Feb 28, 2022


I find myself loving this week
of upcoming warm days! May
actually help me survive these
winter doldrums . . . God, I
feel like I haven't been outside
in forever!

I'm fantasizing already! I want 
to go out for lunch, eat ice cream
in the street, look in shop windows,
maybe wear shoes, rather than boots.

And, let's not even talk about
margaritas, a fave summer time 
drink! Really, it should be paired
with a fab Mexican lunch. 

Now, if I could only get my ass
out under a tree and pretend it's
summer . . . maybe I'll try it on
for size . . .

. . . okay, maybe not summer, but
perhaps I can psyche myself into
believing spring is on its way!

pray spring come my way
winters outstayed its welcome
will beg if you like

Feb 27, 2022


Awoke to a hot summer day of
6 degrees rather than the minus
one of yesterday. So not sure I'll
be able to stand this heat wave!
Silly moi!!!

Sitting here by the fire, I'm ever
so glad it's 57 in the living room.
As the cabin is 130 years old, 
built out of logs and no insulation,
the heat rising entices us above!

What is it about fire, other than 
the heat it gifts us, that so draws
us? For one thing, it entices all
the senses. We SEE the beauty,
we FEEL the heat, we HEAR the
crackling, we TOUCH the logs
as we add them from time to time.
And if you're like me, you TASTE
that delectable coffee a la Bailey's
as you sit in front of it?!

My compliments to that brilliant
mind that discovered and controlled
fire two million years ago! Mind

loving me some fire
entices and seduces
come closer CLOSER

Feb 26, 2022


Awoke sobbing this freezing 
morn. Dreamt of my father . . . 
God, I miss him oh so much!

I found myself in my classroom 
with my dad as the guest speaker 
of the day. In the dream, he had 
just come in from his travels and 
was going to provide a slide show 
for my students.

I was ever so pleased to be in my
classroom once again, but seeing 
my father rather rocked my world!
I remember getting the students
situated, lights off, projector on
and then I sat next to dad in the
back of the room and threw my
arm around him.

As kids will do, they began to get
restless. I went up front to settle
them down and noticed my dad
bending over in his chair and 
holding his head. 

I hurried to the back of the room
to see what was wrong and ever
so slowly, he simply faded away.

Oh, the sorrow I felt at that
moment! The heartache was so
painful it woke me, my cheeks 
still wet from my tears. 

Shakespeare had it right . . .
"Parting is such sweet sorrow,
that I shall say goodnight 'til it
be tomorrow."

Feb 25, 2022


Awoke at o' dark thirty this early
morn . . . minus one degree!

I uttered something like fuck this,
or some such and then realized,
I don't need this particular f-word
any more. I have a new one!

Gained a pound . . . freeze that!
Ran out of ice cream . . . freeze it!
Phone doesn't work . . . freeze it
to hell and back again!

Sooooo HATE the wife beaters,
child molesters, rapists on the news
of late . . . freeze them and the horse
they rode in on!!!

Freeze this! I'm going back to bed!

Feb 24, 2022

02/24/2022, - Grandmother Elsie, part 2

Grandmother, a Crone in her own
right, was truly a woman from a
throw back era . . . Perhaps a term
she could have lived with would 
be, Wise Woman. 

She had amazing innate knowledge. 
I know not whether she was born 
with it, or if it was acquired. Some
of both, most likely.

It appears she kindly gifted these 
traits to her youngest son's daughter 
and two granddaughters. As her 
granddaughter from her eldest son, 
I too was blest to receive her gift; 
I am, and will be ever grateful.

I can't help but wonder what is 
our responsibility in regards to 
this amazing gift?! Obviously, 
it could be used in a plethora of 
ways. Knowing her, she would
have wanted it to be used only
in the positive realm.

In my own life, I have found this
gift has served me well. I truly
do not believe I could have dealt
with my special, blind brother
without it. 

Teaching in a variety of difficult 
situations in both Mexico and the 
US, I found that her gift aided me
on a daily basis. This was truly a
blessing; make no mistake.

The question that comes to me is,
to whom will I pass on this gift.
It matters, but thus far it has not
been revealed to me.

Methinks there must be great
power in the hereditary . . . bears
pondering . . . I find myself ever
so grateful . . . 

You go Gran, I follow in your
footsteps . . .

Feb 22, 2022

02/23/2022 - Grandmother Elsie, part 1

Obviously, I'm in Grandmother
mode of late. Must have some-
thing to do with my age . . .

