Mar 30, 2022


"May Day is a public holiday,
celebrated on May 1st. An
ancient festival, it marks the
current traditional spring holiday
in many European and American
cultures. Dances, singing, and 
cake are usually part of the 
festivities." Wikipedia

Yayyyyy! May Day . . . Just one 
month from today. I can hardly
wait. Can you tell?! I should have
waited a few more days to start
celebrating, but it takes time to
get all my holiday decor in place.

I enjoy decorating my dining table.
It should be bright with colors . . .
yellows, greens and oranges. Festive
candles add a nice touch and not to
forget fresh flowers . . . might even
be the time to splurge on Hallmark 
napkins. Ha!

This year, my joy at the return of
weather sans cold and snow, has me 
thinking maybe I'll do something 
outdoors as well. I can already see
the space under my fave tree and 
my guy pointed out that we have 
a little table that will be perfect. 

I may even post the odd photo
throughout the month. What fun!

april my prep time
loving me the month of may
ever so much fun


To think we're 10 days into spring,
facing the last day of March, and 
we have about half a foot of new 
snow. Wow!

It snowed all night, still snowing!
My guy assures me that this is the 
way spring always begins and I've 
simply forgotten.

Funny, I waded through the snow
this a.m. to take out the trash as 
our guy will come in a little bit.
Couldn't get the bins open for love
nor money. 

Still, I laughed rather than crying. 
Got back indoors and found I had 
a tad of frost bite. God, it hurt as
feeling returned.

Methinks I'll take a snow day and
spend the time drooling over pics
of sun studded beaches. Crazier
souls can go make snow angels!!!

tis whiter than white
this infamous snow of thine
is this a message

Mar 29, 2022


Not sure why I love being
retired so much, but I do

I fill my days with the most
inane things. I write a couple
of letters, send the odd card
or two. Read a book every
day and enjoy a mystery w/
my guy in the evening.

I spend some time on the
computer as I enjoy my craft
and the research surrounding
it. I'm more than a bit of a
techno-virgin, but I've much
enjoyed the learning that
goes along with it!

Once in a while, and I do
mean once in a while, there's
a day out and about. We do
the odd errand and enjoy a
meal on the town.

Can't help but wonder if my
life of today would have
satisfied me yesterday . . .
Still, maybe it's all time

changes every day
ever and always growing
pray im up for it

Mar 28, 2022


"In this world nothing can be
said to be certain, except death
and taxes." ~Benjamin Franklin

Not sure why I feel the entire
process rather upsetting, but  
having spent most of the week 
end in prep, I'm finished. 

Just called for an appointment w/ 
my guy and landed the last one 
available due to a cancelation this
early morn. Methinks maybe I'd
best go out and buy a lotto ticket!

For certain, I will ever and always
choose taxes over death, but I so
do NOT enjoy the entire process.
Does this mean I get an entire year's
reprieve?! Okay, 11 months it is!

kill me some taxes
not dying any time soon
get hell outta dodge

Mar 27, 2022


"Learn from yesterday, live for
today, hope for tomorrow . . . "
~Albert Einstein

Love this bit of wisdom, if only
I could remember it on a regular

Of course, I could give those 
painful yesterdays a miss. Still, 
there are ever so many that give
a kaleidoscope of phenomenal
memories to my soul. 

I so enjoy my todays, even as 
they are happening. I make an
effort to actually live those
precious moments, feel them,
taste them.

And bottom line, there's naught
in the world like a good morrow. 
They're still out there . . . pristine 
in concept. Perfect for dreaming.

Yesterday, today, tomorrow . . .
Love the concept of all three. 
Keeping them and that's that!!!

Mar 26, 2022


Methinks I have this zest for 
living life to the fullest. Alas, 
the Z-word gets me into trouble 
from time to time . . .

If the food is fab, must have 
seconds! On vacation, just one 
more town. A single drink, hell 
no! Three is better. Just one 
more . . . slice, mile, town!!!

The only problem with just one 
more of anything is the price to 
be paid for it. That one more 
piece of pie comes with a ton of 
calories. That third marg comes 
with a less than steady step and 
a tad of a slur.

