Jan 31, 2023


January, at its end; we bid adieu.

I imagine all of us tend to think 
of January as new beginnings. We
promise ourselves better behavior,
new ideas, exercise and weight loss.

Don't know about you, but my
promises tend to last about three
days. On the good side of things,
I'm always faithful to my January
abstinence. Now, ask me about
eating right!

At o' dark thirty this a.m. I got 
to thinking about resolutions in
general and mine in particular.
It occurred to be that if I had
only made three rather than an
entire 10 commandments, there
might be a better chance of

The other thing that came to mind
was following them throughout
the year rather than just January.
I think I'll post my three where I
see them every day. And, as we
tend to gloss over the things that
stay in one place, maybe I'll even
move them around.

A bit of magick . . . year 2023,
I am 73 and I have 3 resolves.
Three is my number and this
year, I'm going to make a better
effort all year long. As my friend
David used to say . . .

"Lord willing and the Devil doesn't 

Jan 30, 2023


Methinks Santa has outstayed his
welcome! 'Tis minus 7 degrees 
right now. I'm at war with Winter!
No can do . . . 

Obviously, it's a mute point for
those who must out and about.
For those of us lucky enough to
be retired, we have a few other

Trying to wrap my head around 
some solutions rather than just
bitching about it. I have my usual;
crossword puzzles, collecting and
organizing quotes and other words
of wisdom. Best part is making a
stab and reading a book every day
or so.

Right now, I'm thinking along the
lines of staying in bed all day and
reading my next fave book. Works 
for moi . . . Sooooo feel for all the
working stiffs out there!

High time for a decent hibernation.
See you next spring . . .

Jan 29, 2023


"The problems that lay before
you are not as strong as the
ancestors that walk beside you."
~Out of the Broom Closet

'Midst the sorrows of the last
few weeks, I ran into the above
quote. I have no idea who this
author is, but the wisdom is

This led me to ponder the words
of our own grands in my family.
Luckily, one side of my kin flies
under the Pantheist umbrella and 
the other, Christian. So, I accrue 
wisdom from both sides of the coin.

'Tis often words from one grand
or the other come to me. Times
I chuckle and others, I cry. Simple
adages and folk sayings such as . . .

"Don't get your panties in a twist,
no harm - no foul, take it easy, get
over it, mind your own business,
what the hell's wrong with you?"

I know! I know! But, I did say
simple, didn't I?! I look at these
and I think about them. They are
basically quick ass responses you
wouldn't expect out of the mouths
of wisdom. Still, behind them is
a bit of magic that reduces our
humungous woes to that with 
which we can cope.

And of course, I'll never forget 
the real sit down talks that truly
matter above and beyond the 
quick and dirty rejoinders!

Sooooo, I will gird up my loins, 
sally forth and conquer, to quote 
one of the grands! Or, maybe, just
maybe, this is one of my own!
Go figure, I come from good stock!

Get the hell on with it, Linda-Dale!!!

Jan 28, 2023


Where to go from here . . .

My heart is full, I've cried,
sobbed and wept until I have
no more tears. I feel so empty.

What came to me yesterday . . .
At my age, of course there will
be more passings, more losses.
What to do? How to cope? Lay
down and give up? I don't think

I firmly believe that as we lose
members of our families, our 
friends, each of them whispers,
"Live! LIVE!! L I V E !!!" 

Enough with this existing already.
We have no idea how much time
will be allotted us. No way in hell
should any remaining time be 

Time need not be spent in such
sophisticated ways. A simple walk,
a drive in the country, sitting in
front of a fire, watching it snow.
Write a letter, a real letter to a 
loved one.

I'd have to say, I want to go down
with my hand in. Existing only
just doesn't cut it! We so need to
enjoy each day, each moment, 
and love with all our hearts . . .

Live, truly live . . .

Jan 27, 2023


A difficult, yet most amazing 
day today . . .

Our family and friends bid adieu 
to our much loved Lee. Always 
a fave . . . know this; she was one 
incredible woman. The word I
kept hearing over and over was
kind. What a wonderful epitaph!

Daughter, wife, mother, grand-
mother! But, what touches my
heart is how wondrous she was
in each role. Wow! Just W O W !

On our return journey, we were
treated to the most unbelievable
sky show. An entire panorama . . . 
There were patches of bright blue 
with pearly white clouds, followed 
by three different shades of grey, 
then the darkest of skies ending in
a shaft of snow over the mountains.

