Apr 30, 2022


What a day . . . Beltane Eve,
solar eclipse, black moon!

Imagine most know Beltane
Eve is the night before May
Day. Can't help but wonder
just how many of us will be
dancing around a May pole
and having a glass or two of 
May Day punch on the morrow.

I can remember as a child,
making May Day baskets of
flowers and taking them to
the neighbors. Such fun and
I'm ever so glad my parents
allowed the frivolity. 

We always had a family May
Day picnic. I can remember
deviled eggs, red jello w/fruit,
homemade potato salad, whole
wheat sandwiches. Must admit,
I want a repeat!

I always enjoy the eves of the
day after . . . so going to get a
kick out of this one.

Happy Beltane Eve!

love me some may days
bring on the new calendar
lets build a bon fire

Apr 29, 2022


Yesterday, was one of those
amazing, glorious miracles . . .
completely unexpected.

We were out and about, doing
some medical bits and pieces
and then, we decided to eat out.
Called our friends and got a rec.

Wow . . . a winery in parts unknown!
The first part, a pallet of wine tasting.
The second, the ordering of foods
supposedly created by a Swiss chef.

Oh my f---ing god . . . we are talking
flavors rarely visiting my unsuspecting
tongue! I wanted to stand up and cheer.
I did indeed, salute the owners.

Not sure the exact difference between
good sound cooking and the exquisite
delivery of a proper gourmet. There 
is naught to be suspected . . . no cook
on the premises, just a phenomenal 

Would I have ever chosen my own
demise, it would have to have been
after this delight!

pray take me again
so love me some surprises
make points with this one

Apr 28, 2022


To watch, or not to watch,
that is the question . . .

I've mentioned before that
my parents didn't have a TV;
got my first when I had been
married a decade.

It was such an interesting
phenomena initially. I'd run
and cook or do dishes during
the commercials, and then,
back to the program. Think
I lasted about three months.
Would rather read anyway.

Then, in these latter years,
movies w/o commercials
made it into our lives. So
love me those murder 
mysteries. Been re-watching
them for several months now.

On the other hand, I end each
day with a good book. Some
times I read an hour and then
others, I get caught up and
read the entire night. Bottom
line, much enjoy the flicks, but
nada but nada, beats reading . . .

 . . . I should confess, both the
movies I watch and the books
I read . . . are murder mysteries!

movie or a book
me likes to watch loves to read
when in doubt do both

Apr 27, 2022


What a day! A sweet, special,
glorious, wondrous day!

One of my favest men ever
had us to brunch! We went
early so we could take a ride
down memory lane. 

Got to see my guy's place of 
work, now a porn shop of all 
things. Visited his old home 
and neighborhood. Poignant!

We enjoyed champagne and
coffee . . . so get a kick out 
of being double fisted . . . 
Worshiped at the feet of this 
sunny day; simply relished 
the entire experience.

And then, our master chef
presented us with one of the
most exquisite meals I've
ever tasted. There simply
aren't enough wows to

I coulda, shoulda, woulda, 
imbibed a tad less perhaps . . . 
but when I am faced with 
the gift of a day straight out 
of the promised land, I'm 
sure as hell not going to 
compromise my own ecstasy!

My hat off to Tommy . . .
a man among men!!! Me
encuentro sans paroles!

*Mr. Gorgeous enormous bear
visited at 5:00 this morning!

Apr 26, 2022


"Hey mom, what's for supper?"

Remember those times at the 
end of the month, those times 
right between running out of 
fresh groceries and payday?

You open the door to the fridge
and watch to see what falls out.
A few bits and pieces of veggies,
that tad of leftover steak, a few
teaspoons of sour cream . . .

 . . . the perfect beginnings of 
Poor Man's Stew, to say nothing
of getting the fridge cleaned out.
At nigh onto 100, I still prep one 
of these at the end of the month. 

Every once in a while, I have one
of those bang my head against 
the wall moments . . . Perhaps 
this is what happens in some of 
my dreams. They are just Poor 
Man's Stew dreams . . .

The current book I'm reading,
some chore I've done throughout
the day, a conversation I've had,
that bit from the news cast . . . all
come together to make a hodge-
podge of a dream. No need worry
or get upset or even try to figure
out the meanings!