But, I don't seem to have any 
problem walking in the other 
direction either. One meal a 
day, not three. Small back pack 
rather than three Gucci bags . . . 
Double shifts all round. 

I strongly suspect my ole Libra 
scales are destined to never be 

too much too little
london bridge is falling down
up down all around

Mar 25, 2022


Simply said, I love my 130 year old
cabin! I get a kick out of living here.
It's been an experience in an alternate
reality; make no mistake!

During the winter, downstairs runs
around 55 degrees and upstairs about
70 on average. Guess where we hide 
out during the cold months?!

We usually accumulate, and keep,
roughly two and a half feet of snow
during the winter. Alas, winter does
not last its assigned six weeks. It
borrows a couple of weeks from fall
as well as spring, so we endure about
two months of cold! Cold!! COLD!!!

Summer months are fun . . . guests,
gatherings, surprise visits, a brewski
or two under the pines. I swear, each
summer day demands to be cherished,
honored and celebrated. 

When family and friends come over,
I can hardly bear for them to leave. I
enjoy their tales out of school, as well 
as being reminded what modern day 
life looks like.

Still . . . no regrets! It is an amazing
experience to take a step back in time.
I may need to dwell on this for a bit.

Mar 24, 2022


In days of yesteryear, families stayed
in the same neck of the woods for
decades, if not centuries . . . tight knit
groups of relatives and friends.

In today's world, families are states
and sometimes nations, apart. We tend
to stay in touch via family reunions,
x-mas letters and the odd visit. But,
that close knit contact from days of
yore is no longer the case.

I look back at the different methods
of staying in touch. We used to write
long-hand letters and now we text.
Sweet packages in the mail have been 
replaced by gift cards. Greeting cards
have evolved into e-cards.

I can appreciate, even like, the quick
and dirty of today's communications.
Still, my heart longs for real contact,
real hugs and kisses, real presents.

Speaking of real, think I'll go micro
wave some leftover Chinese, open a
bottle of water and take my vitamins.
Wouldn't it just be easier to take a few
pills rather than do all that cooking?

Mar 23, 2022


"Moerae, The Three Fates
Clotho, Spinner - 
Spins the thread of human fate.
Lachesis, Allotter - 
Measures and dispenses the thread.
Atropus, Inflexible - 
Cuts the thread, determines end of life."
Encyclopedia Britannica 

I've been reading different legends and
accounts of The Three Fates of late. So
interesting to learn about some of these 
myths of yesteryear. I imagine these are
not believed in today's world, but I find
it surprising to see just how much sense
they make!

'Tis almost humorous that I'm about a
hundred years old and I still haven't 
decided my own stance regarding fate.
If I create my own, indeed I must be
very careful as well as responsible. If
my fate has already been signed and
sealed, I just might live quite differently. 

Frankly, I've never given much thought
to the, it is written, theory of life. One
usually just gets on with the deets dealt.
There's that fate business again! There
are opportunities gifted and decisions
to be made about them; I believe this is
when we feel somewhat in charge of
our lives.

Finding myself in the latter part of my
own life, I'm pondering more and more 
that bit about my thread being snipped. 
I love life, with all its twists and turns. 
I don't want to go to bed yet, mommy! 
Can't help but wonder if there isn't a
way to bribe Lady Atropus?!

Mar 22, 2022


Morning of the day after . . . 

I'm filled with a sense of joy and
peace. The promise of a coming
spring, the longer days, a smiling
sun . . .

Albeit late in finally showing its
pretty face, Spring is the beginning  
of three wondrous seasons before 
that dreaded winter shows up again.

I find myself fantasizing about all 
kinds of plans . . . I like the idea of
a late spring vacation in the travel
trailer, a drive up in the mountains, 
a walk in the park, that impromptu 

When I'm queen of the universe,
I'm going to replace winter with
spring so we can have two . . .

Please vote for me!

Mar 21, 2022

03/21/2022 - Ostara, Spring Equinox

"Ostara, the Pagan sabbat celebrating
the Spring Equinox, comes from the 
Anglo-Saxon Goddess Eostre. She 
represents Spring, new beginnings."