It was as if the entire heavens were
bowing down to welcome and salute
Lee's arrival. And, although she will
be much missed here, there is joy in
heaven today . . .

Lee, you are, and were, much loved . . .
and ever so missed!

Jan 26, 2023


"Don't save anything for a special
occasion. Being alive is a special
occasion." ~Mary Englebreit 

Methinks we all sin on the side of
saving things for a special occasion.
I see some good, sound advice here
and I hope for once that I have the
brains to follow it!!!

My barro set from Mexico over 
paper plates?! Now, there's an idea! 
Pretty napkins vs those old white 
ones meant for picnics. I'm thinking
candles every day rather just at
special times. And bottom line,
there'd be naught wrong with
dressing up now and then. Alas, 
I spend my days in black, head 
to toe.

Trying to think here . . . where the
hell did this idea of saving things
for later come from?! Maybe it's
just my generation as our parents
experienced WWII and our grands,
WWI. And we went through the
Viet Nam war ourselves!

I actually think our youngers, as 
I like to call them, are smarter 
about this than we are. Again, 
maybe it has something to do with 
our war time mentality.

Here's to good New Year thoughts;
get out the crystal and silver, wear
that dress you've been saving, eat
at your adorned table and light those
stunning candles! Do it today! As
our elders have always told us . . .
nobody knows about the morrow 

Opening a bottle of champagne
I've been saving. I might even
invite the neighbors over and get
a bit festive! Salud!

Jan 24, 2023


"You will never be completely
at home again because part of
your heart will always be else-
where. That is the price you 
pay for the richness of loving
and knowing people in more
than one place." ~girlgi

Of late, I've found myself having
a look-see down that dark tunnel 
called the past. In thinking of
my childhood, I can't help but
remember those most precious
loved ones, times and moments.

My father; lovely, wondrous
times we spent together . . . 
my childhood friends and the
naughties we shared . . .

High school, college strangely
different in their renditions of
memory. The former, an updated
version of my earlier years with
a bit of study thrown in. The latter,
more study and less time for pals.

 . . . then lands adulthood on the
scene; shrouded in responsibility,
the ups and downs of monetary
endeavors, the creation of family,
the odd bit of entertainment if
time allowed.

Ever so thankful that retirement
coincided with my total exhaustion.
Still, these golden years allow for
the memories of loved ones to
surface from every segment of 
my life.

I see my heart in pieces, spread
out amongst each of those I have
loved in each time and place I've
lived. I find I have no need to
reunite them; I am content with
the broken pieces of my heart.


"Blessed are the weird people;
poets, misfits, writers, mystics,
painters and troubadours, for
they teach us to see the world
through different eyes."
~Jacob Nordby

I so love and enjoy all peoples
different . . .

As my father was an eccentric,
I was blest with enjoying those
of a different cut of cloth . . . 
I believe they were drawn to my
dad simply because he accepted 
them and they felt comfortable in 
his presence.

I remember Mr. Bailey; he always
carried petrified dinosaur scat in
his pockets. Sometimes he would
actually lick the polished surface
so we could better see the beauty.

One of my dad's best friends was
a douser. He would come over
with his dousing rod and wend 
his way through the outskirts in
search of water. Loved him!

He got a kick out of Gay Johnson's
daughter. She would climb ladders
in her mink coat and spike heels in
order to better see the work he was
doing on her house.

He loved the Asian owner of the
Far East Restaurant. We would eat
there once a month as a treat. Later
he built two fireplaces for the man
in exchange for a piano for me.

I am ever so fortunate to have been
reared by him. God, I so miss him;
beyond the pale . . .

Jan 23, 2023


"If there's even a slight chance
at getting something that will
make you happy, risk it. Life's
too short and happiness is too
rare." ~A.R. Lucas

I do look back sometimes, and
spot those wondrous times of
truly happy. I think of leaving
home, life in Mexico, birthing 
my children, teaching forever 
and a day, my friends.

I just noticed that I didn't list 
any possessions. Isn't that
interesting?! I've heard it said
that this appreciation of the 
etherial over the physical has
to do with age, but maybe not.

