May 31, 2023


Today, a day of happenings . . .

Off to the dentist at  pre-dawn. 
My thought was, "Don't like the 
dentist no how, so may as well get 
it over with a la down and dirty!"

Alas, we tend to leave the cabin
seldom, so why not do a grocery
shop?! And while we're at it, a
taco or two somewhere might be
just the ticket.

At home, post dental fears ahoy
means I need a treat. I'm only a 
kid after all. Methinks coffee ice 
cream would be perfect. Praise 
God from whom all blessings 
flow, there's no one to remind me
I'm not old enough to have coffee. 
What?! Ice cream for breakfast?! 
No way in hell that would fly!

A rather fun thing with which to 
end the day, the month . . . this
eve marks the end my 30-day 
promise of no drinks. I ever and
always appreciate that it turns 
out to be no big deal to give it
up from time to time.

I'm out of here . . . on my search
for some serious sinning. 'Tis a
going to the dentist requirement,
make no mistake!

May 30, 2023


"There is a woman I want to 
be and until I reach that point,  
I have work to do." ~Unknown

One of the most amazing truths
I've ever come upon was finding 
out I'm still not there . . . 
 . . . wherever there is.

I've always questioned life, its
various meanings, purposes,
realities. Thought I'd have it all
figured out by now. Not so . . .
imagine my surprise!

One of the things that intrigues
me . . . I have more questions 
than answers. And yes, I realize
I'm among those many oldsters
who have said this.

Soooo . . . 

"Who do we ask? Who knows 
the answers? Who's been there, 
done that? Who can inform, tell, 

My guess would be those elders
present in any tribe. I imagine
they have many an unanswered
question themselves.

Is this 'it'? Is this what life's all
about? Learning to question? 
Never getting the answers?

To quote my nephew Daniel . . .
"I'm confused, I'm going to bed!"

May 29, 2023

05/29/2023 - Memorial Day

Memorial Day, a federal holiday
in the United States for honoring 
and mourning the U.S. military 
personnel who died while serving
in the United States Armed Forces
from 1868 to 1970. Wikipedia

I fear Memorial Day has become
more of a time of family picnics 
rather than an honoring of our lost 
forefathers. Not quite sure how I
feel about that.

It is well worth remembering that
we are who we are today because
of them. Alas, 'tis easy to forget.

Albeit Memorial Day or Veterans 
Day, and/or my own feelings re
d) all of the above, I honor those
who have served. I am from a
military family and I will ever
and always honor mine own.

FINO: Nicholas (Army), Bishop 
HOSKINS: Michael (Army)
JENNINGS: Samuel, Chester, 
Mervin, Stanley, Gene  (Army)
KAUFHOLTZ: Gerald (Air Force),
Melvin (Army), Russel (Marines),
ZAK (Navy)
KUKKONEN: Tony (Navy)
LEECH: Jesse (Marines)
MACLEOD: Jacob (Army)
MCGUINNESS: Ryan (Air Force)
SEYMOUR: Mike (Navy)
SHOVER: James (Navy)
VEATCH: Delton (Army), Homer
(Navy), Morris (National Guard),
Ray (Air Force), Shaun (Navy)

Veterans Day, a federal holiday
in the US observed annually on
November 11, honoring military
veterans of the US armed forces.

May 28, 2023


They, We and I

I'm ever so fortunate that I was 
able to know my grandparents 
well on both sides of the family.

My grandparents were WWI, my
parents WWII and I was Viet Nam.
I mention this for time placement

I do come from a heavy military 
background on both sides of the 
family, per se. I can only imagine 
the vast horror they must have felt 
as I  participated in bra burnings as
well as anti-Viet Nam war demos.

In this instance, I find myself 
pondering our people values from
each of these times. 

My grands as I tend to think of 
them, were all about THEY . . 

 . . . "They need us, we will go to
their rescue. They have issues we 
can help with, so we will be there."

My perception of my parents era is
WE . . . 

 . . . "We are all one; let us help each
other. We will be over this weekend
to help with the apple picking and 
hopefully, you can come in a couple
of weeks to harvest our grapes."

It seems to me that my own time and
place is is heavily sprinkled with I . . .

