Jul 31, 2020


Love's greatest gift is its ability to make
everything it touches sacred. ~Rumi

As we say goodbye to July, I've been pondering
just how to return to a more positive thought
process. It's so easy in our current political and
health situations to forget all those wondrous
blessings surrounding us.

I do understand that the entire world is presently
affected by this unspeakable plague. I also know
we are at odds with each other over impending
political debates and decisions to be made. 

Still, I think of how fortunate the majority of us
are to have homes to live in and even jobs to go
to. My heart truly goes out to those who don't. 
I think where I'm headed with this into a new
month is to worry less about what I don't have
and be damn grateful for what I do.

I get that it's and old song and dance. Some
where 'twixt our parents and Sunday school
teachers, said lesson was pounded into our 
heads ad nauseam. Nonetheless, just because
the message is along the lines of a broken
record, doesn't mean it isn't valuable or lacking
in truth.

I so need to add in some gratitude here . . . and
well before Thanksgiving, if you get my drift!

yes mommi dearest
tis thankful i am i am
keep repeating it

Jul 30, 2020


"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
by any other name would smell as sweet."

Who am I? Who are we? What defines us?

Is it the name our parents gave us? 
Or perhaps, the nicknames our friends
brought to the table? The education or
the career we chose? Who we married
or the number of children we have? 
Where we live or the church we go to . . .
or maybe don't go to?!

I suppose we spend the first half of our
lives creating our personas and the second
half, trying to discover the essence of our
beings. I find it interesting that in turning
70, I am now so determined to discover
and understand that pesky question . . .
"Who am I?"

I get that I'm different, a total eccentric,
if you will. I know I'm a woman, a mom,
a teacher, a lover, a Pantheist . . . but do
any of these nouns truly define that
question of,  "Who am I?" I actually 
want . . . need . . .  to know . . . before 
I travel to that great unknown . . .

who am i pray tell
am searching for that essence
in need to know mode

Jul 29, 2020


Sometimes, me thinks our nightmares are
are born of the terrors of this world we live
in. I don't have them often . . . 'tis stuff of
children after all. Still, from time to time
I do.

I dreamt my son's wife and children were
killed in a horrific accident. Oh my God,
the grief . . . was actually tenable. But the
thing is, in real life, he isn't even married
and has no children, so what does all this

Surely our dreams, and/or nightmares, are
projections of our own fears or concerns.
So upon waking, finding it only a dream,
I wipe my tears and ask myself, "What
the hell was that all about? What am I
afraid of? What are my actual issues here?"

Perhaps, just the usual concerns a mom
has for her children, a projection of those
pesky parental fears. But bottom line, it's
important to have an in depth look at our
nightmares, suss out what they're all about
and then let them go. Right! @#$%^&*()+

worried about you
dreaming dreams most sorrowful
tis stuff of nightmares

Jul 28, 2020


Celebrate for a day? a week?? a month???
I've been contemplating . . . Birthdays tend
to do this to a person. Traditionally, we
celebrate the day of our birth. If a party is
involved, perhaps the closest weekend day
that is convenient for all. Still, I find that 
as I get older, that's not enough for me.

As long as I can remember, I've celebrated
the entire month of October. It's fun as well
as a good way to stay positive. But, turning
70 . . . a month just wasn't enough. I found
I wanted the entire year. It's a reminder, a
reminder of how phenomenal it is to still 
be alive. So any small occurrence, I salute
70. SEVENTY!!!

My guy joins the 70's today. We partied
all weekend. So much so, that he's not 
in the mood to even go out today. I see  
I have my job cut out for me. I'm going 
to teach him the meaning of the word

God, it is wondrous to be alive!

party me hearty
life must be celebrated
no time for death here

Jul 27, 2020


I love that sense of anticipation . . .
Just when you think you're all out
of that magical sensation, you find
out that one of your besties from
your past is coming to visit. Wow!

It invokes so many memories . . .
High school, the cliques, not fitting
in the general crowd, finding your
own peeps, becoming friends. I
imagine classes should be part of
those memories, but I find they're
all about the people.