Today, I love my life in my 
135 year old cabin out in the 
woods with my guy who I've 
known since I was three. I so
enjoy visits from family and
friends, sharing a bite to eat

Can't help but wonder what I
look forward to and methinks,
more of the same, please! So
love me some visits, so enjoy
sharing a meal and tales out of
school. I can hardly wait 'til
spring when we can have more
of that!

Come on over, let's make some
memories together . . .

Jan 22, 2023

01/22/2023 - Dedicated to Deb and Heidi

Yesterday was the New Moon
and today, we celebrate our
Lunar New Year . . .

Obviously, some of us are all
about the sun and others enjoy
the moon. I'm lunar all the way
and I'd have to say . . .

"What the hay, woman?! You 
go off the map during winter 
and complain about no sun, 
yet you're all about the moon!!!"

Well, what can I say, I'm a Libra
and my own scales have never,
ever been in balance . . . which
explains a great deal, if you ask

So, last night at o' dark thirty,
I celebrated the new moon . . .
which made me think of Deb.
We like to get together at the
New Moon. Still, methinks it
was so cold as well as lightly
snowing, that not even God
would have come out from
the warmth of his hearth and 

Today, I celebrate the Lunar
New Year. Normally, I would
do so with my sisters . . . but,

"Baby it's cold outside . . . "
~Frank Loesser

Happiest Lunar New Year to
those of you who enjoy our
Lunar Lady. 


Jan 21, 2023


Just when it feels like your 
world is about to explode,
and hope eludes your grasp,
and you can't even find
yourself . . .

 . . . the Universe sends a sign,
a message, if you will. This
a.m. at 2:00, a mountain lion
came to visit. She set off the
alarm so we were able to see
her at play, walking through
the yard and then heading on
up the mountain.

There is absolutely no doubt
in my mind that she carried
a message; this is what came
to my mind  as she pranced
about. . . 

 . . . "Life goes on, with or
without you. It's up  to you 
to live it or to discount it. 
Get over yourself already; 
winter won't last forever . . ."

I get that it may take a bit,
but I'm going to get my act 
together. I need embrace to
embrace some positivity, 
and truly live the time that
has been allotted me.

Confessing here, I can't help 
but wonder if that wasn't my
friend Julie whispering in my 
ear . . .

Jan 20, 2023


I have loved aging, which
surprises me a bit. But, the
alternative isn't attractive.

There are ever so many
plusses, such as watching
your children come to
fruition, appreciation for
those things not noticed
heretofore, slowing down.

I truly enjoy the slowing
down part. "Stop and smell
the roses," is now real to
me. I love simply standing
outside and noticing. It's
truly the first time I have
realized how oblivious 
I've been.

I guess the one thing I had
not thought about was loss.
I know my time will come,
obviously. But, I hadn't
pondered the passing of
those around me. Yesterday,
claimed my niece . . . I
simply cannot imagine the
grief her mother, sister,
husband and daughter are
going through.

How to survive? How to
find comfort? How to cope?
I so wish to lend words of
wisdom to my family and
friends . . . and none will

I truly thought aging would
bring about wisdom and I
find myself clueless!!!

Jan 19, 2023


"Grief, I've learned, is really
just love. It's all the love you
want to give, but cannot. All
that unspent love gathers up
in the corners of your eyes,
the lump in your throat, and
in that hollow part of your
chest. Grief is just love with
no place to go."
~Jamie Anderson

Methinks suffering and
grief need to sit down at
the table and come up with
some ideas as to how we
are to cope with loss.

We have loved well, why
wasn't it enough? We have
prayed, begged, promised
anything . . . and nothing
has kept the worst from

Seems our minds make
every effort to try and
comprehend what's
happening, but the scope
of loss and heartache are
too great.

Alas, I have all the questions 
and none of the answers.

Pray give us rest from grief.
Pray give us peace . . .

Jan 18, 2023

01/18/2023 - Julie Olmstead

It seems Julie has been in 
my life forever, rather along 
the lines of a little sister or
a fave niece. We did meet 
25 years ago or so and have 
been close ever since. She's
taken my classes, joined my 
group of sisters and been a 
bright light in moments of

I rue the day illness took 
her life as she knew it. It
was heartbreaking to watch
this amazing woman slow
her steps, but never her 
smile. Positive as ever,
she showed us what real
courage looked like.

Looking back, I am well
pleased that we went over
to see her every few weeks.
I thought we had more time.