My father's mother was truly an
amazing woman. Several women
in one, rather describes her! She
certainly existed in her own realm 
of time and space. Born in an era
where you were expected to put
up with your place in life, grin
and bear it . . . she didn't!

She divorced the father of her
children and married a miner.
She thought nothing of bouts of
tent living and cooking for the
men. Comfortable in trousers and
boots, with ciggie in hand, she
coped with style.

And, speaking of style, man oh
man could that woman dress!
Red dress, hat with a black veil,
seamed nylons and high heels.

I remember one time staying in
the car on main street while dad
ran in the store to pick up a tool,
I spied Grandmother walking
down the street. Elegant in her
walk and attire, she was turning
heads as she approached. My bro
and I hollered greetings out the
window, she smiled and waved
not realizing it was us until she
got closer.

Her next venture was a quarter
horse farm out in the country,
once her husband left the mines.
I swear the woman was utterly

And heaven forbid she should
ever relax a tad, she also became
an artist. Oil was her genre and
the arches her inspiration.

So hope to be like her when I
grow up! Not bloody likely . . .

02/22/2022 - Grandma, Part 2

I retuned to the US after a 20 year
sojourn; marriage, children, teaching.
One of the very first things I did was
to visit my grandmother. She lived
just an hour from my parents.

I can remember dashing out of the
car almost before the engine stopped.
Running up to the screen door, I saw
her sitting in her rocking chair, in the
kitchen, reading . . . You guessed it,
a Harlequin Romance.

Before she could even get up, I knelt
at her feet and promptly burst into 
tears. She held me, kneeling there, 
and didn't say a word. Truly, I loved 
her; she was the epitome of comfort 
in times of trouble.

When my sorrow somewhat abated,
I told her why I had returned to the
US. She listened, I mean she really 
listened, quietly holding my hands.

I have no idea what wisdom the ages
had bestowed on her. I just know she
had a heart the size of Manhattan and
I loved her and miss her . . .

miss you ere so much
where are you when i need you
i kneel at your feet

Feb 21, 2022

02/21/2022 - Grandma, Part 1

My maternal grandmother Mary,
named after the virgin Mary, was
straight out of a fairytale. An elder,
dressed in old fashioned dresses, 
her ever present handmade apron
to protect. 

Her white hair, reaching low down
her back, was customarily rolled
into a bun of sorts, along the nape
of her neck. Truly a picture . . .

Grandma was quite religious. 
She'd get in her old black 1951 
Chevrolet 4-door Fastback and
go 'round the local area picking up 
little old ladies much like herself. 
The church members would meet 
at different homes each Sunday. 

An elder would read a passage 
from the Bible followed with
silent prayer. Afterwards, a single 
glass of grape juice would make 
the rounds. Each member would 
take a sip, wipe the glass with a
provided handkerchief and pass  
it on. The infirm would wait to 
partake until the end.

The surprise for me was that in the
afternoon Grandma would treat 
herself to a Harlequin Romance.
When I arrived back in the US, I
bought her an entire box. She was
mortified . . . made me promise that
if she died, I would sneak them out
of her house before anyone saw them.

Sooooo find myself missing her . . .

To be continued . . .

Feb 20, 2022


"Memory is the diary that we all
carry about with us." ~Oscar Wilde

A problem here . . . age gifts us with
some rather capricious memory issues. 
At times, we simply forget. Others, we 
seem to misplace the memory, but we 
find it again at some point. Still others, 
we re-make a memory or even invent 
an entirely new one.

You'd laugh if you saw one of my lists; 
one on my e-mail, one on the refrigerator,
one in my purse, and one in the car . . .
Can't seem to recall if there are any 

The worst part is, I most always forget
the list when we go to market, as it were!
I'm on the verge of deciding whether or
not the best way to handle all this would
be to laugh or to cry!!!

Can't help but wonder if I won the lotto
sometime and didn't remember to cash 
in the ticket . . . Although, I suppose one 
must buy a friggin' ticket already!!!

Methinks 'tis high time I develop a sense
of humor! Being pissed off every time I
can't remember something doesn't seem 
to be helping!!!

cant seem to recall
must be a prince in my life
checking all over

Feb 19, 2022


Love how when you're about 
fed up with winter, Colorado 
doles out a sunny day nigh onto 
50 degrees . . . Methinks, I may 
just make it after all!!!

My guy is telling me that we're
going to have a fab weekend,
weather wise . . . and then he
informs me that the entirety of
next week it will be snowing!!!
Just had to tell me, didn't he?!

