Nov 30, 2023


"We must be willing to get rid of 
the life we've planned, so as to 
have the life that is waiting for us."
~Joseph Campbell

My mom used to say about me
that I had my life planned from
the cradle to the grave. Yikes!

I so hope I'm not quite that bad!
Still, I can see what she meant.
I admit that I rather like planning
ahead, knowing what's going to
happen. I think it makes me feel
like I'm in charge of my own life.

I think this trait stems partly from
being a Libra, the most unbalanced
Libra I've ever met! On the other
hand, it may be that this is simply
who I am.

I'm going to do an experiment. I
will plan nothing for the next four
days and just see what happens.
Might be interesting; might just
be a new way to greet December!

Here's to the unknown . . . rather
scary if you don't mind mw saying!

Nov 29, 2023


Martin G. Lockley was a Welsh 
paleontologist. He was educated
in the UK where he obtained degrees
and post-doc experience in Geology
in the 1970s. Since 1980 he had been
a professor at the University of CO at
Denver and was later Prof Emeritus.
1950 - 2023 Wikipedia

I weep; my heart aches; my mind
wanders down memory lane . . .

I first met Martin upon my arrival
to the US. He was a close friend of
my father and would make a point
of dining with my parents when he 
came to town.

For me, it was love at first sight!
What a truly lovely man. From
that point we were granted a dozen
years of those joys and sorrows
gifted along with marital bliss. And
speaking of gifts, his children will
ever and always reside in my heart.

Lockley, as a scientist, professor,
world leading expert in dinosaur
tracks, has touched the lives of
many fellow professionals and 
a myriad of doctoral students. He
leaves nigh onto 50 books translated
into at least 16 languages that will
continue to serve his calling.

I can't say, "Rest in Peace." Rather,
I hope he has an afterlife full of
phenomenal adventures and untold

God, I sooooo miss him . . .

Nov 28, 2023


"Gratitude is not only the greatest
of virtues, but the parent of all the
others." ~Cicero

I promised myself at Thanksgiving
that I would make the effort to be
more grateful . . . how easily one 
forgets! I like that the Universe sends 
out its own little reminders!

I awoke this early morn to 12°. We
still have about 4" snow, so you can
only imagine just how grateful I am
for hearth and home!

I would add, when my guy builds a
fire, I am overwhelmed w/gratitude!
There is something so magical about
fire. It simply makes my day every
single time!

A friend intends to visit this early
morn. Naught in the world like fam
and faithful friends. I am thankful
and I promise . . .

. . . to watch for those gifts from the
Universe for which I must be grateful.

 - - -

Marcus Tullius Cicero was a Roman
statesman, lawyer, scholar, philosopher
and academic skeptic, who tried to
uphold optimate principles during the
political crises that led to the establish-
ment of the Roman Empire. 106 BC -
assassinated 43 BC Wikipedia

Nov 27, 2023


"The November full moon is
dubbed the Beaver Moon
because it corresponds to the
time of year when beavers 
start sheltering in their lodges,
according to the Old Farmer's
Almanac. This is also historically
the time of year when beavers
would be trapped as part of the
fur trade." CBS News

Awoke this early morn, 'round
4:00, to the most amazing Beaver
Moon. We literally had to lie on 
the floor and look up out the upper 
window. Absolutely breathtaking!

We kept going down about every
15 minutes to check it out. One of
the things I like about viewing the
moon at this time of day is it appears
to be yellow.

Each time we'd go down, the moon
was slightly different. I especially 
liked it when viewed through foliage. 

Not exactly sure why this particular
moon has so moved me . . . sooooo
looking forward to seeing it on the
morrow, the actual full moon!

Yayyyyy Beaver Moon!

Nov 26, 2023


"Everyone wants to be some-
one's sun to light up someone's 
life, but why not be someone's 
moon to brighten in the darkest 
hour." TheMindsJournal

Must confess, I'm all about the
moon. I have loved her sweet,
shining face in all her facets
since I was a little girl.

My guy has ever and always 
been about the sun. Together,
methinks balance! Still, I must
honor him for brightening my
darkest hours!

One of the things I love about
him is he checks out the moon
every time he goes downstairs.
If he finds it particularly lovely,
he wakes me and tells me to go
have a look-see.

Love me my moon, but he makes
the sun most spectacular!