For me, the Spring Equinox is the
beginning of hope. It affirms that I've
survived winter and have a greening
Spring to look forward to. The only 
problem is, it's been snowing most of 
the night, is still snowing . . . and I 
have about two and a half feet of snow 
in my yard. It's as if winter is flipping 
me the bird; damn him!!!

I truly didn't think I'd make it this
winter, but hope does indeed spring

I write winter in lower case and refer
to him in the masculine! Get a clue,

Mar 20, 2022

03/20/2022 - Ostara Eve

Having long awaited the arrival
of Spring, I much lament having
just heard we're expecting snow
tonight and quite a lot of it!

Some of this, obviously, has to do
with geography. Spring in Mexico,
in Alaska, in Colorado, all rather
different in their presentation.

Find myself fantasizing about green.
Green sprouts, green leaves, green 
grass. Methinks my heart bleeds for

We may be snowed in, but we're
going to celebrate Ostara in front 
of the fire, with champagne in hand,
reminiscing over Spring Equinoxes
of yesteryear.

Forgive me if I celebrate again when
the snow ends . . . you'll find me on
the green, awaiting Spring at last . . .

Mar 19, 2022


Methinks I may just make it . . . 
Seems there's a promise of a 
weekend interlude of warmth
and cloudy skies. 

We are currently living in a
winter wonderland. Every-
where you look, a couple of 
feet of snow or so. The back
yard, untouched, looks like a 
white lake of sorts. Eerie!

I'm feeling somewhat along 
the lines of an elder Snow
White. Looking in the mirror
rather fixes that illusion. I cast
my eyes about for a look-see,
but no dwarves appear, helpful
or otherwise. 

I keep waiting for the fairy god
mother . . . where the hell is she?

Mar 18, 2022


The day has been long and arduous.
Piles and piles of snow, yet another
foot of it to add to the already deep
piles . . . and never above freezing.

So pray I have the courage to make
it through this winter. Not coping
very well; fear SAD will get me 
this time around. Begging the 
powers at be that I indeed make it.

Where are the answers?! How to
cope with this malady?! Will I
conquer yet another winter or am
I done for this time around?!

I'm holding on the best I can . . .
just barely holding on . . .

Mar 17, 2022

03/17/2022 - St. Pat's

Every year, on St. Patrick's Day,  
I find my own mind divided over 
feelings fraught with both sorrow 
and denial.

St. Pat was not an Irishman, albeit
he was sold there when captured 
in a raid. When he was finally able 
to return home, he studied for the
priesthood, in France of all places.

St. Pat has been known forever 
and a day for eradicating serpents
from Ireland. It is believed they
represented those of the Pagan
persuasion. It is believed in today's
world, that this is simply a Celtic

The saving grace for me is that
today is the birthday of my step
children's dad, a phenomenal
character all 'round! A fab man
indeed and I wish him well.

I probably won't be celebrating
today, but I may have a shot of
something green whilst raising
a toast to St. Pat. Here's hoping
the bad rumors aren't true and
the good ones are!

Have a read:

Mar 16, 2022


Each day is a pondering of its own
making . . . or is it those sleepless 
nights in which one finds those pesky 
questions rather than all the answers?

I understood, from a very young age,
that life would gift us all a plethora of
questions, questions about everything,
everything that mattered. But, I thought
that our elder years would bring the
answers, real answers.

Much to my surprise, there aren't many
of those laying around. And when I
finally find one, it's usually of my own
making. What I didn't expect was to
find ever so many more questions.

I have found the volume to be vast, 
and I'll freely admit, deeper! Sadly, I
recall the little girl, the little girl that
was me, asking the question, "Is my 
dog going to heaven now that he has

And now I find my elder self asking 
the question, "What is to become of
me as I approach my own passing?" 
Virtually the same question, aging
right along with my own fading self.

I find myself left with only one last
question . . . "Will we ever be granted
the answers to the questions we seek?"

I'll let you know if I ever find out, 
but it may be from the other side . . .
wherever that is?!

Mar 15, 2022


"What a difference a day makes."
~Adams Stanley, Grever Maria

And then, there's morning, noon
and night . . . each with their own
time and place.