I wonder about catching up . . .
What will we talk about? Will we
ever get any sleep once we get
started?! Are we much changed?
There's a lot of distance 'twixt
15 and 70!

Actually, I've come to believe, we
are all basically the same we've
always been. Some of us grow and
others remain stagnant . . . but there
we are, hidden deeply within our
real selves . . .

trembling as i wait
will we find ourselves again

Jul 26, 2020


Morning of the day after; ever interesting, 
isn't it?! Today we awake to a new day,  
a new week and the expectation of new 
experiences. And best of all, we have the 

I find myself reminiscing about our family, 
sweet things that happened during the day, 
both the fun and the fumblings. Interesting
happenings and stories shared will remain
in our hearts throughout the year until we
meet again.

Currently, we are living in a world laced
with sorrow; political issues, the plague,
loss of jobs, hopes and dreams all gone.
But, when a loving family reunites, we
are once again reminded that love still
exists 'mongst the ashes of those dreams 
lost, burned and destroyed.

Oh how I thank the gods for the love 
in our family . . .

remembering you
you lighten my heavy heart
better yet to come

Jul 25, 2020


I find it interesting . . . You plan an event with
great anticipation and excitement. You clean
for weeks, organize every little detail, do your
shopping and pray it doesn't rain! And then . . .

The day finally comes! Hurrah! You're up at
o' dark thirty, doing those last little details
you may have overlooked . . . alas, you find
it almost anticlimatic!

But then, the family, friends, invites begin
arriving! And little by little, your excitement
begins to build once again. It is actually
happening! And, all seems to be going well.

The event is much enjoyed . . . along with
the babies crying, the odd broken dish and
the spilt punch. But the joy found is seeing
everyone, sharing a secret moment, having
a hug or two, laughing ad naseum . . . 'tis a
perfect day!

I'm not quite certain, but perhaps the after
memories are the best! You tell and re-tell
funny incidents. You remember the best
potato salad you ever tasted. You hope and
pray there's some chocolate cake left over.

And here's me, thanking the gods we can
all get together once a year . . .

seeing you at last
longing for you more often
love my family

Jul 24, 2020


"I'm dancing as fast as I can."
~Barbara Gordon

There are times when I think I'm cloning her.
Like it or not, we live in a 'hurry up or die'
world . . . and I'd rather not! Perhaps the only
good thing about this plague visiting us, has
been this slowing down of sorts.

I see meals at home, quite inventive ones in
fact! Yards being fixed up as never before.
Old movies watched and enjoyed. People
actually conversing within their families.
Hey, I might even clean house one of these
days! Truth be known, working in the yard
is a hell of a lot more fun! Love me some
sun; Winter outstayed his welcome this year.

Obviously, there is little positive about the
virus that plagues us. We need to be careful.
As we become accustomed to it, we tend to
forget just how important this is. I pray we
re-adjust, re-think and learn how to live
safely within its confines.

slow down and enjoy
our mother earth is still here
often we forget

Jul 23, 2020


He was such a beautiful towhead toddler!
The sweetness of his soul always shown
through. He loved playing with our dog
Wags, as well as playing in the dirt as all
little boys do.

I so honor my parents for how they loved
him and cared for him. I had my part as
well, which pleases me. We lost him at
the birth of my son which has always
made me wonder . . . who really knows?!

Happy birthday Sammy; you are well
loved and well remembered . . .

so dont understand
tis sorrow beyond measure
why oh why oh why

Jul 22, 2020


I find myself in a state of remembrance . . .
Yesterday was my father's birthday and on
the morrow, my brother's. My lover's follows.

Obviously, these birthdays remind me of my
guys! My dad was and is, the absolute love
of my life. I think of him every single day
and talk with him often. Me thinks 'tis a form
of prayer. I remember my brother less often
because I know he's in a much better place.

My father was allotted his lifetime and he
lived it to the max. My brother, born blind
and special, gave us all insights, experiences,
understanding and wisdom. I thank the gods
he was given rest. Life was so hard for him.

