Feb 28, 2023


SAD is winning this round;
not feeling like I'm going to 
make it . . .

I know, I understand, I get it;
the low temps, the threatening
snow and perhaps above all,
the dark! I simply can't take it
all in. It threatens, envelops,
punishes and I am no longer
all present and accounted for.

I hurt, I'm shaky, I can't even
really see properly. It is ever
so frightening to be so out of
it, that grandiose IT . . . naught 
is recognizable. The tears come
unbidden, solve nothing and I
don't want to be here anymore.

Ever so glad that hope springs
eternal, that tiny little gleam in
my present dark! Methinks my
fireplace is calling my name.
May actually save the day . . .
one can only hope . . .

 - - -

Seasonal Affective Disorder,
A mood disorder characterized by
severe depression that occurs at 
the same time every year. SAD
symptoms include depression,
fatigue and social withdrawal.
Treatment includes phototherapy,
talk therapy and medications.


Been missing you of late . . .
you know, that young woman
you used to be!

That young college student, so
young she participated in a bra
burning march against the Viet
Nam war . . . caught, fined . . .

That incredibly young wife who
would have done anything and
everything to make things work.
So full of hope and expectations!

That young mother who would
have died for her children at any
given moment, but so ignorant
of all that was required . . .

That young teacher, so full of hope,
longing to save lives in the face
of each and every student to cross
her path . . .

And now, this olde woman, so 
full of dreams and memories of
yesteryear; how will she survive?
Who is she? Who has she become?

I do hope to get to know her . . .
to know this olde moi. I pray I am
not disappointed . . .

"I have traveled through
madness to find me."
~danny alexander

Feb 27, 2023


"I'm a paradox. I want to be happy,
but I think of things that make me
sad. I'm lazy, yet I'm ambitious. I
don't like myself, but I also love 
who I am. I say I don't care, but I
really do. I crave attention, but
reject it when it comes my way. 
I'm a conflicted contradiction. If 
I can't figure myself out, there's no
way anyone else has." ~Unknown

Methinks there has never been a
better written statement re Libras.
Not sure even the author knows.

While I wouldn't admit to laziness
and I accept that modicum amount
of attention . . . that whole, "I'm a
conflicted contradiction," fits to a T.

In thinking about this, there's prob
naught wrong with contradictions.
Rather make life interesting, if you
ask me. Alas, we've been taught to
watch out for them and that's just 

As a kid, I was reminded from time
to time that the C-word was a bad
thing. A positive pattern was to be
sought. Every and all needed to 
make sense. Still, I simply couldn't
help myself. And, I do treasure the
above words. They make it all right

When my time comes, I want this
on my stone . . . 

"She was a most interesting 
contradiction . . . "

Feb 26, 2023


"Throw away the idea that you
need to pause your life until you
are fully healed. This is just a 
different way of being attached to 
perfection. Real progress happens 
when you make better decisions in
the midst of living." ~yung pueblo

Not sure if it's moi, or we Libras
that continually await perfection
to set in so we can get on with life.
And then, I read Yung Pueblo.

Diego Pérez puts forth a mountain
of wisdom for one so young. And,
I'm listening, paying attention for
all I'm worth. That old phrase, 
"Out of the mouth of babes . . . "
comes to mind.

I am truly amazed at the different
venues where wisdom pops up.
The book you happen to be reading,
a sign post along the side of the road,
bits and pieces from the infamous 
FB, basically, everywhere you look.

I'm getting the idea that if one is
actually looking, wisdom can be
found anywhere and everywhere.

Sooooo long to pay attention and
learn . . .

 - - -

Diego Pérez is the writer behind the
pen name Yung Pueblo. The name
means young people. It serves to 
remind him of his of his Ecuadorian
roots, his experiences in activism,
and that the collective of humanity
is in the midst of important growth.

Feb 25, 2023


"A person with a warrior's heart
can summon internal strength
seemingly out of nowhere and 
face their battles with outrageous
strength and resolve. It's not
simply an attitude or a decision.
It's a gift. It's who they are."
~Ted G

Methinks I have found in the 
words of Ted G, the person I 
wish to be when I grow up . . .

