Apr 30, 2024

04/30/2024 - Beltane Eve

May Day, or Beltane, celebrates
spring at its peak and the coming

May Day Prep . . .

   -Build a Beltane altar
   -Decorate your table
   -Light a Beltane fire
   -Make a maypole
   -Play music

Sooooo love this holiday! 

When I lived in Mexico, May 
Day celebrated Día del Trabajo.
Parades, speeches and no school
indicated its importance.

Still I would have to say, I find
the lighter side, Beltane, ever 
so much more fun!

Decorated my table, including
a miniature maypole. A fire this
afternoon is in my plans and I'll
think about the music to choose.

Funny, I've always enjoyed the
eve of any given holiday more
than the actual day. Might be
because my parents always did
x-mas eve and used the day for
dinner and fam . . .

Happy celebrations!

Apr 29, 2024


"The highest form of knowledge 
is empathy, for it requires us 
to suspend our egos and live 
in another's world." ~Plato

Truly, I admire the emotion 
of empathy above all others.

To walk the path of another,
understand where they are
coming from, the whys and
wherefores of what they are
going through . . . priceless!

And, understanding what a
friend is suffering, is ever 
so helpful.

On the other side of the coin,
it's truly important to listen,
simply listen. Saying this,
perhaps the most important
thing is that the empath not
take another's feelings unto

The emotions of another are
NOT our emotions! Their
pain is not ours to steal, as it

Empaths care so deeply; it's
perfectly logical to want to
share the pain. This is a two
part bad . . .

One, the empath that absorbs
another's pain is no good to
anyone. Secondly, as said 
above, taking on another's 
issues is a kind of theft.

Remember, listen, don't absorb!

Apr 28, 2024


So love and enjoy dif days!

Snowed all a.m. Began to 
heat up in the p.m. and so
did NOT know what to 

The snow stopped, warmed
up and friends stopped by. 

So love sitting by the fire w/
our neighbors, having beers
and chat . . . reminding us of
the universe in which we live!

I find myself thinking about 
all the things that matter in
our paltry lives . . . yeah, 
I get that this may be an 
exaggeration of sorts . . .

Having said that, so love
friendship . . . and all that it
involves! Getting together,
sharing brews, chatting about
all things important, or not . . .

Promise, cross my heart, I'll
cherish these moments forever
and a day . . . make no mistake!


Sats most interesting! . . .

One of the most interesting
things that happened . . .
SNOW and NO internet!

One would think a couple
of things . . . living w/o the
internet for a few hours may
not have any perceptible dif
in anyone's life.

Still, we are accustomed to a
certain level of connectedness.
One might even call this the
internet! Right?!

Bottom line . . . we are who
we are and each of us have
our own issues . . .

Not quite sure where to go
from here . . . Sooooo hoping
I have the courage to endure!

Apr 26, 2024


"I'm dancing as fast as I can."
~Barbara Gordon

My life might just be a tad
easier, a bit more do-able, a
jot, a tittle more successful,
if I could only follow in the
footsteps of Barbara Gordon.

She has been an amazing 
example! In her book . . . 
I'm dancing as fast as I can,
she tells of locking herself
into her apartment, and not
leaving 'til she had cleansed
her system of all addictions.

Such bravery!

As I find myself on the other
end of life, I want to grow, to
become, to know . . .

I so appreciate the inspiration
she is to me!
 - - -
Barbara Gordon is an American
documentary filmmaker and 
author. Wikipedia

Apr 25, 2024


"My story is filled with broken
pieces, terrible choices and ugly
truths. It's also filled with a major
comeback, peace in my soul and
a grace that saved my life."

Such a truth! And I would ask, 
why is it that we so concentrate  
on the negative rather than the

Perhaps it's simply human nature.
We must have a need to explore
our dark side with the intention
of fixing it . . . only we seem to
get bogged down there.

I swear, before I pass onto that
supposedly better life, I long to
learn to sweep away the negative
and focus on the positive.

Again, what's the draw? Why oh
why do we find the negative so
tantalizing?! Methinks we need 
to retrain our minds.

I swear, I'm going to work on this
if it kills me!!! Ouch! That's not
a very positive statement. Oh well,
que será, será . . .

Apr 23, 2024


Ever have a sense that
something is missing? 
A deep hunger, almost?

I find it's a bit like an
unrequited desire you can't
quite put your finger on.