 . . . "I have plans to travel this fall.
I intend to build a summer cabin for
some fun partying. I need my solitude,
my alone time."

I actually don't find anything wrong
with any of these. Still, my wistful
thinking tends toward an interlacing,
a melding of the three, a kind of
heaven on earth, if you will.

A balance would need to be sought.
Nonetheless, a time for they, we and
I could only add the wondrous to
wonderful . . .


May 27, 2023


Ever and always those hellos and
goodbyes . . . both to prep for one
way or the other . . .

I love the whole getting ready part.
Clean the house, change the sheets,
wash the last of the dishes, set the 
table, buy some fun food and maybe 
even cook a bit. 

I actually find myself getting more
and more excited as I finish one self-
assigned task after another. Sooooo
love that feeling . . .  "Company is

It's especially wondrous when all
goes according to plan. You know,
nothing burned, the ice cream is
actually frozen, the food is perfect.

Then there's that amazing time 
when your friends surprise you 
w/dinner already made, the food
scrumptious, the afters perfect and
thoughts of a warm fire and lots 
of tales told out of school.

Looking back, I love those perfect
memories of little friends, adventures,
sleepovers, telephone calls. And now
today, I find myself most grateful I 
have a couple of sweet friends I can 
do all the same things with.

Life is good . . . methinks true
friendship is heaven on earth!


"Grandma was 72 and didn't look
a day over 90." ~Janet Evanovich

Alas, methinks Janet may actually 
be talking about moi this 'round.
To one degree or another, we all
make some kind of effort to look
alright if not down right good. I
find 'tis only the gods who know
for sure. 

In my trad black, back and knee
braces on, I'm ready to party, may
even dance. And by dance, I mean
hit Safeway for the groceries I
forgot to buy at SAMS.

The thing I most love about aging
is learning to accept it for the gift
that it is. Remember the alternative
and it won't be an issue. Within the
confines of the obvious, not caring
so much about things that used to
be ever so important is also a gift.

So today, I'm enjoying coffee by
the fire, indulging in a new book
and sneaking a fruit plate.

Wow! So much fun . . . I dearly
love that one of aging's most
powerful gifts is that the small
things matter!

May 25, 2023


"Note to self: All you have to 
do is show up. Be late. Be scared. 
Be a mess. Be weird. Be confused. 
Just BE there. You'll figure out the
rest as you go." ~Nanea Hoffman

I do know this bit of wisdom. Now,
following it is an entirely different
matter. I'm never late, but count me
in on scared, mess, weird, confused!

We all prefer to think, as we grow
older, that we've go this . . .  this
being all those things more difficult
to deal with from our younger years.

And, I would say for the most part
we all do pretty well. Alas, other
fears take their place . . . "How am 
I handling my elder years? My knee
still pains me terribly and I fell on it
six weeks ago. Am I losing my mind,
my memory? And, what's with all
this flatulence?!"

No, I'm not complaining, although 
may sound like it! Aging R O C K S! 
What's that old adage about a gift 
denied to many?! One just worries 
about being able to handle all those 
pesky deets that come with said gift!

Praise the gods no cain is needed yet.
Still, have to wonder why I've bought
six different ones I've liked at antique
stores. Go figure!

My fave look is that brace 'round 
heretofore mentioned knee nigh
onto reaching the hem of my mini

May 24, 2023


"Excuse me while I colour 
outside the lines. I've never 
been very good at staying 
inside of the box." 
~Stacie Martin
Methinks 'twas a good day
when the box was invented!
How else would we have
ever known just where to
find ourselves in order to
enjoy life at its fullest?!

My outside the box has
given me such amazing
experiences. HS in three
years, leaving home at 15.
Living, loving, bearing my 
children, building a home,
teaching in Olde Mexico 
for 20 years . . . now that's
outside the box!

Confession here . . . giving
away all my earthly goods
and moving into a 135 year
old cabin has been, not an
experience of a lifetime, but
THE experience of my life!
Must tell tales out of school
on this one at some point!

Still, I so enjoyed teaching 
23 years here in the U.S. 
My Mexican students were
a sweet segway from a life
I had loved to a new life I
was learning to enjoy.

Spring has finally arrived . . .
and I fully intend to see just 
what mischief I can dream 
up to get into. 

