Oct 31, 2021

10/31/2021 - Samhain

Most likely, we all know plenty 
about Halloween. I for one, have 
been celebrating it for about 60
years and you have probably been 
doing the same for less time.

In days prior to the three Días de 
los Muertos, we dress our familial 
altars. Depending on our customs,
the altar can be riotous with color,
quiet in sepia tone or somber in 
black and white.

Framed photographs of our lost
loved ones are arranged on the
altar. Small plates of favorite 
foods and tiny glasses of drinks
are placed to appease the gods.
Throughout the day, the altar is
visited, photos kissed, stories
told and retold . . . and never 
forget to genuflect. 

Let's take a look at the first of 
three days of the dead in the 
Latin American tradition. 'Tis 
one of the things I most value 
from my 20 years in Mexico.

Today is known as Samhain in 
our vernacular. In it, we dress in 
the scariest of costumes, go house 
to house, have parades and parties. 
We are making fun of death and 
showing publicly that we are 
fearless; death has no hold on us.

longing for family
pray visit with me tonight
missing you always

Oct 30, 2021


"I like canceled plans and rainy day naps.
I like old bookstores and empty coffee shops.
I like muddy gardens and the smell of melting 
chocolate. But mostly, I just like the sweet, 
simple magic that this life has to offer."
~Brook Hampton

One of the things I find happening as the latter
part of the year drives us indoors is, re-thinking
our tastes, our passions, those loves of our life.

I've always enjoyed hiking; now I love drives.
So adored running my 26 K a day in Mexico,
now it's short walks, and I mean short. I loved 
my children living with me; nowadays it's time
to go visit them. Used to have so much fun 
dressing up; alas, sticking to my all black 
these days.

In taking a look-see, I think I actually want
to dig deeper. Needs be acknowledgement
of aging issues, must ponder the now rather
than yesteryear. What can I actually do that
works with my age, taste and experience.

Admittedly, love my who-done-its on DVD.
Like eating foods not usually consumed at
normal hours. Ice cream for breakfast and
granola for supper works for me. Sending
cards and short notes to family and friends
tickles me. Re-reading fave books never
fails to put a smile on my face.

Still, there's a catalogue of 70 years of
experiences that needs re-exploring. 'Tis
best not to overlook something I'd quite
get a kick out of! 

So, climbing Mount Everest is off, but
writing a letter a day is def on! Probably
will pass on the whole driving five days
to spend a couple won't work on half a
retirement, but perhaps meeting half 
way or helping with tickets might work.

Bottom line . . . needs me thinking out
side the box, damn it!!!

whats for fun these days
try some old things on for size
guess i love it all

Oct 29, 2021


Días de los Muertos? Samhain? 
Halloween? Last day of October?
Me thinks 'tis, d) all of the above!

It really depends on what culture
you grew up in, doesn't it?! My
parents were devoted Christian and
didn't celebrate Halloween at all.
'Twas only the last day of October
for them.

My 20 years in Mexico certainly
gave me a vast appreciation for
the three days of celebrations for
Days of the Dead.

And, as I've been a practicing
Pantheist since I was 13, Samhain
means a great deal to me. Honoring
our ancestors matters!

My bits and pieces of wisdom
would be; recognize who you are,
what is important to you and thus,
sally forth and conquer. As long as
you lose any criticism for anyone 
else's beliefs, all should be well!

lets all celebrate
honoring our ancestors
samhain halloween 

Oct 28, 2021


Magic vs. Magick

noun - the power of apparently 
influencing the course of events 
by using mysterious or supernatural 

adjective - used in magic or working 
magic; apparently having supernatural 

verb - move, change or create by, as 
if by magic

Only yesterday, I had been talking 
about magic. I was asked, "So, what's
with the different spellings?"

Magic is the term we all grew up with.
Magick is a relative new term coined
by Aleister Crowley, English occultist. 
He used this spelling to differentiate its 
use in the occult from magic shows, etc.

This is particularly helpful in reading.
You will know immediately if the 
reference is to an act of magic or if
the writer is talking about something
along the lines of the occult, magick.

Alas in speaking, one must catch the
inference in order to know differences.

kids so love magic
grownups like scary stories
with lots of magick

Oct 27, 2021


"There is magic, but you have
to be the magician. You have
to make the magic happen. Real
magic is not about gaining power
over others, it's about gaining
power over yourself. Remember
that you are divine. Be patient."