The lesson I take from Julie . . .

Live life while you have it.
Exist only when you don't!

What a love . . .

"Your wings were ready, 
but our hearts were not . . ."

Jan 17, 2023


"All human beings are descendants 
of tribal people who were spiritually 
alive, intimately in love with the natural 
world, children of  Mother Earth. When 
we  were tribal people, we knew who 
we were, we knew where we were, and 
we knew our purpose. This sacred
perception of reality remains alive and 
well in our genetic memory. We carry
it inside of us, usually in a dusty box in 
the mind's attic, but it is accessible." 
~John Trudell

'Twas fabulous to awaken at o' dark thirty
to this missive by one of my heroes. Also
fun to see my cousin and student teacher's
names attached. Wow! Just WOW!

At the time of his political activism dealing
with Free Alcatraz, I was a newlywed living
in Mexico. He was much revered and so
admired. He was courageous beyond the 
pale . . . awakening in people a revisiting of
their own beliefs and feelings pertaining to
these issues.

He was a light in the dark places of our hearts
and minds. I so lament that he died so young.

I salute you, John Trudell. Know that your 
message lives on . . .

John Trudell was a Native American
author, poet, actor, musician, and political
activist. He was the spokesperson for the
Indians of All Tribes takeover of Alcatraz
beginning in 1969, broadcasting as Radio
Free Alcatraz. 1946 - 2015 Wikipedia

Jan 16, 2023


Pay to the order of
Linda-Dale Jennings:

$2.50 - Wounded Soldiers
$1.50 - Disabled Veterans 
$2.50 - Wounded Soldiers
$1.50 - Disabled Veterans 

Every month, I'm in the habit
of sending donation checks to
roughly eight charities of my
choice. I switch around a bit, 
so I probably give to about 15
throughout the year.

All my intimates have heard
me explain that I live on only
a half retirement as I cannot
collect from Mexico unless 
I live there. I'll 'fess up front
that this could also have the
nomenclature of bitch, moan
and groan.

Sooooo, imagine my surprise
when a couple of my charities
started sending ME donations.
I've listed above, four checks
I've received. Of course I won't
cash them, but what the hay?!

Methinks 'tis the universe . . .
"ld, shut the f--- up and be
thankful for what you have.
Share what you can and stop
griping already!"

I'm embarrassed . . . think I'll
go to mass, hit the confessional
and get my sins pardoned!!!

Sooooo NOT kidding here . . .

Jan 15, 2023


"I've seen better days, but
I've also seen worse. I don't
have everything I want, but 
I do have all I need. I woke 
up with some aches and pains, 
but I woke up. My life may 
not be perfect, but I am blest." 
Lady Winter Moon

In my search for tolerance
and enlightenment during 
these winter months, I ran
across the above bits of
wisdom . . .

I've come to realize that bits
of wisdom such as these, as
I tend to think of them, are
thrown our way daily. The
issue at hand might be that
we're not paying attention.
And, if we do notice, do we
do anything about them?

It's way too easy to bandy
about wise words and not
really even hear them! I like
to think I'm listening . . . but
am I truly hearing?

I can just see Mother shaking
her finger saying, "Listen up!
Pay attention to business. This
may be your only chance!"

I swear, I truly want not only
to listen, but to really hear. 
I wish to honor the reality 
of learning. I want to grow.

Courage, pray come to me. 
I may not truly be ready, 
but I so need to try . . .

Jan 14, 2023


"I like night time things.
Wolves. Moons. Auroras.
Art. Music. Firelight. 
Mystery." ~Victoria Erickson

Pondering my unbalanced
Libra self, I find . . .

Isn't it strange how I suffer 
from SAD, yet love the night
time?! I should be solar, yet 
I'm lunar by nature and creed.
Love the sunset; sunrise comes 
in second. Naught in this world
like sitting by the fire. Beats
being out in the sun every time.

So, wondering here, if the docs
haven't misdiagnosed me with
Seasonal Affective Disorder?!
Looks to me like winter would
be a kind of coming home for
me. All cozy and dark, yearning
for a fire and a delish hot soup.

Been trying nigh onto a 100
years to understand myself. 
Looks to moi like it ain't

Still, the above insights might 
just help me deal with dark side 
of the year a tad better!