There absolutely must be a 
few naughties I can  get into
even at 100 plus years of age.

Pray, send suggestions . . .

May 23, 2023


"Within you, there is a stillness
and a sanctuary to which you
can retreat at anytime and be
yourself." ~Hermann Hesse,

How easily one forgets this
knowledge, this inner knowing
we all have. 'Tis a saving grace
that's been gifted us and we
simply forget its value and/or
to use it.

I know a couple of women 
who can actually still their 
souls when at a party or in a 
crowd. I so need to learn this 
bit of magic. I can do this pretty 
well when in a crowded market 
place with people I don't know. 
Alas, I find I am unable to do 
so when with family or friends.

Bottom line, I believe we tend
to forget our inherent need for
solitude and quiet. It's simply 
part of the mix. Our personal
needs span a vast distance . . .

We need family time, friends,
that bit of a party. We also need
quiet time. As a kid, my parents
were wise enough to give me
quiet time. Initially, I thought it
to be a kind of punishment. Not
so! 'Twas a true gift and how I
thank them for it.

 - - -

Hermann Karl Hesse was a German-
Swiss poet, novelist, and painter. His
best known works include Demian,
Steppenwolf, Siddhartha, and The
Glass Bead Game, each of which
explores an individual's search
for authenticity, self-knowledge
and spirituality. In 1946, he
received the Nobel Prize in
Literature. 1877 - 1962 Wikipedia

May 22, 2023


"It ain't a race; take a space."   
~Michael Weist, SH285

Driving home today, we were
surrounded with such beauty
it was difficult to take it all in.

One of the delights of SH285
is you get to enjoy so many
different geological changes
in just a couple of hours.

We enjoyed plains, foothills,
mountains . . . all decorated
in blues, distinct cloud 
formations and all dancing 
in the rain and breeze.

There were countless bison 
and buffalo. We saw Black
Angus covering entire acres.
The calves were the cutest
E V E R! There were horses,
dogs and cats in the domestic

I swear, nervous wreck that 
I often am, I spent a delightful
and peaceful weekend that 
soothed my very soul.

Me thinks S285 needs to be
renamed, Heaven, and I need
to get my ass up there as often
as possible!

I'm promising myself a trip in
June, no matter what . . .


One of the things I quite like in
Spanish is the distinction 'twixt
and 'tween . . .

amar y quererlove and like.

The rule of thumb is that you
only love people and like things.

"I just love Anne; I like her 
interesting conversations. She
loves her man; methinks she
likes his car even better. They
love each other ever so much'
they like each other's company."

Whereas in English, we tend
to mix and match as we jolly
well feel at the moment . . .

"I just love your hair. I like
my neighbors a lot. Would
sure love to go out to eat w/
you guys. I love Mexican

Obviously we don't love all
people in either language, so
how is that handled?!

In Spanish we say something
like, "´El me cae bien." which
is loosely translated, "He rubs 
me just the right way." May
not quite work in English, but
still allows for like vs. love

Obviously, there's no need to
get all tangled up in rules, but
I'd still rather say, "I love you
and quite like your blueberry
pancakes." rather than the other
way 'round . . .

 . . . right?!


It's so different out here on the
plains. One truly doesn't seem
to be in Colorado.

I do love looking as far as the
eye can see. There is a not so
gentle wind blowing reminding
us who's boss! And, then comes
the rain. Naught gentle about it

No electric or tech available.
One must entertain the mind
via conversation and reading.
Ever so glad I enjoy both. Still
as daylight dims, I must have
some thought as to how I can
read without the amenities.
Sooooo not going  to happen!

The towns out here are small.
I find them interesting. I'd 
rather enjoy going into the 
local market or even the pub. 
Can't help but wonder what 
they would be like.

Methinks a walk, pre wind 
and rain, is in order. Sweet 
little rocks to be found and 
God only knows how I love 

Alas, I won't be able to go
far. That whole 100 years 
old thing is most likely to 
kick in. Stil, naught wrong
with a short walk.

So loving the sunrises and
sunsets out here. They're 
so different from what we
are used to.

Isn't it interesting how we
find beauty no matter where
we are?!

Feeling blest . . .


