Feb 28, 2021

02/28/2021 (#15 NO WATER)

What is it about three . . . number
three, the third time, the third day . . . 
pure magic! I am sooooo into the 
three! Color me three. . . ed!

Today, I awaken with hope, I've 
needed it for such a long, long time. 
Not to mean, I've been hopeless all 
the while. There are just those days 
that I am so overwhelmed, me thinks 
there is no way I can go on from here!

Learning to cope is an amazing skill; 
so not given to all . . . alas, I am one 
of those who have always doubted, 
if now downright dismissed my ability,
or lack thereof, to cope. I pray, let it be . . .

Here's to learning how to let it be . . . 
how to cope, although bloody unlikely . . .
Pray the gods help me . . .

mother pray teach me
learning to let it all be
how do i let go

Feb 27, 2021

02/27/2021 (#14 NO WATER)

Yesterday, the words fell from my fingertips
as if demon possessed. Today, I find myself 
standing at the threshold of this moment in 
time, as if awaiting the courage to open the 
door . . .

The door to what, pray tell? What secrets lie
beyond?! Joy after sorrow? Peace after war?
Understanding after ignorance? Unimaginable

And yes, the fear is there . . . this pure,
unadulterated fear . . . fear of the unknown,
the unexpected. I ask myself, "Is it possible
that I might simply be afraid to be utterly 
and completely happy?"

"Is it that I'm afraid of the price I may be
asked to pay? Will I have to pay with a
life? One of my children's? Friends'? My 
own? Or perhaps, my life as I have known
it up until now?!"

One may spend an entire lifetime seeking
understanding, comprehension . . . and all 
of a sudden, when faced with the possibility 
of utter joy, run with a fear previously 

Not certain just what I'm feeling?! Am I
sorry for myself? Disappointed? Do I 
actually 'get' this woman on what appears to
be a treadmill situation?! One step forward
and two steps back? ~!@#$%^&*()_+

It's rather like praying for enlightenment 
and when the answers come knocking,
hollering out, "Sorry, can't come to the
door right now, I'm on the phone!"

pray give me courage
open my eyes to visions
finding me baffled 

Feb 26, 2021

02/26/2021 (#13 NO WATER)

Great grandmother, pray enlighten me?
Grandmother? Anything she doesn't know?
Mother? Where are you when I need you?

Reaching out to my ancestral dames . . . 
Pray help me; I am beyond my depth! 
Not sure where to go from here; not certain
I'll be able . . . sooooo not giving the right 
advice; not representing the courage needed!

You, most wondrous ladies, you have been 
there, done that . . . pray, help me deal with 
these horrendous upcoming times! I am
counting on you . . . I have no one else . . . 
I find myself on my knees, in absolute 

Knowing not to whom I pray, I beg, beseech,
implore you to have mercy, the mercy of a
mother . . . let her be . . . let her be well! She
is worthy, has committed no sin; take me
instead . . .

Oh daughter of mine . . . may you be, just
be . . . I celebrate your very existence!!!

love without measure
mothers love knows no equal
a daughters being

Feb 25, 2021

02/25/2021 (#12 NO WATER)

On the 12th day of winter,
my true love gave to me . . .
eight inches snow,
frozen pipes awaiting,
no water yet . . .

Actually, much as I dislike winter,
I find I'm quite happy to take a snow
day! My guy has been working so
hard to get the pipes unfrozen, drains
working . . . water bottles everywhere,
so we have plenty drops to drink.

My son has been a god-send, giving
us drinking water, a shower or two 
and a clothes wash. He makes light
of it, but it's truly ever so helpful!

After a few quite nice days, this a.m.
we woke up to about 10 inches snow.
Me thinks we're going to sit in front
of the fire, listen to some music, even
sip a glass or two of red . . . a bit of
time off from water issues, as it were!

Hey, were it not for the plague, we
could throw a slightly smelly party . . .

call it white and bright
just recouping by the fire
leave your boots outside

Feb 24, 2021

02/24/2021 (#11 NO WATER)

Somewhere 'midst winter, no water
and or anything else you can come
up with, lies . . . wonderland! All
you need is that childlike awe . . .

Love the resilience of the human
spirit! It can actually overcome
almost anything! Initially, you
might not think so . . . and then
things start to happen!

You might not think you're strong
enough to endure, seek alternative
options, listen to unwanted advice;
somehow things start to unravel,
settle down!

Here we are in winter wonderland
with no water, but my amazing guy
has gotten us drainage and there's
hope for the morrow. 