Doesn't get any better than that!

Nov 25, 2023


"Friendship is above all the 
art of allowing the soft light 
of love to fall upon even our
darkest sides." ~Anne Lamott

Suffering intensely from SAD
during the early onset of winter,
I've been thinking about what
it is that gets me through.

My guy sneaks me the odd dish
of ice cream from time to time.
So sweet! My daughter calls me
every Sunday. My son visits and
even cooks! I'm lucky enough
to have so much caring in my life.

I find it all boils down to friends.
My own children are some of my
very bests. Our neighbors are our
friends; not sure I'd make it w/o
them. So enjoy those who write 
the odd note and/or send a card. 

Pray know, that on my darkest
days, I am ever so thankful for

Blessed be . . .

Nov 24, 2023


I sooooo don't get it! It has 
now been snowing for just 
over 12 hours . . . and we 
have about three inches of 
snow. Simply doesn't make 
any sense!

Hark back to 2003 . . . 
snowed for about the same 
amount of time (ok, maybe 
a bit longer) and we got 7 
feet up the canyon where 
we lived. Now that rocks it 
for me!

I know! I know! We need
the moisture . . . and I am
grateful for that. At least it
didn't start snowing until
Thanksgiving was nigh on
to over.

I'll stop bitchin' now . . .

Nov 23, 2023

11/23/2023 - Thanksgiving

We all know those wondrous
tales of yore telling about that
first Thanksgiving and that this
has come to mean.

Obviously, 'tis much different
today. We enjoy a time-out w/
our fams and friends . . . eating
those incredible meals, stuffing
ourselves ad nauseam, often not
even offering to do the dishes.

This year, we're taking a tiny
time out. We're staying at home,
in bed, watching football (he) 
and reading a fab novel (moi).
Methinks a bottle of champagne
may be in order at some point.

Know my thoughts tend towards
you who we love ever so much.

Happiest of all TGs!!!

Nov 22, 2023


"To live is the rarest thing 
in the world; most people 
just exist." ~Oscar Wilde

I can still hear my father 
reciting this kernel of truth; 
I say it to myself each and 
every day . . .

I know I've written about 
this gift from Oscar Wilde
many a time. I truly try to
make each moment count.
Still, I'd be the first to say
just how easy it is to be
lost in the minutia of the
day . . .

 . . . the dishes, the wash, 
the meals, the bills, errands!
Never ending!

Yet the wisdom of dealing
with the daily grind is well
addressed by the Buddha,
Thích Nhãt Hanh and other

Quiet meditation whilst 
addressing those bits and
pieces of the daily. Thankful
hearts that we have homes
in which to labor. Recalling
from whence our blessings
came . . .

I'm trying! I'm trying!

Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie 
Wills Wilde was an Irish poet 
and playwright. After writing 
in different forms throughout 
the 1800s, he became one of 
the most popular playwrights
in London in the early 1890s. 
1854 - 1900 Wikipedia

Nov 21, 2023


"O Lord that lends me life, 
lend me a heart replete with 
~William Shakespeare

Thanksgiving approaching,
I most appreciate the in your 
face reminders to be thankful!

Everywhere you look . . .
adverts, turkeys, invites,
special outfits and travel. 
Not quite sure if these are 
about being thankful or not.

This year will be stay at home
for us. Being affected by the
weather, methinks I need some
quiet time w/my guy. The menu
threatens eggnog and movies,
easy to prep!

And silly me, I always like to
decorate for Yule the day after.
Something to look forward to!

Nov 20, 2023


Beware, I feel a rant coming 
on . . .

Woke up to the s-word this 
a.m. Have about an inch and 
it's supposed to go until noon.

Can't help but wonder if I even
brought it on as I decorated for 
the season all day yesterday. I 
usually wait 'til December first. 

See what I mean?!

When I'm queen of the Universe,
we're NOT going to have snow 
on Halloween, nor Thanksgiving, 
nor even in November at all.

Feel free to vote for me!

Grrrrrrrrrrr ~!@#$%^&*()_+

Nov 19, 2023


"Associated with the final stage
in the cycle of life, the Crone 
was the third aspect of the Triple
Goddess in ancient culture. She 
was the summation of women's 
life experience, wise old mother 
who symbolized knowledge,
judgement and death."