I page through those pages
in my mind . . . Is it that I
need to lay eyes on my babes?
Perhaps, take a short trip?

Am I longing for a childhood
fave such as mac and cheese?
A grown up need for dark
chocolate? A chat w/a friend
whilst indulging in a glass or
two of red?

Is it something that hasn't
happened yet or a memory
out of yesteryear? Do I need
to sit by my fire and chat with
my dad? I do miss him ever
so much!

A nap? A rest? A special book?
A sunny day? A bit of warmth?
A letter? A card?

Alas, I ache with a longing 
so deep and simply cannot find 
an answer with which to soothe 
my soul . . .

I am sooooo hungry, starved for 
peace in my soul . . .


"The world is full of magic 
things, patiently waiting for 
our senses to grow sharper." 
~W.B. Yeats
So love me the word magic!
Everywhere you look, it's all
around us!

Dew on grasses, sandwiched
'twixt and 'tween sunrises and
sunsets . . . ever a fave.

Clouds in the sky, telling their
own tales out of school. Stars
at night, overwhelming the soul.

An unexpected visit from an 
old friend. The gift of flowers,
a bottle of wine to share . . .

Above, I said something about, 
everywhere you look . . . The
problem might just be that we
look, but don't necessarily see.

We're so busy, rushing to the
next place we have to be, that
commitment we must attend to,
the job to be worked . . .

Perhaps 'tis the word busy that
amounts to blinders. And thus,
we miss all that beautiful magic
out there . . .

Alas . . .

Apr 22, 2024

04/22/2024 - Earth Day, 54 years

"Earth Day, observed annually
on April 22, was first celebrated
in 1970. Earth Day places a focus
on clean air and water, addressing
pollution and championing
conservation efforts." VOA News

Ever so pleased to have witnessed
this is my own lifetime . . .

I know there's a lot of sorrowful
happenings all around us. Thus,
it's somewhat easy to forget all 
the wondrous, the glorious.

Mother Earth gifts us so much . . .
Trees that surround us, gardens
to grow familial food, acres for
crops, streams, rivers and seas.
The list is endless.

Alas, I fear her righteous revenge
when she tires of the way we mis-
treat her.

On this Earth Day, it's time for
each of us to commit to doing a
better job. Let's remember those
three R's . . .

Reduce! Reuse!! Recycle!!!

Mother Earth, I promise, I
commit, to mind the three R's
more carefully each day I live . . .

Apr 21, 2024


"Not all places of worship
have walls and a steeple."
~Zen to Zany

Methinks we're talking our
glorious Mother here . . . 
Mother Earth, Mother Nature.

When my docs gave me the
death sentence half a dozen
years ago, we moved into
this sweet little cabin, and 
I mean little!

I have to chuckle as looking
left, 'tis Mother. Looking right,
"It's a man's world out there!"
Rather speaks to my unbalanced
Libra, right?!

Still, I truly feel that my little
bit of paradise offers me a 
place of worship. Interestingly
enough, I find that my worship
of today is vastly different than
that as a child.

As a kid, 'twas of the "Now I 
lay me down to sleep" variety.
Nonetheless, fond memories 
of family prayer, readings and

When it comes to the Christian
faith, my parents were the real
deal. So, how I honor my dad
for telling me when I turned 
13 that he believed me to be a
Pantheist as he himself was a

Speaking of real, doesn't it
come down to being real, 
no matter which path one
chooses?! Some simply drift
along; others walk their path
with absolute determination.

I love my path; I honor yours.
I do tend to believe that all 
roads lead to Rome, as it were, 
sooooo . . .

Happy journeying!

Apr 20, 2024


"If I was ever accidentally
weird to you, just know I'll
be thinking about it every
night for the next fifty years."

Sooooo owe this one to my
friend Joseph . . .

The bad part about this is it's
almost too true to be funny.

Obsession is the word we're 
looking at. I also hear the 
sages using the term letting go
Don't think I've ever let any-
thing go . . . I only have to be 
reminded and there it is all 
over again.

Approaching serious elder
years, rather wish I could go
having learned to ditch these
two particular enemies. Not
sure it's possible, but sooooo
needs to happen.

Advice gets handed out, books
and articles written, but these
particular maladies seems to
remain in place.

Just know, "I'll be thinking about
all this every night for the next
fifty years . . ."