I know and honor those times 
in my life when internal strength
has been required, nay demanded,
of me. It seems you don't even
think about it 'til it's over. I'm not
even certain I could rise to the
occasion if I were allowed to
ponder it.

I imagine we all possess that
strength and resolve needed to
serve our children, families and
friends. Yet, there are those who
would say we must be whole 
ourselves in order to serve others. 

Great idea . . . still, methinks no
mother would ponder herself re
her own position before trying 
to save her own children.

One the things that touches me
are these marvelous pieces of
beauty and wisdom we can still
find in our world today. Alas,
we see so much sorrow, betrayal,
ugliness . . . I somehow need to
see beyond and contemplate the
beauty we also have.

Sooooo pray for personal growth!
May it be . . .

Feb 24, 2023


"Maybe the desire to make
something beautiful is the
piece of God that is inside
each of us." ~Mary Oliver

I so enjoy Mary Oliver's
work. She reminds me the
grandeur of Mother Nature
outbids, outdoes, outshines 
each and every other sorrow 
of this world.

And yes, even winter and
her freezing snows are by 
far more glorious than all 
the nasties this world has 
to offer.

So today, when I venture
forth 'mongst these piles 
of snow, I will hold Mary 
Oliver close to my heart.

she sings of mother
and her nature to behold
bless her memory

 - - -

Mary Jane Oliver, American
poet who won the National
Book Award and Pulitzer Prize.
Her work is inspired by nature
stemming from her lifelong
passion for solitary walks in
the wild. 1935 - 2019

Feb 23, 2023


Grrrrrrrrrrrrr  ~!@#$%^&*()_+

Years and years to finally become
me, myself and I . . . the who I am,
as it were, and it only takes the gal
nigh onto an hour to lay me low!

But, I got even . . . went out and
ate three chocolate covered dough-
nuts. Got home and made brunch
type margs!

God in heaven, I'm supposed to
brush more than the usual three
times a day, floss, insert magic
brushes as well as poke and prod
with this god-awful instrument 
of torture.

I asked my doc if I might outlive
the denture scare . . . Did she re-
assure me? Did she wish me well?
Hell no! She answered . . .

     "I certainly hope so."

And not to forget, I have to return
in three months! Not sure what I'll
do to get even then. That might
require some serious planning and I
intend to really sin this time around! 

Wanna join moi? Send in your apps
with serious ideas attached! I may,
or may not, include you . . .

Feb 21, 2023


Nervous as a cat on a hot tin 
roof this a.m. Nothing like an
early visit to the local dentist 
to rather set my fears afire!!!

I remember getting a kick out
of going as a kid. Perfect teeth
and the gift of a piece of candy
afterwards. You may appreciate
the irony.

Still, I suppose being naughty
for 70 plus years with eats and 
afters are finally taking their

My wish is to still be naughty
but not end up with dentures.
At my age, should be do-able!

I think if I survive the date with
the deadly doc, I may just take 
my guy out for breakfast. Although,
it may be snowing pretty heavily
by then.

Methinks someone should take
this winter Colorado weather to
the dentist and see how likable
it is! 

God help me . . . can't decide
which I hate more . . . winter
or the dentist . . . although, the
visit is an hour and winter lasts
more than a couple of months.

Easy pickin' . . .


"Silence is loaded with answers."

This unexpected bit of wisdom
showed up on my doorstep this
early a.m. and set me a ponder . . .

I've been a bit of a chatty Patty
my entire life. I can remember
my parents taking the odd drive 
and daddy would tell me that I 
needed to be silent for half an 
hour. Obviously, I obeyed, but 
it nigh onto killed me.

I still enjoy . . . but perhaps,
conversing more than talking.
And, I'm daring to think I'm
even beginning to shut up from
time to time. Maybe someone
else would like to get a word
in edgewise?!

I find I actually like listening 
to others prattle. Maybe I learn 
something or maybe I don't. Still, 
it's interesting! I get a kick out of 
sussing out what things different 
people like to talk about.