Jan 13, 2023

01/13/2023 - Friday the 13th

Yayyyyyyyyy! Finally,
we have a Friday the
13th . . . 

On average, we have 
a couple a year. It goes
from none to three. Not
sure why I like them so
much, but they tickle
my heart!

In grade school, we used 
to play jokes on each other 
as well as the teachers.
They were such sweet,
simple jests; I find myself
much moved.

Back in a first grade recess, 
I can remember writing, 
"I am a gost" on a little piece 
of paper and sticking it to the 
back of the principal's suit 
coat. Not sure where I got
the nerve as he was quite
a serious man!

He must have felt something
so he reached around and
grabbed the paper. I thought
for sure I was going to get
killed! He just laughed,
turned to me and said, "Hey,
little one, you spelled ghost
wrong." Still tickles me . . .

I like doing things out of the
ordinary on Fridays the 13th.
I'll have to see what I come
up with today. Methinks 'tis
a good excuse to spend some
much needed time by the fire.

Let's see what proper naughties
we can all get up to . . .

Jan 12, 2023


There are ever so many
things about which to feel
wondrous . . .

A sunny day, albeit below
freezing, a couple of friends
dropping by, clean sheets, 
fun slippers . . .

I must remind myself that
moments, treats, gifts . . .
all bring smiles and help
brush away the SAD . . .

When a SAD attack occurs,
it's so easy to forget these
precious moments, fun
spontaneous visits, a bit of
winter sun . . .

Methinks I need to give 
myself a good shaking,
wake up and smell the
coffee, smile on the gifts
of the gods!

Why is it that we tend to
focus on the negative rather
than the positive? Why do
we mire in the mud rather
than playing in the snow, 
as it were?!

I swear, I'm going to have
words with myself next
doldrums attack! Going to
gift myself a day by the fire,
a good book and a virgin 
bloody Mary. 

Happy! Happy! Here I come!

Jan 11, 2023


Yesterday, I braved the 
world and did my monthly 
shop . . .

So naturally, I came home 
with all I wanted and nought 
on my list! Of course, today
is my house cleaning day 
and none of my much needed 
tools seem to be in existence.

Wonder if I might just clean
the bath with chili powder
and maybe dust the living 
room with satin napkins?!

I seem to recall I was going
to work on my memory this
year. Don't know if the loss
is all down to half-heimers 
or simply the longing to be
naughty yet one more time.

Feel free to come over and
help with the all day cabin
clean . . . and by that, I mean
sitting in front of the fire
sipping ungodly brews . . .

Jan 10, 2023


I seem to remember something 
along the lines of promising my-
self some changes for the new 

Strange, we're only ten days
in and I'm not really certain 
I recall any of them; maybe 
the odd self-improvement or 
so . . .

 . . . like eating better, losing 
a tad more weight and getting
out more. The only one I like
of these particular three is the

I'm finding, in my anti SAD fight
(Seasonal Affective Disorder),
that getting my ass out in the real 
world from time to time is actually
quite helpful! Methinks I'm just
ever so comfy in my own little

Bottom line, what's to be my 
focus for the next several months? 
I won't allow myself more than 
three, so what's it to be? I'd like 
to think outside the box this time 
around . . . 

So perhaps, getting out a bit more 
is a good place to start. Interacting 
with more people, family and 
friends comes to mind . . . albeit 
e-mails, letter and cards, or visits
and telephone calls. 

If I'm counting right, I get one more!
And, I'd like that to be surprises. 
In our modern day world, we have
to be so organized. My mom used to
accuse me of having my life planned
from the cradle to the grave. Alas, I
don't think she was far from wrong.

Sooooo, surprises here I come, or 
do I have that backwards?! Come
on guys, lend me a hand here; help
me be surprised . . .

Jan 9, 2023


"Detachment is not that you
should own nothing, but that
nothing should own you."
~Ali ibn abi Talib, the last of
four Rightly Guided Caliphs
to rule Islam immediately aft
the death of Muhammad; he
was the first Shia Imam. His
succession caused a major
rift between Muslims and
divided them into Shia and
Sunni groups. Wikipedia

'Tis most interesting those
changes in attitude as we find
ourselves in the last years of
our lives. I've heard it said
that the first half of our lives
is spent collecting and the
last half in giving away. We
humans are something else,
aren't we?!