I like to think I've enjoyed both
the Maiden and Mother stages 
of my life. Still, I find myself 
somewhat enthralled with this 
Crone era.

Of course, there are the usual 
aches and pains accompanying
the aging process . . . having 
acknowledge this, there are
ever so many positives as well.

I've come to appreciate slowing
down, smelling the coffee as it
were, and all that this entails.
So enjoy those who have chosen
to remain friends, stay in touch.
I find the conversations priceless.

I much value being able to watch
my children beyond childhood.
I find their own stages of growing
and living most fascinating. What 
amazing people they have become.

It has been incredible being born
into a world of a three-party line
on the wall and a one station TV
in the living room to a tiny hand-
held phone and 100s of stations
available for the choosing.

Fast cars, long trips, phenomenal 
jobs and an unexpected techno-
world! Wow!! Just W O W !!! . . .

 . . . Sans paroles!

Nov 18, 2023


What a difference a day makes . . . 

Yesterday, I was enjoying an a.m.
fast break with two of my besties
and today, I'm back in my own
real world.

Real world in the sense that 'tis 
the space where I exist/live/love 
on a regular basis.

One of the things I find interesting
in these years of retirement wonder
would be the need, as well as the 
joy, of being at home.

On those rare occasions when I 
get dragged out of my cocoon, 
I find I enjoy my friends and
activities immensely. And, I am
well pleased that I also love my
own hearth and home. 

Still . . . something to be said for 
getting out and about from time 
to time.

Alas, my fire hearkens . . .

Nov 17, 2023


She fell
She crashed
She broke
She cried
She crawled
She hurt
She surrendered
And then . . .
She rose again
~Nausicaa Twila

Methinks 'tis who I want 
to be when I grow up!

Funny, I can hark back to
college years and thinking
then that I was all grown

Then, it was first teaching
job when I realized that this
was actually real adulthood.

When I retired and took care
of my mom, I truly knew 
what being an adult and taking
responsibility was all about.

Not at all . . . here I am, nigh
onto a 100 years old and get
that the above stanzas might
just have the right idea . . .

Nov 16, 2023


I have spoken of that incredible
feeling of anticipation before . . .
 . . . a long-awaited and glorious

Today, we'll be celebrating our 
Lady Hekate with my LH Triad. 
For her, I named my cabin. As 
legend has it, the goddess Hekate 
stands at chosen three-way cross-
roads, such as my cabin is sited.

Loving that sweet #3, we three
have been friends for roughly 
30 years. And, I love that whole
past, present and future of our
knowing each other . . . ever and
aways growing in genuine caring
and friendship. 

 - - -

Hekate, goddess of magick,
night, moon, and the three-way
crossroad, was the only child of
the Titanes Perses and Asteria
from whom she received her
power over the heavens, earth
and sea. Hekate assisted Demeter
in her search for Persephone,
guiding her through the night
with flaming torches. Wikipedia

Nov 15, 2023


"I found the world to be woe-
fully lacking in safe places. So, 
I became one." ~J. Warren Welch

Such a thought provoker! I was
quite moved when I ran into it
this early morn.

Make no mistake, we live in a
difficult world in this present day.
Rather makes it easy to focus on
the negative.

What this quote shouts out to 
me . . . an invitation to self adopt 
the positive roll in a negative 

On a simple level . . .

-be the one to greet first
-take turns at food and dishes
-deal with trash and mail myself
-wave at the neighbors

On the more complex . . .

-give donations w/o taking credit
-listen with no ready comebacks
-give out advice very carefully
-stand up and be counted

Oversimplified perhaps, still bears
thinking about. And, it matters to
me to embrace the positive . . .

 . . . as well as making the effort
to learn to become that safe place.

Nov 14, 2023


Glorious evening by the fire,
chilaquiles on our plates, fun
chats, and best of all . . .

our daughter's in town!

I find myself thinking, one of
the most rewarding points in
parenting would be spending
time and conversation with
our adult children.

I love seeing the child within,
the emerging adult, thoughts
that belong specifically to 

You know all is well when your
children have minds of their 
own, verbalize their thoughts 
and beliefs, and are living their
lives to the best of their abilities.

I feel so blest . . . perhaps the
greatest gift any marriage can
bestow would be the children.

I honor the parents and thank
them for allowing me to love
their babes as if they were my

God in heaven, I am so lucky
I feel a lotto ticket coming on!