There are weather only peeps. 
Some love to gossip. Others
offer the profound. These are my
faves. Again, if I listen, I learn.

I swear, I'm going to listen up . . .
Silence is indeed a gift! I might
even learn something!

Feb 20, 2023


Oh my God! Pure ambrosia!

One of my daughters bought
me a French Press and taught
me how to use it. Okay girls,
just spread the guilt around!
I should have been drinking
this for years!

There's no mistake about it,
coffee in all its guises, has 
to be one of the greatest gifts
the gods ever granted mankind.
Having said that, bet you any-
thing 'twas the goddess that
invented the French Press.

I have three different kinds
of delectable manjares and
I'll be trying them all out in
this bit of a miracle; make 
no mistake!

I find it rather annoying that
I then mess it all up by adding
creamer; I somehow escape
perfection, alas!

Not sure even a midnight 
marg could compete with this!

Salud to one and all! 

Feb 19, 2023


"You can take her out of the folk
tale and the forest, dress her up
and distract her with control, but
beauties who are taught to whisper
never stray far from the singing
sorcery screaming in their souls."
~Ann Marie Eleazer

'Twas my first encounter with the
written word this a.m. and I was
wowed beyond the pale; make no

I pray there might be just a tiny
bit of a description of me in there
somewhere. Maybe not, but still,
it's who I want to be when I grow

Remember when you were a child.
You'd thumb through the magick
of storybooks and long to find
yourself 'mongst the pages you
found there?! That feeling has
never left me. And, when I read
Ann Marie, I feel so bereft I could
break down and sob.

I am beyond grateful that I do live
in my own magickal kingdom, get
to share it with my wild ones and
see Mother Nature up close and
personal each and every day of my

And, I do so love talking to my
dad. There are days I feel bereft
that I can no longer climb my
own mountains. Still, I can see
it and envision those many things
that go on there.

Ever, ever grateful . . .

Ann Marie Eleazer has always
considered herself a bit ancient,
haunted and otherworldy, who
enjoys enchanted flights through
the dark fairy tales and magical
places she's been drawn to since
childhood. Google Books

Feb 18, 2023


"Winter is a wicked, haughty one,
she is. She gives us one last zinger 
of cold weather full of snow, just 
to say, 'I gotcha!' But then, the snow
melts and the world has water to feed
the rivers, the trees and all the people."
~Alice Sueltenfuss

Per usual, been having some naughty
thoughts. Has to do with waking up
to around 0 degrees with a tad more
snow on the ground. Okay, make that
10 inches one time and 13 the next.

I would think we'd all get tired of
hearing me bitch about the dark 
months. But this morning, my dear
dear friend up North, mailed me the
above quote . . . her own! It's such a
positive way to look at both winter
time and her snows.

Methinks I'll be reading this every
a.m. at the break of day in order to
get on the positive train. Indeed,
the gift of water is priceless and I
am grateful.

I'm also well-pleased that our pipes
have only frozen up twice so far.
My guy insulates them by wrapping
them in some new fangled gift of
the gods and presses a button. Seems
to really help.

Living in a 135 year old cabin has 
its deets, but I swear, he's sussed out 
most of them.

So here's moi, getting an entirely new
outlook on these cold, snow packed
months. If I lapse, pray call me on it.
I'll have it coming; make no mistake!

Now, just get out the hot chocolate and
Bailey's . . .

Feb 17, 2023


"This busy, materialistic 
nonsense is not for me. I
belong in a witchy cabin
in the forest somewhere
w/my books, wild berries
and a pet fox." 
~Brooke Hampton

Seems, Brooke is talking
'bout me again! And yes,
I do have foxes, mapaches,
bob cats, the odd mountain
lion and bears as well! Not 
sure if its good or bad they
feel so comfortable here,
but they are not pets!

I particularly love it when
the deer and elk stroll thru.
Such beauty and grace. 
Once in a while, they sack
out in the back yard, take 
in some sun and luxuriate.
We could learn from them.