I awoke to not quite being used
to DLS yet, but happy to face the
day. Knew we were going to sally
forth and get some much needed
chores accomplished. So, after a 
bite . . .

The morning went fine, all well
accomplished. We treated our
selves to a job well done lunch
at our fave Mexican place. I'd
have to say, morning and noon
were just right.

On the way home, my nemesis, 
Diverticulosis, began to have its 
way with me. 'Tis that bit where I 
pay for all my sins, make no mistake. 
I was lucky in that the attack only
lasted a few hours. Still, it's far
worse than giving birth . . .

I awoke feeling just fine and
treated myself to some ice cream
for the first time in a month or
so. Watched a movie with my guy
and read for a while. You'd think
the attack had never happened.

I have to laugh; 'twas like having
three days in one . . .

Mar 14, 2022


Daily Mantra
"Everything starts with me.
I have the power to change today.
I take responsibility for my life.
Great blessings are headed my way."
Ancient Pagan Roots

I saw this mantra this morning and
thought it to be a good one! We live
in a world today of quips and quotes;
those quick and dirty musings, cute
sayings . . . perhaps searching for a 
bit of positive in these negative times.

And indeed, we are living in dire 
times; our souls yearn for light in
this bitter darkness. Can't help but 
wonder though, if the reason we 
settle for these little ditties rather
than getting out and about, is because 
we're actually hunkered down in the 

Maybe we're even a bit afraid to go
out 'mongst our childhood monsters
turned adults; the plague, unmasked
souls, escalating gas prices, robbery
and a plethora of other maladies.

For me, it's all about choosing to live
rather than exist . . .

these tremulous times
seeking the courage to live
exist not a choice

Mar 13, 2022

03/13/2022 - The Sins of Retirement

I remember as a child, making 
an all out effort to be a good girl. 
And, I suppose, everyone sows a 
few wild oats in their teens. Still,
we have to grow up and sin on 
the side of being all responsible.

But, let me just sing the praises 
of that long awaited retirement 
era. Staying up to all hours of 
kingdom come or going to bed 
in late afternoon. Ice cream for 
breakfast, margaritas in winter, 
snacks and movies rather than 
going to work. 

There is something so naughty 
about deviation from the norm, 
the unplanned, the unexpected. 
We spend so many years of 
our lives obeying, being good, 
doing the expected.

Then all of a sudden, we are
released from those demands,
written and unwritten . . .

Sooooo, let's party!!!

love me being out
fascination runs amok 
so much fun sinning

Mar 12, 2022


Pondering the evolution of friendship 
makes for insightful thoughts. As kids, 
we played together. Teen years seemed
to be about how much trouble we could
get into without getting caught! The
parenting years, we were supportive of
each other, possibly hoping we wouldn't
turn into alcoholics!

And at long last, as elders we come
together to somehow sort out a bit of 
understanding of it all. Doesn't seem to
matter whether it's in a proper spiritual 
discussion or over drinks and chuckles
as well as a bit of cursing!

I sometimes find myself missing friends 
of yesteryear; can't help wondering how
they drifted away. Still I imagine, as we
age, our worlds become smaller.

Bottom line though, friendship is ever so 
important . . . to be cultivated, cherished, 
honored. Bless that effort of trying to stay
in touch; the odd phone call, note or e-
mail! It rather weighs heavily on my mind. 
Here's hoping I'll find the necessary energy
from somewhere!

long to understand
friends matter ever so much
want to be a friend

Mar 10, 2022


'Tis the middle of a sleepless
night, yet somehow it's the 
morrow. Zero degrees, a tad
of snow falling; winter time!

Pondering the symbolism of
Mother Earth lying dormant,
readying herself for the rebirth
Spring brings. Methinks, I'd
do well to follow suit.

So wish I had thought of this
analogy lo these many years
ago! I should be resting, just
thinking about what a new
Spring may bring into my life.

Braving the winds of change,
what might I invite . . . A new 
way of thinking? A look-see
into my spirit's yearnings? A
gearing up for personal growth?

