Feb 14, 2020

02/14/2020 - Valentine's Day

So love my circles of sisters . . .

One (solitary), two (dyad), three (triad),
thirteen (coven), countless (grove) . . .

In my own lifetime, I have witnessed
women go from married, housewives,
mothers, old maids, secretaries, if they
were lucky . . . to single by choice,
divorced, re-married, co-habiting, career
women, often the bosses, mothers . . .
Women have so many choices today that
were not given them in days of yesteryear.

I see women striving to be REAL, to speak
their own minds, tell their truth, stand up
for what they believe in, marching to the
beat of their own drums. I feel so honored
to stand in their circles. I pray those women
who still walk the old ways . . . to rise up,
seize their own power and become who
they truly wish to be. Bottom line . . .
women fucking R O C K !!! I am ever so
proud to be one!

woman by design
mother teacher free by choice
circles of the fae

Happy Valentine's Day!

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