My little piece of heaven is
a great deal of work. Can't
even imagine the work my
guy goes through to provide
wood for the long winter
months. The pipes freeze,
the water is't potable, to say
naught of five min warm-ish,
often cold, showers. I'm not 
even going to talk 'bout doing 
the laundry.

Now, ask me if I'd live any-
where else?! Nooooo way
in hades! It's pure heaven here!
And here's a secret for you to
keep under your hat . . .

. . . Margs at the cabin taste
better than anywhere else in
the world!!! 

Salud . . .

Feb 16, 2023


Of late, several people have 
asked me about my beliefs. 
Occurs to me that I could 
address this here . . .

My father told me when I 
was 13 that he realized I was 
a Pantheist. Looking back, I 
am wowed by both his open 
mind and that he waited until 
I began my teenage years to 
share this with me.

Obviously, I had to ask him 
what he meant by this. He  
explained that a Pantheist is
a person who loves Nature. 
He said that he saw just how 
much I loved being outside, 
walking, hiking, and taking 
full moon rides.

I confess, now that I'm about 
a 100 years old and it's only 
minus two degrees outside, I 
often observe Mother Nature
from the window. I enjoy 
watching nature specials and 
reading nature based books. 
And those rides I liked as a 
kid are now one of the things 
I love most.

I don't question how she came 
about. Maybe created, perhaps
evolved, but bottom line . . .
Mother Nature is the great 
love of my life.

Yes daddy, Pantheist I am and 
ever will be.

Feb 15, 2023


Morning of the day after . . .
OMG, it's snowing w/a speed
unknown to mankind as I know

My lover tells me this happens
every winter, but methinks he's
the one who forgets rather than

I've heard a rumor we're to get
11 inches . . . not so bloody sure 
I can even contemplate such an
idiosyncrasy . . . pray, let me be

Soooo, I'm trying ever so hard
to remind myself of the virtues
of winter and snow . . . actually,
not bloody likely!

Opening my mind here, what 
is snow about actually?! . . .
Metaphorically speaking; sins
forgiven, dark covered in light, 
a new beginning, moisture most
needed . . .

As a long time member of the
SAD community, I still love my, 
"Spring, summer and fall." 
~Aphrodite's Child

Confessing here . . . we have
ten inches, but who's counting?!

Feb 14, 2023

02/14/2023 - Valentine's Day

"You're the strangest person I
ever met," she said, and I said,
"you too," and we decided we'd
know each other a long time.
~Brian Andreas

I love today, Valentine's Day.
I've been waiting ever so long
for it to come 'round! I think for
most, it's about lovers, couples,
and that's lovely. But for me, it's
all about friendship.

I feel lucky to have grown up
in a school where the teachers
insisted that each of us bring a
Valentine for everyone in the
classroom. No fun being left 
out, ever!

I always loved making my own
as did other kids around me. To
this day, I get a kick out of putting
something together and sending
them to my girlfriends.

Today, let's do remember our 
family and friends, loved ones, 
those special few we keep ever 
in our hearts. Many ways to
celebrate . . . a telephone call,
an e-card or e-mail . . .

"Let's know each other a long 

- - -

Saint Valentine was a 3rd-century
Roman saint, commemorated in
Western Christianity on Feb 14.
From the High Middle Ages, his
Saint's Day has been associated
with a tradition of courtly love. 
He was born in Temi, Italy and
died on February 14, 269 AD.

Feb 13, 2023


"Instead of finding a new form
of social media, we should all
go back to bonfires, tailgate
parties, porch sitting, cruising
with the radio playing."
Hippies, Gypsies, Bohemians

Amusing quote . . . and it's not
that I long for yesteryears. But,
seems to me we may've thrown
out the baby with the bath water,
as it were.

Think about it, no reason why
we couldn't have the best of
both worlds . . .

There is naught wrong with 
appreciating those wonders of 
our modern world. So lovely to 
have hot running water, a phone 
easily carried in our back pockets, 
computers that open the world
to us.

Still, this shouldn't mean that we
could get killed crossing the street
because our eyes are stuck in the
cell phone. Our fams needs us, 
need for us to actually share and
talk to each other.