No mind, I am determined to 
enjoy Saturday and Sunday, no 
matter what!!! Need to do some
thinking. Maybe, we'll have us
a lie in, or perhaps we'll see a
friend or two. One way or another,
I'm not even going to think about
next week.

I've just had an idea . . . maybe I
should sit on a corner down town
and take donations for a trip to
the Bahamas! Anybody else?!

have snow will travel
hitching a ride even now
southern climes await

Feb 18, 2022


'Tis o' dark thirty and cars are
passing by, most likely on the 
way to work . . .

Feel like I should be giving thanks,
which I do every single day. Yet, I
do know I've earned this retirement,
teaching 40 plus years. Still . . .

Love that there's no set bedtime or 
an infernal alarm clock just waiting 
to sound off. Love the spontaneity 
available at every waking hour. Love
those silly ideas that pop into our 
heads and the laughter this brings.

I like that the snow brings with it
permission to stay at home. I like 
that the cold inspires the warmth 
born of an inviting fire. I like that
stay-a-bed days come guilt-free!

Adore those early morning cuddles
and coffee in bed. Adore the odd
call or mail from my children.
Adore that Mr. Death has passed 
me by so many times; pray, he
continue to do so!

Much to be thankful for . . .

icicles at dawn
framing full moon shining through
wild kind of romance 

Feb 17, 2022


The night brought us a much needed
gift of moisture via about 10 inches
of snow. See how I'm working on my
positivity regarding winter?!

What I want to know is, does this
mean I get to spend the day in bed?
I'm right in the middle of a fab book.
'Twould be perfect to read it in bed
throughout the day! 

And, I just had a fab idea . . . My
dear, dear, 'd) all of the above', as 
I tend to think of her, brought by 
a pitcher of margs yesterday to
celebrate the Snow moon. . . . 

It simply occurs to me that my
attitude towards winter is much
improved when drinking summer
margaritas! Let me think, is this a
fab idea or simply a justification?!

Who knows?! But, one way or
another, I'm drinking them!

whats the weather like
snowy days and sunny skies
or stay in bed day

Feb 16, 2022

02/16/2022 - Snow Moon

Methinks there are no words . . .
Three glorious days! Valentine's
Day on the 14th. Lupercalia on
the 15th (origins of Valentine's
Day) and the full Snow Moon 

My lover awoke me at o' dark 
thirty saying, "Oh babe, you need 
to come look at the moon!" 

The entire back yard was simply
flooded with light. Unbelievable!
Maybe it's the dark, dark, dark of 
Winter that makes it so luminous;
I've never seen anything like it.

Then, I returned to bed . . . and 
what do I find?! Freshly served 
margaritas . . . all the candles lit
and a toast celebrating these 
three phenomenal days.

Again, there are no words! I 
may just be the luckiest woman
in the entire universe!! I only
pray it goes both ways!!!

glories of snow moon
mother you are beautiful
wowed beyond the pale

Feb 15, 2022

02/15/2022 - Lupercalia

What's with all these dreams already?!
I know I've shared a plethora of my
midnight escapades . . . but this . . . 
it never stops!

Last night for example, my parents
and the two of us, along with my two
grandsons, all went to supper at the
home of Trudy Carpenter's parents.

'Twas lovely to see Trudy's parents,
as well remembering the boys when
they were kids. The dream was like
watching a movie . . . complete in its

Dreaming, I find myself attentive,
interested even, in the entire sequence.
In these dreams, I don't appear to be
surprised at the appearance of my
beloveds all grown up or long dead.

It's upon awaking that I realize . . .
I realize my life is being replayed
before my very eyes. What does this

I fear my soul is saying goodbye . . . 
I know I've jested about this in the 
past, but once I awaken and rehash
my dream, I actually start shaking.

Pray, stop the dreaming already . . .

sweet dreams or bad dreams
cinderella dreaming dreams
wheres that slipper now

Feb 14, 2022

02/14/2022 - Valentine's Day

I've already been blest with the 
best Valentine's Day ever! My 
children, my grandson and their
dear sig-o's all came for a fave 
Mexican meal.

Best, best of all, was seeing them,
hugging them, and listening to their
words. So love familial interaction.

It's been ever so fun sending out 
friendship cards, receiving sweet
missives, e-cards, as well as the
real thing! I am so glad that this
special day is for everyone and 
not just lovers.

I have been told that my fave
Valentine will be happening as
well. Homemade blueberry pan
cakes in bed with lots of my
forbidden butter! Bestest of all
best Valentines ever!