Nov 13, 2023


"I would rather stand
and rock the boat
on the meanest of seas
than ever sit
and come to grips
with the calm of apathy."
~A. Shea

Is it any wonder A. Shea is one
of my fave sheros?! She gives
me daily courage; bless her!

From time to time I am forced
to take a look around . . . can't
help but see those negatives
that plague us all.

Then, I play with that idea . . .
the idea that we would all do
what we could to make this a
better world.

I see concentric circles of all
sizes, overlapping and healing.
Maybe, it's down to each of us
to do what we can do . . . 

Perhaps, this would help inspire 
others little by little, bit by bit . . .

Nov 12, 2023


"It is a serious thing
just to be alive
on this fresh morning
in this broken world."
~Mary Oliver

Ran across these words
this early morn . . . just
what I needed. Oliver is
ever and always the voice
of reason when I need it

Methinks the combination
of Daylight Savings, 8" of
snow in Autumn, SAD and
aging is maybe just a bit 
much for me to handle . . .

So, what to do about it.
Mary Oliver and fellow
writers might just be the

The dour, that would be
moi, need to be reminded
sometimes that it is simply
an incredible gift to be alive.

So what I'm aging! So what
my knees ache! So what I've
lost my girlish figure (as dad
used to say)! 

Being alive with intellect
basically in tact is a gift to
end all gifts!

 . . . and yes, I am ever so

Thank you Mary Oliver!!!

Nov 11, 2023


"The wild drips oceans 
of peace and solitude into 
my soul and allows me 
tp pour a cup for myself." 
~Janine Tamis

I feel ever so fortunate
that I have been able to
live in a bit of the wild 
in my elder years!

I walk out the door and
there are pine trees for
as far as I can see. I love
the expanse of my back
yard, the vardo awaiting
our visit.

Although I wish that snow 
would wait its turn winter . . . 
still, 'tis a beautiful thing 
to look at that vast expanse 
of pure white before any
trampling occurs.

With winter poking its head
around the corner, not so
strange to awaken to 19°.

Looking forward to seeing
what surprises the day holds.

Hey, don't be surprised . . .
working on my attitude here!

Nov 10, 2023


Woke up this early morn 
to 13° . . . methinks the 
weather gods have decided 
to eclipse Autumn in its
entirety. Can't believe we
have already had two snows!

Reminds me that we only
had a few days of Spring
as well . . . under a week!

Sooooo, trying to decide
whether to blackmail ole
man weather or to sweet
talk him to death!

I've learned to live with
dark winters, but I'm so
not okay with no Spring
or Autumn!

Going to make an effort
to stop bitching now!

Good luck with that!!!

Nov 9, 2023


"you will know
who your people are.
they will feel like safety,
they will feel like sunlight."
~Alyce Taylor

Without a doubt, I am much
enamored of quotes that attract
my attention. This one truly
caught my eye this early a.m.

I could weep for those who
have never really found their
soulmates . . . for in this world
today, naught is more important!

I'm ever so lucky as this eve 
I will be visiting with mine . . .
on the morrow, two. I know,
truly know, that I am alive
today because of the soulmate

Pray ever and always choose
wisely and honor each of them!

Better yet, may we each be
phenomenal soulmates!

Nov 8, 2023


"Life is all about finding people
who are your kind of crazy."
Wild Woman Sisterhood

I much enjoy the odd word of
wisdom coming from this group
of dames. So appreciate that they 
honor the elders as well as the 

I sometimes wonder why it takes
the elder years for us to value 
who we truly are?! We spend our
entire lives in becoming . . . and
it seems to happen when we're
finally on our way out.

God only knows if reincarnation
is a real thing . . . but, if it is, I 
sure hope I come back a tad wiser
than I'm been this time around!

 - - -

"WWS is dedicated to cultivate
true sisterhood and to unleash
the wild authentic woman 
defined in all of us."
Wild Woman Sisterhood

Nov 7, 2023


"Tears are words that need to
be written." ~Paulo Coelho

Ran into this quote by my hero
Paulo Coelho early this a.m. 
Sooooo love this guy!

I began reading him in my 20
year sojourn in Mexico. I did
not know at the time that his
work had been translated into
English; I only knew him in
Spanish. And I believed he
originally wrote in Portuguese.

