Jun 30, 2021


What is it about the 4th of July weekend
that makes it so special?! I find myself 
at the height of anticipation, that whole, 
I can hardly wait, kind of thing.

I understand perfectly that this day, July
4th, 1776, is the date in which we, as
a nation, celebrate the independence of
the United States. And, I honor this!

Still, I love how families living afar, 
get together for the entire weekend and
families living in close proximity, get
together for the day. There are picnics
to enjoy, drinks to be hoisted, fireworks
to be set off and all kinds of catching 
up to happen.

One of the things that really helps  
is that there is usually pretty decent 
weather in July. Obviously, Christmas
and Thanksgiving, not so likely. The
more family that gets together, the
more important good weather matters.
Most homes won't accommodate too
many extra people.

So hey, let's celebrate all of it this 
weekend . . . our country, our families,
the enormous blessings we have in
living here. 

I for one am going to make homemade 
icecream for the first time in about a 
hundred years! I pray I don't overdo it
as that seems to be my modus operandi!

cant wait to see you
family celebrations
what say you we dance


"She ate pizza when she wanted 
it and greens when she needed it.
She kept the things she loved and
threw out the things she didn't.
She would wear high heels on a
night out and sneakers the next
day. She would drink glasses of
wine, but never forget her water.
She moved fast and stayed still.
She was loud, adventurous and
bold, but also allowed herself to
be quiet, reserved and peaceful.
She was chaos and calmness. 
She made her own rules and
followed her own path. But, most
of all, she never let anyone tell
her how to live her life according
to theirs." ~Sarah Claire

Every now and again, I catch that
odd bit of wisdom in the strangest
of places. The above is one of those.
My entire life, I've complained that
I'm the most unbalanced Libra in
Kingdom Come.

This missive, brings to mind that
perhaps imbalance is NOT what
it's all about, rather a balance 'twixt
and 'tween each side of the scale.

Perhaps, the left side represents 
those sane, wise choices, whilst the
right side of the balance ties in with
our fun, zany side.

It only took me a hundred and one
years to figure this out! But, I like
having sussed out something I can
live with.

When you're up for something, give
me a call, but to tell which side of
my brain you'll be embracing that 

making the effort
a libra in the making
finally a clue

Jun 28, 2021


I find I'm in a continual state of 
amazement being 70, okay 71. 
One simply looks at the world 
ever so differently once older. 
I think it's rather fascinating.

I imagine being retired has
something to do with it. One
can actually slow down and
smell the roses, as it were. I
love looking around at the
beauty that surrounds. Fact
is, my concept of beauty is
somewhat different than when
I was younger. Only natural, 
I'm sure!

I find beauty in my tiny 130 
year old cabin. I love the
grasses and wild flowers that
surround us. Watching the
birds fly in to see what they
can find is one of life's most
delightful pleasures. I enjoy
the skyscapes presented daily.
You never know if it's blue
skies and white clouds or dark
clouds, thunder and rain.

I so enjoy the odd visit from
friends and neighbors, Their
presence reminds me there's
a world out there . . . one in
which I take the occasional

Me thinks we could simply
call this heaven and I already
know the shoe fits!!!

heaven on earth now
memories of yesteryear
tomorrow who knows

Jun 27, 2021


The sounds of sorrow . . .

I'm so trying, making every effort, 
to live in this world we've been given.
Or, should I say, gifted?!

There's ever so much good here on
Mother Earth and I love and enjoy 
the life I've been gifted. Having said 
that, I might do well to never watch 
the news, nor listen to tales told out
of school.

I cope pretty well if I don't see scenes
depicted on the news of street violence.
I find the banality and levity of stars'
lives hard to imagine, much less accept. 
Have zero idea why, but my guy watches 

So, wherein lies the answer? Is it head
in the sand time? Ne'er buy a newspaper?
Don't watch the news? None of this . . .
"Say, have you heard . . . ?"