"When did you stop dancing?
When did you stop singing?
When did you stop being 
enchanted by stories?
When did you stop being 
comforted by sweet silence?"
~Gabrielle Roth

Author Gabrielle Roth tells us
that the Shamanic answer to
depression lies sussing out the 
above questions. Certainly,
something to think about.

In my case, I think I haven't
danced since I turned 40. I
really don't get the cutoff date
as I used to love to dance.

The father of my children and 
I were a duet in Mexico for 
nigh onto 20 years. We even 
sang on the local television
stations. We sang for church,
parties, gatherings . . . and 
I don't think I've sung since 
returning to the U.S.

Speaking of music, I used to
play the piano for song service
in Mexico and I don't think I've
played the piano since I came
back to the U.S.

At least I have never, ever lost
interest in stories of any kind
and silence is still my best 
friend. Two out of four . . .
Doesn't that mean I'm halfway

Methinks there may be a certain
amount of unavailable energy
for song and dance. I have an
idea . . . I'll just double up on
the stories and silence and I'll
be right on top again!!!

May 18, 2023


"she was strong,
but her heart was weary."
~Nausicaa Twila

There are times when I feel
Nausicaa Twila has absolutely
hit the nail on the head!

A poet I much admire, she only
writes in lower case letters as if 
to underplay her passion for all

I have always thought of myself
as strong. Still there are days . . .
And, today is one of those days.

My heart is indeed weary and 
I don't particularly find or feel
any strength left.

Promise, cross my heart, I'm so
not complaining or feeling sorry
for myself. It's just I get that I'm
exhausted and need to rest.

Alas, at my age, I don't always
awaken too refreshed and ready
to rattle! 

Can't help but wonder if being 
nigh onto a hundred entitles me 
to read all day!

Bottom line . . . any excuse will
do and I do have a library of 
some 8,000 books.

Methinks I need to read faster!

May 17, 2023


"All journeys have secret
destinations of which the
traveler is unaware."
~Martin Buber

Don't know about you, but 
I bought into the Cinderella
story utterly and completely
as a child.

I had my life planned from 
the cradle to the grave, as my
mother used to tell people. 
I thought of it as . . .

. . . The Cinderella Formula.

School, college, marriage, 
kids, work, retirement . . . 
and NO SIDE ISSUES along 
the way!

Frankly, looking back, I'm so
thankful that the cookie cutter
life style wasn't for me. I am
sooooo NOT with you Cindy!

My life has been so interesting!
Yes, complex, and both painful 
and joyful. Still, methinks 'tis
as it should be.

I'd raise a glass, but not drinking
this month . . . oh well!

May 16, 2023


I have about decided I am 
pregnant what with all the 
cravings I've been having!

I always take off three mo
a year from drinks of any 
kind. May is one of those 

I'm just fine, don't miss my
wine and margs at all. Still, 
seems I've simply changed 
one thing for another.

Virgin Marys, ice cream,
waffles and pancakes . . .
need I go on?!

Who said, "To err is human."
Think it was Alexander Pope.
But surely, he meant . . .
"To crave is human?"

Well, don't know about you,
but I'm having ice cream for


May 15, 2023


trash: something worth little or
nothing; things that are no longer
useful or wanted and that have
been thrown away; junk, rubbish

Living where we do, I see trash
by the side of the road marked
free. I'm reminded of that old
proverb, "One man's trash is 
another man's treasure."

I like it! A lot easier than putting
together a garage sale. The trash
man doesn't have to pick it up
and someone gets something
they can use. 

On the news, I see images of
what's going on in lands afar.
In my heart of hearts, I just
know they could live on what
this affluent nation discards.
Something to think about.

Obviously, we're not going 
to solve our trash issues here.
Still, methinks we should each
give some thought to what we
are discarding.

Is this still good? Could it be 
of use to someone? Is this 
something I could donate to the 
Goodwill or some other charity? 

And not to forget, there's always
the side of the road . . .

May 14, 2023


Today, I find myself thinking 
of all those mothers who never 
gave birth, but still . . .

Older brothers and sisters who
cared for and watched over their
younger sibs. Babysitters who
were more mothers than the
supposed real ones. 

Teachers and counselors who 
paid attention and went the extra 
mile. And, never to forget those 
dads who were the real mothers 
in the family . . .