I can remember my mom
couldn't let anyone leave her
home without giving them
something. It didn't matter if
they wanted it or not, or if it
was ridiculous or wonderful,
you didn't leave empty handed.

I find myself emulating her to
some degree. I've given away
everything on my will that I
could. Treasures in my home
go out the door with just the
right person. I love that!

I do find myself wishing I had
spent more on experiences and
less on treasures . . . but I was a
when in doubt, do both person.
No regrets really . . .

Looking at the above quote, 
I do think that in my younger
years, my treasures, as I like to
think of them, owned me. In my
dotage, I do believe I've actually
found an iota of balance.

I see I said iota rather than perfect,
oh well . . .

Jan 8, 2023


"Absence makes the heart 
grow fonder!" 
~Sextus Aurelius Propertius,
Roman poet, 15BC

Methinks I'm about to give
this whole psychobabble 
thing a kick in the pants . . .

When I'm fasting, I'd like to 
eat! In a month of abstinence, 
of course a drink sounds good. 
On a diet? Only fat laden foods 
attract! Not to forget doc's 
orders of 8 glasses of water 
a day and I'm gagging around 
the 6th.

What is it about human
nature that makes us long
for the unattainable?! I'd
have to admit, per se, I
don't. For me, it's all about
me denying moi!

I get these flea brained 
notions in my head that
X, Y or Z would make 
life better or healthier,
even easier. Oh my God,
talk about sinning against
oneself. Why can't I just 
live and let things be?!

Oh no . . . wayyyyy tooooo
logical!!! Gots to be that ole
Libra thing again! Convince
myself that personal growth
is important even at 100 years
old. And then, down comes
the other scale saying things
like, "You're old enough to
have some fun now."

Go figure . . . I'm going to
ponder self acceptance here
at o' dark thirty whilst I have
a Bloody Mary in bed . . . non
alcohol, of course. Damn!

Jan 7, 2023


Today is the recalling of one
of the most glorious days of 
my life . . .

Umpteen years ago on a most
wondrous afternoon, I became
a mother for the first time. I'll
never forget that moment when
the nurse handed me my babe.

There's this amazing, inordinate
feeling when your baby finally
rests in your arms. That tiny
face, screwed up and bursting
into song . . . or should I say,

We howled together, at the top 
of our voices! And I wept in
sheer gratitude to the universe.

I loved watching his dad hold
him high in his arms shouting,
"I have a son, a beautiful son!"

He has brought all of us such
joy through the years. This
man; son, brother, husband,
friend and artist . . . wow! 
Just W O W !!! 

How will I ever show my
gratitude? To whom do I offer
my praise? Will I ever feel I
have shouted my love to the
Universe loud enough, long 

I love him so . . .

Jan 6, 2023


"Sometimes you have to 
let go of the picture of what 
you thought life would be 
like and learn to find joy in the
story you are actually living." 
~Rachel Marie Martin

Bet I wasn't the only kid who
grew up with the Cinderella 
story. But, I would have to 
admit that any extrapolations 
coming from there were my 
own. Can't blame my parents 
for this one!

And of course, we just use the
term. Childhood is a fantasy of
sorts, good or bad. I imagine
we all grew up thinking, "This
is NOT how things are going
to be for me when I grow up."

And now, nigh onto a 100. 
my fave number for 73, I am
wowed by all the twists and
turns in my own life.

Whilst living them, we may
sorrow, but looking back, I
find myself dismissing regrets.
Methinks 'tis those very twists
and turns in our lives that bring
us to the end of our journey.

And, if that's the case, bring 
on another few . . . I find I'm 
not yet ready for the end of 
my own journey!

Now, when I grow up, I want
to be . . .

Jan 5, 2023


"Even the darkest night will
end and the sun will rise."
~Victor Hugo

Cold, dark, dank, snowy 
days of winter . . .

My soul cries out to the
heavens . . . "When, oh 
when, will joy be returned 
to me, ere I die?!"

Such a drama queen, a role
I've never admired in anyone
much less in myself! What 
the hell?

Those who do not suffer
w/SAD (Seasonal Affective
Disorder) would find this
utterly unbelievable, unduly
dramatic . . . perhaps it is.

Still, this near death drama
queen feels exactly thus!
Each and every day, she 
fears she will not make it.

Pray the Lord of Winter 
spares me yet one more 
season. More so, beg I 
grow and learn to handle 
this ghastly malady with 
wisdom and grace . . .

