make
no mistake.

Why is it that we seem to forget to
tell our dearests and bestests that we
love them?! You'd never guess it by
looking at my guy, but he ends every
phone conversation with his children
with an, "I love you."

And, let's not forget, so many ways 
to say I love you . . .

"Be safe! Drive carefully! Call when
you get home. Know I'll be thinking
about you. You look spectacular today.
Remember when we . . . "

We've lost Sinéad and many other
loved ones. Were we able to tell them
we loved them before they passed?
Are there things we wish we'd shared
before they left?

Say it today. Say it now! Write the
letter. Send the card. Make the phone

There are simply not enough
I love yous in this life . . .

Jul 27, 2023


One of the things I just love 
about summer are the visits 
from friends.

Seems we tend to stir a bit 
more when Mr. Sun comes 
out to play! So, having said 
that, I need to think just how 
I want to stir myself in these
 upcoming days of warmth.

I love sitting on the porch . . . 
Methinks this says something 
about my age or the era I came 
from. Many homes don't even 
have porches today.

Short walks are nice, although 
my road is not conducive to it.
I love taking rides, yet another
thing from my era. The price
of gas just might preclude this.

In looking at my words, I can
plainly see I'm drawn to things
of yesteryear. Can't help but
wonder if it's age or era related,
perhaps both.

Think I'll just go and read on
the porch. 'Tis a beauty of a
day out there . . . 

Jul 26, 2023

07/26/2023 - dedicated to J.S.

"Do not be dismayed by the
brokenness of the world. All
things break. And all things
can be mended. Not with time,
as they say, but with intention.
So go. Love intentionally,
extravagantly, unconditionally.
The broken world waits in dark-
ness for the light that is you."
~L.R. Knost

Awoke this rainy morn with 
the weight of the world on my
shoulders and the sorrow of
SAD in my soul. And then . . .

I saw this most wondrous quote 
that J.S. had left me. So yes, I 
believe in miracles, have to! It's
still rainy outside, but my soulful
sorrow is much diminished and
I am ever grateful!

Love to you J.S. and courage 
to me . . .

Jul 25, 2023


Methinks one of my favest 
things in the entire universe 
is party prep.

That whole making the list 
and checking it twice . . . 
'tis moi in good w/Santa!

Getting the cabin spiffed up,
laying in the groceries, plan
my contribution, go bananas
trying to think of anything I
may have missed . . . all in
fine fettle. 

Then comes the do . . . most
wondrous! So love seeing all
my people, celebrating joy,
shedding the odd tear, hugs
all around!

You'll laugh, but the next day
is the most wondrous! Yes,
there's a hell of a lot of clean
up or whatever, but those
moments in time, forever
housed in my heart, priceless!!!

You can take out the memories
and have a good look at them!
It's like enjoying everything 
thrice over . . . love it!

I try not to think about that
time when I no longer have the
wherewithal to do this anymore.

Hell, I have plans for attending
my own funeral party! Bet I
can drink everyone under the
table . . .

Jul 24, 2023


'Tis o' dark thirty and the entire
miracle of a new day lies ahead.

I can hardly wait to see what
happens . . . a bit of coffee and
breakfast out under an umbrella,
maybe a trip to town a bit later,
a good read on the porch . . .

Methinks looking at life a little
differently brings on the thanks
for everything mode. I find I'm
sorrowful at the thought that I
don't pay enough attention to all
the wonders life gifts. Going to
alter that!

I'm thankful for the light of day
summer brings to the table. A
dozen hours or so; most wondrous.
So the bugs bother a tad and then
I recall that's why God invented
bug spray. New ways of thinking!

I actually feel a picnic coming
on. Maybe I can make that happen.
Hell, if you put your mind to it,
almost anything can be made to

Are you listening ld?!

Jul 23, 2023


This morning we sat out under 
the tarp and reminisced re the 
joys of yesterday!

What an amazing day with our
families . . . glorious, glorious
fun! Actually, gave whole new
meaning to the usual; eat, drink
and be merry!

Methinks I've gained another
fiver just thinking about that
table full of goodies . . . and
what goodies . . . sooooo not
joking! Good thing Gypsies in
July only happens once a year!