Or perhaps, I just need to give myself
permission to exit reality and simply 
live quietly in my tiny, tiny 130 year old 
cabin and call it a day?! ~!@#$%^&*()_+

Thank the gods I'm a 100 years old, retired
and broke . . . how would I cope otherwise?!

chin up have a smile
mama earths sorrow is mine
no laughing matter 

"I will not give up the flowers in my heart
for stones just because the world is a hard
place. The world is only hard because it
needs more flower hearted people"
~Nikita Gill


"CHARTREUSE has been made 
by the Carthusian Monks since 
1737 according to the instructions 
set out in a manuscript given to 
them by François Annibal d'Estrées 
in 1605. It was named after the 
monks' Grande Chartreuse monastery,
located in the Chartreuse Mountains
in the general region of Grenoble 
in France."

Oh what a glorious day! Once a year
we get together to make Chartreuse. 
The idea is to gather as close to 100
fresh herbs as possible. We've been
making it once a year for many a 
year and I believe the closest we've 
gotten is in the 70's. Still albeit 50, 
like today, or a tad more or less, it 
always turns out wondrously!

You must remind me, if I forget, 
to offer you a little sip of this
delightful ambrosia when you
come to visit. It will make your
day! I always like to make a
wish when I treat myself to a sip!

I would have to admit that one 
of the things I like about living 
in my130 year old cabin, is being 
surrounded by so many magical
herbs just begging to be made
into Chartreuse.

magic in a glass
have a sip with me and mine
tis ambrosia


Jun 26, 2021


"I'm spiritual, not religious, 
which means my beliefs can evolve."

I read the above quote this morning.
Got me to thinking. Thought it might
be a good idea to look up the definitions.

"Religion is a specific set of organized
beliefs and practices, usually shared by
a community or group."

"Spirituality is more of an individual 
practice and has to do with having a
sense of peace and purpose."

I love language, languages in fact. 
I enjoy nuance and different shades 
of gray, if you will. I even get a kick
out of splitting hairs! Might just have
something to do with why I became
a Lang Arts teacher.

Language is a precious gift to one 
and all. And, in this case, I believe it
helps to understand whether one
embraces the religious or the spiritual 

Me thinks there's naught wrong with
either. May have something to do with
one's belief system or even personality.
Bottom line, 'tis always a good idea to
know where you stand . . .

I may be spiritual rather than religious,
but I will ever and always honor you
and your path!

Jun 25, 2021


"Empathy is a choice and it's 
a vulnerable choice. In order 
to connect with you, I have to
connect with something in 
myself that knows that feeling."
~Brené Brown

I've been pondering empathy of late.
I imagine for some it's,  been there,
done that. Others, when listening 
to your pain, truly make an effort 
to understand.

For me, in my forty plus years of 
teaching, I found empathy to be the
key to excellence in my field. Kids
appreciate being understood just as
much as adults do.

My issue was, and is, an inability
to separate myself from another's
pain. Many a night, during my
teaching years, I sobbed myself 
to sleep. Still, I felt it better to 
feel my pain than to be insensitive 
to theirs.

I thought perhaps age would bring
about the ability to be empathic
and yet be able to step aside from
other's pain. Alas, it has yet to
happen for me. Maybe one day . . .

And maybe, it doesn't even matter!
Sharing each other's sadness and
sorrows, painful that they may be,
is exactly what is important!

Jun 24, 2021


Anoche, soñé que visité a mi familia
en Chiapas, México. Lamentablemente, 
no he tenido la oportunidad de irme en
varios años.

En mi sueño, me dieron un espacio tipo 
desván en donde pudiera estar y descansar 
durante mi visita. Y ya que cada quien 
estaban en sus mutuos trabajos, pedí una 
escoba para barrer mientras.