Me thinks I might just double dare
you to live in a 130 year old cabin 
to prove yourself! Ha! We're proven;
make no mistake . . .

Next thing you know, we're going
to be making homemade brew in
our washtubs! Yikes!

dreams of yesteryear
wish i were a pioneer
but i am of sorts

Feb 23, 2021

02/23/2021 (#10 NO WATER)

God, what a saga we are living!

Seems to me that we may actually
understand some of the trials and
tribs our people of yesteryear went
through during their sojourn in this
130 year old cabin. So hope there
was joy as well!

Per a few requests to elaborate on
our own little foray into the darker
side of life . . . My amazing guy
was able to drill through the ice
once we rented an electric snake
yesterday afternoon. We have 
drainage; yayyyyyyy!!!

Today, he'll be taking up the jane
and floorboards to fix a broken 
intake pipe. Hopefully the last of
the frozen water in the well will
melt in today's 50 degree weather.
Just in time for snow tomorrow! 
We'll just have to wait and see. 

I find living in the past, as it were,
a most interesting experience. We
have an electric heater running 
under the cabin as well as a heat
light in the well. These are things
never thought of in our modern

Here's me thinking I'd best don
my long dress, braid my hair and
put on my bonnet. Mustn't forget
to lace up my boots . . . 'tis a bit
deep around here!

alas im longing
so in love with yesteryear
needs me some modern

Feb 22, 2021

02/22/2021 (#9 NO WATER)

Oh the joys . . . and sorrows of living 
in a 130 year old cabin . . .

I've always longed to, you see, and my 
guy made it possible as I don't think I 
could make it here on my own.

I bought the cabin 9 years ago thinking 
it would be an ideal place for my women's 
circle to gather, hold the odd birthday party 
and meet with family . . . and indeed, it has
been all of that.

Three years ago, getting my affairs in order 
after some serious health issues, we moved 
here permanently at my behest. It has been 
nothing if not a challenge, and my guy is a 
HERO; make no mistake!

It has been a step back into yesteryear, 
which I have indeed loved! Nonetheless, 
that doesn't change the issues. At this
point, our pipes have been frozen for 9
days; no sign of unthawing. I purchased
a couple of heaters to put in the well and
under the cabin. 40 watt lightbulbs help
in the well. 'Tis quite the ordeal.

Praise the gods for Home Depot, even
Wally World . . . we have bottled water, 
each other and all is well. Do pray for 
a thaw! However, wouldn't mind a

live in yesteryear
thinking twice about modern
nah i like it here

Feb 21, 2021

02/21/2021 (#8 NO WATER)

There's nothing in the world like 
family, friends and neighbors, 
is there?!

All have offered us water as well
as showers during this difficult
time. I feel grateful just knowing
there are still this kind of people
out there.

Yesterday, we hit up my son for
showers and a clothes wash. A
real blessing, indeed! The best
part of course, was seeing him.
Good thing we're all keeping a
distance as a hug would have
been far too smelly! Ha!

I know I've been pretty annoyed,
if not downright angry, over
frozen pipes, no water and all
that goes with it. Still, this gives
an opportunity to recall the
blessing of water and all that
this gift brings to us.

Perhaps, today will be the day
we get water. Here's hoping!

And, on the eight day . . . water?

clean clothes clean clothes clean
showers never felt so good
would pay anything

Feb 20, 2021

02/20/2021 (#7 NO WATER)

Alas, today makes seven days without
water . . . frozen pipes, no baths, no
dishes washed, no toilet . . .

For me it has brought to mind those
amazing pioneers crossing the plains,
fording rivers, climbing mountains
and often dying in the process. What
amazing examples of tenacity, courage,
and drive. Me thinks I could get a clue!

We live in such a phenomenal era of
ease. We drive to work, we order out,
all manner of foods available at the
local supermarket, and never, ever to
forget cellphones that are beyond any
thing we could have ever pondered
in the not too far distant past.

Thinking along these lines brings me
to the conclusion that we don't even
have a clear idea of what arduous 
difficulties actually are.  O U C H !!!

Sooooo, here's me thinking that rather
than bitching about no water, I'd do
well to get out my old history books
and have a look see!!!

rivers streams oceans
looking forward to water
buy a jug or two

Feb 19, 2021

02/19/2021 (#6 NO WATER)

Pondering my dubious future 
never affected me much before 
turning 70!

And, I do consider it a gift. Yes, 
I've read all the adages that say 
it's a gift denied to many. Frankly, 
I'm quite surprised just how much 
I'm enjoying getting older. Never 
expected to live this long, much 
less like it!