Apr 19, 2024


"You know how some people 
become reclusive and weird 
as they get older . . . I'm just 
about there . . . and it's sure 
coming in handy." Zen to Zany

My dad was an eccentric and
often told me I was a chip off
the old block. Just might mean
he thought I was as well.

Had to laugh this early morn
when I saw the quote . . . One
of the best reasons to be nigh
on to a hundred years old is 
you can be an odd duck and 
no one gives a flying . . .

Wondering if oldsters really
plan their shenanigans or . . .
simply are who they are?!
Methinks might have some-
thing to do with energy. 

Might be only enough energy
to BE . . . forget planning 

I find I'm somewhat intrigued
to see what my alter ego comes
up with for today. It's Friday
anyway, right?!

Apr 18, 2024


"I got friends that are Witches,
Starseeds, Christians, Pagans,
Hippies . . . I got friends with
degrees, LLC's and felonies.
I've learned from all of them."

One of my dear childhood
friends sent me this today.

Wow! Just W O W !!!

So love that I've been gifted
with friends from various
arenas. Makes for interesting
and thumbs the nose at all the

I'm slowly coming to wonder 
if prejudice isn't the main issue
in today's world?! Hatred of any
given group is beyond heartbreak.
The price for which is paid in
war, strife, poverty, starvation.

When will we ever learn?! 

Perhaps the answer to that would
be in small, overlapping concentric
circles. Each of us; loving others,
acceptance, giving . . . leads to
example and courage for others.

Here's to these amazing circles
of acceptance . . .

Apr 17, 2024


"Time on Earth is limited.
Don't try to age with grace,
age with mischief, audacity, 
and a good story to tell."

So love this bit of wisdom.
Even at my rather un-spritely
years, I can find a great deal
of naughty to get into!

Addressing this bit of wisdom
yesterday, simply placed the 
N-word in my mind. Obviously,
each era in one's life has dif
types of naughty.

I was such a school girl . . . only
ditched once and thought I was
going to die of guilt. Methinks,
I need to make up for it now!

Think I'll spend the morn in my
new book rather than doing any
housework. I already took the
trash out . . . doesn't that count
for something?!

Here's hoping we all have a fab
naughty day . . .

Apr 16, 2024


'Tis an ornery thing when 
sleep is sought but not caught!

All the naughties I came up
with can only be imagined!

I find the closer I am to that
fateful one hundred years, the
closer I am to being seduced
by them.

I already eat ice cream for
breakfast in bed. To pay for
this particular sin, I only dip
into the coffee once a month!

We go to bed at 7:00-ish. Once 
my guy is out, I like to read 'til
midnight. I rather think the
occasional sleepless night might
just be its payment!

Third naughty? Fire, ever and
always fire. Fire is so precious,
so perfect, methinks needs no
payment in kind.

Can't help but wonder if there
is friendly fire in my future?!

One way or another I do know
there's plenty of naughty to be

Apr 15, 2024


Methinks I have found just 
the right fight to SAD
(Seasonal Affective Disorder). 
Praise God from whom all 
blessings flow . . .

Yesterday, was a particularly 
bad day. It was rather a do or 
die situation and as I couldn't, 
get the hell out of Dodge, I 
came up with the following!

Lit a fire, along with a few 
candles. One lamp only and 
a seascape jazz serenade on 
the machine. Don't think  for 
one moment that I forgot a 
summertime Margarita. 

Glorious! Truly glorious!

Might not be the be all, end 
all of SAD, but it got me 
through the day w/o slashing 
my wrists.

Will Spring ever come? 

Oh, I forgot this is Colorado. 
Never mind . . .

Apr 14, 2024


"Quiet warrior
don't lose who you are,
you have the ability
to move mountains
with your stillness."
~janine tamis

Several days now, I have
found strength and courage
in Janine Tamis' words.

I recall, back in the day, when
I marched, spoke at forums,
wrote letters, gave opinions,
basked in the ole do-gooder

Alas, I find myself quite worn
out at present. 

Still, I get the concept that if 
we each moved the mountains 
in our own concentric circles,
we could indeed make serious
changes in the world today.

For now, since I can still walk
to the mailbox, I'll be on the
letter writing war path.

Pray, wish me well . . .

Apr 13, 2024


"Storms splinter
the night sky, and
wild stars pull slivers
out of the dark."
~janine tamis

As one elders in life, storms
seem to appear more often.

I find myself seeking those
slivers of light Janine Tamis
refers to. Where might they
be found?

