Sep 30, 2021


"Thirty days hath September,
April, June and November.
All the rest have thirty-one,
Excepting February alone,
And that has twenty-eight days clear
And twenty nine in each leap year."
Mother Goose

Has been just a tad exasperating
awaiting the arrival of my phenom
month of October, and here we are,
just one more day . . .

Seems I spend the entire month of 
September just planning my October
indulgences . . . ONE PER DAY!

"Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!"
Wizard of Oz . . . Best of all, seeing 
all my kids. Love my close friends
coming by . . . 'tis me who wants to
celebrate them, rather than them me.

What do I want in the way of pressies?
(My daughter's least fave word!) FACs
Eats. Visits. Telling tales out of school! 
No need for "Brown paper packages 
tied up with string." Sound of Music

Only 14 more hours . . .

may the hours fly
october awaiting me
my thirty one days

Sep 29, 2021


7:00 a.m.

Quaking in fear this early morn . . .

Am to have oral surgery this a.m.
lasting about 4 hours. Thank the 
gods I will be under! Send good 

To be continued . . .

 - - -

4:00 p.m.

Continuing . . .

Honey, I'm home! 

I stumbled alongside my guy all 
the way to the car; never quite
certain how I made it to the cabin.
Don't even talk to me about the 
climb up the stairs, Sooooo, guess
I survived, although the jury's till

 - - -

7:00 p.m.

At the end of the day . . .

I seem to be returning to me, albeit I
still can't sip water with my crooked
mouth. Perhaps I may indeed live to
halfway smile another day

 - - -

fear awaits outcome
a very unique journey 
tells its own story

Sep 28, 2021


Today is National Son's Day; although
I think of my sons ever and always, 'tis
lovely to have a special day in which  
to celebrate them.

Lui, my first born is an amazing man,
artist and bibliophile.

Peter is a professional photographer  
and a stand up dad. And, don't even
get me started on his knowledge of
foods and beer.

Chris, Jeremiah and ZAK may belong  
to my guy, but I get to have them too!

Sooooo, what is it about having sons
that make them so special?! I've never
been quite certain that women utterly
understand men or that men truly get
women. Having said that, a mother
gets a free 'get out of jail' card when
it comes to sons, albeit they're also
those incomprehensible men!

Being all grown up with their own
responsibilities, I don't get to see
them all the time as I did when they
were kids. Still, there are shared
holidays, the odd visit, phone calls,
cards and e-mails. Staying in touch 
is important.

Bottom line . . .  I love them, pray 
for them, threaten God when things 
aren't going well for them, would
give my life . . .

loving me my sons
celebrating them today
ever and always

Sep 27, 2021


Yesterday, we attended a Celebration 
of Life. An amazing experience, all 
told. 'Twas honoring a friend, neighbor, 
someone we much valued. 

I had never given any particular thought
to the fact that in our age bracket, we're
going to be losing our older friends and
family. It really only just hit me. Wow!

I find celebrating them, honoring them,
easy. I would hope to be so celebrated,
honored and remembered well when 
my time comes. My kids would tell 
you I've been preparing for my own
death for several years.

In my defense, it comes from a group
of specialists at the hospital giving me 
all the tests in the book when I fainted 
and cracked my skull open. I was told
I had a couple of months to live. If I
lived longer, it would take a year or so
for my brain to return to its original size
as it was quite swollen.

I do find I value life more since being
given the death threat. Isn't it interesting
how the thought of something being
taken away makes it feel more valuable?

I do pray I'll be given yet another little
while . . .

finding i love life
dont be in any hurry
to take me away

Sep 26, 2021


"National Daughters Day was created 
in India in 1936, where it is celebrated 
on the last Sunday of September. It was 
Archies Limited who invented National 
Daughters Day. They created the holiday 
to raise awareness and promote the 
imbalance that daughters in some parts
of India are considered a burden, and
inferior to sons." calendarr

Sooooo love that the US has truly put
National Daughters Day on the calendar
and celebrates it widely. It's simply fun . . . 
the phone calls, the e-mails, the letters, 
the cards and gifts . . . all honoring our 

As the world slowly arrives at the place
of honoring women in equality with men,
we can recognize the importance of
celebrating our daughters on this world
renowned day.