Just think, I wouldn't have known
outings in the travel trailer. I would
never have had a clue what it was 
like to go to a pub. Fam reunions 
would have been out. And bottom 
line, I've loved living in my 130 
year old cabin!

Still on my future agenda . . . 
ordering pizza for home delivery. 
So much ice cream to be eaten at
odd hours! And, as I've only worn
black for many a year, I'm actually 
considering adding in a bit of color 
to my wardrobe!

love me some aging
experience never lived
got me a long list

Feb 18, 2021

02/18/2021 (#5 NO WATER)

Dad used to say when I was bummed
about something that I needed to make
a list, a list enumerating the things for
which I was grateful. Bless his heart;
used to annoy me, but I so get it!

Having done this many a time, I'm
thinking I should do it having to do
with the weird. Indeed, there are so 
many weird things that appeal to me.

So love me some ice cream in bed
'round about 4:30 or 5:00 a.m. I like 
leftover cold mac and cheese when I
don't feel like cooking. Love it when
my guy hands me a tiny bite of the
cookie he's eating.

So fun when we're going somewhere
and accidentally bypass the turn. All
of a sudden, I see a place I'd like to
have a look see. Going down the road,
my guy says out of the blue, "Hey, 
there's a pub; let's stop and have a

Out and about, I've unexpectedly run
into an old friend. Once greeted and
chatted up, they suggested lunch . . . 
and actually follow through! One of
my kids sends me an e-mail saying,
"Saw this and it reminded me of you!
Love ya!"

so love me some weird
strange unusual funky 
yes that would be moi

Feb 17, 2021

02/17/2021 (#4 NO WATER)

Did you ever hear your little kid say,
"Mom, I need a bath!" I know! I know!
Not bloody likely! Just try being w/o
water for 5 days!

No drinking water, no bathing water,
no washing water . . . just try flushing
with all the sodas and drinks you have
in the house . . . no, I'm NOT kidding!
What a phenomenal mess!

I would have to admit, learning to think
outside the box here. So Baby Wipes
are no longer for babies and a change
of clothes is tantamount to a shower. 
I'm only sorry we tore down the100
year old privy when we redid the place.

I'm thinking! I'm thinking! Isn't it in
the Orient where you can rent a shower
by the hour? Me thinks we would do
well to have something along those
lines! And here's me not having had a
vacation for ever so long . . .

pondering notions
think outside the box woman
need awakes answers

Feb 16, 2021

02/16/2021 (#3 NO WATER)

First, we were at minus 5 degrees, 
then minus 8 . . .

Never thought it could get so cold. 
Wow! The pipes have been frozen 
in both the kitchen and the bathroom 
for two days . . . so we're out of H2O.

I did manage to stash a five gallon 
bucket of water in the shower just 
before all this sub zero freezing 
occurred. And, we do have a case 
of drinking water, thank God! 

I accidentally catch myself in the 
mirror from time to time; YIKES !!! 
So, I've been running into ye olde
Phyllis Diller on a regular basis. 
She no could have done better 

Not sure where we're going from
here . . . I may have to wend my
way up the mountain and beg a
shower from my son if he still 
has water. Perhaps a local hotel.

Did I ever mention how I suffer
from SADS and hate Winter
because of it?! ~!@#$%^&*()_+

pray bring me water
so longing to quench my thirst
a pearl of great price

Feb 15, 2021

02/15/2021 (#2 NO WATER)

Oh my God . . . I am W O W E D
beyond the pale!!!

Mister three-horned buck is at our
bird feeder, we're talking pure magic.
I look at his beauty of a different
kind and I find myself without words!
Mother nature at her best . . .

The majority of birds fly south during
the winter, but for the few that don't,
my guy keeps them in seeds. When 
we sit in front of the fire, we watch
them pecking away.

Obviously seed falls to the ground
and this is where the squirrels come
in. We have both the rusty and the
black squirrels. The blacks are my
faves . . . absolutely adorable.

As the seed scatters, the deer come
and help themselves. Our three-
horned lad is usually accompanied
by his three ladies. Mr. Selfish nudges
his gals aside and feeds to his heart's
content. Only after he is finished, do
the ladies get to eat.

no greater beauty
lady nature unfolding 
watching at its best

Feb 14, 2021

02/14/2021 - Valentine's Day (#1 NO WATER)

Saint Valentine, known as Saint Valentine
of Rome, was a widely recognized 3rd-
century Roman saint, commemorated in
Christianity on February 14. From the 
High Middle Ages, his Saints' Day has 
been associated with a tradition of courtly
love.  Wikipedia

What an amazing day! Celebrated by
married couples, dating couples, friends,
families and children . . . Valentine's Day
seduces us all!