Something to be said for these aha
moments, isn't there?!

love me poor mans stew
dreams not necessarily
give me a moment

Apr 25, 2022


"I believe for every drop of rain
that falls, a flower grows
I believe that somewhere in the 
darkest night, a candle glows . . . "
~Stillman, Drake, Graham, Shirl

Our personal beliefs are important.
And I've found they become even
more so as we grow older. There
seems to be this need to nail them
down, as it were!

The popular rant of today is to 
believe in yourself above all. I do
buy that on some level, but can't
imagine whatever happened to, 
you first; I'm right behind you!

So now that I'm about a hundred
years old, I find myself pondering
my own personal belief system
more and more. Obviously, 'tis a 
tad easier to believe in the tangible!
I believe in my family and friends,
hearth and home!

What about the intangible . . . I
believe in God as an all inclusive
term. The Bible has roughly 950
names for God, after all. I am 
personally drawn to that tangible 
evidence otherwise known as 
Mother Earth.

I believe in personal integrity 
and I am utterly committed. I'm
coming to the conclusion that
these are my three . . . family and
friends, Mother Earth and personal
integrity . . . really enough for me.

Apr 23, 2022


An altar by any other name . . .

I've always been happy to share
that I love our Mother Earth! Still, 
recently someone asked me about 
my many altars.

We all understand about prayer.
There's the, 'Now I lay me down
to sleep' variety. There's the, 'Oh
my God, this can't be happening!'
Then, there are those who truly
pray, a communion with God.

Something to be understood about
altars would be, they are roughly
three dimensional prayer. A lot of
thought goes into creating one. A
special space is sought out. Each
part is thoroughly dusted, washed,

The purpose is important . . . 
the well being of a loved one, 
a dire longing for something 
meaningful, courage to face the 
inevitable. Any may be depicted 
with photographs, a symbol and
often with accompanying candles.

Keeping this in mind, take a look 
around. A dresser, the piano top, 
that mantel above the fireplace . . . 
truly, each an altar in their own 

We all pray one way or another . . .
albeit actual prayer, that shout 
out to God, meditation, or the
creation of an altar.

It's rather like communication . . .
face to face, a phone call, a text,
an e-mail, a card or letter . . . all
good to the receiver!


Sooooo scares the living daylights . . .

. . . out of me that I continue to dream
each night of my past! It's somewhat
along the lines of a review board 
before I pass onto the better life.

Last night, 'twas a move to Canada.
My husband, father of my children,
was hired to teach math at a college
near the Canadian border. He was 
so excited!

Seems they wanted to hire me as 
well, to teach French. I explained
to them that I had degrees that 
would allow me to teach English
or Spanish as a first language or 
as a second language . . . four
choices! They kept insisting that
it would have to be French.

Then they asked me to do a show
and tell, so I taught a lesson in
English with the works of the great
bard. It went well, but it seemed
to me that they didn't love and 
adore Shakespeare the way I do.

Now, if anyone wants to chime 
in and explain all this to me, feel
free! One of my degrees is in 
Psychology, but I can promise, 
I sooooo don't get it!!!

I pay well too . . . I'll send you
some of my delectable Mexican
herbal mix that I make . . . 13
different kinds of chiles!

Apr 22, 2022

04/22/2022 - Earth Day

April 22, 1970 . . . 52 years ago,
something wondrous happened.
Earth Day was created. I so love
that we have this special day 
in which we can all honor our 
Mother Earth.

The greatest observance would
be that we each honor her daily!
What might that look like? 
Acknowledgement of any kind!
An altar of thanksgiving for all
she provides for us. A quiet 
walk in her woods, perhaps! 

I like the idea of each of us
spending some time picking
up trash and disposing of it
properly. Same goes for any
thing that can be recycled
as well!

So remember fondly this 
wealthy old gal driving her 
Caddy down the street and
all of a sudden, slamming
on the brakes. Seems she'd
seen a coke bottle. She
collected them, sold them
and donated the shekels.
What an example!

Pray, have a wondrous
Earth Day and may it 
remind each of us of all 
our mother gifts us. We 
somehow must repay in 

mother forgive us
ever wasting your bounty
not too late to learn

Apr 21, 2022


"You've got to dance like there's 
nobody watching, 
Love like you'll never be hurt,
Sing like there's nobody listening,
And live like it's heaven on earth."
~William W. Purkey

He says it all, doesn't he?! I've
admired Professor Purkey for a
long time . . . such wisdom. Now
methinks, I need to listen up!