Whether you celebrated yesterday, US
style, or today, Indian style, remember
the vast importance of our daughters.
Not to forget, we women, we mothers,
are also daughters . . .

 . . . I applaud all of us!

girls daughters mothers
lets celebrate our being
we women so rock

Sep 25, 2021


At o' dark thirty this morning 
we had a bear come to visit. 
The dogs started barking to let 
us know and we got to watch 
Mr. Ginormous amble up the
sidewalk, cool as you please! 
Without a doubt, he was the 
largest bear we've ever had 
come calling.

Seeing so much wildlife has 
been one of the perks of living 
in a 130 year old cabin in the 
woods, as it were. And, we do 
get bear every summer and early
fall. But, we also receive plenty 
of visits from raccoons, bobcats
and mountain lions. Not quite 
sure why the bear are the most 

I find myself ever grateful to
Mother Nature for her beauty,
her wildlife . . . her moods that
gift us such different, amazing 
weather patterns. What a life!

Little Miss Goldilocks had
naught on us . . .

do come and visit
mama daddy baby bears
find im missing you

Sep 24, 2021


"Alcohol is an excellent servant,
but a terrible master."
~Christopher Hitchens

Every now and again, make that most
always, I get to thinking about my sins.
My parents used to listen to a minister
who would talk about our 'darling sins.'
Alas, me thinks, drinking may be my
darling sin.

As I enjoy drinking, I have an assortment
of rules in place to keep me out of danger.

   *never drink alone
   *drink only twice or thrice a week
   *no hard alcohol, except occasional marg
   *choose small, low alcohol beers
   *three months off from drinking yearly

I had my first drink when I came back 
to the US at 37. Having had no prior 
experience with drinking, I had to wade
through experimentation. Being both
enthusiastic as well as a slow learner,
there were some embarrassments along
the way.

I have followed the old Mexican rules
of drinking as well. No drinking for two
years whilst grieving the loss of a mother,
one year for a father. I like the respect
indicated in this unwritten custom, most
probably Catholic.

Sooooo, 'craful, craful,' as my brother 
used to say. Let's enjoy carefully! 


Sep 23, 2021


I am not ashamed
to have known the touch
of madness
or to share the passion
it has gifted me.
~A. Shea

Me thinks 'tis a malady to which we 
don't often admit. But, just think of
the times we've been overcome with
grief. The death of a child, albeit 
one of our own children, a young
friend or one of our students. That 
loss of a special parent or a close 
friend. Living through this kind of 
sorrow,  you indeed know madness!

Certain losses show us the door to 
a bit of madness. Loss of reputation;
the mishandling of funds and all
that this entails, accidental or not.
The loss of a special friendship,
often over some minute detail.
The death of a fave pet, however
embarrassing we may find this 
grief to be.

Those of us who tend toward the
eccentric, understand the madness
experienced from time to time in
not being understood, much less
accepted. Not often perhaps, but
just once in a while 'twould be
lovely to be part of the gang.

So, what's this all about? What am
I asking? What needs to happen?
Perhaps, the first thing would be 
to accept that bit of madness in 
ourselves. It follows then, that we
can be more understanding and
accepting of this in others.

Madness is real, it exists. It rears
its ugly head from time to time.
We would do well to accept this
and look it straight in the face!
It is what it is . . .

what is this sorrow 
a certain kind of madness
mad with angry grief

Sep 22, 2021


"Most nights are tough . . .
She lays there in the darkness.
Overwhelmed by the things
she wished she didn't think about."
~r.h. Sin

Most of us know a thing or two
about sleepless nights. Interesting
how those long hours are passed in 
negativity rather than happy thoughts.