On a happier plane, my guy's b-day is a fun
familial celebration that we will all enjoy in
masked glory. I expect there will be some
interesting pics to share.

Pray God bless all three . . .

remembering you
missing you ever ever
pray understanding

Jul 21, 2020


'Twas a long and arduous day; me thinks
I am much deserving of a special treat . . .
I have to smile; we all have our faves!

For some, it's a delicious dinner at home;
for others, eating out. There are those who
enjoy a glass of wine at the end of the day;
some who might prefer a shot of whiskey.
A good read, a show or a movie works too.
My fave cousin works a crossword puzzle
every night.

I've never given any particular thought to
this. Still, I know it to be inherently true;
we reward ourselves at the end of the day
whether we recognize it as such or not.

I would ask, "What's wrong with that?"
My only thought would be, let's recognize
it and choose our rewards more carefully.
Might just be a way to have a lot more fun!

shot of warmed brandy
perfect ending of the day
im most deserving

Jul 20, 2020


I love my age; make no mistake! I was not
supposed to have the gift of 70 years on this
planet, yet here I am. I am happy to be 70!

I dig the white hair, the wrinkles surprise me,
didn't expect the weight gain or the slower
gait! Still, it's all good . . . But, do I have to
ache so? What's with the whole body in pain?
Been working on the yard for three weeks . . .
and know this, I've paid for every sin I've
ever committed!

Aging in its own right is an amazing concept.
We all age differently, obviously. All you have
to do to drop the jaw is watch some of our
elders on the dance floor, doing gymnastics,
running, and all of a sudden you're wondering
why the hell you can't do any of those things

Guess I'd better bring on the gratitude check!
Glad I'm alive! Pleased I stand straight and
tall! Thrilled I have my mind (or most of it)!
So, let's give it up for aging disgracefully!!!

all my aches and pains
partying in my body
prey on someone else

Jul 19, 2020


Whoever the powers at be decided, declared
that we should have a couple of days at the
end of each week for rest and contemplation
may have just saved our lives! Thank God!

We've been working so hard, arduous hours
and happy to do so. Every year we spiff the
place up for my lover's b-day . . . gives us a
time that somehow works for us. Who knows,
it might just be the whole turning 70 thing,
but this year we seem to be extra exhausted.

Yesterday, the musician I asked to play for
my guy and his family, came to check out the
new pergola to see how it was going to work
for him. He even graced us with some music.
Thankfully, he and his wife, along with our
next door neighbors who introduced us to
him, stayed and visited with us for a while.

Mandated REST! Yayyyyy! I could kiss
their feet! Rather makes me think we may
live through this after all!

after work comes rest
the more ardor the better
bring on the hammock

Jul 18, 2020


I have always enjoyed eating. Actually, that's
not strong enough diction; I LOVE everything
about eating! The delightful colors in food are
most appealing. The scents invite! The distinct
shapes and sizes of fruits and vegetables add
to the interest factor. The different dishes that
we each invent, the pics in magazines and the
incredible recipe books of today . . . glorious!
One of the things I value in chefs, is the ability
to decorate the already phenomenal meal. A
touch here, a splash of color there; wow!

Sooooo, you can only imagine what it has cost
me to give up the bounty in honor of my health.
Every year, I like to commit to a month or two
of good behavior. Show 'em I'm still in charge!
Most of the time, a hiatus from my preferred
margs. Other times, 'tis the joy of foods that I'm
giving up. This time, I've committed myself to
good behavior for 40 days and 40 nights. I'm
three weeks into the countdown and it's been
fine; not even tempted. Still, I find myself not
quite up to par. I am a big gal after all; perhaps,
I should be eating a tad more.

Life is funny . . . interesting and strange. I have
to wonder why at 70 I even need to prove any-
thing to myself; but there's the rub! Here's to
happy idiocy!!!

i confess tis i
accepting me as i am
crazy loony tune

Jul 17, 2020


I say, getting ready for my guy's b-day has
been both exhausting and a hell of a lot of
fun. I put in my request for a pergola. Not
only will it serve future Musicians of
America, it's a total conversation piece.
I can hardly wait to see the first musician
who seats himself on the stump provided . . .