Faithful friends, beloved
children, fond memories, 
happy thoughts . . . all bright
stars in the darkest of nights.

I find myself inundated with
gratitude . . .

 . . . sans paroles!

Apr 12, 2024


"The ghosts of all the women
you used to be are all so proud
of who you have become."
~Nikita Gil

Only just this early morn, I 
found myself pondering just 
how many women I have been . . .

Part-time jobber, college student
wife, young mother, teacher,
university prof, caregiver, retiree,
just to name a few . . .

I'd have to say though, my fave
station in life has been mother!

There's all that planning, hoping,
praying and finally, the doc says,
"Yep, you're preggers!" Right!
I always wanted a hippy doctor!

I loved being pregnant! I adored
my babes in arms. I felt blest to
be able to nurse. Watching them
grow, become, stand up and stand
out . . . wow! Just WOW!

I have loved and enjoyed my step
children as well. Seems to me, all
our children are the greatest of

I am ever so grateful that one of
women I got to be was mother . . .

Apr 11, 2024


"Life becomes more meaningful
when you realize the simple fact
that you'll never get the same
moment twice." ~Unknown

'Tis absolutely so! Methinks we
all hope for tomorrow, heaven,
paradise, reincarnation . . . but
this must be taken on faith. It
is not a certainty.

Thus the gift of those sweet
moments in time are priceless.
And truly, aren't these the salt,
pepper and spice of life? Just
try eating with none of these;
it's that tad of spice that makes
the dish.

Obviously, we are all cautioned
to neither dwell nor live in the
past. Still . . . surely enjoying
those precious moments of the
heart from time to time is not
only not wrong, but very, very

Apr 10, 2024


"Some hearts are suns
in graying skies
that rise
to warm the world."

~A Shea 

Finding myself in the last 
quarter of my life, I still think 
about who I want to be when 
I grow up . . .

When we were kids, we all
wanted to grow up to be docs,
nurses, firemen, etc. 

But this early morn, A Shea
reminded me . . . maybe it's
not the career that's important,
but rather the soul.

I like to think about this . . .
becoming a bit of warmth in
someone's life. I'm serious!
Needs be the how?!

Perhaps a kind word, a sweet
compliment, a little chat, an
in depth conversation, sharing

Indeed, methinks this is the 

Street where I want to live!

Apr 9, 2024


Oh, glories of glories . . .
the Solar Eclipse moved me
to tears yesterday.

The fun part was friends over
to watch with us. The more
serious side to the day was
the miracle we beheld. 

And maybe, just maybe, 
the best was being moved to 
realize that everything around 
us in the heavens and earth is 
truly a miracle.

The beauty of our surrounding
mountains, the ever-changing
palette of the skies, trees in
every shape and size, streams,
rivers and seas . . . how I wish
we cared for them more.

I pray we ever remember these
precious gifts from our Mother

Apr 8, 2024


"Hold fast to dreams,
for if dreams die,
life is a broken-winged bird
that cannot fly."
~Langston Hughes

Of late, I've noticed a tie in 
of the death of dreams and

Over 8%, 21 plus million, of
Americans suffer depression.
Rather startling when you
think about this being one of 
the most gifted countries in 
the world.

Methinks all we can do is for
each of us to begin with our-
selves. We have a responsibility
to strive for mental health.

Although I may be somewhat
broken, I will ever hold fast to
my dreams and learn to fly ere
I die . . .

 - - -

James Mercer Langston Huges
was an American poet, social
activist, novelist, playwright,
and columnist from Joplin, Mo.
One of the earliest innovators 
of the literary art form called
jazz poetry, Hughes is best 
known as a leader of the 
Harlem Renaissance. 
1901 - 1967 Wikipedia

Apr 7, 2024


Amazing winds . . .

 . . . twists and turns, 
as I have so many different 

I like watching breezes at 
play, but this is no ordinary
breeze. Frankly, just a tad

We're told of outages all 
over kingdom come, 
uprooted trees, five semis 
overturned at Vail pass. 
Did I say, "just a tad scary?" 
I don't think so. More than 
just a tad.

My more romantic notions
think of the gods running
amok and secretly laughing
as we scurry to safety. Is
Mother Nature angry with

What's the prob already? 
We're only polluting the air,
all available water sources,
and filling trash dumps at
the speed of sound. So, why
would She be angry with us?