My guy and I were recalling  Valentine's Day
in the classroom as kids. Our elementary ed
teachers had us bring a valentine for each
child. And you'll recall, the sets came with 
one for the teacher.

Our teacher would then gift us each a cupcake
as well as a valentine from her. We got our first
male teacher in 7th grade and that was the end
of our classroom celebrations. Me thinks 'twas
rather sad!

I still send a plethora of cards to family and
friends on February 1st. Must be the kid in me,
but I really enjoy doing this. Well, I should
probably confess, I just love snail mail . . . the
more, the merrier.

So, here's wishing us all love, friendship and
fabulous relationships . . . 

 . . . Happy Valentine's Day!

so many friendships
theres so much love in my heart
ever loving all

Feb 13, 2021


Oh my God! What a dream; what
a reunion!!

Can't help but wonder if the solitude
and separations gifted us by the plague
are at the source of these dreams.

In my ever-so-real dream, we all met
at a half-way point 'twixt and 'tween
us all. We used my travel trailer as a
meet-up place due to its mobility. We
each brought snacks, foods, drinks.

After the usual hugs and gaiety, we
sat down to catch up, tell our stories,
joys and sorrows all . . .

At my wake-up point, I remember 
feeling this utter sense of peace, of
contentment. It is a gift, rarely given, 
that creates such as this . . .

must be missing you
so loved having a peek see
fond memories all

Feb 12, 2021


I am so loving these days just prior
to Valentine's Day . . . and the big 
day still awaits!

This year I've had fun making 
my own Valentines. I probably 
owe this bit of creativity to the 
plague as I so did not wish to hit 
the stores. And on my end of the 
stick, I've received the odd card 
in the mail, a couple of e-cards, 
even a pair of sweet gifts. 

I find myself looking forward 
to what my guy is doing. He
tells me we're spending the day 
in front of the fire. He plans on 
my faves . . . fresh strawberries 
with sour cream and brown sugar. 
Not to forget . . . iced champagne.

I've had a couple of friends stop 
by and that's so fun as I made 
Rose Bath Salts for the gals brave 
enough to come over. Both fun!
and frivolous!

Here's me hoping you get a bath
on me . . .

from my heart to yours
so love me some cards and gifts
cant wait til next year

Feb 11, 2021


 Do you ever just get the willies?

And, maybe not even have a clue
why? Have you felt a little on this
side of scared, but you realize you
really don't have any reason to be

Running clueless here, and I mean
clueless! All day, I've been a bit of
a nervous wreck.  No idea why!
Maybe one of my sins is catching
up with me!

The trick when this happens, is to
figure out something that will take
away the jitters. There are a couple
of things I try on for size.

Take a walk, a change of activities, 
read or watch something amusing,
make a phone call or write a card;
all good ways to change those
pesky unnerving thoughts.

Me thinks I'd best take that walk

got me some jitters
best get my head together
settle down missy

Feb 10, 2021


I find myself counting the days . . .

    February 14 - Valentine's day
    March 21 - Spring
    April 22 - Earth Day
    May 1 - Beltane
    June 21 - Summer Solstice
    July 24 - Gypsies in July
    August 1 - Lughnasadh
    September 21 - Autumn
    October 31 - Samhain
    November 25 - Thanksgiving
    December 21 - Yule 

 . . . and I see I'm only looking 
ahead rather than enjoying today.
Definitely bears thinking about!

Then justification comes a visiting.
I'm only planning ahead! You know
I like to send out cards on special
occasions. There's so much to do in
order to be ready . . . Yes, but what
about today?!

And just in time, I remember . . .
I'm the most unbalanced Libra in
Kingdom Come. I also have two
first names . . . That time honored
adage rears its wondrous head,
"When in doubt, do both!"

Am I up to it? Of course I am! 70
years of experience after all! When
did you say Valentine's Day is?!

only the future
dont forget about today
holidays held dear

Feb 9, 2021


Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
And I say it's all right
~The Beatles

The weatherman is threatening snow
again. We've been running at below
freezing for a while now and simply
awaiting that ominous drift of white.
Not quite sure I'll make it this time.