Bottom line, I believe he's really
talking about living rather than
existing . . . one of those bits of
wisdom I tend to go on and on

I keep running into these signposts
along the way as I've grown older.
Again, I think it's about reminding
us to actually live before time runs

There wouldn't be anything wrong
in spicing up our daily tasks and
chores. Put on some sweet music
whilst washing the dishes, perhaps.
Maybe rock n' roll it during the
mop job. A champagne cocktail
when all the menial jobs are done?

We probably all have different 
ways of spicing up our lives. Let's
do it more often rather than more

just hand me a beer
gotta sweep wash the dishes  
gimme that jazz band

Apr 20, 2022


Yesterday, a pure kaleidoscope
of joy!

Had a sweet morn with my guy.
Ever so lucky we enjoy each
other's company. 

Then in the afternoon,  our 
d) all of the above, as I tend to 
think of them, returned safe and 
sound from their vacation.

I love telling tales out of school,
catching up, laughing together
and tearing up over sorrow.

I can recall back in the old days
of youth. I somewhat feared the
idea of aging. Its opposite didn't
appeal either. And yet, here we
are, enjoying each day for the
gift it truly is.

im raising my glass 
living over existing
family and friends

Apr 19, 2022


I'm almost afraid to say it,
but methinks spring may
have actually come. I'm
going to break down and
treat myself to some out
door time!!!

Making a list and checking
it twice . . . Hey Santa, I
know good rhetoric when 
I hear it! 

I want to picnic, walk down
the town's boardwalk, peek
in windows, eat in front of
the creek. I'm sooooo ready!

I love the last couple weeks
of Spring, all of summer and
first couple of weeks of fall.
'Tis where I wish to live for
the rest of my life.

Hey, I feel a marg or two
coming on . . . the true mark
of spring! I so intend to enjoy,
so come on by. Bring limes
and ice!

so love me some spring
bring on those tart icy drinks
yummy in the heat

Apr 18, 2022


Morning of the Day after . . .
Happy memories and glorious

One of the things I so enjoy
about the Christian Easter 
would be those fab familial
gatherings. What a gift to us

Catching up, amazing favorite 
foods, watching the glee of the
children as they hunted for eggs.
And let me tell you, nobody can
decorate eggs like these young
mother artists!!!

Not forgetting the dads either.
No one in this world can paint
gory like dads! I'd bet dollars to
doughnuts that those little boys
just love those gruesome eggs
more apt for Halloween than

ostara for some
albeit easter for most
when in doubt do both

Apr 17, 2022

04/17/2022 - Easter Sunday

For those of you of the
Christian faith . . .

Pray have a most wondrous
Easter. Celebrate with your 
families and friends and recall
why this day is important to

I've always believed that the
reasons behind celebrations
are more important than the
partying . . .

Happy Easter!

Apr 16, 2022


Today marks the arrival of 
the full Pink Moon . . .

I felt pulled to the window at
o' dark thirty this early morn.
Such beauty, such elegance!

I always enjoy those three
magical days of; day before,
day of and day after. I like
to use them for conscious 
thought and meditation. It's

The day before, I meditate
on those things I would like
to leave behind. I'm careful
to be reasonable and often
choose three to work on.

The day of, I simply enjoy
the gift that is the full moon. 
I give thanks for the magick
it brings into our sad todays.

The day after, I meditate on
those things I wish to add to
my life. Again, I carefully 
choose three . . . a newer 
way of thinking, a kinder 
outlook, perhaps.

Three to dismiss and three 
to welcome. I journal and 
ponder how I can make 
this happen. Journaling 
keeps these goals ever 
present in my mind.

pondering her gift
enjoy the magick tonight
love lunar lady

Apr 15, 2022


"At the end of this day, the
world will either be a more
or less kind, compassionate,
and loving place because of
your presence. Your move!"
~John Pavlovitz

Ever since the plague invited
itself to our dinner party, we
have seen an entirely different
side of our fellow man.

Can't help but wonder, as many
died from the C-14 word, if bits
and pieces didn't invade the
brains of those spreading chaos

The best part of me doesn't want
to focus on the robberies, killings,
rapes and mayhem . . . Rather I'd
like to think about the help given,
the kindness spread about, and the
lives saved.