So, let's turn on that sweet music
we would have never had in the
days of yore, sit by the fire and
maybe even hold hands!

And yes, the best of both worlds
to us all . . .

Feb 12, 2023


"She is a
    wine drinking
    spell casting
    sage burning
    aura cleansing
    hybrid smoking
    moon worshipping
    crystal collecting
~Luilianna Coutinho

Thumbing through some odd
bits of poetry this early morn, 
I ran onto the above. What a 
tribute! Almost makes me wish 
it had been written about moi.

Still, got me to thinking . . . 

Alas, it's almost too easy 
to concentrate on all things 
negative. What I love about 
Coutinho's poetry, is her joy 
in the wondrous.

I pray she be contagious!
We could all use a visitation
with love, joy and beauty in
these dour times . . .

- - -

Liliana Coutinho is a curator 
and programmer of Debates and
Conferences at Culturgest, Lisbon.
Docotor in Aesthetics, Art Sciences
by Univ. Paris 1, she is a researcher
at IHC - FCSH/UNL, visiting prof
at the Post-Grad Course in Contemp 
Art Curatorship.

Feb 11, 2023


"Tip your server. Return your
shopping cart. Pick up a piece
of trash. Hold the door for the
person behind you. Let someone
into your lane. Small acts can
have a ripple effect. That's how
we change the world." Unknown

There's those concentric circles
again . . . all sizes, overlapping
each other. I read about these 
small bits of wisdom and realize 
once again, these tiny actions, 
may make someone else's day.

Now that I'm about a hundred
years old and living on half a
retirement, I think to myself,
there isn't much I can do to 
help. Then, I read something
like this and realize there's all
kinds of things I can do to make
my small world brighter.

I'm thinking! I'm thinking!! 
I can take out the trash. Prep 
treats for the recycle guys, 
send a few cards . . . Noooo,
I already do these little bits.

I'm going to come up with
some things that I don't do
already. I just want to make
my own tiny world a slightly
better place.

I do know, some of us don't
really bother because we can
do so little. We think only the
big things count . . . sooooo
not true and I'm going to make
a real effort . . .

Feb 10, 2023


"Everything that happens to
you is your teacher. The secret
is to learn to sit at the feet of
your own life and be taught
by it." Ancient Pagan Roots

I had a wow moment when I
read this bit of wisdom early 
morn . . .

Under the umbrella of amazing, 
I have had a crazy, incredible, 
awesome, scary, thrilling, blest 
life . . . and it ain't over yet!

Obviously, we all learn from 
our experiences, but I had never
given any thought to the idea
that I might be actually learning 
from myself.

Probably the greatest lesson I've
had is that of acceptance. Being
an eccentric like my father before
me, self-acceptance didn't come
easy, nor did it come early on.

I've come to see though, that in
accepting myself, I can easily
accept others as they are. That
must be the real gift.

Speaking of gifts, I love giving.
Methinks there is naught in this
world quite as wondrous as an
unexpected gift. Alas, seems I
make others feel uncomfortable.

So yes, I can see that I do learn
from myself . . . Now, if I could 
only learn to stop being so damn 
defensive . . . This must be coming
from that old perfectionist in me.

Whoever said that growing  up is
easy, didn't know what they were
talking about! Damn!

Feb 9, 2023


"In life, the only difference
between stumbling blocks 
and stepping stones is how 
you choose to use them."
muses from a mystic

One of my goals for this year
is to be and/or become more
positive. So, I read and collect
memes such as the one above.
Obviously, some are simply
ludicrous whilst others remind
us of time worn wisdom.

Positivity is indeed important.
Still, this doesn't mean we
should put on blinders to the
realities of the life we live in.

War will not diminish because
we have a positive attitude.
Hunger, famine, floods . . . all
part of reality. I'm trying to suss
out what we and our positivity
can actually do to make a

I fear we are oft overwhelmed
by the horrors of life and thus
do naught. Obviously, this is
not the answer.

If each of us would strive and
commit, to making the space
around us a better place . . .  
we would have overlapping
circles of a better place to be.

