Feb 7, 2020


Me thinks I can blame the beginning
of my love affair with cats on my
childhood Maine Coon Tiger cat. So
loved that animal! He would eat his
portion of dry cat food at our house,
then proceed to the Watsons next
door for a raw egg. Mrs. Bergman
across the street gave him is daily
fresh cream and the Engleberts fed
him a small piece of fresh meat. This
should have seen the size on him!

I had my share of fun cats throughout
the initial years of my adulthood, but
not a single one could compare with
Tiger. Then, we discovered an allergy
in the family and that was the end of
my sojourn with live cats. Didn't stop
me from collecting all different kinds
of the non-breathing variety. Make no
mistake, I've never collected cat knick
knacks. Mine have to be interesting,
hand carved, hand painted, amusing,
DIFFERENT! I know that I have 30
some in my vardo; I attempt to count
them every time I'm out there. Have a
few in the travel trailer, just like I do
here at the cabin.

So obviously, the only thing left was
to decorate the old bod. I decided on
nine cats, each different. I have a
mountain lion and a Maine Coon on
my back, a tiger and a lynx on my
arms and a snow tiger on my right
breast. This is in addition to the other
three I already had . . . and today,
snow permitting, I'll get another.
Sooooo love me some cats!!!

give me the ferals
here kitty kitty kitty
have a treat or three

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