Jan 4, 2023


He doesn't say, "I love you . . . "
. . . brings me coffee in bed,
makes me the odd funny taco.

He doesn't say, "I love you . . . "
. . . braves the storms, clears the
walks and preps the transport.

He doesn't say, "I love you . . . "
. . . cuts the grasses and rakes
the leaves, arranges the tables
and the chairs.

He doesn't say, "I love you . . . " 
. . . watches show with me, those
not his cup of tea, opens the wine
we share, but has just a tad.

He doesn't say, "I love you . . . "
. . . he cuts the wood, builds the
fire and gazes into the embers
with me.

He doesn't say, "I love you . . . "
. . . those meaningless words,
he exemplifies them in every
action, every gesture, every 

He doesn't say, "I love you . . . "
. . . te amo, te quiero, te adoro,
je t'aime.

He doesn't say, "I love you . . . "
. . .  he speaks a different
language, a language of the
gods . . .

 . . . and I worship, not at his 
feet, but at his heart.

Jan 2, 2023


My entire life I have loved
reading. I can still remember
announcing to my parents, 
"I can read! I can read!" 

A whole new world opened
its doors to me; and I wasn't
happy unless I read a book a
day. Obviously, starting with
Dick and Jane and finally
arriving at Shakespeare's door
lo those many years later.

My idea of heaven was the
library, especially as shekels
were few and desire was great.
Having said that, I would use
my small allowance to keep
my faves close to my heart.

Truly, my pride would never
have allowed me to read any-
thing silly, romances, never!
Cervantes was always a fave
in Spanish, Shakespeare's 
counterpart, as it were.

And now,  perhaps a proper 
confession is in order. Maybe
I've never read comedy or
romance, but you ought to see
me eat up murder mysteries.
Methinks my father would be
appalled . . .

I console myself by thinking,
"At least they're not dime
romance novels." Many a time
have I addressed my love of
reading, but a confession has
been a long time coming.

A few years from my own 
passing, I intend to keep sinning
as hard and as fast as I can!

Murder awaits . . . no shit 


My sister-in-law sent me 
a wonderful article today.
The author wrote of the
sacred. She closed with
this comment . . .

"May you see sacredness
in your daily life- in the
taste of your favorite foods,
in the green growing things
around you, in the crowded
parking lot or the line in your
supermarket, in the laughter
from a friend's inside joke, in
the tears you shed when you
are hurting, and especially in
the beautiful sacred souls all 
around you." 
~Marjorie Jorie Ellenwood

I've always tended toward 
the spiritual over the religious,
like my father rather than my
mother. Still, I enjoyed my
studies when taking a degree
in Religion and Philosophy.
I love the study still, but it's
the practice of spirituality
that calls to me.

I wonder if religion doesn't
lie in the mind and spirituality 
in the heart. Perhaps religion
addresses our beliefs, whereas
spirituality our actions?!

Whatever our beliefs, practices, 
I pray we will each grow in the
acceptance of others and their 
ways. Perhaps spirituality can 
rescue us from narrow thinking.

I am slowly but surely coming
to believe that a better new year
awaits us with the opening of
both our hearts and minds.

This may be our only recourse
for personal growth as well as
an inkling of heaven on earth.

Jan 1, 2023


Is it Happy New Year? or
Happy Anniversary? When
it doubt, do both, right?!

My guy woke me up at 
midnight, wished me a 
happy 23! He then asked 
me if I'd like to go sit by 
the fire and open a bottle 
of champagne?! This man
is def a keeper!!!

I find myself remembering
him on my doorstep 23
years ago, New Years Day!
I hadn't seen him since a
family reunion his sister
hosted, a true blast from 
the past!

Now I've done it . . . the
bottle is open, the genie
escaped and memories are
flooding everywhere! My
first date, my first kiss, my
first boyfriend! Ever so

I asked him once why he
thought we had parted . . .
actually, going to Mexico
for 20 years might have had
something to do with it . . .

He explained . . . we were 
charged with bringing our
children into the world and
that our time together had
not yet come. Such depth!

Bottom line, I can't think
of anyone I'd rather spend
my dotage with. Just pray
we don't become too dotty! 

Happiest of all happy 
anniversaries to me and
thee . . . Oh, and happy
new year as well!