Depending on age, means and
other factors, some circles will
be small and others larger. But,
we have to start somewhere. I
want to commit to making the
circle in which I live, a better
place to be. 

Methinks 'twould require both
consciousness and constancy. 
Let's pay attention and act!!!

Feb 8, 2023


"Take a cold tater and wait."
~E.M. Bartlett, 1883 - 1941 

My dad used to cite this every
time my little bro and I would
claim hunger. 

I'm so grateful my dad survived
WWII. And, I know there was
a lot of mental anguish that went
along with this entire episode in
our history. 

Still, the one liners, quotations,
the old songs, always erupted
from his lips. Can't help but
wonder if somehow they helped
him in his own time of sorrow.

Stories abound . . . waiting for
supper, waiting for guests to
arrive, awaiting Thanksgiving
dinner . . . and supposedly this
sparked an idea for Bartlett and
his song.

In our own lives today, we all 
do plenty of waiting . . . payday
to arrive, the children to visit,
get the bills paid and the grocery
shopping done, a dream holiday,
our ships to come in.

Seems I've eaten plenty of cold
taters and am ever waiting for
something. We could learn some-
thing from our kids of today. 
They don't wait for anything. In 
fact, they refuse to . . . they make 
things happen. 

Just who I want to be when I grow
up; make no mistake!

Feb 7, 2023


"Note to self: All you have to do 
is show up. Be late. Be scared. 
Be a mess. Be weird. Be confused. 
Just BE there. You'll figure out the 
rest as you go." ~Nanea Hoffman,
founder of Sweatpants and Coffee.

I imagine that nigh onto all of us
have done exactly this from day 1. 
We probably just never put it into 
words. We've all been there, done
that . . . late, scared, mess, weird,
confused . . . but, we do show up.

We tend to spend our time poking
at ourselves for all things bad, real
or imagined. Maybe it's our moms'
voices, doing the best she could to
make us the people we are today.

But hell, we're all grown up now
and we get to be our own voice.
What if we were to say, "Our do
was so much fun. I was able to
visit with more friends," rather
than, "Hardly anyone showed up."

"I just love this outfit," instead of,
"Damn, I think I'm gaining weight."
Or, "Glad we have transportation,"
better than, "So wish we could
afford a new car."

God only knows where we actually
get all of our built in negativity.
Still, we're adults now; high time
we pat ourselves on the back. After
all, we've been 'figuring it out' all
these years.

Let's honor our own selves, give 
us a hand and a much deserved
standing ovation!

Feb 6, 2023


"Embrace uncertainty. Some of the
most beautiful chapters in our lives
won't have a title until much later."
the idealist

Being a Libra w/the most imbalanced
scales ever, I suppose I qualify for the
above quoted loathing of uncertainty.

As a tiny child, I liked, nay needed,
placement perfection. I can remember
friends over and me saying, "I think
you'd be more comfortable on this
chair rather than the bed." Heaven
forbid they should have wrinkled my
carefully made bed.

Obviously, I am who I am, but I've
fought my entire adult life to be more
open, more accepting, thus reducing
those pesky Libra qualities to a more
reasonable acceptance level.

Hey, I only wash the dishes once a day,
whereas I used to wash them as they
dirtied! Go figure! I also straighten the
bed rather than fastidiously making it
16 times a day. I'm slowly improving.

So, let's not mention I sweep under 
the table after every eating episode.
Nor, should we look too closely at 
me going down the stairs in the
middle of the night to put one solo
dirty dish in the sink.

Trust me, I'm working on it and the
above quote is a decent reminder. 
Think I'm going to leave ashes in
front of the fireplace untended for
a few days. Not sure I'll be able to
though . . .

Feb 4, 2023

02/05/2023 - Old Souls

"There is a beautiful thing inside 
you that is thousands of years old
Too old to be captured in poems.
Too old to be loved by everyone
But loved so very deeply
by a chosen few." ~Nikita Gill

I imagine we all have different
views on life after death. Having
said that, there is an expression
that really moves me. 

"She's an old soul; he's an old soul." 