Wishing you beautiful memories
in the making as you celebrate
this most wondrous occasion.

love you to you and mine
happiest valentines day
ever and a day

Feb 13, 2022


I suppose it's natural to think about 
it when you're nigh onto a hundred
years old . . . death, I mean!

Not quite sure just what descriptives 
one could use when thinking of the
D-word; frightened, reticent, curious, 
eager even . . . go figure!

I've been having the most amazing
dreams of late! Seems I'm reliving
childhood memories, scholastic years,
marriages, life in both Mexico and 
the US. and the sweetest dreams of 
my lovely children.

For me, there seems to be only one
conclusion . . . I'm in re-wind mode
prior to saying goodbye. Frankly, I
think this is perfectly natural at this
stage of life. Still, heaven forbid I 
should talk about it as it's upsetting 
to my loved ones.

In the Spanish speaking Americas,
it is customary to jest about death.
The idea being, make fun of him
enough and he won't come knocking
at your door! You'll see this enacted
particularly around October 31st
through November 2nd.

Methinks, 'tis moi laughing at Mr. 
Death so he'll slink away in the 
night. No need to send me any 
reassurances, I'm sussing things
out just fine, thank you very much!

so not welcome here
get the hell offa my porch
no supper for you

Feb 12, 2022


"I am a part of the whole of Nature.
The rocks, the animals, the plants,
the elements are my relatives. Other
humans are my sisters and brothers,
whatever their races, colors, ages,
nationalities, creeds or sexual
preferences." ~Selena Fox

Again and again, I am 'accidentally'
confronted with wisdom of the ages.
I so appreciate it when the universe
gives me that little jolt against my 
complicity. We all have lessons to be
learned, much to improve, changes 
to make!

I like to think of myself as a kind,
positive person . . . perhaps I am . . .
most of the time. Still, we have days
when we're in a mood, got a ticket,
can't find a parking place, the lines
are too long . . . and all that positivity
seems to take a hike, right out of 

Most of us start out the new year 
right. We eat and drink less, lose a
couple of pounds, try to remember
our new year's resolutions and make
that attempt of howdy! howdy!

But, here it is mid-February and I've
already gained back a pound, drank
more than I intended, didn't exercise,
and forgot about a couple of important 

Methinks a best effort is needed; 
pray, I rise to the occasion!

Feb 11, 2022


Here was my guy, putting up a sweet
little curio cabinet when the doorbell
rang. There stood a couple of buddies
straight out of yesteryear.

I couldn't believe it! And then, they
each handed us a container of home
made margs! Wow! Took my breath

After hugs and greetings, we wended
our way to the table and sat in front
of the heater. All of a sudden, Fco.
says, "No vas a traer las margaritas?"
Well, even I don't usually 'marg it' 
before noon.

The the story came out . . . They had
bought us a bottle of Tequila for x-mas
but, for some reason or other, hadn't
made it over. So, María told him, "Yo
hago las margas y se las llevamos."
And, that's exactly what they did!

Oh, it was so much fun . . . a surprise
visit, unexpected margas, and plenty
of tales told out of school. Funny, just
how life hands you the entertainment,
most unexpected, even if you're over

Now, I rather expect some happenings
on a regular basis. Methinks a few of
my long-time friends might need to 
help out the universe along with my 
rather serious expectations!

Come on over . . . and remember, 
I'm now used to margs in hand!!!

Feb 10, 2022


an ornament or small piece of 
jewelry thought to give protection 
against evil, danger, or disease
Definitions from Oxford Languages

So love me some jewelry, the more 
unusual, the better! Give me silver 
and green turquoise and I'm yours
this side of forever! Strange beads, 
sweet pieces of wood, trinkets . . . 
make me yearn for more.

I've been collecting and enjoying
jewelry for about a hundred years. 
I like necklaces, bracelets, rings . . . 
even toe rings. 

Having thus confessed my enthrall
with body adornments, I've always
enjoyed wearing them, never thought 
of any pieces as amulets. Still . . .

I wear a couple of antique keys, the
odd bolt and a few trinkets, all on a
black string around my neck. I like it;
it's deliciously strange and that appeals
to me! It broke a couple of weeks ago;
I found myself constantly reaching for
it. That's when it hit me, my fun little
necklace had turned into an amulet.

I need to think about this a bit . . .
what the hey?! Crosses . . . Christian?
Jewish? Pagan? Lightening bolts?
Cameos? Hummmmm?!