Albeit you celebrate Halloween or
Samhain, you can't help but think
about magic with the approaching
witch's hour. Actually, I've been 
thinking about little else of late. 

We've all grown up with those
magic shows especially for kids.
Maybe even as adults we've had
the opportunity to see even more
sophisticated shows. Still . . .

 . . . there are ever so many more
important kinds of magic. The time 
you fell in love, real love! That day
you were handed your precious new
born. Getting your diploma after
years of arduous work. Finding a
belief system that resonated with 

And lastly, perhaps the most
important magic of all, would be
gaining mastery over self. For if
we are to love and serve others,
becoming within our own souls,
is of vast importance.

in my darkest hour
celebrating the magic
of becoming whole

Oct 26, 2021


Spent time going thru my childhood
trunk today. So many little treasures; 
so many memories . . .

A steamship my daddy made me, ever
so beautiful! A cute little bunny apron,
hand made and embroidered, by my 
aunt I think. Embroidery that I had 
done as a child.

Seems to me, the trunk of memorabilia 
held those childhood gems I simply
couldn't bear to part with. Strange how
some items brought a chuckle, others
tears and some I didn't recall at all.

Sitting on the floor, flooded with  
emotions, I glanced up and instantly 
calmed by a panorama of my adult 
bits and pieces. Some gracing tables, 
others hanging on the walls, and not
to forget my altars.

Seems to me, 'tis a human kind of
thing that leads us to collecting and
hanging onto those precious finds.
They are the bank that holds and
tenders the cache of our most 
treasured memories. 

Some reach a point in which housing 
them in their mind is enough, hence
clearing out. Others simply cannot
bear to part and thus begins a kind 
of hoarding. I suppose a mid point
might preferably be sought . . .

relics of my past
my heart ever holding fast 
bits of lost and found

Oct 25, 2021


I find communication such an interesting
topic of late . . .

Me thinks the telephone is the primary
mode of sharing today. I see people
checking their amazingly expensive
cell phones at every moment. Very few
people even have land lines these days.

I so remember those long, wondrous
letters of yesteryear. Time doesn't stand
still, so perhaps e-mail has somewhat
replaced them . . . and still wondrous 
to receive!

Those 20 years I lived in Mexico, we
had telegrams of all things. I know they
have existed the world over, but there
they were dead cheap, a main means of
staying in touch. Alas, long gone . . .

I love getting cards in the mail. But, 
the fun e-cards are delightful. Music
and movement, reality and cartoons.
Computerization has utterly changed
the world, hasn't it!

mail me anything
so much fun to correspond
know i will answer

Oct 24, 2021


"Wherever you go, no matter the weather,
always bring your own sunshine."
~Anthony J. D'Angelo

Me thinks Colorado is making its best
effort to keep its reputation as being an
'all-weather in a day state!'

Yesterday, we awoke to 33 degrees, still
in the early 40's at noon, but later in the
p.m. we got clear up to 57 . . . hence 
being able to sit outside just a bit!

Forgive me for saying it a 100 times 'ere
this! My fave time of year would be the 
last two weeks of spring right through to 
the first two weeks of autumn. No can do
the rest. God in heaven, how am I going
to be able to make it through winter this
year?! ~!@#$%^&*()_+

So, if you vote for me as King of the
Universe, we'll be having three seasons
a year instead of four . . . my platform,
you see. And, three is a magic number
after all!

Pray let us all enjoy our last week of

hard to say goodbye
a few more days to enjoy
so await next year

Oct 23, 2021


October, a month of miracles . . .

Alas, we stick pretty closely to home
as I'm not allowed to drive due to
those pesky Petit Mal seizures and
age, I suppose. I am ever so grateful
to those who take the time and energy
to drive up to see us.

October particularly, has been an
amazing month of family and friends
stopping by, celebrating with us and
catching up. We've been gifted with
the most incredible surprises from
out of state, clear to far, far away!

Yesterday was wondrous in that we
got to drive up the mountain to see
old friends. Catching up after two
years of Covid estrangements is 
simply incredible! The exchange 
of stories, experiences, even loss,
is most amazing. I find myself a bit

God bless October and the gifts it 
brings! Love and courage to us all.

loving me my friends
october celebrations
beloved family

Oct 21, 2021


So much fun to go out to the mailbox
this cold morn and find b-day packages!

Reminds me that no matter how old we 
are, there is still that gleeful child within. 
I could hardly wait to get back inside 
to have a look-see. 