Only two years older than moi . . .
and I've adored him ever since
The Alchemist

Do read him; 'twill be pure joy
from start to finish!
 - - -
Paulo Coelho de Souza is a
Brazilian lyricist and novelist.
A member of the Brazilian
Academy of Letters since 2002,
his novel, The Alchemist became
an international best-seller. He's 
published 30 additional books. 

Nov 6, 2023


"I am a survivor and a sage.
All things thrown at me 
will light my path and turn 
to ashes under my feet." 
~Nausicaa Twila

Amazing words of wisdom
to which I awoke this a.m.
It's 7:00 a.m. and 29° but
we're to have a lovely warm
day today . . . a real autumn

Our snow, 10" front yard, 12" 
back yard, is now almost all
melted. The sun is just up and
shining brightly. And, today
I will have two visitors.

Feeling blest . . . and lucky
as my guy made me a lovely 
present last night . . .

Nov 5, 2023


DST . . . here we come . . .

You'd think we'd be used 
to Daylight Savings Time 
by now. I just read a brief 
history; I had no idea . . .

1918 - DST was first used
1942 -1945 DST nee War Time
1966 - DST April to October
1974 -1975 year-round period
1987 - 2006 DST April to Oct
2007 - 2023 DST Mar to Nov

Sooooo, going to make my 
best effort to deal with my
two alphabet soup deals . . .

Seasonal Affective Disorder
and Daylight Savings Time.

Raise your glasses to SAD
and DSL . . . and may your
alphabet soup ever diminish . . .

Nov 4, 2023


"My storms are never-ending
reminders to seek beauty in
the chaos." ~Janine Tamis

Trying to think of why this
quote hit me so hard. Perhaps
it has something to do with 
this winter weather we've
been experiencing.

I can appreciate the analogy.
For me, it's all about these
dark, dark days of quasi

SAD is what it is; I simply
need to cope with it. Still, I
so wish it would in winter
rather than stealing days of
autumn from me as well . . .

Wish me luck . . . and yes,
I will be seeking beauty in
the chaos . . .

Nov 3, 2023


Yesterday was the day we 
honor our late ancestors in 
my beloved Mexico.

I spent the early hours of the 
morn creating my annual
ancestor altar. Truly I was,
and am, very pleased with it.

What I didn't see coming . . .
the dreams that assailed me
last night. I don't know if it
had to do with family on my
mind or the magick of the
season, maybe creating the

In my dreams, I was still
teaching. My father came to
visit me in my classroom as
I was straightening up after
the day's classes. He told me
he was a bit tired and would
like to rest whilst I put the
room in order.

We simply stayed there. We
sat on the couch in the back
of the classroom and talked
of our family who had gone
before. Like a kaleidoscope
of cherished memories, we
recalled, remembered, and
shed our tears.

For me, it was unbelievable
the number of family I was
able to see. Frankly, I felt
bereaved upon waking.

I feel ever so grateful, so
honored and more than a bit
W O W E D !!!

Nov 2, 2023


El día de hoy, celebramos 
las vidas de nuestros seres 
amados, adultos, a quienes 
hemos perdido.

Obviamente, a mi edad, he
perdido a toda mi familia
mayor que yo. Hay veces
que me siento morir si no
pueda hablar con mi padre.

Recuerdo perfectamente a
mis abuelos, mis tíos, los
primos. Lamentablemente
no conocí a nadie más allá
de este círculo.

Muy sin embargo, mis papás
fueron diligente en contarme
historias de sus padres. Así
que, cuando menos tengo los
cuentos, aún que no les conocí
yo misma.

Deseo seguirles recordando
a los míos, no le hace que 
no sea un día designado para 

Sé que es importante . . .

Nov 1, 2023


Cuando llega el primero 
de noviembre, mi corazón 
vuelve a México . . . el día 
en el cual honramos a los 
bellos niños quienes hemos 

Lloro por los míos, mis 
nietos que no tuvieron la
oportunidad de sobrevivir.
Sollozo por sus vidas no 
vividas. Lamento por todos 
los padres quienes hayan 
perdido a sus amados nenes. 

Añoro tanto a toda la familia
y amistades que dejé en 
México. Le ruego a Dios 
que sea cierto que algún día 
seremos reunidos.

Abrazos muy fuertes les 
mando desde aquí . . .