Feb 11, 2020


Me thinks I'm loving my journey!

I can remember over the years taking
issue with certain parts of my life, if
not downright hating. Funny, now that
I'm 70 and find myself looking back,
I don't feel so much that way.

Living in different countries, loving
different people, being in different
relationships . . . the operative word
here is DIFFERENT . . . and I am
different! Bottom line, if I'm different
then my life experiences are going to
be different as well. Ever so glad I
finally figured that out!

One of the things I've loved most about
my journey has been meeting other
unusual people. I believe the operative
word here is eccentric. I absolutely love
being an eccentric and I much enjoy my
eccentric friends! One of life's gifts to us
as we grow older, is that rare ability to
accept oneself rather than trying to be
like everyone else. Wish I had cottoned
onto this a tad earlier in my life!

like fine chocolates
rare books unusual finds

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