Feb 27, 2020


You must assume from all the Gypsy
wagon posts that I'm yearning for
Spring to come so I can get into my
own. How I love my Gypsy vardo and
adore my guy for making it for me. It
is ever so delightful . . . and beautiful
as well.

Passersby must have a chuckle to see
just how much I've decorated it on the
outside. But, where else would I be
hanging these sweet little birdhouses
along with stunning kerosene lamps?!
Not that I'm willfully forgetting those
deep blue pots that I'd put geraniums
in if the deer didn't like to eat them so

When you step inside, you are literally
assaulted with magick! It happily resides
on every orifice, in every corner, and in
those glorious hidden spaces that only
I know about. So fun to enjoy a bottle
of red out there. Like I said, MAGICK!!!

missing my vardo
appease the gypsy in me
pray summer come soon

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