Feb 25, 2020


Love me the whole concept of ideas!

Sometimes, it just hits me . . . how
fortunate we are to have minds, to
be able to think for ourselves, make
our own decisions and have a slew
of ideas raining down on what would
be an otherwise dreary world.

I laugh . . . there are days when I
have so many ideas, I'm exhausted
just thinking of them. I have ideas
for teaching, for living out in the
boonies, for the penal system, and
how to make this a better world.

I never said the ideas would work . . .
but, wouldn't it be phenomenal to
be part of a think tank where ideas
could be presented, thought over,
improved and made to work?!

Remembering I'm retired, think I'll
have some left-over pizza and mull
over some of my crazier ideas . . .

do sing me a song
music ever inspires
head bursting with thoughts

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