There is a certain sense of new
expectations in this change of
heart. I'm learning to love the
possibility of mysteries unknown!

welcome times of change
trying new things on for size
excitement awaits


I swear, I'm giving up the NEWS
for lent!!!

Heartbreak every which way you
turn. War torn lands, flooded states,
others without water. I swear, it
must be the end of the world.

And, I bitch because we woke up
to minus 5.3 degrees and a half a
foot of new snow.

Methinks 'tis time to have a . . .
'Come to Jesus talk with me!' Just 
stop your moaning and groaning 
already, ld!!!

Praise the gods I'm about a 100 
years old and giving myself
permission to stay-a-bed all day

Into a fab book needs finishing
anyway!!! And, if the NEWS
isn't off in about three . . . I'm
going to take my broom to it!

Mar 9, 2022


She arrived last night . . . 
one of my dearests and bests. 
I see us now, sitting by the fire
and sharing our hearts out!

The hours passed, the fire died 
down, the candles melted, the 
wine ended and still we sat and 
continued to share.

Seems I write about friendship
several times a week. I've ever
and always valued these sweet
relationships. Still, as one grows
older, they become more precious.

One of the things I want to give
some thought to would be the 
deserving of friendship. What
does it take? What is involved 
in being a good friend?

Perhaps the main thing would 
be, to be there! Be available!! 
Be present and counted!!! I do 
know that being a good friend 
truly matters to me. It matters
to even be friends with our 

I'm pondering . . .

Mar 8, 2022


"she battles her own darkness
by giving hope to everyone
around her with a smile bright 
enough to reach the darkest of 
souls" ~cwpoet

Every now and then, I get to
thinking about who I want to 
be when I grow up. Sometimes,
it will be a quote that somehow
inspires me. Others, I'll hear
someone speaking their own

I would have to admit that one
of the hard earned joys of being
about a hundred years old, would
be that odd bit of personal growth.
Alas, once you start to see it
happening, you realize just how
far you have to go!

Praise our Gregorian Calendar,
we have many new beginnings
at our fingertips . . . new days, 
weeks, months and years, even
decades. I intend to make good 
use of them. I have some growing 
to do written on my calendar of

*cwpoet Caroline White is often 
an inspiration to me. I make the
effort to read her on a daily basis.

Mar 7, 2022


My guy treated me to such a
sweet surprise at o' dark thirty
this early morn!

He built a fire, lit candles and
suggested we enjoy the snow in
panorama now that it's stopped.

We received six or seven inches,
enough to erase all blemishes in
the landscape. Such beauty!

I'm ever and always enamored
of the element of fire . . . it heats,
destroys, warms and diminishes,
to say nothing of its romantic
side. I find myself intrigued.

element of fire
warming body heart and soul
ever taking care

p.s. 'Tis o' dark thirty on the other
end of the stick . . . can't think of
when I've spent a more delicious
day! Bless the man!!!

Mar 6, 2022


"It's important to live life with 
a knowledge of its mystery and
your own mystery."
~Joseph Campbell

The man speaks the truth, truth
we all need to be reminded of 
from time to time.

So love the word mystery here as 
well. Still, the truth is that so many 
of us mostly exist, rather than live.

One of the things I much lament is
coming to this truth about a hundred
years too late! Most of us get our
personal growth mixed up end to
end, don't we?!

I love our innocence as children. 
Can't help but wonder when it is
that we begin to lose that beautiful
trait?! Then, we get so involved in
the very existence of our survival,
we forget to live. 

Perhaps, change can still happen.
Where is it written that only the 
young can grow. Surely, growth
can happen at any age, even when
one only has little time left.

Bottom line, 'tis far better to pass
beyond the pale 'living' rather than 
simply existing!

tis a truth revealed
live rather than exist
sometimes forgotten

Mar 5, 2022


Alas, methinks I've overdosed 
on Winter . . .

Every time I awoke during the
night, it was snowing . . . and
this after a few days of warmth.
Working on my attitude . . .

Three foot ice cycles melting,
One foot of our two and a half
feet of accumulated snow slowly 
disappearing. And, I'm told these 
are signs of Spring on its way. I 
hope so; I'm ready!