I find myself reviewing my sins,
looking at various ways I could have
done better, seeing those wrongs
against hearth and home . . . a never
ending saga of my foibles and faults.

How is it that we don't mentally
explore fun things to try, good things
to accomplish and even think about
the odd good deed or two?! I wonder
if we were born with an innate need
to critique and punish our wayward

I wonder, is it too late to change the
habits of a lifetime? Can I at least
attempt a different approach? Practice
makes perfect? Or, some such!!!

I swear, there are times I would like
to ask Hitler himself about mind
control. I don't seem to be able to
harness my own!

having a bad night
bring on the fairy tales please
so tired of ugly

Sep 21, 2021

09/21/2021 - Autumnal Equinox

Mabon, otherwise known as the first
day of Autumn, the second harvest,
the Autumnal Equinox . . . 

This year, the Autumnal Equinox falls
on the 22nd rather than the 21st. Still,
I so love celebrating, me thinks I'll go
for both days, the traditional and the
actual. Let's take a look at what it is.

"The Autumnal Equinox is the moment
the sun crosses the equator from north
to south in September each year. The
equinox is the only time when the edge
between day and night runs perpendicular
to the equator, equally illuminating both
the southern hemisphere and the northern

Sometimes I think I love the twice a year
equinoxes so much because of balance.
I've often commented that I'm the most
imbalanced Libra that I know. However,
on March 21st and September 21st, I
have that semblance of balance.

We'll celebrate the end of summer and
the beginning of fall. The leaves are
turning and the mountain tops show off
a light vesting of snow. Mornings and
evenings are chilly, warmth showing up
in the middle of the day. 

We have six weeks in which to enjoy 
this amazing season! Happy Autumn!

tis a bit chilly
already missing summer
enjoy anyway

Sep 20, 2021


"Happy is when someone gives you
a big hunk of something wonderful
and it's too big to hold. So, you pull 
off a piece from time to time to hold
in your hand. That's being contented."
~Betty Smith, Joy in the Morning 

Somewhere in the American Dream,
we get all mixed up about happy
We tend to hold happy dear, almost 
to the exclusion of anything else.

Happy, happiness, joy, bliss . . . all 
are important. The searching for, 
the living for . . . all important. Still, 
I can't help but wonder the price we
pay for being so wrapped up in the
search for happiness that we miss
a great deal of life?!

The analogy of love making comes
to mind. Perhaps we are so intent 
on experiencing the end result that 
we don't even enjoy the beautiful 
path that leads us there. 

Bottom line, all experiences are
important. Lessons to be learned,
precious moments to be held close
to our souls, sorrow to be honored,
love to share . . . all important!

Let's live our lives to the fullest . . .
experiencing all those different
spices that make our lives both
interesting and delectable!

"Joy comes to us in ordinary moments.
We risk missing out when we get too
busy chasing down the extraordinary."
~Brené Brown

so living the life
joy to come from time to time
experience all

Sep 19, 2021


Sabrá Dios lo que pasó?! Ni
siquiera yo tengo idea.

Será porque el diez y seis de 
septiembre acaba de pasar. Tal 
vez fue porque fui a escuchar a
mariachis el día de ayer. Pero, 
por equis o zeta, me senté a sus 
pies, escuchando su bella música 
y llorando a cántaros.

Les hice sentir muy incómodos a
nuestros anfitriones. No es lo que
quise, simplemente sucedió. El
caso es que probablemente nunca
debí me haber dejado mi lindo y
querido México.

Cuando uno es tan excéntrico, 
y por fin se halla cómodo en un 
lugar, más le vale quedarse ahí.
Gustando el país, amando a la
gente, adorando a las familias y
sus nenes . . . todo indica tal

Un día volveré. Tal vez sea en
cenizas para echarse al viento,
pero volveré. Quiero volar entre
nubes, descansar en sus brazos
y escuchar Cielito Lindo de lejos.

como extraño
añorando mis penas
yo quiero volver

*Dedicado a Doña Alicia Sueltenfuss

Sep 17, 2021


 What is it about anger, rage, fury?