I like Bernie Sanders' take on the
old adage, "Difficult times often
bring out the best in people!" Pray,
I join him!

look on the bright side
pollyanna is waiting
smiles instead of tears

Apr 14, 2022


"you fell
you crashed
you broke
you cried
you crawled
you hurt
you surrendered
     and then . . .
          you rose again."
~Nausicaa Twila

Many times this has happened
to one and all! Rather beyond 

I can recall, in my younger 
years, thinking I wouldn't, 
or couldn't, survive . . . yet 
I did. From time to time, the
ole crash and burn repeated 
itself; I began to have faith
that I would indeed rise again.

I'd never say I've actually 
become nonchalant about it,
but I have come to have faith,
faith in me, that no matter how
many times the winds of fate
lay me low, I will rise again.

I wouldn't mind though, from
here on out, if I could simply
face the rest of my days . . .

test me if you will
blow me down knock me over
i will rise again

Apr 13, 2022


I've been pondering love of late.

It means so many different things
to each of us. Still, I see it every-
where in spite of these difficult

I'm walking down the aisles of
our nearest supermarket. And, I
see a little ole gal trying to reach
the top shelf. Before I can get
there, a young man says to her,
"Hey, let me get that for you."

On the sidewalk downtown, I
accidentally drop my bag. Quick
hands of a couple of teenagers
retrieve my treasures and give
them to me. They could have
run off with them; instead, they
chose to help.

That ice cream cone in the park,
walking the dog on a cold winter
day, picking up someone's news
paper and putting in on their
porch . . . all little I love yous.

I guess it's down to us whether
we see the love or mire down
in the hate. I tend to forget this
from time to time. We are living
in a very difficult era; make no

I'm going to pledge to spread
around a few I love yous each
day. 'Tis one of those things
that can be done rather than
said! A lesson to be learned . . .

theres all kind of love
see it everywhere i look
lets spread it around

Apr 12, 2022


He gifted me a day . . . a day
such as I have rarely experienced!

When I awoke, he informed me
we were going to have a day
a day never to be forgotten . . . 
and we were NOT to leave the
bed and/or the bedroom.

First of all, breakfast in bed . . .
a lovely salad. I know, I know.
Bit of a strange repast, but I
loved it!

Next, he put on a series of movies,
ones I had only seen in Mexico, 
in Spanish. Sooooo different in 
English. Very enjoyable!

Then, he brought out snacks . . .
potato chips, mixed nuts, baby
oranges. Yum! And all the while, 
smuggling in a couple of bottles 
of red. He even brought up proper 
wine glasses. God, what a love!

What can I say . . . ever so much 
fun! I feel renewed, and the day 
isn't even over yet!!! Methinks 
I'm ever so lucky!

And, who is he? I am sooooo 
not telling!

the gift of a day
tied up in ribbons and bows
open it again

Apr 11, 2022


Been pondering those different
retirement life styles I've laid
eyes on of late.

Some spend their latter working
years planning just how they'll 
spend their retirement. I suppose 
much depends on the available 
time and funds for said dreams.

Those who have the more part,
plan and execute amazing trips
all around the world. Some via
flight and others, maybe even

We of the less part, are all about
those whole close by places that
can be accessed by the family 
car and camping gear. 

With a tad more funds, travel  
by day, cheap hotels by night
can lead the way straight to 
Arches National Park or even

You know you've arrived when
have motor home-will travel.
Alas, with the cost of fuel these 
days, maybe trips will sin on 
the short side!

Got one and all of the kids are
under four hours away. Think
I'll gas up and be on my way!

so need me a trip
longing for a hippie bus
traveling appeals

Apr 10, 2022


Just have to laugh at myself!

Here's me claiming to be a 
peace loving woman, ever 
making the effort to not even 
raise my voice, quelling any 
and all negative urges . . . 
and just how do I entertain 

Murder mysteries! Go friggin'
figure! I like to watch them;
I like to read them. Make no
mistake, I can't take terror or
horror. Just who-done-its along
the lines of Columbo, McCloud,
or Sherlock Holmes.