Then, I read the morning news.
The horror, sorrow over what's
happening in the Ukraine . . .
and I give myself a good shake
right down to my toes! 

"You don't even know what true 
sorrow is, woman! Get over 
yourself!! A bit of snow and a 
little cold is nothing compared to 
what's going on in the world!!!"

Pray forgive me, I was thinking
only of myself. I'm going to grow
up and shut the f--- up now!!!

personal growth rocks
at last paying attention
striving for it now

Mar 4, 2022


"Life isn't just about darkness 
or light, rather it's about finding 
light within the darkness." 
~Landon Parham

Alas, we find ourselves in 
particularly dark times of late, 
utterly heartbreaking . . .

The Ukraine under attack, the
bombing of a nuclear plant, the
killings in schools, fire in its
destructive mode . . .

And then, I read the above quote
and I am reminded there is still
light in this dark, dark world. 
This is something we must recall
over and over again if we are to
survive these negative times.

Perhaps, light shines through in
the little things; letting someone
in front of you at the checkout 
stand, paying for an oldster's 
groceries, changing a flat tire 
for a gal in the parking lot. 

I am reminded of that infamous
misquote, "We are all broken, 
that's how the light gets in."

Methinks 'tis time to root for the
broken . . . bring on those bits
and pieces of light streaming 
through! Has to be what cracks
are all about!

Mar 3, 2022

03/03/2022 - New Moon

The New Moon is ever so auspicious, 
each and every month. It always moves 
me with its subliminal messages . . .

The key word here is 'new' . . . new 
beginnings, new dreams, new ideas,
new new new! I'm quite grateful that 
the new year isn't the only new we 
have at our fingertips!

There is something in our nature that
leads us to believe we can't begin again,
as it were, without a new! I particularly
like that in the New Moon each month.

I make these promises to myself each
and every . . . I'm going to eat right,
even exercise maybe . . . (emphasis on
the word maybe), eat less, lose the odd 
pound . . . I'll even save my shekels, 
etc. etc.

Still for me, the real romance of the
new moon is the sense of spirituality
I derive from seeing it, watching it.
It awakens in me such longing, a
sense of inner beauty, joy! 

Let's enjoy . . .

pray lunar lady
fill my soul with your beauty
resting in your arms

Mar 2, 2022


March; what a month, what a beginning! 

We weep over those women accused 
and killed in the Salem Witch Trials. We
honor women, both famous and infamous
around the world as it is Women's History
Month. Ash Wednesday and the New Moon
simply put the icing on this amazing cake!

I imagine these women of yore, looking 
on incredulous as we verge on war, world
hunger, rampant killings and homes burned.
Indeed, they would wonder if things never
change, or what they bothered to fight for.

The questions today might be, "What am
I willing to fight for? How may I do so? In
what ways may I stand up and be counted?
What is my legacy to our young daughters?"

I recall that bit of wisdom, "If you only do
one good deed a day, that's still 365 good
deeds in a year." Overwhelmed with the
current state of things,  it's too easy to give
into that nothingness of inaction.

Sooooo not who I want to be when I grow
up! I will poke and prod my brain to find
little ways I can do a 'daily' for others. If
we were to all chime into action . . . just
imagine those concentric circles ever
broadening and expanding across our world.

Pray I rise to the occasion . . .

Mar 1, 2022

03/01/2022 - March! Spring!! Ostara!!!

Just as I'm about to die on the vine,
March arrives. I know Winter is no
where near over, still 'tis hope in
the making!

My childhood memories of March
have to do with wind. My dad used 
tell us the winds came to sweep
Winter away. Once in a while, we'd
get a little whirlwind on the play
ground. We'd all rush over to dance
in it before it disappeared. 

I find myself longing for Spring!
It's supposedly just around the 
corner, but in our neck of the woods,
the first month of Spring is Winter

May as well confess, the celebration
I most long for is Ostara, otherwise
know as the Spring Equinox and the
first day of Spring . . . March 21st.
For me, it rather signifies beginning
of hope, the return of the sun and
happy days awaiting!

Here's wishing us all the best March
ever . . .

lets dance together
we will tap to march music
a whirlwind awaits