My guy got out his pocket knife and 
opened a couple of the packages for me. 
Be a good idea for me to wrap my own
that well!

One of the packages was so fun! It had
three different surprises in it. One for
my b-day, one for Halloween, and one
for Christmas. It was if Santa himself 
dropped by to leave the packages!

Another package was very practical.
A shopping bag, and as I've expressed
an interest in giving up plastic grocery
bags, it's perfect. 

Last package had two special items
specifically for my health. Phenom!
I strongly suspect they are exactly
what the doctor ordered, as it were.

Octobers are so fun; can hardly wait
for the next one . . .

little girl within
go enjoy yourself today
every day as well


What shall I do with myself today?

Few and far between are those 
days in which naught is planned. 
Imagine all the choices of things 
one could do . . .

Stay home and do nothing at all!
Take a drive up in the mountains.
Go on a shopping spree; eat out
afterwards.  Can't help but wonder
if the shopping spree would be at
SAMS and eating a slice of their
pizza afterwards! Ouch!

I think one of the attributes of
being a Libra, is that we are 
planners. We plan to the point 
that when a day becomes open,
we just don't know what to do
with ourselves!  

Me thinks I need to make a 
New Year's resolution . . .
allowing myself free days, 
free time, no plans at all. 
Not sure I'd know how to
handle that or just what to
do with myself!

I find this thought to be
rather sad . . .

what to do today
i find myself wondering
sad state of affairs

Oct 20, 2021


May you . . .
Touch Dragonflies and stars
Dance with the Fairies and
Talk to the Moon
A little bit witchy~A little bit hippie

I so love a full moon in October.
It always feels like they are special,
especially just for my birth month.

Tonight is this October's full moon.
What makes it even more exciting
is my Triad is hosting a drumming.
I find myself longing, longing for
the entire experience.

I can see it now . . . the delightful
arrival of my sisters, the clinking
of champagne glasses, those 
delicious flavors of fun foods,
choosing our instruments for the
drumming . . .

Hopes and dreams re-awakening
as we honor our Lunar Lady . . .
Precious, exciting moments to
look forward to this evening. I
can hardly wait! Bring on the 

my october moons
las lunas de octubre
mean the world to me

Oct 19, 2021


"Rock-a-bye baby 
in the tree top. 
When the wind blows, 
the cradle will rock. 
And, down will come baby, 
cradle and all."
Roud Folk Song

'Tis early morn of the day after,
1:30 a.m. and I'm still awake . . .

Not quite sure if it's me not wanting
to let go of my b-day or if it's my
body reminding me who's boss?!

Perhaps, this sleeplessness has
something to do with me preferring 
to spend my time living rather than

Or, I just remembered, I treated
myself to a cup of coffee as it was
my b-day . . . no wonder I can't

So, let's see what I can start thinking
about when I go to bed tonight; why
would I want to sleep anyway . . .
and no more coffee for me!

"Hush little baby, 
don't you cry . . . "

Oct 18, 2021


There seems there's a rumor going
around that today is my birthday.
Don't you believe a word of it!

You may have heard the backstory
before, but the mere miracle of
turning 72 allows me to indulge

My parents met on Halloween.
First date at a movie theater. My
mom tells of reaching over and
touching my dad's arm and being 
somewhere 'twixt and 'tween being
wowed and frightened because
he had so much hair on his arm!

They married a year later on
Halloween. Are you starting to
see why I am ever so enamored 
with Halloween?

And you guessed it . . . I was
supposed to have been born on
Halloween the following year.

Alas, I've always tended to be 
an early bird and birth was no
exception. Damn it! Couldn't
I have just waited a couple of
weeks?! ~!@#$%^&*()_+

Do my taxes the first moment
allowed. Took early retirement.
So know that when you invite
me to your party, I'll probably
be the first one there. Just bet 
you, I'm going to go early to 
my demise!!!

i said trick or treat
what i really meant was treat
not ready for tricks

Oct 17, 2021


"We are the daughters of the earth,
bleeding by the moon and basking
in the sun. It is up to us to live our
truth and help other women live
theirs with freedom and happiness."
~Clarissa Pinkola Estés

I believe I knew this once, a long 
time ago. I find myself aching to
remember and acknowledge the
wisdom herein. How could I have
allowed this truth to slip away?

Perhaps, we get so wrapped up
in our families, rearing our kids,
working for a living, that our
spirituality is somewhat on hold?!