Such fun that all of this was,
I am reminded that each and
every day should be cherished
as were it the last. 

I much lament this bit of wise
comes to me in my dotage. 
Rather wish I had learned it lo
these many years ago.

Still, better late than never, 

Jul 21, 2023


"Life is not measured by the number
of breaths we take, but by those
moments that take our breath away."
~Maya Angelou

Maya, ever so wise . . . I want to 
be just like her when I grow up!

The sunset tonight with oncoming
rain in abeyance, the day spent with
a friend I hadn't seen in a year, that
special burnt butter egg sandwich . . .
all glorious!

One of those amazing gifts given . . .
the recognition of all that is special!
Does it have to do with being nigh
onto a hundred years old? Maybe,
true insight comes upon us as aging

Loving all of these . . . yet, looking
forward to those gifts still to come!
I can think of several . . . my great
grandson learning to walk, visits
from my grandkids in the marines,
seeing all my fam living nearby.

I would have to confess . . . love me
all of the past, present and future!
Naught wrong with living in . . .
d) all of the above!!!

Feel free to argue with me . . . ha!

Jul 20, 2023


Methinks the waiting game just
might be one of the most difficult.

Our friend is now two hours late here
at the airport . . . her phone's off and 
my computer doesn't work out here.

I would confess to being quite antsy.
At first you just think the plane's late.
Then you start thinking up excuses 
to keep checking the phone to see if 
it's been turned on. Next, ideas as to
why she's late.

Can't help but wonder . . .

Then I spy a stewardess. She is kind
enough to look up the flight and tells
me it's two hours late. That's now
and I find I'm much relieved.

Now comes the waiting game again.
This time it's for passengers to be
brought in and luggage to be picked
up. Alas, her phone is still not on
and she has no idea where we're
waiting for her.

That kid in me, the one that went to
high school with her, wants to shout,
"Hurry up! Can't wait to see you!"

Please, oh please, turn on your phone.
Yayyyyy! Finally got her on the phone. 
There may be hope yet.

Hey, isn't that her now . . .


"Rest is not idle, is not wasteful.
Sometimes, rest is the most
productive thing you can do for
body and soul." ~Erica Layne

One of my friends shared this at
o' dark thirty this morning. Good
food for thought. Per se, we've
rather been brought up to believe
we need to be doing something
productive at all times.

And . . . didn't even Isiah say,
"No rest for the wicked?"

Obviously, we all rest from time
to time, especially night. Having
said that, my idea of true rest
would be a guilt free ride into
a proper relax!

For me, that would mean a good
book and maybe accompanied by
a nice drink of some kind. Praps,
sacking out over a good movie
or even a nap.

I suspect all of this has something
to do with balance, my arch enemy.
Equal amounts of work, play and
rest, right?!

I do have a secret hope this whole
balance thing, or should I say,
imbalance, gets worked out before
I pass onto the better life . . .

Go figure . . .

Jul 19, 2023


"A soul place is a special site or 
spot where we experience unique 
feelings of belonging, empower-
ment and energetic rejuvenation." 
~Mato Sol

According to Mateo Sol, we each
have a place such as this. Think
about it. I'm pondering this even
as I write. 

Obviously, there have been a few
such places in my life over the
years. Still, I believe my cabin is 
one such place; likely the most

It is here that I talk with my dad.
Often, it's only greetings and I
love yous. But, there are those
times when I share my woes and
tell tales out of school. I find it
most comforting.

Friends who join us here from
time to time, have commented
on the surreal feeling here at the
cabin. The word haunted comes
to mind, but I'm not certain it's
the right one.

Methinks 'tis simply that those
who have lived here before feel
comfortable here . . .


Jul 18, 2023


"Some women are made of steel,
stones, tears, dust, bones and scars.
Others are made of books, music,
rainfall, stardust, moonlight, flowers,
day dreams and wild adventures.
The rare ones are made of both."

Methinks 'tis just who I want to 
be when I grow up. . . 

I find the changes in women, and
their roles, in my last 70 years to 
be most interesting. From house-
wives to professionals, from high-
schoolers to college educated, from
a kind of sub-species to leader of
the pack!

I find myself in absolute awe of
this new breed of woman. She is
amazing, rather beyond belief.