You never even thought you were
capable of it, and yet . . .

All your life you've known who
you are. You absolutely know
yourself. There are no secrets

And then, you are angrily attacked,
out of the blue, for something you
know nothing about. Your mouth
falls open in surprise. Your face
turns red and ever so slowly, your
blood begins to boil. You explode.
You don't even recognize the person  
you have just become.

How does it happen? Unspeakable!
In a moment of clarity, you finally 
get a clue how violence happens. 
And yet, you have never credited 
yourself for being capable of such 
a reaction.

I doubt very much that life lays
awake at night, dreaming up ways
to teach us these lessons. Still, 
things happen and we might as
well learn something!

So, where does one go from there?
Does one demand apologies, exact 
revenge? Seek forgiveness from self? 
From the accuser? Can one's own 
capability of rage be accepted? 

Understanding helps. Taking time
is essential. Healing awaits and
lessons are indeed to be learned. 
Most likely, I'll be learning right 
up until the moment life ends for
me. Most remarkable!!!

my heart hurts just now
wheres daddy when i need him
want to be consoled


I hark back to the words of 
old wise men, something along 
the lines of what you fear is far
less than you figured.

The trip, which was supposed
to be along the lines of an hour
fifteen to an hour thirty, turned
out to be a dead hour. And, we
drove straight to the address.

I think of the worry in the back
of my mind, my concerns for
our ability to follow a hand 
drawn map . . . which wasn't 
on our pro map nor the GPS.

Once I opened and read the
directions, I saw that I should
not have worried quite so much . . .
like maybe I should have read 
it when the invite arrived.

I find, as I'm about a hundred
years old, that first of all, I 
tend to make mountains out 
of molehills. Second of all, I
search for that special hidden

I've heard my entire life that
we should live in the moment
and not make the unknown
into something it is not. Face
the unknown when it comes
and deal with it then.

I've heard the lesson over 
and over! I've experienced 
the Can't lesson time and 
again!! help but wonder if I'm
finally capable of learning it,
following it?! ~!@#$%^&*()_+

where are we going
does it really matter now
seems i need to know

Sep 16, 2021


What is it? Fear of the unknown?
Never been there; done that???

Each day we sally forth and 
conquer . . . or meet defeat. 
What of it? Does it really matter 
which? Isn't it experience that 
life is all about?

I find myself more fearful as I 
get older. That may be as is, but
I want to face life and experience
it anyway. Obviously, I have to
give myself a good talking to 
from time to time! I just need it!

Today, we face a new challenge.
We are to meet friends in a place
heretofore unknown to us, at a
given time. We have to leave at
o' dark thirty and travel a couple
of hours; it's a bit scary.

I think, were we taking a journey
on our own, with no time limits
or expectations, it would be less
worrisome. Still, we're up for
the adventure and hoping for the

As my childhood buddy used to
say, "Lord willing and the Devil
doesn't intervene," we'll make it!

tis an adventure
but i don't know where that is
so go anyway

Sep 15, 2021


 "She walks in beauty." ~Lord Byron

When first seeing her gardens, you
instantly have a glimpse into what
the heavens must look like. 

In walking around the stone path 
intertwining the beds, you find 
yourself with wantings . . . wanting 
to stay there, wanting to pick some 
posies, wanting to curl up for an 
afternoon nap amongst such glory.

And then, she serves a repast . . . 
Again, each an every item is choice. 
Many from other lands, some she's
made herself. I'm torn 'twixt and 
'tween just sitting there enjoying,
and the actual eating.

Her lingo is beautiful. She has a
way of making the luncheon chat
all about you. She not only queries,
but she truly listens. So many of
us don't even really understand 
the art of listening.

And then, she treats you to her 
paintings. Telling tales out of 
school, she explains the nuances
behind each. I find myself much
moved with such longing. 