I should explain, as my 130 year old cabin
is rustic, along with everything else in the
place, an old fashioned pergola it had to be.
You can imagine just how wrong a modern-
day pergola would have looked in such a
yard. It has a bench in the back and places
for drinks on the side. And per always, a
key for our Lady Hekate hangs at the entry.

I find interesting the ideas one comes up
with for changing, decorating, enhancing
a home. Wherever you live, the place must
have taken your eye initially . . . and then
begins the changes. I tend to think of it as
'peeing the perimeter' . . . a gift left to us
by our animal friends. For certain, making
a house a home has many a twist and turn.

so loving my home
sing along say it with me
lets party hearty

Jul 16, 2020


Been working on the yard of late. We tend to
do this particularly in July getting ready for
my guy's b-day. Must confess, he does all the
hardest parts. I most often sit on my ass and
pull weeds, collect debris and pack the bags.
(Kudos to my trash guy for taking away 50
bags yesterday!)

I find I enjoy the process . . . the getting ready,
beginning the work, watching the improvement
each day, the whole compare and contrast, and
finally completion. I ask myself, why can't I
appreciate, if not enjoy, the same process with
my soul?! I find I'm ever so impatient. I want
to get things right in my head and then I want
instantaneous gratification! Funny how life
doesn't work that way. Wonder if it's all about
teaching us patience, work and then results.

Here's to figuring things out, taking the time
to make them happen and ultimate success!

making the effort
tis patience work and results
so trying my best

Jul 15, 2020


Pondering my friends, as one special gal
came by yesterday. They are all amazing,
every single one of them. Still, I look at
them and see such different traits. Some
are authors or poets, others scientists, there
are teachers and tutors. Doctors and nurses
as well. Bankers, homemakers and more.

But, the career doesn't make the woman!
The woman, with her individual traits,
courage, stamina and fine mind, is truly
the one who makes the career, no matter
her choice. Their careers are fortunate
to have them; make no mistake!

Speaking of minds, love the minds, much
enjoy the personalities! Each unique! The
sharing is wondrous; time spent with one
or in a group is not soon to be forgotten.
How is it that I am so fortunate to have
such remarkable women in my life?!

Look at the history of womankind . . .
it's incredible what women of yesteryear
went through in order for us to be free
to be who we are today. I so honor those
pioneers, their courage, their fortitude . . .
they never, ever backed down!

Me thinks 'twould be a sin to let those
phenomenal trail blazers down. Let's
bring forth our individual eccentricities!
Let's discard the cookie cutters of yore
and think outside the box . . . courage
to be me . . . courage to be we . . .

beyond amazing
female damsel lass lady
women of today

Jul 14, 2020


Scary times . . . Evergreen forest fire roughly
three or four miles from us as the crow flies.
We needed a break from our labors, so we sat
and watched it last evening until it began to
rain. This kind of catastrophe is obviously
frightening as hell; rather makes you think!

I find it interesting how we face our days
with the usual concerns, "Am I going some
place today? Will I need a mask? Do we have
enough milk? Do I need to stop by the bank?"
And somethings, obviously, our issues are
much more serious. Still, an event such as a
forest fire a few miles from your home, tends
to put things in perspective.

All of a sudden, that extra gallon of milk
becomes fear of possible loss of hearth and
home. Even evacuation pales by its side.
I find it amazing how we truly never know
if we'll wake up the next day, if we'll be in
fine fettle or if some minor event will occur
to change life as we knew it. Hell, I never
expected to be wearing a mask for the rest
of my whatever!

I find myself wanting to renew my link
with life. I need to take a look at my own
dreams, wishes, fantasies and make some
of them come true. May this fire without
reignite all of our smoldering fires within.

dreaming dreams again
so wish many would come true
lets make them happen

Jul 13, 2020


Still learning my lessons! My whole life I've
been a bit of a subtle nervous wreck. It's too
bad really, but it is what it is.