It is Winter, after all; bits and pieces
of the s-word are to be expected. In
fact, I can live with that . . . until it
gets so slushy, frozen and dangerous.
Somewhere 'twixt and 'tween this
long lasting white x-mas and the
plague, 'tis best to stay inside. But,
oh how I long to go outside!

I do thank the gods for fire, sitting
side by side with my lover, watching
the birds at the feeder. It may even
be the best way I can deal with the
snow. It's a bit magical watching it
come down, collect and cover the 

Still, SADS dishes out that sense 
of foreboding, sorrow, fear . . . and 
although it may all be psychological, 
those wretched feelings are alive and 

begging i make it 
pray save me from the white god
sense of foreboding

Feb 8, 2021


American Football; most amazing! 
My guy sooooo enjoyed himself all 
day long yesterday. 

The hours of preamble were quite 
fun! I spent my time writing and 
every little while he'd interrupt me 
to say there was something that was
a must see.

Really loved the music; well chosen
musicians and no expense spared. 
The fireworks and jet fly overs were 
spectacular. I got such a kick out of
the paper dolls used to fill the stands
and insure equidistancing. 

I woke up in the middle of the night
and my dear heart and gentle people
was watching the game all over again.
I do love it when each and every one
of us finds something that gladdens
our hearts and fills our souls.

Maybe it won't be American football
for me, but I thrill at seeing others
enjoying themselves to the fullest!

important to some
watch the game or watch people
day to remember

Feb 7, 2021


This a.m. at o' dark thirty, I had the joy
of watching We are the world, we are
the children on FB. Been a long time 
since I had heard it and I was moved to
tears . . .

The song is pure magic; make no mistake.
I watched these young people perform
this remarkable masterpiece by Michael
Jackson and Lionel Ritchie in absolute

I spoke of being moved . . . there's the
beauty of the piece itself, the brilliant
idea of bringing all these awesome stars
together, add in the message and then
there's that word MAGIC again!

I've ever and always been intrigued by
our different beliefs, the kaleidoscope
of our amazing colors and costumes. 
It's beauty, pure beauty . . . how cannot
we be moved by the wonder of it all?!

Seventy years I've been living in this
mind boggling world; I pray I be gifted
yet another few. Still, in all these years,
I've never understood the hate, the anger,
the crimes, the wars . . . born out of this
world of wonder.

I pray we each commit to add to the joy,
the sweet, the glorious, rather than the ugly.
I pray POSITIVE will be given a chance,
a preference over NEGATIVE. I pray
without ceasing . . .

fear of losing hope
blind my eyes to the ugly
may the good guys win

Feb 6, 2021


I can't help but wonder at the value of
routine. Me thinks the 'R' word invades
our spaces at every turn . . .

Harking back to those 41 years I was
teaching, sooooo don't think I would've 
made it without routine. Everything
from survival to enjoyment depended 
on it. Getting up at o' dark thirty, driving 
like hell and gone to get to school an 
hour away, rushing home to fix supper, 
loving on my kids a bit and off to bed.

I find it interesting to compare my highly
routined days of yesteryear to those I live 
now. Alas, I still wake at ungodly hours, 
but I can have ice cream for breakfast, 
fall back asleep when I've a mind to, run 
out on errands or sit by the fire all day if 
I so choose.

Maybe the real answer, the right answer,
would be to have some of both worlds on
the agenda. There's absolutely nothing
wrong with an organized life with a dash
of spontaneity for dessert. It comes to me
that I may just be looking for the word
LIVE vs. the term EXIST!

Most likely, we associate living with
spontaneity and existing with routine.
And like it or not, there may be some
truth to this. But, to coin a time honored
phrase, when in doubt, do both!

love me some living
existings overrated 
perhaps balance both

Feb 5, 2021


Oh my God . . . you cannot even believe
the value of those old time crime flicks . . .

Me thinks one can NOT beat the likes
of Columbo, Magnum P.I. Cannon . . .
I love that you get to 'quick and dirty'
see the crime, and spend the rest of the
show figuring out the who done it bits!

I have a hard time with dark and an 
even more difficult time with the 
whole evil bit . . . but the old times 
flicks are interesting, and NOT quite 
so dark. One can actually sleep nights!

So love me some mystery, the whole
getting a clue, figuring out the bits
and pieces . . .

 . . . Now, if I could only be that good
at figuring out my own shit!!!

lets have a look see
hey lady whatcha doin
tis none of your biz

Feb 3, 2021


Once in a great while, everything 
finds itself perfect . . . just once in a
while! This was one of those times!