'Tis the sound of her melodious
voice, the gestures, the sharings.
She is an artist in every fiber of
her being . . .

She walks in beauty!

*Dedicated to . . .
Marilyn Stannie Wells, Ph.D.

Sep 14, 2021


Where is September going in such an 
all fired hurry?! I swear, life is soooo 
getting away from me!

We all know that time flies whether
you're having fun or not. Yet, I'm
nigh onto a hundred years old and
still this long known scientific fact 
wows me!

Being somewhat nearer the end of
my days rather than at the beginning,
I find myself wanting to have a chat
with Mr. Time.

Couldn't he slow down just a bit,
especially during the glorious day.
I wouldn't even mind if he hurried
through those rough ones. But, he
won't budge an inch . . . so like
the male species, per se!

Guess will have to be me making
the odd change. We all enjoy a
good sleep-in, but I think I should
actually get up earlier and go to
bed later. To quote John Wayne,
"Time's a wastin'; get up and get

enjoy whilst you can
lets live we can sleep later
death is a long nap

Sep 13, 2021


Speaking of relationships . . .

My guy and I are 70, 71 in fact. It's
rather beyond interesting to look back 
and see the changes in that infamous
dance of conjugal bliss.

When we were kids and shared our
first kiss, we were allowed to kiss,
but not touch. Frenching was frowned
upon; make no mistake! Anyone who
knew anything understood that this
was where babies came from!

'Twas expected of me to marry as a
virgin, after a suitable courtship and
parental approbation . . . and to stay
married, no matter what!

Divorce was a big no no, and I get
it. There are so many things that
deserve serious consideration in the
breaking up of a relationship.

Now, a hundred years later, my guy
and I have been together for over   
20 and we actually chose to jump 
the broom rather than have a legal 
marriage ceremony. 

I recognize that it's not about right
and wrong, just different customs,
eras and expectations. Still I must 
say, the changes we've witnessed 
in our 70 year span are downright 

ever wondering
is it whats right or whats wrong
or just what it is

Sep 12, 2021


Dreams are made of this . . . perhaps 
reading is the trigger, who knows! 

This time I found myself in a
Confederate camp in days of  yore.
I was obviously a nurse of some kind.
All around me, fighting raged.

I could sense, more than see, soldiers
falling where they stood, even as they 
fired. 'Midst the smoke, I found myself 
almost overcome by the scent of battle.

I remember the sense of helplessness
I felt, an actual knowledge of some 
kind that anything I could do would
never be enough.

I longed for a tent in which to tend
the wounded. I yearned for water for
cleansing. Yet, all I could do was
stitch with no sedative. Running out
of gear, I recall even using the hem
of my uniform to wipe away blood.

My heart is filled with sorrow. My
cheeks are wet with tears and my
brain whispers, "Why oh why do
we still engage in war?"

Not quite sure I'll ever feel the same
about red and blue . . . so glad I only
wear black!

wipe away my tears
erase my pain ere i die
pray sing me a song

Sep 11, 2021


Sooooo love me some surprises . . . 
and today was one of them! 

Did NOT expect our friends to come 
by as they spent the day at the Estes 
Park Tent City!

Oh my God, what amazing treasures!
And, I cannot believe they shared a 
couple of them! Amazing, glorious, 
wondrous, and entirely unexpected! 
Bless them!

Another fun surprise has been a 
compendium of nine books that  
I just finished. Decent plots; quite 
intriguing. 'Tis rather wondrous 
to find yourself in another world, 
living quite differently.

A fab surprise, got a postcard in 
the mail. Today, we mostly e-mail 
or just message on FB. I just loved 
opening the box and finding the 
card rather than a bill!

And at supper time, I opened the
fridge to see what might fall out. 
This time, there were some boxes 
of food my good friend from New 
Mexico brought. Great food! . . .
What a day for surprises!

color me hopeful 
so love me my surprises
see what today brings

Sep 10, 2021


Been planning a special trip to the
Bermuda Triangle come Samhain;
that's Halloween to you!