Of late, we've been working in the yard; hard,
hard work which leaves me about half dead
at the end of the day. And guess what? No
energy left to be antsy or nervy. Me thinks
I've got at least three seasons of the year cut
out for me! Now, if only I can think about
what to do in winter . . . clean house maybe!

I wish to lodge an official complaint to the
Universe. Why is it that I'm only just learning
my lessons at 70?! Hell, I'm going to be the
wisdom of the ages by the time I reach 80!

color me tired
hard tasks for mother nature
love every minute

Jul 12, 2020


I find myself aghast . . . 2020, the plague 
in place and still . . . scammers ahoy!

I hear of people being taken in by phone
callers, supposed electricians, fake ads,
and scammy ministers. What the hell?
When do we grow up and become
suspicious of inordinate impersonators
of truth and goodwill?

We're bound together by this world wide
plague, and still . . . robberies, willful
destruction, violence against others, rape,
home brutality . . . and 'tis said, divorce
is the new salad of the day!

I long for us to bond, at a safe distance
with masks in place. Let's watch each
other's backs. Let's love one another,
play together, pray together . . . do this

focus on the bad
am so tired of evil
searching for the good

Jul 11, 2020


Up at o' dark thirty this a.m. emptying the
pond of its HUNDREDS? of stones. You
can't even imagine the debris a few years
can make. Thought we had two liners in
but 'twas only one . . . must be the reason
it leaked so badly.

I have great aspirations for this little pond.
I'm even going to name it properly . . . feel
free to send ideas! Of an evening, we can
sit beside it, listen to the trickle of water
coming through the ancient water pump.
I so bless my friend and neighbor for the 
gift of it. Me thinks there's pure magic in 
my lil pond!

I'll find peace of mind, sitting by my pond.
Dreams will sift through my thoughts as I
ponder its sweet beauty. One thing I know
in my older days, 'tis the small, simple joys
that bring peace to the soul. This, I so want
to remember. I pray, I'll know how to find
and appreciate them!

sitting by the pond
dreaming of heaven with you
pray come and join me

Jul 10, 2020


Oh my God . . . 70 years old and still having
nightmares! ~!@#$%^&*()_+ What the hell?!
Are they supposed to be telling me something?
Is there some amazing truth to be learned here?
What am I missing?

I've been plagued with nightmares my entire
life. Somehow, I did think I'd grow out of this.
Surely,  I've paid the price by now! I swear,
sometimes I'm almost afraid to go to sleep.

Looking at this rationally, there has to be a
reason for nightmares plaguing one's soul. I'm
making an effort to think about them when I
wake up, hoping I can find some significance,
some meaning.

I'm not giving up . . . still trying to understand.
Still searching, still listening . . . and I'd best
be getting some answers pretty damn soon!

nightmares exhausting
of plagues and monsters i dream
fear to go to sleep

Jul 9, 2020


So, which leg am I standing on? Whose
side am I on? Am I happy with the way
things stand at present? And the answer
is . . . No, I am not!

As the most unbalanced Libra I've ever
known, imbalance is something I deal
with on a daily basis. I long for it, strive
for it. Me thinks we've all lost our balance
at this particular time in our personal

Whatever can I do to regain balance?
I believe the first item of business is
to reexamine one's belief structure.
The hard questions have to be asked . . .

     1) Am I okay with the way things 
     stand at present?

     2) Is my belief system in line with
     the way I am living?

     3) Do I take issue with the way our
     political system is being run of late?

     4) What am I doing personally to 
     make this a better world?

     5) Does any of this matter to me, or 
     am I simply existing rather than living?

None of us can singlehandedly change
the world. What we can change is our-
selves. Look square in the face! (That
may be what mirrors are for, after all!)
Ask and answer the hard questions!
The world is not changed by one's solo
fight! Change occurs when we are each
fighting to live a right life, walk our own
path and do our bit every single day.

pray grant me courage
hold my hand ere i stumble
long to do whats right

Jul 8, 2020


His 70th is coming up! I can hardly wait!
What is it about birthdays that excite us,
from childhood to the grave?! I've loved
being 70 as my docs assured me I'd never
make it; ever so happy that I have.

