Feb 6, 2020


I knew from the time I was a little girl,
that I wanted to be a nurse when I grew
up. It all started with a sweet little book
called Nurse Nancy my dad gave to me.

Alas, when I went away to college, I was
informed that my math and science skills
were lacking and I'd better look for a
different career. Make no mistake, I have
loved every moment of my 41 years of
teaching. Still, I hold nurses in the highest
regard . . . heroes all!

I have friends in the nursing field. They
epitomize those qualities of love, care and
concern. Their knowledge is boundless,
vast! I pray all doctors recognize their
value and and honor them.

Two of my childhood friends went on to
become nurses and there are two nurses
in my coven of yesteryear. It is both fun
and interesting to watch them. There
they are, enjoying whatever we're doing
and all of a sudden, they perk up with a
knowledge that something isn't right.

Magic . . . pure magic . . . I celebrate
nurses, the love and healing wisdom
they share with us.

our ladies in white
most surely born of the gods
healing hearts and souls

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