Estaba yo barriendo cada rincón, bajo cama,
mesa y cajonera para alistar dicho espacio 
para mi estancia. En vez de paredes, sólo 
habían columnas, así que se sentía muy abierto, 
exactamente como me gusta ya que soy tan 

Y yo barriendo, pude ver a la gente mientras 
iban y venían. Saludé y me saludaron. Aveces 
paraban un rato para platicar y aveces salieron 
con obvia prisa.

Me acuerdo de un par de viejitos. Se sentaron 
en la orilla de mi espacio a platicar y echarse 
una fumadita. Me hicieron un montón de 
preguntas. Esto no me molestó para nada, 
hasta sentí cierto cariño para los ancianos.

Al fin, llegaron mi gente del trabajo. Tantos 
gritos de alegría, abrazos, besitos . . . y Doña
Clemen y Don Rafa viendo y meneando sus
cabezas. Rafita y Carlín, todavía jóvenes y 
aún sin familia. Rosi y Clemen al igual. Cómo
lloré al verlas. Pregunté por Doña Rebe pero
no sabían donde estaba.

Hubiese querido quedarme otro rato, pero
obviamente, desperté. Me di cuenta que mi 
cara aún estaba mojada de lágrimas derramadas
en mi sueño. Me siento entre gozosa de haber
visto a la familia y desconsolada de haberla
dejado tan pronto. 

Ay Dios . . .

Jun 23, 2021


Been thinking about old practices,
celebrations and traditions that
have gone somewhat astray . . .

I do miss holiday cards, not exactly
sure why. They're a rather Facebook
mode of staying in touch. Some
simply sign and send; others write
entire pages.

I love handwritten letters, getting
them in the mail and have even sent
them for years. But e-mail is ever so
quick and dirty! A good way to keep
up with today's speed. And, as I'm a 
hundred years old, 'tis easier to type 
than write!

I see families in restaurants on special
holidays rather than cooking their own.
I get it! I find the idea of preparing so 
many dishes overwhelming. Bring on
the menus!

Coffee shops rather than tea, take out
instead of a sit down meal, order in
pizza in lieu of cooking. None of this
is wrong or bad, just is! 

I pray I'm not too old to keep up!

help me ascertain 
which is better old or new
some of each perhaps

Jun 22, 2021


Morning of the day after . . .

Oh, I do have to chuckle!  First
Winter steals Spring away from
us and then, when we finally get
some heat, it's cold and rainy for
the entire Summer Solstice!

As my dad used to quote, "If you
don't like the weather in Colorado,
wait 15 minutes."

Sooooo, what is it about weather
anyway?! I met an old dame this
week who shared with me that
Winter is her fave time of year 
as she literally can't take the heat.
Might just have something to do
with the fact that she looked like
she might weigh about 85 lbs. 
on a good day. Others swear by
Spring and Fall as supposedly
weather extremes are less than
the other two seasons.

I'm beginning to think I need
to stop paying attention to the
weather and just get on with

whats the weather like
rain or shine have a good day
im intending to

Jun 20, 2021

06/21/2021 - Summer Solstice

I was beginning to think Litha 
would never happen . . .

Existing through months of Winter, 
adding in several stolen weeks from 
both Autumn and Spring, I calculate 
Winter's season was roughly doubled! 
Not even certain how I've survived, 
but God in heaven, Summer has finally 

Today . . . Litha, Summer Solstice,
the first day of Summer . . . a day 
of pure joy for so many, especially
for those of us with SADS . . . 
I am ever so grateful!

Do come Mr. Sun, fill my body, 
my mind, my soul, with your heat!
I must be able to remember the 
warmth of your rays once the 
dark returns . . .

summer is my time
pray stay yet another while
boon of my being

Happy Summer Solstice!

09/20/2021 - Father's Day

I feel my father is never very far from
me. I talk to him every day. I tell him
my thoughts and that I miss him. I
even feel that he hears me . . . I'm
certain of it!

