Feb 2, 2020

02/02/2020 – Imbolc

I didn't say I love you . . .
I wasn't brought up that way and
simply don't know how . . . but,
I chop wood for you every morn.
I build you fires when it's cold. I
bring in the groceries whilst you
put them away.

I didn't say I love you . . .
I wasn't brought up that way and
simply don't know how . . . but,
I'll help you make the bed when
you change it. I'll sweep up the
ash from the fire put and I'll drive
you wherever you want to go.

I didn't say I love you . . .
I wasn't brought up that way and
simply don't know how . . . but,
I'll make you pancakes in bed of
a Sunday, I'll drive your donations
down to the DAV. I'll rush you to
the hospital when you faint and
I'll hold you when you cry.

I didn't say I love you . . .
I wasn't brought up that way and
simply don't know how . . .

don't know how to speak
beware of those empty thoughts
actions before words

Dedicated to my lover of many years . . .

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