Grrrrrrrrrrr ~!@#$%^&*()_+

Why don't we just grow up?
Grow a pair? Get over our-
selves?! We're like spoiled 
tots throwing temper tantrums
but we never outgrew them!

Truly, we're only specks in
a windstorm . . . One of these
days Mother is going to lose
her patience and blow us all
to hell and back again!

I do get it, but I'd prefer we
reform . . . Any chance of 
that?! Alas, not bloody likely!

Apr 6, 2024


'Tis the weekend and no 
plans. Funny, might have
annoyed me in my youth,
and now I celebrate it!

The whole day is open . . .
read a fave book, watch
a movie, cook something 
special, take a nap, WOW!

I seem to recall back in the
day, if I didn't have every
minute planned, I would 
have thought something 
was wrong. Now, I just

Methinks I'll just have a
wait and see what happens!

I find the idea rather exciting!


Today is one of those fab
days that just came together
one way or another . . . 

An early morn class on 
the heart chakra, a proper 
visit with my two besties, 
an afternoon FAC with my 
d) all of the above . . .
Wow! Just W O W !!!

I find I enjoy all three parts
of days like today. The
anticipation, the actual day
and the remembering. Frankly,
triple joy!

One of the things I love about
being nigh onto a hundred
years old, is the finding joy
in every little thing. Rather
wish I'd learned this in my

Never too late . . .

Apr 4, 2024


Can't help but wonder if FB
realizes I'm aging at the speed
of sound?!

I get adverts for adult diapers. 
I get ads for women's facial
devices. Infomercials for
knee pain joint relief. Say
naught of hearing aids and
other elder toys!

Rather relieved most of these
do not apply . . . however, if
FB is not psychic, where the
hell do they get their info?!
Reading over my shoulder?!

Obviously, there exists some
kind of set up watching out
for code words . . . Still, isn't
this an invasion of privacy?

Thinking about it, might be
worse to be getting ads for
blond hair dye and red finger
nails. Maybe I should just
bit the bullet and ignore the
whole thing.

Bottom line . . . we exist in 
a world today with absolutely
no privacy. I find that more
a bit scary!

Apr 3, 2024


"Day by day, what you 
choose, what you think 
and what you do is who 
you become." ~Heraclitus

I really hadn't thought about 
this in exactly this way. And
of course, it's our choices 
that render us who we are.

My choice to live in Mexico
for 20 years gave me my
beautiful children, the gift 
of the Spanish language and 
many friends . . . Had it been
Canada, I might be speaking
French instead.

My choice to degree in teaching
gifted me 40 years of enjoyment
in the classroom, fond memories
and the love of my students . . .
Nursing, my first choice, would
not have suited me at all.

My choice to live in a 145 year
old tiniest of cabins has bought
me the quiet time I needed to
survive . . . Now, if I can only
survive winter!

Methinks I best be considering
very carefully the next choices
I make . . .

 . . . I am nigh onto a 100 years
old after all!

Apr 2, 2024


"Always be careful with your
words because you never know
how many times it's repeating
in someone's head." Unknown

I know this to be true as my
own head is very good at this!

It can be those few beautiful
words . . . and alas, it can be
the hurtful, harmful ones.

I like to focus on the beautiful.
In my 40 years of teaching, I
always made it a point to give
a dozen or so compliments in
each class.

Important not to make my kids
uncomfortable, say the words
and walk away. 

I find myself still doing it . . .
the supermarket for starters.
Makes me smile when I think,
"What must people think of
that crazy old white-haired gal?"

Bottom line, words are powerful,
choose carefully . . .

Apr 1, 2024


April Fools!

I find myself recalling . . .

Grade school, most likely.
April 1st, we thought we'd
died and gone to heaven.

I recall a principal, a very
grave man. I pinned a note
on his suit coat, "I'm a gost."
I thought I was probably the
bravest kid on the planet.

He felt it, obviously, pulled
it off and said to me, "You
spelled ghost wrong." Wow!

I planned this one; walked
into the kitchen and said, 
"Eek a mouse." Mom jumped,
dad started pulling off his belt
and I shouted, "April Fools!"

Dad looked at mom and said,
"Are you okay with this?" She
said something along the lines
of, "As long as it's April Fools
and doesn't happen again!"

Lucky escape! Today, methinks
the joke's on us. Piles of snow 
everywhere you look and it's
supposed to snow all day. 

Can't help but wonder if the
gods aren't whispering . . .

April Fools!