It wasn't that long ago that I realized
when in prayer, I find myself talking
to dad. I doubt God minds very much
as he is a father as well and probably
gets it.

I think about the father of my children
and what an amazing gift he gave me
in my children. I think about the fathers
of my stepchildren and again, I am so
grateful for the gifts they gave me in 
my stepchildren. 

I love Father's Day, the memories 
flooding back, the acknowledgements.
I would remind those lucky enough
to still have their dads, to spend time
with them. Alas, their time by our
sides is not eternal.

so wish you were here
father to end all fathers
oh how i miss you

Jun 18, 2021


When I'm queen of the universe . . .
things are going to be very different!

There are things I'd like to change,
fix, remove!!! Probably, the fist thing
I'd like to demolish from the face of 
the earth would be child molesters, 
spousal abusers and purveyors of
violence of any kind!

It occurs to me, although I'm not a
true socialist, that there's no point
in millions of people starving whilst
others have billions they would never
be able to spend in several lifetimes.
What would be wrong with remaining
a millionaire, but then sharing the 
billions of excess?! 

World hunger would be a thing of the 
past! Schools could be built and staffed 
in a manner that the student-teacher 
ratio would better support learning! 
Health could be better assessed and
improved with more medical personnel,
hospitals and sanctums.

If good things happen in threes, perhaps
bad things do as well . . . so don't even
ask me what I would like to do to drug 
pushers . . . and no, I'm not talking about
the odd joint!


Remember to vote for me .  . . 

Okay, tantrum over . . . I think!


Never thought the day would come
when I'd become that forgetful old
dame! Knew it happened, somehow
thought it wouldn't happen to me . . .
and really didn't until I turned 70!

If you knew just how many things
I had forgotten this year . . . praise
God, I can't remember!

So now, I write down every little
thing on my calendar. I go over it
from time to time, to update, erase,
remember . . . and sometimes in
reading it, I even get the giggles.

And, here was me thinking that 
our elder years would return us
to simpler times . . .

 . . . alas, I've forgotten what I
was going to write about!

whats up for today
call it a day already
have nothing to do

Jun 17, 2021


There is absolutely naught in this
world like a picnic . . . and we're
having one today!

It's been so delightful choosing
just the right props, implements,
deets . . . 

I have a collection of baskets and 
I know just the perfect one for the 
occasion! I have a cloth that might
work as well. And, I want cloth

Then there's the wine glasses. And, 
I want real glass, not plastic; the 
glass should be thicker rather than 
thinner. I'm thinking that perhaps 
the wine should be a screw top for 
picnic ease. I have yet to decide 
whether red or white; both perhaps?

The food could almost be left behind 
if I'm not careful! Scary thought. I'm 
going to have several kinds of special
cheese and a couple of good crackers.

Cherries might just be the fruit of
choice and maybe egg salad for the 
sandwiches. Now that I think about
it, hardboiled eggs and a special salt
might be fun so maybe I'll come up
with a different kind of sandwich. 

For dessert? Chocolate of course!
Do I sound like I'm ready for
summer, or what?!

so bring on the heat
lets picnic party and dance
been waiting all year

Jun 16, 2021


Been thinking, dangerous business
I know . . .

I've been known to say that I'm the
most unbalanced Libra ever. So 
once again, I'm taking a look see.
Our lives are composed of family
and friends, work and play, beliefs
and worship . . . or not!

Harking back to my own imbalances,
I recognize that work always out
shown play. I freely admit that this
had to have been hard on my family.
And although, I loved my work, I
much regret that I didn't play more.

And as to beliefs, I have them and 
I tend to believe hard and serve in the
best way I can. All this reminiscing
tends to make me ask myself why I
think I'm so unbalanced?!

Perhaps, it has more to do with the
fast and furious way I dive into things
rather than an actual balance issue.
Something to ponder . . .

teeter totter me
walk the line try not to fall
up down all around

Jun 14, 2021


"What good is the warmth of
summer, without the cold of
winter to give it sweetness."
~John Steinbeck

I bitched, moaned and groaned 
all winter and early spring about
the cold, the rain and snow . . .