Feb 9, 2022


"One day, you'll wake up and there
won't be anymore time to do the 
things you've always wanted to do . . .
Do it now!" ~Unknown

I sooooo love being retired! But for 
me, retirement began four years ago
when my lover and I moved into this
amazing 130 year old cabin. And oh,
the joys we have had here!!!

Let me just say, reiterate even, that
waking up at o' dark 30 and watching
and old murder mystery whilst having
coffee w/Kahlua is pure, unadulterated

Then, there's sitting in front of the fire
listening to Willy Nelson and his old
guitar, hole and all! Funny how some-
times a cold beer will follow us there!

Once in a while, an unexpected guest
will happen along and all of a sudden, 
a bit of a party ensues!

I'm at that time of my life where every
day I'm allowed to awake alive and well
is cause for celebration. On occasion, 
I look back and think, "Why couldn't I
have always appreciated life as this 
miracle it was meant to be?!

So hope, Father Time doesn't come for
me now that I've got the picture proper!

revered father time
pray do not take me away
lets have one last dance

Feb 8, 2022


"Early to bed and early to rise, 
makes a man healthy, wealthy, 
and wise." ~Benjamin Franklin

I've got the first part down, what
with being asleep by 7:30 and up
by 3:30 . . . Fairly healthy, but 
still waiting for wealthy and wise 
to kick in.

Wouldn't mind a little wealth;
I can think of all kinds of ways 
to spend a few shekels. But, I
sure as hell would like to see
some wisdom around here!

Let me think, what would I do
with it should the universe so
kindly grace me with that odd
bit of wisdom?!

First of all, bearing in mind
that wisdom and smarts are
two different things, might
be a good idea!

So, how would I spend that 
mite of wisdom if I could lay 
hands on it?! Older and wiser 
minds have suggested . . . 

     giving over receiving,
     listening over speaking, 
     loving over liking, 
     saving over spending.

Methinks, some pondering
is in order; but perhaps,

     doing over thinking

might be even better!

Feb 7, 2022


I've finally done it! . . . I've 
entered that special FB Hall 
of Fame. I've been banned 
for a day by admin.

I have a delightful childhood
friend who is also an author.
Alas, he is lax in signing his
work . . . something I find
particularly annoying, Lang
Arts teacher that I was for
41 years.

So, I chide him over this, 
all in good fun. Yesterday, 
he posted a wonderful piece,
without signing it. I wrote
something along the lines
that I was going to kick his
ass if he didn't remember
to sign his work . . .

 . . . Half an hour later, I
was banned. My lover and
I celebrated with margs in
bed as this is probably the
closest I'll ever get to 
being in the Banned Books
section of the library!

So from now on, I expect
to be treated with a certain
respect, usually reserved
for Banned Book authors!

Have a chuckle on me . . .

mommy im naughty
daddy burned my little book
dont look im hiding

Feb 6, 2022


I imagine most people can care 
out their own sacred spaces over 
their lifetime. I am so fortunate 
that I have not one, not two, but
three. My Sancta Sanctorum.

Luckily enough, I get to live in
my own tiny, sweet, 130 year old
cabin. Surrounded by forest, the
acreage is still open enough that 
guests can come by at their leisure.

In this archaic space, many miracles
have occurred . . . reconciliations, 
the forming of friendships, meetings,
birthday parties and amazing meals.
Miracles, really . . .

My gypsy vardo is my Holy of Holies.
Imagined by me  and created by my
lover, it is beyond anything else I've
ever seen. It's wild in treasures, décor
and color. There is a magick about it,
somewhat etherial.

Last and yes least, my small travel
trailer, under the amazing hands 
of my lover, takes us far and wide.
Visits to children, family and places,
all possible due to this little home
away from home.

Gratitude abounds to all those higher
powers that have made these treasures
possible. On my knees to my partner
whose skills are pure magic! We are
ever so fortunate . . .

Sancta Sanctorum!!!

Feb 5, 2022


Today, two interesting things have
happened . . . One, I broke my usual
end of December, January, and 
beginning of February booze fast . . .

Two, can you even imagine what it's 
like to drink fresh made margaritas in 
bed, when it's about umpteen degrees 
below zero?! Ahhhh . . .

And, you want to know just how cold
it is? My margarita mix had ice in it . . .
in my living room!!!

Know this . . . I sin on the side of
adoring my lover . . . 22 years now, 
especially if we're not even counting
the fact that I've loved him since we 
were three years old and together in
ole Gramma Bruchner's day care! And,
not a word of English lost in the mix.