I love that all countries have 
a Mothers' Day and honor all 
moms. Mothers the world over
are both amazing and wondrous.
Still, it's truly important to
remember those who mothered
but didn't actually give birth.

I salute, honor, bend the knee,
to all those mothers out there
who birthed their children from
the heart rather than from the
womb . . .

Happy Mothers' Day!

May 13, 2023


Me no can do stand to go to the 
doc at all, any time, place or thing!

Had to go today. 


At least I got in fairly quickly; I do
so hate those times in the waiting

Had a lovely nurse this time and
a decent time with her routines.
Then I had to wait a long, long
time for the doc.

I truly respect her. I find her quite
remarkable. Young and still does
her thing in a way that makes you
feel comfortable.

When she finished with me, I was
supposed to wait for a vaccine. 
Guess I got tired of waiting so I
just left. What does that say about
moi?! Methinks I still have issues 
re the docs . . . 

What say you?!

May 12, 2023


I was speaking with a friend of
late about personal growth thru
our different ages.

Looking at very young children,
I see such innocence and joy. No
guilt, no fear, no agitation, just

Can't help wondering if we are
responsible for some of the
attitudes and changes that occur
as our children enter adolescence. 
Scary thought!

Teen years may be the most
difficult. Or maybe all years,
stages and eras of our personal
lives are the most difficult.

Through each of these segments
of our lives, there is good, bad,
right, wrong, and perhaps finally,

It's good, healthy, to look back,
see where we were, where we've
been and what we've learned. It's
also important, once understanding
is in place, to forgive, to let go.

After all, isn't the entire prospect
of life all about learning?! I rather
hate to think of going through all
that we do, to no purpose . . .

And here I am, nigh onto a hundred
and ten, as it were, and still learning
every single day . . .

May 11, 2023


trash: something worth little or
nothing, things that are no longer
useful or wanted and that have
been thrown away, junk, rubbish

Every Wednesday at o' dark 
thirty, I'm taking out the week's 
trash, along with our recycle. 
I like to tie a few treats for the 
drivers on the bars of bins as

Color me crazy, but I always 
draw a breath of relief once 
the bins are gone. "Why might 
that be?" you ask.

This time of year, our local 
bears, as well as those cute 
little masked mapaches, are 
climbing into our trash. You 
would think it was the Holy 
Grail the way they seek it out.

Funnily enough, both bins 
lashed to the nines w/four 
bungee cords each, don't 
manage to keep the critters 
out. Part of me is dead proud 
of them, another part of me 
wants to slap them silly!

Thinking it over, methinks
having a fab trash service
trumps everything else and
frankly, I get to see my own
private zoo several times a
month . . .

May 10, 2023


"If you think adventure is
dangerous, try routine. It 
is lethal." ~Paulo Coelho

I've shared before some of
my adventures . . . leaving
home at 15, spending 20
years in Mexico, teaching
HS and college for 40 . . .

 . . . But maybe, just maybe,
living in this 135 year old
cabin has been fun, exciting,
interesting, annoying, hard,
difficult, amazing, incredible,
beyond belief!!! Methinks 
I could fill a thesaurus with 
adjectives depicting this 

I couldn't have done it alone.
I know how to put out the
trash, rake, clean, clear and
nigh onto everything else
you can think of. But, 'twas
my guy who flipped boards,
painted rooms, rehabbed the
bathroom about three times
over. Fun! FUN!! F U N !!!

Still, now that I'm a hundred
years old, we live much more
quietly. Naught wrong with
that! We still enjoy life . . .
Movies 'n margs at midnight.
Champagne in bed. Red wine
and fireside. FAC with our
phenom neighbors . . . Hey!
Sounds like a lot of drinking
doesn't it?!

Nah! We're careful and do
the odd excursion that has
nothing to do w/alcohol.

And when my bod can do no
more, there's always books!

May 9, 2023


I awoke this morn to a sweet 
photo and quote from one of 
my dearest and bestest . . .

"The iconic people in my 
life; mom, uncle; miss these
remarkable people." ~PF

I responded, "Miss my dad 
beyond life itself; still talk 
to him every day."

Amazing how my heart still 
aches for my father. I know, 
and even understand up to a 
point, life and death simply 
are. They need to be accepted, 
if not utterly understood.