 . . . I told my guy to give me 
a good slap, metaphorically 
speaking, if he caught me in
complaints about the heat!

Wouldn't you know it, today
was just shy of 100 degrees
and I caught myself just in
time. I was well on my way
to saying a few things about
such immense heat!

Is it possible that we humans
are never truly satisfied?! Do
we find fault with everything?
Not accusing, just noticing . . .
and I find myself falling short.

On the morrow, I'm going to
buy some suntan lotion and
bug spray and shut the fuck
up about the heat!

its too cold too hot
never satisfied i fear
need to learn silence


My daughter-in-law talked to us
last night about the ability to love
without the necessity of liking.

This is a subject that has always
interested me and I have written
about it before. Still, it surprised
me to see comprehension re the
subject in one so young.

She talked about caring deeply
for the well-being of a co-worker,
but not loving her. She also went 
on to elucidate about other 

I find the opposite is true as well.
There are those I quite like, but
have not yet learned to love. I 
can't help but wonder if these 
are conscious intellectual choices 
we make, or if we are guided by 
our feelings only?!

I know of a few instances where 
a person has seemed to dislike 
me on sight. I'm not offended, 
this simply is . . . but, I do find it
interesting. I can't help but wonder
and be amazed at this whole love 
vs like dynamic. Add in the quandary
of the instant dislike bit and me 
thinks we all have some pondering 
to do!!!

not really sure
i like you i love you i think
wish i understood

Jun 13, 2021


Continuing my birthday thoughts
from yesterday . . . I realize they 
somehow remind me of life itself.

And yesterday, we celebrated three. 
Looking around, I saw teens, young 
adults, families with small children, 
and then the oldsters . . . that would 
be us . . . family album in 3-D, as it 

It occurs to me that this missive is
not so much about birthdays as it 
is about life . . . living the lives we
were gifted.

And perhaps inadvertently, we're
circling back to living vs existing.
We've been there before, so let's
just remember . . .

Let's live! Let's celebrate life . . .
birthdays, fun days, exam days,
sad days . . . all good as long as
we're actually living, not just

i so want to live
existings not good enough
lets celebrate life 

Jun 12, 2021


Most glorious day of all days . . .
We started out with my guy's kids,
who I happen to adore . . . and on
to celebrate daughter and son. My
x-wife throws a b-day party like
no other. She simply wows me!

I so loved catching up with all!
Seeing the children all happily
married, parenting wondrously,
making a living, and enjoying
their friends . . . so rewarding!

Looking at them, one harks back
to when it was our turn. Truly, it 
was both amazing and a relief to 
know we were beyond diapers,
learning to walk, soothing tears
and hand making baby foods.

On the other hand, I don't think
we love anyone more than the
grandchildren. God bless them!

so loving these kids
teaching us to love and learn
blest beyond the pale

Jun 11, 2021


"We are symbolically in the dark today,
so hold off on new beginnings and
concentrate on letting go of things you
no longer need. The day is good for
tying up loose ends." Astrology Cafe

I really couldn't claim to know much
of anything about astrology. My 
paternal grandfather, Samuel Jennings,
absolutely loved it. He bought magazines, 
followed his horoscope in the newspapers
and visited astrologists when he had the

I enjoyed listening to him talk about it 
when I was a kid. He loved the topic,
kept himself well informed and could
really entertain with tales out of school.

I have a friend who has studied astrology
for years. She is truly knowledgable!
Rather wish I could talk to her as I saw
these this morning:

"Do you have problems during Mercury 
retrograde?" ~Deb

"Any trouble sleeping with the new moon
energy?" ~Karen

"Nightmares last night? The ring of fire 
solar eclipse occurred and we're in 
Mercury retrograde." ~Sabrina

Alas, I'm in the dark here . . . pun intended!

a new moon tonight
so love looking at the stars
wonder what they mean

Jun 10, 2021


Yesterday our, d) all of the above,
surprised us with a spread for our
new moon celebration.