So, with the celebration comes the plans,
the cleans, the trash, the organizing, etc.
I rather like this part of the whole thing.
(Me thinks there's something wrong with
me!) The thing is, you finally take care of
things you've been putting off all year!

I've found myself wondering which is the
best part . . . prepping, experiencing or
remembering?! Bottom line, it's important
to enjoy all three, isn't it! For now, in the
prep part, I'm exhausted, pain ridden, and
damn pleased that this 'to do list' is finally
getting accomplished!

lets party hearty
place gets cleaned lets mess it up
proof of a great time

Jul 7, 2020


"Own who you are. Be fearless in
writing your story. Unapologetic in 
editing, taking away, adding, to your 
story. Because this life is yours. Your 
story is after all, your story. So own it. 
You were never meant to live a story 
that's like other people. You were meant 
to live your life in the unique way that 
makes it unlike any other. Dare to be 
all that's unique and extraordinary."
~Cassandra Eason

I've been pondering these powerful 
words by Cassandra Eason. She is wise
beyond her years; make no mistake! At
the behest of Doug Abshire, my bestie in
the male kingdom lo these many years, 
I began sharing my daily blog on FB . . .
and haven't missed a day thus far. Fun!

In doing so, a la quick and dirty, I think
about the parts left out, those glossed
over, and then wonder, "Does this in
any way compromise the integrity of 
the writing?" Something to think about!
And obviously, one can't include every
little detail in a few inches of sharing.

Looking at this query squarely in the 
face, I am honest in sharing my stories,
my thoughts. Bless Cassandra for
reaffirming this for me . . .

sitting round the fire
i have a story to tell
lets share together

Jul 6, 2020


AGNOSTIC - holds the view that any
ultimate reality such as God is unknown

ATHEIST - person who does not believe
in the existence of a god or gods

BUDDHIST - enlightenment obtained by
right conduct, wisdom and meditation,
releasing one from desire and suffering

CHRISTIAN - professes belief in the
teachings of Jesus Christ

HINDU - dharma ritual, social observances,
mystical contemplation, ascetic practices

JEW - belief in one transcendent God who
has revealed himself to Abraham, Moses,
and the Hebrew prophets

PAGAN - follower of a polytheistic religion
as in ancient Rome

I ask the question, "Does a personal belief
system define us?" For me, it's simply one
more factor in understanding a person.
Indeed, there are those who would insist
that our beliefs are a defining factor in
determining who we are as a people.

For some, a religion, a creed, provides the
framework for their very existence. For
others, it's an add on to who they are on
a different level.

When I was getting my degree in Religion
and Philosophy in Lincoln, Nebraska, we
studied the 11 great religions. I had to
chuckle when I made the above list, those
primary to my family and friends. Reason
being, when I looked up a current list on
the internet, it was virtually unending.

I maintain that a personal belief system
is important. I also think it doesn't matter
what it happens to be, it's just important
to have one. Here's to happy believing . . .

belief defines us
so enjoy walking my path
i believe in me

Jul 5, 2020



We sat on the flat, fireworks stretched
from one end to the other. A couple of
them were town entertainment; the
others, private families enjoying special
time and treats with their children.

I do know that the 4th of July is our day
of independence; but it's ever so much
more than this. It's d) all of the above!
Family, friends, food, fireworks, 4th of July! 
Rather makes you rethink your f's, doesn't

In thinking about the term, 'independence',
I would like to remind us all that this is not
referring to a given group of privileged souls.
This is about all of us . . . no matter gender,
creed, race or color. One would think we'd
get this by now; for my sorrow, apparently

I long to remember always . . . we are all 
special. We all matter. We all have a place
in this life in which we find ourselves. Pray
we go the distance . . .

longing to do right
ever be accountable
teach me to do so

07/04/2020 - 4th of July

Alas, I was visited during the night by
a nightmare so horrific that I found
myself weeping in utter despair. I was
in the midst of a battle 'twixt the English
and the Indians of yore. Trust me, my
dream left me with a much clearer idea
of what the Native Americans had to
deal with and what they went through.