I also get that death is an 
important part of life. We 
wouldn't even fit on the 
planet if we had no death.

Still, doesn't mean that love, 
caring, missing, aren't the 
order of the day.

Here's to our loved ones,
PF! Can't help but think 
they must miss us too!

May 8, 2023


I've done a week now of my usual
May abstinence. As I had hoped,
it hasn't even been an issue . . .

What I hadn't expected was a clear
onset of cravings having naught to
do with beer or wine consumption.

Ice cream, particularly mocha ice
cream. I haven't given in yet, but 
I fully intend to. 

I've been having two veggie burgers
a day; one for breakfast and one for
lunch. A bit excessive, even if I do
say so myself.

Been enjoying something I call
veggie-Marys . . . private joke . . .
Bloody Marys have alcohol and
mine don't.

Let's not even talk about Cheetos.
I'm addicted and I don't share. I've
been enjoying a few of an evening.

Usually, one tends to lose the 
odd pound or two during a month 
of abstinence. Not bloody likely 
in this case. Methinks I might 
be pregnant what with all these 

Good news might be me getting
into the Guinness Book of Records
if this turns out to be true!

May 6, 2023


Phone Saga 101 . . .

We got our first telephone when 
I was somewhere 'bout 10 or 11.
'Twas a yellow phone attached 
to the wall, a three-way party line.

Remember my parents lifting the
receiver to make a call and finding
someone on the line.  Apologies,
hangups, re-tries . . . and, I was
not to use it! Period!

Once a week, if the line was free,
I was allowed to call one of my
school friends for just a minute.
Fond memories, but not much to
to talk about.

Left home in the ninth grade to
go to boarding school; no phone.
Went to Mexico for 20 years; no
phone. Borrowed the neighbor's
phone once a month for a three
minute call home; always took
a plate of cookies as a thank you.

When I came back to the US, 
I rented my parents' basement; 
no phone . . .

Got my teaching position and
a phone; simply never seemed 
to think about using it.

Got a cell phone; didn't work at
the cabin. See where I'm going
with this? 

Finally got a better cellular last 
week; forget to plug it in. Never
take it with me. Simply don't
remember it or think about it.

Call me Neanderthal, but don't
call me . . . I do e-mail; does
that help?!


I dreamt I was visiting my 
daughter and checking out 
her amazing shop she had 
only just opened.

Obviously proud of herself 
and her dream come true,
she wanted to share her joy
with me.

Her store, located in a local
mall, was rather a kind of
phantasy land. Interesting
knick knacks from many
countries, delish clothing,
and many an item I had no
idea of identifying. 

She told me to wander and
wonder and that any items
I might choose would be
free to me. I did so, ever
amazed and very careful
to not choose too many

When she returned from 
own errand, I told her I
wanted to ask about a few
items I had yet to choose.
We went over to a rather
secluded part of the shop
and looked at a couple of
animal skins and woven

She explained to me that
I couldn't choose from
these as they were decor.
We proceeded to check
out. One by one, she told
me that some of the items
I had chosen were either
not for sale and/or too 

She was very sweet about
it, but firm. I ended up with
only one or two things. She
laughed and said I might as
well go ahead and pay for

Awaking, I found myself
puzzling over the dream.
My daughter, in real life,
is the most generous of
people. Can't help but
wonder about the hidden

May 5, 2023

05/05/2023 - Cinco de Mayo

Today is a day remembered in
Mexico as La Batalla de Puebla, 
1862, (not La Independencia de 
México, September 16, 1810.)
And, I honor this. 

Having said that, what exactly 
does May 5th. mean to me? 

I suppose the first memories 
meandering through my mind
would be my mother's birthday.
I seem to recall a little girl's hand
made birthday cards, funny little

Once I shared with my mother
that I thought it was time to have
a second child, she asked me for
a special gift. 'Twas a sweet baby
girl, born on her birthday, bearing
her name. Quite a request.

I just loved the whole fun part of
this. A programmed conception, 
forced labor and a doctor and his
nurse who joined in to make my 
mother's dream come true.