The surrounding islands would make
for fun visits, maybe even hitting the
local shops for interesting wares and
their cafes for unusual treats!

Alas, I made the mistake of going to
the dentist yesterday . . . walking out
an hour later with a $9,000 prognosis
in hand . . . guess my upcoming vacay 
will have to be canceled!

The entire prospect of everything the
dentist wants to do to me so smacks
of world war type torture that perhaps 
I should schedule the ruckus around
Halloween! 'Twould be ever so fitting!

Who know, maybe I'll come out of 
this ordeal with a ghoulish smile;
make that smirk and fit right into
said holiday.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ~!@#$%^&*()_+<>?/

so disappointed
how old did we say i was
color me pouting

Sep 9, 2021


I'm of two mind here! Alarms going
off everywhere, scaring the bejesus
out of me . . .

Oh my God, the yard is full of elk.
Stunning creatures and the baby is
beyond precious.

They're wending their way up the
stone walkway, eating everything
in their path . . . Oh NO, NOT my
precious, precious sunflowers! 

Damn it all to hell anyway!!! My 
d) all of the above, encouraged 
me to cut them yesterday, but I
simply couldn't bear to and now
they're hors d'oeurvres for our
early morn visitors.

On the other side of things, love
my 130 year old cabin in the 
woods and all of the wildlife it
attracts. I'm ever so blest . . . but
do they have to eat my sunflowers?

so loving my woods
special creatures of all kinds 
wildlife galore wow

Sep 8, 2021


So interesting to suss out the things
we oldsters do in retirement . . .
So fun!

We just spent an entire afternoon
watching a series whilst drinking
margs. So fun!

I like the times we spend cooking
together in the kitchen. I cook the
vege dishes and he, the meat dishes.
Still, I like the eating together that
happens after the fact! So fun!

I enjoy the odd ride we take in the
mountains. I get a kick out of stopping
at different bits and pieces along our
way, some temptations to buy, others
to eat. So fun!

I love the spontaneity available whilst
on our adventures. A garage sale, an
antique store, a farmer's market . . . 
So fun!

And, best of all weekends with the
different kids in our fams. Me thinks
that's the most fun of all! So fun!

I refuse to even think about those 
pesky parts are aren't fun! Sooooo
NOT fun at all!

aging can be fun
a little scary as well
positive thoughts help

Sep 7, 2021


Me thinks I should never, ever
watch the news! Makes me shed
tears it's so sad . . .

Watching the poor souls dealing
with storms, hurricanes and floods
just makes me cringe. I can't even
imagine the courage it must take
to soldier on when everything you
own is ravaged and taken.

The absolute worst . . . those lives
lost! How to help? What can we
actually do? Prayers are not enough;
action is needed. I know shekels are
lacking, along with health care and

Let's all join in doing whatever we
can to help. I pray God steps in and
gives a hand!

pray lend me strength lord
people in times of trouble
im all out of faith

Sep 6, 2021


Pets ahoy . . .

Spent the weekend with pets and
loved every moment of it. Kept
asking myself, "When did we stop
having them?" My guy says we 
all had pets while our kids were
growing up and that it was quite
important for them to have these
different learning experiences.

I actually get that! Playing with
dogs especially, training them, 
walking them everyday . . . all 
good! So, I asked him why don't 
we have a dog or two, or better 
yet, a couple of cats?

He explained that as retired
oldsters, we need to be free to
go at any moment, roam around,
have fun and not worry about
animals or getting someone
to take care of them. Me thinks
that was quite sneaky of him,

So, when we visit our daughter,
I'll just have to get my dog fix!

a hound dog or two
here kitty kitty kitty
loving me my pets

Sep 5, 2021


Colorado is such an amazing
state. Living in the mountains,
we are graced with aspens,
pine trees, rivers and streams,
to say naught of the forest
bouquets of wildflowers.
And the . . .