Another thought . . . the young
gals coming into our world today
have a great deal to live up to.

I wish them well; I wish them luck.
Or, maybe luck has nothing to do
with it. More likely, determination,
personal growth and a great deal
of a sense of self worth.

May the woman we all wish 
to become . . .

 . . . prevail!

Jul 17, 2023

07/17/2023 - His name is John . . .

Yesterday, we said goodbye 
to a dear man . . .

Had no idea what to expect. 
The celebration of life was 
held in a large restaurant bar 
and my guess would be there 
were about a hundred guests.

The eulogies were wonderful.
So wish he could have heard
them. Who knows, maybe he
did. I liked that notepaper was
passed out to write memories
for a familial scrapbook.

Three lovely tables w/foods
and beverages, and the sharing 
continued at individual tables.

A most lovely way to go out,
end a life well lived . . .

. . . may it be thus for all of us.

Jul 16, 2023


He wows me . . . time and time
again. This time, over the top!
Wayyyyy over the top!!!

He walks in from dealing with
the travel trailer and he's holding 
three mini beers in his hands. 

He says . . .

"I've got three little beers here
that are colder than shit. I know
that's how you like them. So, I
want you to sit down and drink
them right now . . . before they
warm up! Go on now, I'm not

He was so tickled by his find
and I could tell he just loved
surprising me. I swear, I'd have
drunk those beers even if they
nigh onto killed me.

I am reminded . . . "I love you"
comes in many different lingos.

Listen up . . .

p.s. He just surprised me with
champagne in bed . . . oh my
God . . . love of my life!!!

Jul 15, 2023


"The world is full of magic 
things, patiently waiting for 
your senses to grow sharper."
~W.B. Yeats

I'm honing! I'm honing! Bring
on the magic. I'm sooooo ready!

Still, I look around and see it
everywhere in my life . . . the
odd trip with our friends, an
unexpected card in the mail,
a phone call from one of my

There's even silly magic . . . 
that lost beer deep down in the 
fridge, a $100 bill found in an
old purse, a hidden love letter

'Tis time for moi to bring back
some olde magick to my soul . . .
happy thoughts, forgiveness to
myself and others, doing all 
things lovely for no reason.

Who knows? I may be growing
up after all . . . now there's some
pretty serious magick!

Jul 14, 2023


I have to laugh, don't know 
if it's me or everyone else as 
well, but the trip home gives 
entirely different views from
the trip up.

I found myself oohing and
awing at the hands of Mother
Nature as I had on our way.

I incline my brow, bow, bend 
the knee, in thanksgiving to
our Mother, that precious gift
that keeps on giving.

Something I found interesting,
the trip up seemed longer than
the trip home . . . same speeds,
etc. Must have to do with . . .
we all want to go home!

I find I can hardly wait until 
our next foray into the arms
of Our Lady . . .


Heading to the hills, even 
though I already live there . . .

I cannot go up these byways w/o
being absolutely wowed! Mother's
gifts to us are never diminished 
by her . . . alas, only by us.

We reach s summit and see yet
another valley flooded in beauty
without par. Everywhere I look
I am touched.

I look at her palette laden with a
variety of greens with those odd
bits of color thrown in . . . I feel
the tears coursing my cheeks.

I long to stop and pick up a rock.
Best souvenir  E V E R !!! Then,
I see roadside trash someone has
thoughtlessly dumped and I feel
my face redden in anger. How is
it possible that we could spit in
Mother's face in this manner?

I will pick up bits and pieces of
garbage when I can, but I must
set it aside and immerse myself
in this pure glory . . .

Jul 12, 2023


"Sometimes you have to make
a decision that will break your 
heart, but will give peace to 
your soul." ~Unknown

Obviously, we can see ourselves
in these words of wisdom. We
each have been brought to our 
knees with these necessary pesky
decisions. Perhaps, it's all in the 
little things . . .

Do I honor the speed limit? Do I
give the odd shekels to beggars?
Can I help my old aunty with her
housework once in a coon's age?
Can I buy my clothes at the 2nd
hand store so I have leftover cents
to share?

Of course, we each have our own
decisions to make regarding the
above and other issues. I have no 
prob with driving a tad over the 
speed limit. On the other hand, my
aunt needs me and I'll be there
come hell or high water.