And, no need to be making any
cracks about me being a light
weight in the detective depart-
ment. It is what it is and I leave
the actual horror flicks to my

Still, it's o' dark thirty and as 
I just finished reading my last
chosen book, I'm hoping I can
get to sleep without any night
mares, hellacious or otherwise.

tis a dark read right
what a naughty gal am i
but what fun awaits

Apr 9, 2022


I've asked before, I'll ask again, 
"Who am I really? What am I all
about?" Methinks I'll just have to 
have another revisit . . .

I knew from the time I was a little
gal that there wasn't much cookie
cutter about me. Bothered me some,
but finally came to accept that I'm
a bit of an eccentric rather like my 
father. I realize now more than ever, 
how lucky I was in some of my 
young friends and classmates . . .

Trudy a musician, both in piano and 
flute. Dave, Jerrell and Russel, so far
ahead of us in Math, they were often
pulled out for Algebra classes. Bonnie 
a brain, Jonette a gymnast, Norma a 
seamstress. And then there were the
youngers (my own made up word),
Peggy and Rhonda, cutest little tom
boys ever! Steve and Joe, one more
serious and one more playful!

I still so value those who march to 
the beat of a different drum. Manner
of speech can be fascinating. Get a
kick out of different modes of dress
particularly. Unusual tastes in foods
and drink are fun. 

Must confess, I do indeed enjoy 
being a free spirit . . .

same ole same ole same
love me being different
matter of outlook

Apr 7, 2022


Yesterday was an anniversary of sorts . . .

'Twas exactly five years ago that I was
loading the pickup that early morn.

Next thing I knew, I awoke lying on the 
ground. Blood all over kingdom come. 
I had obviously cracked my skull open 
on a large rock when I fainted.

I tried to call out for my guy but there 
was no ump behind the call. Had to lay 
there a bit longer and finally I was able 
to crawl to the door and knock.

He came! Picked me up off the doorstep, 
bundled me into the car and drove me 
to the hospital.

Three days, three specialists and umpteen 
tests later, I was very kindly informed that 
I most likely had only a couple of months 
to live . . . and if I did live, it would take at
least a year for my swollen brain to return
to its normal size.

I took that hellacious news and ran with it.
Took my last will and testament, gave it all 
away. Moved into my cabin and awaited 
Mr. Death with one hand on my waist.

And just in case, I started taking care of 
me, of ME . . . something I hadn't done 
in a long, long time.

I've been granted me, a stay of execution.
Methinks one doesn't know the meaning
of the words thank you until something
such as this happens.

Each and every day is a miracle to me.
I make every effort to live my life to the 
fullest. And each and every day, I pray
the next will arrive gift wrapped, bow 
and all, just waiting to be opened . . .

 . . . I've got the scissors in my hand 
ready to snip that package open; make 
no mistake! 


I always mean to pray, I really

I sit in front of the fireplace as 
I don't kneel very well at about 
100. I calm and center myself, 
think about what I wish to say.

And I begin; next thing I know,
I'm talking to my dad. It isn't
my intention; it is what it is.
And, I'd be the first to admit
that my dad was always God
to me.

I've tried; I really have . . . 
but it's always dad. I give up!
So now, when I go sit by the
fireplace, I'm already looking
forward to our visit. We need
to catch up and I usually have
a lot to share.

It's funny just how much I 
do look forward to our visits. 
I find myself thinking, "Oh
dad will get a kick out of 
this," or, "I need to be sure
and tell dad about that."

I doubt very much that God
minds. He has that father
mentality after all and I'm
sure he gets it. 

That reminds me, I need
to ask my dad about that.

tis me missing you
say hello to god for me
why not just come home

Apr 6, 2022


"Exploration is in our nature. 
We began as wanderers, and 
we are wanderers still. We've 
lingered long enough on the 
shores of the cosmic ocean. 
We are ready at last to set sail 
for the stars." ~Carl Sagan 

So love it when one of my fave
scientists makes a delightful
statement like this one! Indeed,
methinks I may be "ready at 
last to set sail for the stars!"

There is the moi that is trying
to suss out his exact meaning.
But, as he has traveled to the
stars himself, there is no way
to ask. Alas, we must ponder

As Carl Sagan is a prominent 
scientist, the statement may
be scientific by nature. Still
Sagan did have a phenomenal 
way of lending a bit of romance 
to his writing.

And, it may have been that he
was delving into the romantic
side of human nature. I can't
even walk to the mailbox but
that my eyes drift heavenward. 
I'm still that little kid who
wishes upon a star!