I can't help but wonder if the
arrival of our elder years, 
remind us of those insights we
once knew and held so dear?!

This I know to be true . . . 
I yearn for enlightenment. 
I long for spiritual joy. I crave 
the knowledge that will take 
me there. I literally ache for the
peace these understandings 
must bring.

so longing to know
pray teach me what i must learn
ere i die too soon

Oct 16, 2021


"You're the strangest person I ever met."
she said, and I said, "You too," and we
decided we'd know each other a long 
time. ~Brian Andreas

I'm simply enjoying the hell out of my
October, birth month that it is to me. 
Each and every day, something special. 
Last night my bestie arrived to spend the
night and today with me. Such fun . . .

 . . . sitting by the fire, telling our tales
out of school, laughing at naught and
simply enjoying. 'Twas the finest wine
I've ever imbibed and I find myself

What is it about friendship that endures?
Friendship that goes the distance, that
finds its way back to hearth and home?!
I think the word I'm looking for is
heaven . . . perhaps, nirvana!

presents and treasures
friendship greatest gift of all
tis the gift of life

Oct 15, 2021


"The path isn't a straight line;
it's a spiral. You continually
come back to things you 
thought you understood and
see deeper truths."
~Barry H. Gillespie

Seems I am constantly chasing
after truth. Just as I'm about to
catch up and comprehend, it 
tends to elude my grasp.

Have to believe I'm on the right
path for me. I need to believe!
I know that there are many paths
and we are led to the one meant
for us. Still, I need to understand.

I read every single day; meditate
most days. I literally plead for
enlightenment. Alas, I despair;
I have so little time left.

I am beginning to see the spiral.
'Round and round the mulberry
bush . . . ' Just pray I don't go

pray enlighten me
must understand ere i go
lead me to my truth

Oct 14, 2021


"I wish that I could see the owl
that has been calling my name!"
~Dj Hinton

Feelings of despair have been
creeping over me as the cold
dark nights approach. Alas, 'tis
the approach of winter and the
return of SADS.

I've always suffered and dealt
with Seasonal Affective Disorder
Syndrome as best I could. But,
this year is the first time I have
had such an overwhelming sense
of foreboding. 

I take meds for SADS, make a
supreme effort to stay positive,
fight off suicidal urges and beg
the gods to let me survive yet
one more winter.

But, what do I do this time 
around? Why such foreboding?
Do I secretly know I won't 
make it this time? 

Loving life, adoring my children,
has saved me thus far. I pray I
have the courage to make it just
one more time . . .

hey mister winter
no way you get me this time
pray you stay away

Oct 13, 2021


Today, one our boys has a b-day. 
Alas, he is far, far away . . . but,
this has gotten me to thinking, 
thinking about all those 'far, far 

Albeit, I'm a hundred years old,
I still tend to think of our kids 
as teenagers, if you will. Doesn't
matter if they are 30 or 40; they
are still in their teens to me.

Bottom line, they're all supposed
to be home come birthday time!
Presents await, along with cake
and ice cream. A party could be
drummed up in no time at all. 

We might have donuts instead 
of cake and maybe a couple of
beers rather than pop, but still,
it would be having the kids at
home for their special days.

So just know guys, unless you
are home to celebrate, you're
not really having a birthday at
all! You're just going to have
to stay that same old age until 
we see you again . . .

happy happy you
cant celebrate without you
dont you dare have fun

Oct 12, 2021

10/12/2021 - As Time Goes By . . .

Just a minute, give me a sec, maybe
in a week or two, how time flies, 
need a moment, forever and a day . . .

Alas, me thinks we are obsessed 
with time. And yet, scientists tell 
us that not only is time on a
continuum, but that it's concurrent. 
If only I could remember that . . .

Buddhism reminds us the importance
of living in the NOW. And, I like that.
Actually, I love it! But, I also love
casting my mind back and recalling
precious moments, fab days, good

I suppose, we all are addicted to the
future. We enjoy planning, coming
up with ideas of how to spend our
free time, even daydreaming about
what we'd do when we win the lotto!

Boils down to we are who we are.
Still, nothing wrong with making an
effort to live in the present as much
as we can. Yesterday will always be
there; if we're not careful, tomorrow
may never come.

yesteryears matter
tomorrow ever awaits
live in the moment

Oct 11, 2021


Every now and then, a day comes
along that should somehow go down
in history . . . today is one of those

I remember as a child, my parents
taking us on an occasional ride. We
were somewhat impoverished, did
not have a television ever, nor even 
a telephone until I was about ten.