It was luscious . . . two kinds of
grapes, watermelon, crackers and
little red-wrapped cheeses. What
a treat; wish I could recall it all!

I love all of it . . . friends getting 
together, sharing eats, telling tales
out of school, celebrating the cycles
of our beloved Mother Earth. The
five of us had such a wonderful 

I feel so wealthy, rich in friendship.
I thank the Universe for the good
that still exists in these perilous 

feeling gratitude
love me some june valentines
the gift of friendship

Jun 9, 2021


"Green was the silence, wet was the
light, the month of June trembled
like a butterfly." ~Pablo Neruda

It has always troubled me how
Winter steals about two thirds of
Spring . . . thank the gods Spring 
is finally here. I was beginning to
suspect that Mother Nature had
somehow eclipsed Spring this 

We were able to sit out under our
fave tree for hours yesterday . . .
We listened to the gurgling of the
pond, hoisted a glass or two of
homemade wine with a bestie,
told tales our of school and simply

Beginning to think, hope, imagine
that I may live after all! Bless a
true Spring, finally arrived . . . and
we have an entire Summer to look
forward to! 

Now, if only we can have a true
Autumn and Mr. Winter doesn't
get greedy and take over . . .

so love me some sun
out of doors heat drinks and chat
shine on sunny days

*Dedicated to Jennifer Teets

Jun 8, 2021


"It does not matter how slowly 
you go so long as you do not stop." 
~Confucius, 551 BC - 479 BC 

Me thinks Confucius needs to return
from the ages and pound this into
my head. Really, it's rather sad how
I want everything right NOW! 

I'm happy to go on a diet, but I want
to lose 20 lbs. by tomorrow. I need to
go see my friend in New Mexico, but
I'd rather the drive were 20 minutes,
not five and a half hours. I have to go
to SAMS for groceries, but I just want
them delivered to my car. So, don't
like walking around the store for an
hour or more. 

I'm getting a clue here . . . not only
am I impatient, but I seem to be into
instant gratification. Can't help but
wonder if this is all part of today's
values . . . I want it and I want it

Think I'm going to give this a ponder.
There are a lot of miracles out here
that are worth the wait. I just need 
to remember this! 

take your time dear heart
what is the rush anyway
slow down and enjoy

Jun 7, 2021


Courage is perhaps what it's all about . . .

After writing about fear yesterday, I
asked myself,  "How about focusing 
a bit on its opposite rather than 
concentrating only on the negative?"

I also recognize there's courage and
then there's courage! It takes great
courage for some to even face the
day as life is so difficult for them.

It takes great courage for bullied
children of all ages to even go to
school. As a teacher, this malady
enrages me almost more than any
other sin!!!

I look at people of different walks
of life rather than status quo, and
bow in amazement at what they
have to put up with from the 
unfriendlies! Can't even imagine 
the courage it must take to be 
anything from eccentric to any 
kind of other in today's society!

Special children, those with specific
needs, are often disregarded, ignored
and not treated like the other kids. 
What courage these children must 
have to face these daily mistreatments.

In thinking about these courageous 
peoples, and others we may not know
about, I find myself much moved,
wowed in fact! Something to think
about and have a good look-see at
how I treat everyone!

pray grant me courage
tis needed for one and all
lest we forget fear

Jun 6, 2021


We had a thunder/lightening/rain storm
last night to end all storms. I do not
know if childhood fears were awakened
in me but, I was quaking in my boots. 
I kid you not, I was truly afraid!