For me though, As I enter my
latter years, I imagine my mind
is trying to prepare me for my
own final travels. I pray they
may indeed set sail to the stars.

"catch a falling star
and put it in your pocket"
rainy days await

Apr 4, 2022


"Read. Read anything. Read the
things they say are good for you,
and the things they claim are junk.
You'll find what you need to find.
Just read." ~Neil Gaiman

I bow in awe at the gift of reading!
Everything about it is pure wonder.
The language, the vocabulary, the
twists and turns throughout the plots,
all in collusion with the beauty of 
the written word.

I am beyond grateful for my library, 
the hundreds and hundreds of books
that bring me both information and
joy. Might add, praise the gods for 
secondhand stores that make literary
purchases even possible!

One of the things I've noticed with
this whole growing older thing is,
the reduction of one's world. And,
perhaps this is yet one more thing
that makes reading so precious. It
opens the doors to other worlds as
energy wanes.

I travel, I experience, I witness, 
I taste . . . Yes indeed, truly a gift!

cover to cover
traveling down fairy lanes
pray journey with me


Can't help but wonder why being
naughty is not only fun, but also

Can't help but wonder if it doesn't
hale from that eternal child within.
And naughty comes in all different
sizes and shapes!

It's that extra cookie, staying up
past midnight, one too many drinks,
taking a trip with no shekels, trying
on clothes that are too expensive.

And, not to forget sneaking out to
the store at 1:00 in the morning to
buy ice cream . . . and not even

We spend so much of our lives 
being adult, good, responsible . . .
Not sure we'd even make it if we
couldn't be naughty now and again.

As I'm approaching my latter years,
methinks I actually need to plan 
some serious naughty. Might just 
make drawing nigh of the pearly gates 
a tad easier!

naughty naughty naught
hungry for a little fun
get your ass in gear

Apr 3, 2022


"What a difference a day makes.
Brought the sun and the flowers."
~Stanley Adams & Maria Grever 

Today I awaken content and sated.
I find it interesting that it's a degree
or two below freezing, yet there is
promise of warmth and sun a bit
later in the day.

One of the things I find encouraging
as the snow melts and spring peeks
its head in, is the visits that happen
sporadically. Friends and family
come to find us slowly coming out
of hibernation. 

Methinks I wouldn't have made it
this winter without our guys next
door, d) all of the above, as I tend 
to think of them. Bless them six
ways to Sunday!!!

Proctor's Garden said on the news 
early this morning that it's time to
start planting pansies. I can hardly
wait to get my barrels frocked out
with all kinds of posies. 

Unless I'm mistaken, 'tis spring

here praying for spring
tis hope around the corner
planning to enjoy

Apr 2, 2022


Today . . . a gift from the gods!
'Tis to be 70 degrees, a fresh
breath of spring! 

I'd be the first to admit just how
much I love that transition of
winter into spring. It's actually
palpable! We awaken to below
freezing, despairing for a bit of
warmth. Yet, slowly but surely,
the degrees climb and climb to
meet their promised height.

Maybe I'll sit outside for a while
today. I may even sip a shandy 
whilst I pretend it won't snow
next week. Methinks 'twould be
an idea to hunt up my sunglasses;
my straw hat?!

Come noon, you can expect to
see me out under my fave tree
pretending spring is here . . .

do not disway me
imagining all the while
spring is here to stay

Apr 1, 2022


"Welcome to the month of April. 
May the magick it brings be
positive." ~BM

What a day, today promises to be.
'Tis April Fools Day for starters. 

I so remember how much fun we 
used to have with the otherwise 
expected jokes and stunts when 
we were just plebes. I like too, 
that we weren't brutal with the 
whole thing either . . . just kids 
having fun!

But, today begins my celebrations
for the month of April. There is
the usual New Moon, Full Moon 
magick, which I love. 

Suppose I should mention, that
evil Mr. Taxman cometh . . .
Still, Earth Day makes up for it 
in spades. And, oh how I love 
Earth Day. 

It's all rather like beginning the
month as tax playing fools and
ends up with celebrating Mother
Earth and ending with Arbor Day.

The month of April is lovely in so 
many ways. That perfect precursor 
as April showers bring May flowers!

i can hardly wait
delectable scents await
spring finally comes