 . . . you take a drive and
are assailed by an entirely
different geography. The
Colorado plains are absolutely
unreal! Mountains are visible
in the far background.
And then . . .

 . . . you take a look around!
360 degrees of sky and clouds
right down to the ground!
Let me add that I have never
seen sunrises and sunsets
more spectacular! Wow!
And then . . .

 . . . just choose a road, a
highway or byway and see
where it takes you. You will
have no idea whether you'll
be surprised by small country
towns, or amazing cities.

Oh beautiful, colorful Colorado!
I am ever so fortunate to live
here. You have graced my life
with such beauty and adventure.
I can hardly wait until the next

we are invited
oh to endure such wonder
allow me to stay

Sep 4, 2021


"She has always had a thing for full
moons, a sky full of stars and freedom."
~j. iron word

Me thinks he's talking about moi again!
Love this author, his work, his content.
And, I so appreciate how he honors both
the She and Mother Nature.

Both are interesting, exciting and even
changeable. Yesterday, we awoke to
such a beautiful day. We got outside
early to enjoy . . . and no more had we
sat down, than we received a torrential 
rain and pounding hail.

Obviously, we made a run for it; we 
watched this amazing summer storm
with a kind of awe. And the thing is,
it lasted! Once finished, the ground
was so covered in hail, it looked like

Capricious she may be, but we needed
the moisture and are grateful for it. The
water in the pond rose roughly 4". 

autumn approaches
soon to bid summer adieu 
hard to say goodbye 

Sep 3, 2021


"We breathe air exhaled from trees
whose leaves are made of starlight.
Our veins echo the patterns of rivers,
branches, and root systems. We are
not a part of Nature. We are Nature!"
~Marysia Miernowska

How I love our Mother Nature! As
a small child, my father used to take
us out. I recall everything from short
walks to long hikes. We rested when
needed. Mom always packed picnics.
It may have been the same food, but
it tasted better outdoors!

I remember that sometimes my bro
and I would become querulous, Mom
and dad would exchange that secret
parental look and off to the hills we
would go. Amazing! They were so

Even though this was prior to any
littering campaign, my parents were
sticklers about leaving zero trace of
our presence. I so honor them for

Just now, I'm feeling a tad querulous!
Me thinks a trip out in Mother Nature
is just what the doc ordered!

let me walk in you
so loving me my mother
remedy for ills

Sep 2, 2021


Get into the habit of asking
yourself, "Does this support 
the life I'm trying to create?"
Beautiful Mess

Fab reminder! Me thinks I needed
this! At 101, I'm somewhere 'twixt
and 'tween, 'Will I ever learn what
I need to learn' and death!

Pondering just how much of life is 
existing as opposed to actually living.
Making that effort to live more and
exist less, striving for balance . . . 
if that's even possible.

Wonder if I might just make the odd
New Year's resolution in September?!
It is back to school month, after all!
So here goes . . .

3) Live a little more; exist a tad less.
2) Honor both being and becoming.
1) Remember, love matters above all.

So, here's moi, still learning,
still learning . . .

Sep 1, 2021


Perhaps 'twas a day like any other,
but it wasn't actually, it was a true 
gift of a day. A former colleague, 
lo these many years not seen, shared 
a few delicious hours and memories 
with me.

What a delight to sift through those
few stories of students and fellow
teachers that we loved throughout
the years of teaching and counseling. 

Whilst enjoying the delightful repast
she provided, we chuckled, belly
laughed, sighed . . . even shed a few 

One of the blessings derived from 
the day was the reiteration of a
career well chosen, enjoyed and

Indeed, it has been so hard for me  
to let go; I loved teaching ever so 
much. My students meant the world 
to me, but today was a reminder that 
it is time, time to bid adieu to that
part of my life.

Perhaps the best part of today . . .
a professional colleague may
have come to visit, but she left 
as a friend.

*Dedicated to Patricia Salas,
phenomenal teacher and counselor.