Maybe we all actually quell our
own naughties by doing goodies.
Whatever works! For me, it's
about having one's own code of
ethics and following it to the letter.

Rather has something to do with
being able to live with oneself
comfortably . . . and I sooooo 
need that!

Quell the conscience at any cost?

Jul 11, 2023


"My toxic trait is telling people
I'm down for anything when in
reality I mean not after 8 pm,
food should be involved, and it 
also depends on the weather, the
parking situation, and how tired 
I am." Teacher Nation

Make that 7 p.m. and I could've
written this myself. I suppose 
it's completely natural for all of
us to look back at our younger 
selves and remark on those many

I actually had my first drink 
when I came to the US at the
age of 37. So, there I was just
learning to drink when my
peers were most likely already
tapering off.

I have to laugh at myself. I'm
only down for partying, as it
were, a couple of times a week.
My friends will gladly tell on
me that I enjoy myself until I
don't and then I simply go lie
down. Crazy!

All told, I love being 73 instead
of 37. I get a kick out of looking
back and seeing what was vs.
what is. I like memory hunting,
as I tend to think of it. And, tales
told out of school with my peers
are absolutely hilarious. 

So, in order to honor the above
curfew, mimosas must be had at
brunch and the odd beer or margs,
early afternoon.

Come on over for a cold one. 
Just know I'll be leaving the 
party when I'm tired.


Jul 10, 2023


I knew there must be something
wrong with me the moment I
realized just how much I like

I always loved school, both the
learning part and the teaching
part. Mondays used to be the
beginning of an entire new week
of just that.

Alas, today is a Monday and 
I have no classes to teach and
none to take. Dare I pray for
the universe to send me a new
student or two?!

Or maybe, I can learn to enjoy
Mondays just as they are . . .

"Wake up every morning with
the thought that something
wonderful is about to happen."

Jul 9, 2023


Today, a brand new day, a brand
new week. What can it possibly 

I heard on the news that Colorado 
has reached its water quotient so I
ponder, Would it be unduly selfish
of me to hope for just a few sunny 

Can't help but wonder, what will 
I do if granted my wish?! I see a 
few  short walks coming on. Praps,
sitting outside with the neighbors
and enjoying a marg or two. The
sun on my shoulders . . . I feel a
John Denver coming on.

One way or another, it's a new day
and I'm remembering life is a gift.
I must enjoy it and use it well . . .

 . . . Maybe stop bitching about the
weather and get on with living life!

Now there's an idea . . .

Jul 8, 2023


"Speak from your heart
not from your pain . . .
but never silence either."
~A. Shea

It matters to me . . . this whole
staying positive thing. I actually
do more than just make a stab
at it. Sooooo not happening just

Anxiously awaited spring, never
came. Then thought we just might 
have summer. Doesn't seem to be
happening either. I'm grateful for
the rain, make no mistake. But,
feeling I may not make it this time
around. Desperately need some
proper summer.

Fam and friends are not to worry.
I've weathered SAD for 73 years.
It's just that this time I've been hit
especially hard. 

Will summer never come?! Will
the sun finally shine again?

Jul 7, 2023


Today is 07/07. It's 7:00 a.m. 
It's 70 degrees and 7% humidity.
Methinks I should quick run to
the store and buy a lotto ticket!

Alas, I save those pesky shekels 
allotted for tickets for my wine
fund. See, in all my years in the
US, I've never won, so I think
I'm ahead buying wine instead . . .
both conciliatory and delish!

Now, the groceries are bought, 
the cabin clean, bills paid and
it's TGIF . . . 

 . . . let's party! Hey, do we have
to wait until 7:00 p.m?

Jul 6, 2023


Yesterday was a gift . . .

Old teachers coming by, bringing
with them bits of joy, memories, 

It's so interesting the things that 
come to mind when you see people 
from the past, a kind of awakening. 
Fun times  recalled, stories abound, 
laughter . . . oh the laughter.

So loved the sharing over margs; 
I felt I was in a kind of heaven! 
And then, the music began. How
this man could play, and I loved
the singing, the singing of old 

Life is so interesting, complicated,
wondrous . . . rather like a patchwork 
quilt. I would add, it seems to be
divided into segments, again the quilt
idea. Each segment of life bestows
its moments and memories.