There are those who would use the
expression literally. But, I think 
most use it as a way of honoring
deep thinkers, the wise ones, the
old souls.

This is truly what I love and honor
in my older friends. That insight,
the wisdom lacking in those of us
who are younger and have less

There is no doubt, when we lose
an oldster, we are losing a bank
of knowledge and experience
second to none.

I think back fondly of my father.
I could ask him anything. Often
he would take a few moments to
respond. Whether to marshal his
thoughts, recollect an old memory,
or decide how best to answer, his
wisdom was priceless. 

I've come to believe that there are
certain practices that can lead us
to wisdom . . . Reading the thinkers,
albeit ancient or modern. Pondering
our actions and the results. Perhaps,
a different avenue would have 
brought different results. Listening,
really listening, has to be absolutely
without par.

I so long to accrue true wisdom
before entering that great unknown.
I wish for two things, only one over
which I have control . . .

The one I can . . . needs be I take 
my own advice. I don't think wisdom
simply lands in one's lap. Listen up!

Secondly, I pray I am gifted with
more time to acquire the depth
that brings true wisdom. 

May it be so . . .

"Meet me in the middle of your story 
when the soul is worn but wise."
~Angie Welland-Crosby


"We need to sit on the rim of
the well of darkness and fish
for fallen light with patience."
~Pablo Neruda

Since Winter Solstice, the days
are charged with elongation.
Every evening, I look for the
light to last for yet another little
while. So far, I have witnessed
no change. I do understand that
the daily changes are minuscule,
still . . .

My soul longs for the light. I've
strived to be more patient this
time around. I get that I need to
spend more time outside, but
the below 0 weather and deep
snow only encourage me to sit
by the fire even more.

I've been reading some positive
affirmations about the dark of
winter. I appreciate suggestions
along the idea of hibernation,
soul searching, reading, resting,
quiet time.

I am acting on said suggestions
to the best of my ability. But, it's
dark when I wake up and dark
wayyyyy before bedtime. There
are times when I simply break
down and sob.

Having lived lo these hundred
years, I do know light is coming.
Yet, seems I have the patience 
of a two year old!

I find that rather disappoints me!


I sooooo love learning and
studying . . .

Books will ever be a fave as
I simply like their feel and 
scent. And, reading simply
makes my heart glad!

I enjoy those articles sent me
and looking up interesting
topics on the internet.

Listening to others talk about
things they know about is a 
special gift.

Show and tell, albeit in person
or via an educational program
is priceless.

Everywhere we look, there
exists things to be learned.

May we ever remember that
college, university, grad school
are only one way to study.

Pray I still had many, many
years to keep on learning . . .

Teach me! Teach me!

Feb 2, 2023


They say winter is upon us . . .
I know! I know! And I have 
the proof!

We've been running from 7
degrees below zero to 11
above these past few days.

It has snowed off and on, so
we have quite an accumulation.
Finally had to have our parking
area plowed as several people
have gotten stuck in it.

Last, but not least, our pipes
are frozen. Makes for rather
interesting water needs. Soon,
we'll be bringing in snow to
melt in order to flush the jane.

I find myself longing for a
shower . . . I'm reminded of
poor Jesus coming out of the
tomb and saying something
along the lines of, "I stinketh!"

So, all of you enjoying your
modern homes and facilities,
you might just get a kick out
of trying a 135 year old cabin
on for size . . .

. . . as for moi, I love it!

Feb 1, 2023

02/01/2023 - 12:01 a.m.

Oh my God . . .

My guy may just be the most
amazing lover ever . . .

There I was, sleeping soundly,
minding my own business, as it 
were, when all of a sudden I am 
awakened by the the sound of a 
popping cork . . .

He approaches my side of the 
bed with a bubbling glass of
champagne. "Wake up,"he says,
"here's to you; your Dry January 
is over."

Such fun! Amazing! Never seen
the like . . . In all the years I've
been doing Dry January, this has
never happened.

Must say . . . life with Mr. Russel
is never boring!!! Methinks I'll
have yet a few more . . .
