May 4, 2024


"Moonlight is music for the soul."

So love me our Lunar Lady!

Each night as I wend my way 
down the stairs, I peek out the
window for a look-see.

I love watching her journey
across the sky, changing just a
tad each time I see her. Matters
not whether she's full, new or
in between. Simply, beauty of
the highest order!

Sometimes, she peeks out from 
behind the trees; others, she is
framed by the clouds. Every 
now and then, she has the skies
all to herself . . . pure magick!

My guy is all about the sun, 
rather the same way I'm all 
about the moon. But, I just love
how sometimes he awakens me
and demands that I go down and
see the moon.

He's right, of course. There are
those times when she is so
magnificent, that sleep is of no

Lunar Lady, shine on me . . .

May 3, 2024


"No amount of money, oil, or gold
is worth more than the bees, trees
and clean water." ~David Wolfe

I enjoy reading David. Sometimes,
he's a bit out there for moi, but per
se, he makes a great deal of sense.
Might have something to do with
how I was reared.

Still, bottom line, we seem to have
forgotten those precious few that
truly matter. People and houses are
replacing land once inhabited with
animals, birds and fauna.

I sob when reading . . . 

"Lying between CA and Hawaii, 
the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is 
three times the size of France and 
is the world's biggest ocean waste 
repository, with 1.8 billion pieces 
of floating plastic which kill 1,000s 
of marine animals each year." 

What can be done? What can each 
of us do? Again, methinks it all 
boils down to doing our bit in our
own space. Branch out as age and
health allow. Sign ballots and
complain in the right places.

Alas, I fear Mother Nature will be
running out of patience any time
soon . . .

 - - -

"David "Avocado" Wolfe is an
American author and conspiracy
theorist. He promotes a variety 
of pseudoscientific ideas such as 
raw food, alternative medicine,
and anti-vaccine sentiment."

May 2, 2024


"Earth is my church; Nature 
is my spirituality." Pantheism

I am so fortunate to have been
reared by a man who loved the
outdoors, Mother Nature in all
her essence.

I remember drives, exploration,
hiking, climbing . . . precious,
precious memories.

Frankly, there is naught in this
world that can compare to her.
Our mother, Mother Nature,
Mother Earth, is amazing . . .
beyond amazement!!! Make
no mistake!

She brings us gifts of beauty,
the seasons, the sun by day, 
the moon and stars by night.
She provides us with the most
incredible home.

My gratitude knows no bounds . . .

May 1, 2024

05/01/2024 - May Day

May Day has finally arrived!

With it, comes longer days,
a brighter sun, warmer temps . . .
finally summer peaking its 
head out.

I'm beginning my celebration
early . . . 

 . . . Having my early morn
caffeine fix in the form of coffee
ice cream, in bed no less! 'Tis my 
intention to cook and then friends 
are to come over.

Today marks the beginning of
my usual No Alcohol May, as 
I like to take Jan/May/Sep off
from drinks. I swear, the lengths
one must go to . . .

So, here's hoisting my coffee
ice cream cup to you. Have a
most wondrous May Day, a
phenomenal Beltane . . . as 
you weave your very own 
May pole!

Apr 30, 2024

04/30/2024 - Beltane Eve

May Day, or Beltane, celebrates
spring at its peak and the coming

May Day Prep . . .

   -Build a Beltane altar
   -Decorate your table
   -Light a Beltane fire
   -Make a maypole
   -Play music

Sooooo love this holiday! 

When I lived in Mexico, May 
Day celebrated Día del Trabajo.
Parades, speeches and no school
indicated its importance.

Still I would have to say, I find
the lighter side, Beltane, ever 
so much more fun!

Decorated my table, including
a miniature maypole. A fire this
afternoon is in my plans and I'll
think about the music to choose.

Funny, I've always enjoyed the
eve of any given holiday more
than the actual day. Might be
because my parents always did
x-mas eve and used the day for
dinner and fam . . .

Happy celebrations!

Apr 29, 2024


"The highest form of knowledge 
is empathy, for it requires us 
to suspend our egos and live 
in another's world." ~Plato

Truly, I admire the emotion 
of empathy above all others.

To walk the path of another,
understand where they are
coming from, the whys and
wherefores of what they are
going through . . . priceless!

And, understanding what a
friend is suffering, is ever 
so helpful.

On the other side of the coin,
it's truly important to listen,
simply listen. Saying this,
perhaps the most important
thing is that the empath not
take another's feelings unto

The emotions of another are
NOT our emotions! Their
pain is not ours to steal, as it

Empaths care so deeply; it's
perfectly logical to want to
share the pain. This is a two
part bad . . .

One, the empath that absorbs
another's pain is no good to
anyone. Secondly, as said 
above, taking on another's 
issues is a kind of theft.

Remember, listen, don't absorb!

Apr 28, 2024


So love and enjoy dif days!

Snowed all a.m. Began to 
heat up in the p.m. and so
did NOT know what to 

The snow stopped, warmed
up and friends stopped by. 