Old friends spending time and I am
immediately cast back into those 
precious years in the classroom. I 
so loved my 40 years of teaching.
The students, loves of my life!

Indeed, I enjoyed yesterday . . . 
but the gift of memories brought
to the table is one of the most 
precious ever.

Bless you all for this . . .

Jul 5, 2023


"Growing old is mandatory.
Growing up is optional."
~Walt Disney

Obviously, I'm in the "Growing old
is mandatory" stage! Praise God and
Walt Disney I've just been reminded
about the "Growing up is optional"

I can't help but wonder if one of the
counter parts to aging is this freedom
to be oneself . . . as well as, along the 
lines of just a bit crazy?!

I find myself longing to . . .
    sit by the fire and read,
    sit under my fave tree and sip margs,
    spend time in my vardo a wondering
        and a wandering,
    go to an antique store, find a treasure,

Hey, I just realized . . . those may be 
more adult play than child play . . .

Still . . . let's party!

Jul 4, 2023

07/04/2023 - 4th of July

"Do not grow old, no matter how
long you live. Never cease to stand
like curious children before the great
mystery into which we were born."
~Albert Einstein

There's something about the 4th of
July that brings out the child within.
Expectations, gatherings, bursts of
color on a warm summer night . . .
all part of the usual celebrations.

I doubt there's much thought about
the actual meaning of 4th of July.
Eradication of entire Native tribes, 
the deaths of hundreds, thousands
of ill trained soldiers, confiscation
of a land not ours . . .

No, I don't think so! Better to watch
the parades, the fireworks, eat the
picnics, drink the beer.

History hurts! Heads in the sand . . .
here we come . . .

Jul 3, 2023


"I'll tell you what hermits realize. 
If you go off into a far, far forest 
and get very quiet, you'll come to
understand that you're connected
with everything." ~Alan W. Watts

Being a Libra with absolutely all
in my life divided into twos . . .
Yes, no! Black, white! Eat, fast!

So of course, I live in the forest . . .
with the thick of the trees on one
side and the racing of car engines
on the other . . . go figure!!!

Maybe I should take a peek at moi!
Love solitude; adore people. Love
thin; adore food. Love movies; 
adore books. Methinks there must
be a clue in there somewhere!

I keep coming back to that old
rhetoric of self-acceptance. Stop
analyzing and simply enjoy! 

Mi ole dad used to say, "Don't 
pay to think too much!" I get it 
now; maybe a walk down the
road and hearing the traffic will
clear my brain . . . or what's left
of it anyway!

Jul 2, 2023


"The secret, Alice, is to surround
yourself with people who make
your heart smile. It's then, only
then, that you'll find wonderland.
~Lewis Carroll

I only just made the commitment 
to find that long awaited joy of 
summer . . . and it seems even the 
gods are in collusion. 

Yesterday, we decorated the gazebo
and celebrated with margs at the
end. Talk about a perfect beginning
to summer joy . . . I can hardly wait
to take photos there.

July brings sun's warmth, fam and
friends to visit, margs most delish,
and tales for telling out of school.

Not to forget the b-days of my three
favest men . . . daddy, bro and lover!

One really has to love July, right?!
Having said that, I'm with Lewis 
Carroll on this . . . "It's the people
who make your heart smile!"

Jul 1, 2023


"July is tender,
Part nostalgic and
part wild.
The raw flesh
of the summer."
~Victoria Erickson 

There is naught in this entire
world such as July . . . the 4th,
full and new moons, my dad's
and bro's b-days, a couple of
celebrations most important 
to me. Feels like it never ends.

By the time July gives up the
ghost, I'm about to as well!
This July, I'm going to take 
a slightly different approach.
Might the that perfect time 
to learn to live in the moment.

Yes, there will needs be time
for planning . . . But this time
around, I want to celebrate ea
waking moment . . . ideas,
plans coming to fruition and
the days as they march their
way across the calendar.

Heretofore, I've gotten so 
wrapped up in prep that I've
either been too exhausted to
enjoy those July celebrations
or too busy making things
happen. I swear, sooooo NOT 
this time!

July, here I come; let's party!!!