So at the weekend, my parents
would take us on a drive. A drive
is very different from just riding
in the car. You don't necessarily
have a destination as in a ride,
whereas a drive is all about 
enjoying the scenery. 

In western Colorado, we enjoyed
Glade Park, The Monument, Grand
Mesa. All, most wondrous! Today,
my guy chose to gift me a drive
from my dad, as it were.

Guenella Pass; I now understand
what heaven, paradise, Nirvana
look like  . . . to say nothing about
about the Autumn experience. Such
beauty; is it any wonder I worship
at the feet of Mother Nature?!

call me enamored 
so loving me some color
an artist's pallet 

Oct 10, 2021


"May October's falling leaves
show your heart the beauty
that can be found in surrender
and letting go." 
muses from a mystic

Awaking this morn at o' dark
thirty, I realized that my fave
month is one third gone. Of
course I get the age old  . . .
"Time flies when you're
having fun!"

I always celebrate October,
every single day. Beginning 
to see the glimmering of an 
idea here . . . shouldn't I be 
having a look see at life as 
I do my month of October?

Can't take credit for this
outstanding idea as it was
ever so smoothly pointed 
out to me. Still, wisdom
has landed and now all I
have to do is ask, "When
am I going to get off the
idea and onto the action?"

Me thinks 'tis high time
to make the effort; make
no mistake!

to live or exist
high time to stop pondering
that is the question

Oct 9, 2021


So loving me some October
weekends . . .

The air may be crisp, but it's 
still warm. The sky is blue 
and the clouds white. Rain 
may be expected, but it will 
pass quickly. This is Colorado 
after all. 

I find myself tempted . . .
tempted by the weekend, the
weather, that sense that fall
will soon be over and I'd
better take advantage! 

There is a little pond calling
my name, comfy chairs that
insist I have a sit down and 
a cold beer for after hauling
all that wood for winter once
it rears its unwelcome head.

Wish me well, or join me if
you will. The day awaits and
I am ready . . . ready for most

what will today bring
await its surprising gifts
no peeking allowed 

Oct 8, 2021


"There's a new day dawning . . . "

Nothing planned. Naught on the
horizon. Can't help but wonder
what this day will bring to the

I confess . . . I'm a planner to a
great degree. Not exactly certain
why. It could be that I don't like
surprises, but actually I do enjoy
them. It may simply be because
I want to happen to life, rather 
than have life happen to me.

So, today I await life; I'll wait to
see what it has up its sleeve . . .

just another day
loving me some surprises
lets see what happens

 . . . 

p.s. Never thought a day in bed,
Bones saga ahoy . . . could be so
much fun!!!

Oct 7, 2021


What a glorious, glorious day today
turned out to be! Happy October 7th
to me!

Sooooo been looking forward to my 
old friend's arrival, along with her 
hubby, for a few weeks now. I knew 
we were going to have a wondrous 
time catching up.

And oh my God, what a lovely catch 
up it turned out to be! Telling tales 
out of school, laughter, tears, chuckles, 
and oh my's.

What a miraculous thing it is to share
precious moments with old friends,
Alas, I fear we all tend to forget the
gift of reconnecting. 

I would add that saying goodbye this
time was ever so hard. So pleased to
think of reuniting once again . . .

reconnection rocks 
a glorious gift all told
pray see us again

Oct 5, 2021

10/06/2021 - Mad Hatter Day

"The Mad Hatter is a fictional cartoon
character depicted in Alice's Adventures
in Wonderland. Mad Hatter Day was the
brainstorm of a group of computer people
in Boulder, Colorado dating back to 1986.
Most likely a bit board with bits and bytes,
they created this special day. The selection
of the date was actually quite logical. The
Mad Hatter wears a top hat. On the front
of the hat is a slip of paper with 10/6
written on it. The paper is believed to be
an order to make the hat, and that it costs
ten shillings sixpence." Holiday Insights

I had just returned to the US after my 20
year stint in Mexico when Mad Hatter
Day was born. Having something of a
whimsical nature myself, along with an
adoration of author Lewis Carroll, I fell
in love instantly with the day in question.