Once I got the adult version of me back 
in gear, I began to ponder fear, fear as
its own entity . . . And yes, storms did
make me quake in my little boots as a

Looking at fear square in the face, I 
see I am afraid of the strangest things. 
Losing my way to a given destination,
not dressed right for a certain occasion,
will I be able to carry on a conversation
as I've been out of the loop for a few 

The sad thing is, when faced with each
of these things, I do just fine . . . so then,
why all the fear?! I suppose it's a natural
human reaction, but really, at my age?!

Can't help but wonder if it has something
to do with being closer to the end rather
than the beginning of one's life. I'll have
to ponder . . .

fearful as a child
how old did i say i was
lose fear already

Jun 5, 2021


I grew up drinking tea; decaf, of course.
I was allowed half a teaspoon of honey,
but I actually preferred it without. I
miss it; like it when I fix it, but don't
indulge very often.

I actually started drinking coffee when
I began teaching a hundred years ago.
I kept a pot going in my classroom and
the teachers in my hall would often
come in and have a cuppa. 

I never worried about my consumption. 
Kept me awake all day and didn't bother
me at night. Then, I began counting the
cups; big mistake! Seems I always drank
in the teens. I finally gave it up when I
retired; cold turkey no less! So, I treat
myself to a cup once a month, just to
keep my hand in. And actually, those
one or two cups keep me awake all night.
Sooooo not kidding!

Love me some ice cold milk, no matter
the time of day. Don't really care for 
add ins like chocolate or vanilla. Just
love it plain and cold. No hot for me!

And, I do like lemonade, OJ, etc. But,
there is nothing in the world like an
ice cold Corona on a hot summer day!

coffee tea other
drinks ahoy bring em over
brewski for me please

Jun 4, 2021


"Never forget that time passes so quickly
you don't even notice it until it begins to
show. So, use the good china, go on the
trip, eat the cake, watch the late movie,
read your favorite book and take a chance 
in life. Tomorrow is promised to no one."
~John M. Sweeney

Maybe it has something to do with being
71, but it seems to me I'm hearing this
message more and more. It's a good call
and I intend to answer it!

Thinking here, what's my happy list?
Sit under my fave tree with my guy!
Might even add in the iced margs!!!
Eat out once in a while at my fave
Mexican restaurant! Take a drive and
stop at that unexpected place calling
out my name! Write a special note
or letter, send a card . . .

Maybe I'll make up a new list, naught
too extravagant, you understand! Take
in a campground and stay over night.
Try out an unknown place for the first
time, albeit a walk, a picnic or a shop.
Visit rather than be visited!

Is this where I swear to LIVE rather
than EXIST?!

"Do whatever it takes to bring a smile to
your face each day. Eat the cake. Watch
the Christmas movie. Take a bubblebath
in the middle of the day. Cover your house
in lights to bring the joy we so desperately
need. You need laughter. You need light."
~Donna Ashworth

Jun 3, 2021


Been thinking; always a risk with me!
So, who do I really want to be when I 
grow up?

Alas, there are some things I know I 
need to deal with. Eat a tad less; lose 
a bit of weight. Wouldn't be anything 
wrong with me not talking so much 
(as my dad used to point out!) 

Of course, I know I have the odd sins
here and there, but you'd have to pay 
big bucks to get those out of me! Ha!
I would have to admit that I find this
growing up business a hard one; make
no mistake! 

Perhaps most importantly, I'd like to 
refine my beliefs, really nail down in 
my mind the whats, whys, wherefores! 

I'd like to suss out what all my children 
are up to and about. There is nothing 
in the world like having serious, adult
conversation with those sweet little
kids, all grown up and ready to party!

I so enjoy my special women friends, 
their chats and sharings, those precious
aha moments, even the odd tears.

So, who am I going to be when I grow
up? Same ole? Same ole! Maybe that's
a lost cause and I simply need to enjoy
the here and now the universe has gifted.
Only God knows just how much time
I have left . . .

who will i become
wake up and smell the coffee
get on with living

Jun 2, 2021


We only wanted to sit outside . . .
it is June after all!

