Feb 24, 2020


"Love your neighbor as yourself."
Mark 12:31

One of the things I loved about the
old hood were the neighbors. The
local gals would take turns hosting
an FAC once a month. We'd get
together, eat, drink and be merry,
and generally take care of business.
'Twas one fab community.

As we no longer live in a community
type situation, I find myself missing
that which I had. Thankfully, there
is a couple near us that have sought
us out and we enjoy their company
tremendously! I confess, they're as
much fun as three or four neighbors!

Still, this makes me think . . . you
really don't have to live next door in
order to be neighbors. We tend to
forget that those who extend a hand,
thus inspiring us to do the same, are
essentially our neighbors. I have been
reminded that one gives and that soul
does the same and that glorious gift
keeps the world spinning. I long to be
one who learns to give . . . 'tis perhaps
the greatest gift of all!

open your presents
kindness happiness sweet love
the worlds greatest gifts

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