Ten minutes shy of midnight, my
mother's dream came true. Phone
call to bring her joy, a registration
of my mom's name on a birth cert
and the best present my mother
ever had was received, enjoyed,

The best part of Cinco de Mayo
for me . . . the Universe's gift to
me of the most phenomenal
daughter anyone could have ever
wished for, dreamed of.

Sweetheart, you are that amazing
gift to me . . . then and now. I
simply adore you . . .

Happy birthday dear heart and 
feliz Cinco de Mayo ever and 
always . . .

 - - -

Cinco de Mayo is a yearly celebration
which commemorates the anniversary
of Mexico's victory over the Second
French Empire at the Battle of Puebla
in 1862, led by Gen. Ignacio Zaragoza
The victory over the French army was 
a morale boost for the Mexican people.

May 4, 2023


"I decided that the most subversive,
revolutionary thing I could do was
to show up for my life and not be
ashamed." ~Anne Lamott

Wow! I'll admit straight off that I'm
an Anne Lamott fan . . . still, these
are words of wisdom if I ever heard
any. And, they so speak to me.

One of these days, Lord willing and
the Devil doesn't intervene (~David
Mason), I swear I'm going to search
out where all the guilt and shame
come from.

I love a child's natural born sense of
joy. Do we take that away, little by
little, with reprimands and demands?
Obviously, there are important things
to be taught and learned . . . honor,
respect, truthfulness, kindness . . . 

Still, I fear other things are simply 
our need to control. Does it really
matter if our kids want to wear that
old Halloween costume to Walmart?
If she wants to dance and sing in the
street? If he wants a tad of blue in
his hair, a tat or an earring? 

Let's all do a Lamott . . . show up,
enjoy, lose the shame!!!

 - - -

Anne Lamott is an American novelist
and non-fiction writer. She is a also a
progressive political activist, public
speaker, and writing teacher. Lamott
is based in Marin County, California.
Her nonfiction works are large auto-
biographical. Wikipedia

May 3, 2023


"If standing up for yourself burns
a bridge, I have matches. We ride
at dawn." The Inspiring Souls

I so get a kick out of those odd bits
of wisdom neatly packaged in sweet
little sayings! And this one's a goody!

We indeed talk about standing up for
ourselves with other people. Still, it
occurs to me that we should be more
worried about standing up for our-
selves with ourselves. After all, aren't
we the ones who put ourselves down
most severely?!

"Looks like you've regained some 
weight," I say into the morning mirror.
"No reason why you shouldn't finish
that book today!" "You know good and
well you should never, ever have more
than three drinks and no more than a
couple of times a week!" "Better get
this house cleaned, someone might
come over!"

Methinks, being nigh onto a hundred
years old, 'tis high time to stop putting
myself down and ordering moi about!
How much time do I have left for fun

Rather worry about me sometimes,
but I'm working on being perfect just
as I am!

Here's hoping . . .

May 2, 2023


"Each moment is a place you
have never been." ~Mark Strand

I know, I know! We persist in
living in the future, don't we?!
I'll even admit the past hangs
in there pretty good as well.

Why, oh why don't we actually
live in the present? We certainly
could learn from Asian nations
on this one!

I do try; I really do. And then,
in the next five minutes I am
already thinking about what I
have to do on the morrow or
some such that happened last

Let's see, today I'm going to . . .
No! That's still future!.

Right this moment I'm typing
on my computer . . . Oh no!

I'm already thinking about a
trip downstairs and all that I'm
going to take down and bring 

I'm hopeless at this; make no
mistake. Can't help but wonder 
if I'm that old dog trying to learn 
new tricks?! 

Dash! Darn!! Damn!!!

May 1, 2023


Yay Beltane is finally here!

Beltane, May Day, is a day
full promise that summer 
will indeed return. Usually
still chilly enough to have
a fire, but warm enough to
sit outside.

Albeit its promise of our
sun's soon return, Beltane
is exactly halfway between
the Spring Equinox and the
Summer Solstice. 

I always see it as a promise 
that Winter will ultimately 
give up the ghost. Good thing 
as I tend to wonder sometimes.

Beltane is a playful time.
Think May flowers, eating 
foods most delish, sharing 
fun conversations and bon
fires. One of those times I
wish I liked roasted marsh-

Do enjoy today. 'Tis a most
delightful time of the year.