The weather was perfect. No one 
was in the bank line. We didn't have 
to wait to get gas . . .  My only 
sorrow was that the price on my fave 
champagne went up $3.00 a bottle . . . 
bought it anyway! One does have to
have priorities after all!

Much appreciate that the errands were 
quick and dirty. Home to a fave flick
and a snack . . .

Rather pisses me off that it's supposed
to snow half a foot tonight! I pray my
memories of this lovely warm afternoon 
distract me from my loathing of upcoming

My lover, trying to distract me from my
own abhorrence of Winter as well as 
snow, suggested a day in front of the 
fireplace with Summer margs in tow. 
Rather makes me look forward to the 

save me from the snows
winter a four letter word
wash my mouth with soap


Brown paper packages, tied up with string . . .
~Oscar Hammerstein II

Beings that Winter refuses to leave town for
the unforeseeable future and me being into 
avoidance, been pondering some of my own 
favorite things! 

I believe Mr. Postman may actually be one
of the great loves of my life. From puberty 
to motherhood, I always snail-mailed a 
couple or so letters a day. I imagine, living
in Olde Mexico helped as well . . . 

And, then there are packages. I swear, there
is nothing more fun, more entertaining than 
gifts, packing them up, and sending them 
off to brighten someone's day. It's such a
process. The choosing of the right gift for
a friend. Finding just the right box and 
and packagings. And make no mistake . . .
brown paper is essential! Alas, the post
office won't accept string any longer!

As package postage seems to be in 
competition to win first place in pricing,
I've been sending books of late. Book
rate is a little easier for one living on
half retirement.  Even so, sometimes the
stamps are more than the book to begin
with; go figure! Still fun anyway . . .

Last, but not least, I love postcards. I 
buy them everywhere. I even buy new
cards and cut them into the old 4" x 6".
I send out over 250 every Christmas.
My friends must think I'm nuts.

Sooooo maybe, just maybe, you'll be
next to get something in the mail from

hey mister postman
any packages for me
awaiting the mail

Feb 2, 2021

02/02/2021 - IMBOLC

Sooooo love Imbolc, especially as it 
marks the halfway point 'twixt and 'tween 
Winter and Spring. For me, it's hope, if
you will, that never ending Winter may
actually come to an end after all. 

But for me, today is all about honoring
Lady Brighid. At the time the church 
began its sojourn in religious history, 
she was deemed a saint as a tie between
Paganism and Christianity. Her actual
existence made the crossover easier for

Hundreds of years later, it was time to
clean up the saints, as it were. Certainly,
it must have been a tasking ordeal, but
many saints were dismissed from the
annals of time. 'Mongst these, was our
beloved Brighid.

Interestingly enough, as she was revered
by both the European nations and the three
Americas, there was no way that this was 
going to be accepted. Fits of gigantic 
proportions were thrown to the point that 
she was promptly reinstated.

Our lady is an inspiration in so many
arenas, it's hard to know where to begin.
Healers and midwives turn to her. Poets
seek her inspiration. And, as she is the 
goddess of hearth and fire, smithies revere 
her. Yet, it is interesting to note that our 
lady also protects the household from the 
very fire that warms and creates.

Enjoy Imbolc, celebrate its different facets,
but hold our Lady Brighid in your hearts . . .

lady hear our cry
bright blessings of hope from you
may we remember

Feb 1, 2021


 Sooooo love me some February . . .

Frankly, realizing the survival of
January is past tense and given way 
to one of my fave months is absolutely

Black history month is celebrated the
entire month . . . a glorious happening 
that came about in 1969 whilst I was 
busy getting wed and beginning my life 
in Old Mexico.

The lunar new year, for those of us who
are about half loony tunes and celebrate
Paganism, is also in February. So love
me some full moons!!!

And, never to forget Valentine's day. 
Here in US, it may be more about love,
whereas in Mexico, it may indeed be
that as well, but it's truly more about
friendship. In fact, I celebrate the entire
month as the love between friends is
precious indeed.

President's day is an interesting time.
I fear it's not one I think about much,
being somewhat politically naive.

Remembering Ash Wednesday, 
as it is highly celebrated by all my
Catholic friends. Maybe this would
be the time to confess . . . one of the
things about February that I love is
it's the shortest month in the year!

Wow indeed! Welcome to February!!
I only pray I can stay on my diet!!!

hey lets celebrate
loving me some holidays
champagne on the house

p.s. I promise not to tell that one
of the reasons Feb is my fave is that
it gifts us Leap Year from time to time . . .