So love sitting by the fire w/
our neighbors, having beers
and chat . . . reminding us of
the universe in which we live!

I find myself thinking about 
all the things that matter in
our paltry lives . . . yeah, 
I get that this may be an 
exaggeration of sorts . . .

Having said that, so love
friendship . . . and all that it
involves! Getting together,
sharing brews, chatting about
all things important, or not . . .

Promise, cross my heart, I'll
cherish these moments forever
and a day . . . make no mistake!


Sats most interesting! . . .

One of the most interesting
things that happened . . .
SNOW and NO internet!

One would think a couple
of things . . . living w/o the
internet for a few hours may
not have any perceptible dif
in anyone's life.

Still, we are accustomed to a
certain level of connectedness.
One might even call this the
internet! Right?!

Bottom line . . . we are who
we are and each of us have
our own issues . . .

Not quite sure where to go
from here . . . Sooooo hoping
I have the courage to endure!

Apr 26, 2024


"I'm dancing as fast as I can."
~Barbara Gordon

My life might just be a tad
easier, a bit more do-able, a
jot, a tittle more successful,
if I could only follow in the
footsteps of Barbara Gordon.

She has been an amazing 
example! In her book . . . 
I'm dancing as fast as I can,
she tells of locking herself
into her apartment, and not
leaving 'til she had cleansed
her system of all addictions.

Such bravery!

As I find myself on the other
end of life, I want to grow, to
become, to know . . .

I so appreciate the inspiration
she is to me!
 - - -
Barbara Gordon is an American
documentary filmmaker and 
author. Wikipedia

Apr 25, 2024


"My story is filled with broken
pieces, terrible choices and ugly
truths. It's also filled with a major
comeback, peace in my soul and
a grace that saved my life."

Such a truth! And I would ask, 
why is it that we so concentrate  
on the negative rather than the

Perhaps it's simply human nature.
We must have a need to explore
our dark side with the intention
of fixing it . . . only we seem to
get bogged down there.

I swear, before I pass onto that
supposedly better life, I long to
learn to sweep away the negative
and focus on the positive.

Again, what's the draw? Why oh
why do we find the negative so
tantalizing?! Methinks we need 
to retrain our minds.

I swear, I'm going to work on this
if it kills me!!! Ouch! That's not
a very positive statement. Oh well,
que será, será . . .

Apr 23, 2024


Ever have a sense that
something is missing? 
A deep hunger, almost?

I find it's a bit like an
unrequited desire you can't
quite put your finger on.

I page through those pages
in my mind . . . Is it that I
need to lay eyes on my babes?
Perhaps, take a short trip?

Am I longing for a childhood
fave such as mac and cheese?
A grown up need for dark
chocolate? A chat w/a friend
whilst indulging in a glass or
two of red?

Is it something that hasn't
happened yet or a memory
out of yesteryear? Do I need
to sit by my fire and chat with
my dad? I do miss him ever
so much!

A nap? A rest? A special book?
A sunny day? A bit of warmth?
A letter? A card?

Alas, I ache with a longing 
so deep and simply cannot find 
an answer with which to soothe 
my soul . . .

I am sooooo hungry, starved for 
peace in my soul . . .


"The world is full of magic 
things, patiently waiting for 
our senses to grow sharper." 
~W.B. Yeats
So love me the word magic!
Everywhere you look, it's all
around us!

Dew on grasses, sandwiched
'twixt and 'tween sunrises and
sunsets . . . ever a fave.

Clouds in the sky, telling their
own tales out of school. Stars
at night, overwhelming the soul.

An unexpected visit from an 
old friend. The gift of flowers,
a bottle of wine to share . . .

Above, I said something about, 
everywhere you look . . . The
problem might just be that we
look, but don't necessarily see.

We're so busy, rushing to the
next place we have to be, that
commitment we must attend to,
the job to be worked . . .

Perhaps 'tis the word busy that
amounts to blinders. And thus,
we miss all that beautiful magic
out there . . .

Alas . . .

Apr 22, 2024

04/22/2024 - Earth Day, 54 years

"Earth Day, observed annually
on April 22, was first celebrated
in 1970. Earth Day places a focus
on clean air and water, addressing
pollution and championing
conservation efforts." VOA News

Ever so pleased to have witnessed
this is my own lifetime . . .

I know there's a lot of sorrowful
happenings all around us. Thus,
it's somewhat easy to forget all 
the wondrous, the glorious.

Mother Earth gifts us so much . . .
Trees that surround us, gardens
to grow familial food, acres for
crops, streams, rivers and seas.
The list is endless.

Alas, I fear her righteous revenge
when she tires of the way we mis-
treat her.

On this Earth Day, it's time for
each of us to commit to doing a
better job. Let's remember those
three R's . . .

Reduce! Reuse!! Recycle!!!

Mother Earth, I promise, I
commit, to mind the three R's
more carefully each day I live . . .