We're not necessarily impoverished,
but we live on a half retirement in a
tiny 130 year old cabin.

What intrigues me, is the fact that 
both of us come up with the odd thing
or two, to entertain us. 

It may not be Europe, but it might be
margs in bed, if you see what I mean.

margs in bed for me
a trip to the bahamas
are you kidding moi

Feb 4, 2022


'Tis 2 degrees below zero this morn,
a veritable heat wave compared to
yesterday's 13 below!!!

Still no water as the pipes are frozen.
We're staying upstairs to keep warm.
I chuckle to think of guests coming
by. We'd have to ask them upstairs
so they could stay warm. We could
all sit on the bed and play pinochle. 
I have visions of us all falling thru
the ceiling!

Can't help but wonder if I'm going
to have to gift a burning sacrifice,
a la Old Testament, to take a break
from tons of snow and freezing
weather?! Grrrrrr ~!@#$%^&*()_+

fantasizing warmth 
alaskas come to visit
long for southern climes

Feb 3, 2022


Alas, 'tis o' dark thirty and 13 
degrees below zero . . . over two 
feet of snow on the picnic tables, 
no H20 in the jane, not even a 
gurgle; pipes must be frozen. Me-
thinks a chat with Mother Nature 
might be in order just about now!!!

Truly, I'm trying to deal with my
SAD issues and this is not helping.
I do know we need the moisture;
I'll try to be good! Right!!!

This news cast showed a pack of 
Huskies playing in the snow this
early morn. They look like they're
having a ball. Still, last time I
checked, no Husky blood in me!

For now, it's me back to bed 
where it's warm . . .

Keep me posted!

snow bunny im not
no sledding skiing skating
hot toddy and bed

Feb 2, 2022

02/02/2022 - Imbolc

It's finally here! Imbolc has arrived!

Or if you prefer . . . St Brighid Day,
or maybe Groundhog Day, or even
perhaps Lammas. Bottom line, we're
all celebrating . . . so many tribes,
beliefs, geographies and we are all
coalescing around our early February
One of the many things I like about 
this time of year is Ireland honors
all things dairy, from the ewe to her
products. You know what this means
right? I absolutely must have ice
cream in bed this morning! Always 
have and always will!

So love me Lady Brighid, as I like
to call her. Several years ago, the
church deigned it necessary to
remove her from her long reign.
Saint Brighid, being much loved 
by the Latin countries, must have
been somewhat amused at the
collective fit thrown and won!
The church reinstated her!

Pray, do honor this day! You may
think to make a Saint Brighid's
Cross. Perhaps a lamb dish and
dairy dishes of all kinds. Enjoy!

honoring today
beloved lady brighid
and all things irish

Feb 1, 2022


It's finally here . . . Seemed to me 
that February simply didn't wish 
to appear any time soon this year! 
And, I have such plans . . .

I appreciate the valentine culture 
of my adopted country, Mexico. 
Valentine's Day, as well as the 
entire month, is much more about 
friendship than courtly love. Of 
course, that is part of it, but any
time friendship can be honored, 
I'm in!

Friendship is, or should be, a gift
freely given. It requires no shekels
spent, just time and thoughtfulness.
Still, it's been such fun seeking out 
little gifts. I've enjoyed prepping 
cards and notes; they must go out

On a more serious note, friends
being honored and family courted,
I am reminded that it's a good time
to honor its importance! After all,
LOVE  R O C K S !!!

Happy Friendship month! Happy
Valentine's Day! Enjoy . . .


Once a year, my Lady Hekate Triad
gets together; we eat, drink and make
merry! So love and enjoy us together. 
And, the conversations . . . priceless!

One of the things we talked about . . .
the roles of women in the past seventy 
years or so, as well as their personal

I'm ten, fifteen years older than them,
so I may have a somewhat different
point of view. I remember thinking
the same thing about my mom and 
me. Life gave us each a different
pallet of paints, after all!

I am reminded how important it is
to have friends of different ages 
and experiences. It broadens the
mind, provides outlooks otherwise
unavailable. Again . . . priceless!!!

So, I am proud that women today
can have jobs heretofore usually 
allotted to men. I love that they
can work outside the home or
stay home . . . their choice. I like
the freedom they enjoy to dress as 
they choose. 

I recognize the incredible debt we
owe to our predecessors . . . women
who marched, wrote, argued in our
favor, our defense. Such courage in
the face of incredible resistance. 
Wow! Just W O W !!!