Feb 20, 2020

02/20/2020/-2 degrees

I get a kick out of numbers,
so of course, I love today's date,
not so much today's weather!

It all started when I turned three.
My father informed me that from
there on out, my magical number
would be 3 and it would belong
to me. Every time I was sad,
he'd squeeze my hand three times
meaning, I love you. To this day,
I do things by threes; brings an
instant memory of him, a picture
in my heart.

I like number 11 . . . alas, I can't
recall why, but I love the number
13. Talk about magic, 13 does it
for me. Again, I think 13 harks
back to three as it contains a 3.
I use multiples of three in cooking.
For example, 3 garlics, 6 or 9.
I like planning my engagements
around odd numbers . . . 11:00
a.m., 2:00 or 3:00. Appointments
in the evening, 5:00 p.m.

Bottom line . . . me thinks I'm a
tad nuts, but I do get a kick out
of numbers . . . 'tis as close as
I'm ever likely to get to math!
Never could stand the stuff!

numbers yes math no
love me some special digits
telling their own tales

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