Of course, the day will stand tall in my
October celebrations! I have intentions
of raising a glass to his majesty, the
Mad Hatter! Not to forget that this year
the day coincides with the new moon,
ever and always auspicious! Surely,
with neighbors dropping by, we will 
be well remembering the Mad Hatter 
this new moon!

pray come dance with me
mad hatter sing me a song
the new moon awaits


It's taken me a long time to realize
I don't have to plan every little thing
to the 'enth degree!!! I get that it's
my way, but I'm learning, finally, to
step back and just let things happen!

Today, is the fifth day in my own
October celebrations. It's one of a
couple of days that I haven't planned
out. 'Tis my intention to let today be
and see what happens.

Hey, I may even report out later . . .

 - - -

Oh, what an amazing afternoon! We
did our weekly list of chores, but it
all led to a surprise by my lover. We
went to a local restaurant bar in our
area, one we'd never visited before.

Our waitress was working her legs
off, clients both outside and in the 
cafe. The food was neither Mexican
nor even Tex-Mex. It felt rather 
Indian, actually. Nonetheless, quite

The entire experience was so fun.
Starting with the surprise, the new
place and unusual foods. 

so love surprises
bring them on ms october
enjoy my birth month

Oct 4, 2021


It wasn't that long ago I was
recalling the meeting of one
of my dearests and bests.

It was our first day of school in 
the district new to us. She coming
from Canada and me from Mexico.
Me thinks 'twas friendship at first

Due to this damnable plague, we 
haven't been able to see each other
as often as we used to. Thank God
for b-days and the need to celebrate!

Here I am at o' dark thirty, wishing
the hours away until she gets here!
I just want to see her walking up 
the stone path once again. 

Friendship is precious in any gift
form it comes to us. Still, those
that have gone the distance, lasted
the longest through thick and thin
are to be cherished and treasured
as naught else.

And in this vein, I celebrate her.
I honor us . . . may we live long
to enjoy the amazing gift we 
have been allotted.

opening presents
friends are the best birthday gifts
they last forever

Oct 3, 2021


Three has ever and always been my
fave number. My dad gifted it to me
when I turned three, about a hundred
years ago. And, today is the third.

Can't help but wonder what this third
day of October has in store for me. 
We intend to take a drive, something
the folks of yesteryear used to do and
isn't much indulged in today. Perhaps,
it has something to do with busy, busy
and or the gas prices.

Sooooo looking forward to seeing our
fall colors. I'll just keep a little lookout
in case there's an old fashioned pub
somewhere in the midst of the Autumn

octobers autumn
colors out of paradise 
beauty without par

p.s. How does a drive, brunch w/margs
strike you?! W O W !!!

Oct 1, 2021


I so enjoyed my first day of October!
My stepdaughter came to spend the
evening with me in front of the fireplace.
Coffee and chat . . . doesn't get any better
than that.

So looking forward to see what today
brings. My daughter and daughter-in-law
will be joining the two of us for a 
Daughters Only brunch. Isn't that just 
the most fun way to celebrate the second 
day of October?!

I so adore all my girls. Actually, they are
proper women, but as I'm a hundred years
old, I tend to think of them as girls. My
bad! Alas, a couple of them can't come to
the brunch due to moving and working. 
Still, I'll enjoy the other three albeit
missing the other two.

I do think about October and all it means
to me. My birth month, Samhain and 
or Halloween if you prefer. I've always
loved celebrating the entire month as
opposed to just one day. There's a story
there . . . perhaps to be shared at a later

Sooooo love me some October days and
all the magick they bring! Me thinks I'll
soon be telling tales out of school . . .

october is ten
thirty one days of pure fun
must buy a lotto


"I love October.
I believe in the veil
being thinner.
You feel everything
yet it's so welcomed,
deeply rich,
and intoxicating.
An actual harvest
of sensation that both
roots and uplifts.
Balanced. Libra seasons."
~Victoria Erickson

I've had about nine months thinking
October would never, ever, get here!
Por fin, it has arrived! Thirty one days
of pure alluring enjoyment.

Enjoying my fam, seeing my friends,
eating wondrous treats, riding to the
interesting towns that surround us . . .
all fun!!!

I'm planning on enjoying the entirety
of this month; it's so fun coming up 
w/ideas for each day. I can live with
two or three adventures a day, but . . .
no can do a day off during my month!

Send your ideas, do-able phantasies 
and I'll play . . . mind the shekels; 
living on half a retirement here!

My youngest daughter is coming 
today! And, my oldest on the morrow! 
Yay October!!!

they say ten is luck
me thinks thirty one better
october so rocks