It was chilly, I was in shorts; 
had to go in and change.

Brought out all the fixings . . .
a fresh pitcher of margaritas, 
ice, a bit of salt and a
couple of glasses.

Of course,  it starts to rain . . .
Went inside and made hot

Where the hell is June and
what have they done with it?!

Jun 1, 2021


I thought June would never come . . .
I can hardly believe it finally did!

There are good, wonderful things
about each month of the fiscal
year, but June marks the beginning
of actual warmth, the beginning of

I've often said, "If I were queen of
the universe, we'd skip winter
entirely and add a couple of weeks 
to each of the other three seasons!"
Bet the skiers would hate that!

June brings us that long awaited
for gift of heat, the first day of
summer, father's day and a plethora
of b-days brought about by those
cold, cuddling nights of winter . . .
and not to forget our June brides!

I find, with the dawning of actual
warmth, I make new plans, start
planting the whiskey barrels and 
cleaning up winter's devastation
to ready for summer parties.

There are nights when I think 
I'm going to die from the day's
exertion, but little by little winter's
neglected body is somewhat brought
back to life. Alas, at 71 somewhat
is no exaggeration!

Here's wishing you one hell of a
summer . . . Pray, sally forth and
plan, plant, and party!!!

so been missing you
welcome back father summer
let's throw a party


What a strange day . . .
a rather kind of in between day,
if you will.

The other party goers left last
night. But, we had the joy of
having our family still here
until evening.

Alas, it rained so hard and the
mud was so deep, there was no
way to socialize. We waved 
good bye early eve, knowing 
we'd see them soon again.

We watched the storm; it was
beautiful in its own way. Back 
in our minds, we did wonder if
we'd be able to get out the next

I found whilst sleeping . . .
Did I say sleeping? . . . that there
was a bit of fear. We were sooooo
alone, it was raining so hard and
the mud was so deep.

I found myself wondering if Mama
Earth was having a good time?! And,
scary or not, all of it was stunning!

One way r another, the morrow will
come with its own surprises and
we'll just have to see what she has
in mind for us.

these storms in my life
so real and or imagined
pray help me to cope.


It was a storm to end all storms . . .

Slowly but surely, the air darkened
all around us until skyline met

Eerie! And, then came the hail; 
hail such as I have never seen, ever!
Huge, pelting, sky marbles, hell bent
on winning the game.

This time, it wasn't quick and dirty.
It hailed as if it were a snow storm
and didn't quit until the ground was
covered. Rain, not to be outdone,
began to strut her stuff.

Blackened skies, fierce  dueling 'twixt
hail and rain, lasting nigh onto two
hours . . . completely unnerving, an
unbidden return to childhood fears.

Once the skies stopped their dueling,
we sat in utter silence, stunned by 
that which we had unwittingly

My inner child, still frightened, silently
pleaded . . . . Please, I just want to go

storm to end all storms
father sky strutting his stuff
fine hes made his point


Today marks that first day of our
long awaited vay-day; nothing
quite like it!

I find it interesting how one forgets
the feeling between any mini-vays!
You would thin you'd hold onto any 
of those faint memories, no matter
how awesome, no matter how small.

It's not that any of this is beyond the
pale; it's simply away, special, different.
I just love the feelings that go with the
preparation, the expectation, and the
realization of something so longed for.
And surprise, surprise . . . the longing
to go home again as departure entices.

Ever so late last night . . . set up and
prep time, a rather sleep in late time
this a.m. if you will! Today celebrated
family, friends, b-days and wide open

I love that whole catching up thing, 
telling tales out of school, having the 
odd drink, the yearning for a fire even
though it would be dangerous in the
wind on the plains! Pray someone
fixes some real food soon; enough
with the snacks already!

For all this fun with word play,
there are truly no words to describe
this glorious celebration of life, 
dearests and bestests!!!

so love family
children of different moms
those friends of my heart