Obviously, I went through a few hours
of horror and sorrow . . . comparing not
at all to the hundreds of years of heinous
the Native Americans have been through.
God in heaven, how did they do it; how
the hell did they survive at all?! We have
a great deal to answer for.

I understand that none of us alive today
are responsible for the crimes against
humanity of yesteryear. Having said that,
we do indeed have a responsibility to make
certain that they never occur again . . .

 . . . and yet, we have hundreds of Mexican
children in detainment camps at the border.
We have the black community up in arms,
finally tired of our shit. Native Americans
are being consumed by the plague and
I ask, "Are we reaching out?" Or, is it
history repeating itself?!

When will we become? When will we grow?
Or is it, 'grow up'? Indeed we do need to
grow up, take responsibility, get over ourselves,
embrace all humanity! And yes, the first stip
is with you and me!

sorrow overwhelms
mans inhumanity pains
make things better now


Oh my God . . . my tat artist is a friggin'
genius!!! I've been waiting with bated
breath for the quarantine to be over.
Been wanting to treat our girl to a tat . . .
after all, she's the one who introduced
me to Archie!

So this time, he treated me to a couple
of kits, a mountain lion and a caracel.
They are fab; make no mistake. I hadn't
intended to do any kits, but I saw a parit
that appealed to me; the rest is history.
I may even have him do another next
time. I have a couple of Pagan tats, as
well as 10 cats. My dream is to have 13
cats all told; I can hardly wait!

I find myself wondering, what is it about
tats that are so appealing? I swear they
are addictive and I know I'm not the first
to say that. Why is it that we like, enjoy,
decorating our skin? I do know it's an age
old art and that it doesn't appeal to one
and all. Glad I'm one of those that it does.

Hey, feel free to send me your fave cat
pics. I need ideas and I have no repeats.
Mine are all of the wild; don't do domestic.

wheres that damn cat gone
here kitty kitty kitty
me thinks ill join you

Jul 2, 2020


'Twas 4:00 in the early morn when we were 
awakened by the alarm. Something was in
the yard. And then, we saw it . . .  slowly 
marching across the yard, a mountain lion.

Inconceivable! (Just call me Vizzini!) 
No way in hell could we have a mountain 
lion in the yard. And yet, there it was. He 
meandered his way up the path, occasionally 
going back and forth. Simply fascinating!

We watched for an hour. Amazing, a tad
frightening in a way and unnerving! We
love living out here and following all of
our glorious wildlife; but still . . .

Later on in the morning, we saw on the
local news that a mountain lion had killed 
a couple of sheep during the night here on
our side of the mountain. Wow!

We intend to get up early in the morning
to see if he comes again . . . 

here kitty kitty
show me your beautiful face
whatcha doin here

Jul 1, 2020


My guy . . . What can I say about my guy?!
He's at it again, making me so happy I'm giddy!

A few months ago on a hike, he found a rather
nice walking stick that he thought would be
perfect for me. He put it away to dry and then
brought it out yesterday for me to peel. Once
peeled, he cut off all the knots where branches
had once been. At the top, he drilled a hole
to put a loop of leather through . . . and then,
perfection! He drilled a hole through the top
in which to place a crystal. The result was

A dear friend brought me a staff this week.
He had gone to the trouble of peeling it, an
amazingly beautiful piece. So, after finishing
with my walking stick, my man did the same
to the staff. He was able to drill through top
for a large crystal, and three knots for smaller
crystals. Again he prepped a hole for a sweet
leather loop that my friend had made.

You may ask, "What is the difference between
a walking stick and a staff?" And I would say
differences; note the plural. A walking stick
is obviously used for walking and therefore
of a lighter weight.  A staff is most often used
for ceremonial purposes. One of the things I
love about the staff my friend made for me is
that it is heavier and more stable. He chose a
piece of wood with a broad bottom end. This
will be most helpful to me when I have to
stand for periods of time in sacred circle.

oh what lucky finds
so love me my sticks and staves
treasures beyond price