Feb 18, 2020


So love me some power of positive thinking!

Making an effort here . . . it's been snowing
all night and you all know just how much I
love Winter! So, I close my eyes and dream
of Spring . . . no, better make that Summer!

Only God knows what possessed me to step
on the scale this morning. Usually, I only do
so the first Friday of every month. See, this
allows for only feeling bad one day a month!
Clever, right! So here I am, closing my eyes
and dreaming of 1990!

The docs seem to think I shouldn't drive,
what with the head injury and all. Threatened
to take away my license if I didn't OBEY!!!
My head seems to be a busy place these days,
but I think I'll take a drive, nonetheless. I'm
smiling! I'm laughing! Catch me if you can!

I'm retired . . . aren't I supposed to be
traveling? All the retirees I know are on the
road! Alas, I think my home town is about as
far as I've made it up 'til now. Heard this dirty
rumor that shekels are required for the ordeal.
Good thing I live on Fantasy Island!

God help me; I think my face is going to
crack from smiling so much . . . but just
love me that positive attitude!

absence of shekels
where can i go to be me
thank the gods for dreams

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