Nov 30, 2019


There's a rule, isn't there, that rather
than spend your non-existent fortune
on Black Friday, you do your x-mas
cards?! One way or another, I bit the
bullet and I'm all finished except for
a few children's cards. I find myself
smiling at how each of us tend to
spend the holidays in different ways.
For some, it's all about cooking and
baking. For others, it's cleaning and
decorating the house and yet others
care more about the gifts they can
put together. I can actually remember
a time when I had the energy to do
all three; inconceivable at this point
in my life! Actually, I read somewhere
that once you turn 70 you're not
supposed to worry about dusting 'cuz
those dust bunnies might just be
an ancestor!

holiday spirit
parties and goodies galore
pure ambrosia

Nov 29, 2019


I can recall Thanksgivings at my grandmothers.
I can remember Thanksgivings with my parents.
And of course, the years and years that I prepped,
cooked and hosted myself. But yesterday, watching
the children working in the kitchen, in harmony, in
sync . . . pure magical ambrosia!

#1 son recreated a traditional familial fruit salad,
some of the best dressing I have ever had and an
absolutely delish gravy. And, I thought I knew how
to cook string beans; obviously not! I hated to share!

#1 daughter, according to her family fans, baked the
best turkey ever! and pie to die for. She slipped me
a piece of delectable delight that felt straight out of
French cuisine; amazing baker this woman!

#1 girlfriend created (I use the word on purpose) two
kinds of mashed potatoes. I may as well confess right
now that I had thirds! She talked about her grandma's
trick of pre-soaking the potatoes in a light sugar water
prior to boiling. Who knew?!

Sitting together, enjoying the feast and ever in awe at
these amazing children, I give thanks that they share
bits and pieces of their lives with us. I am W O W E D!

deep blue clear night skies
miss new moon sir evening star
gifts for the way home

Nov 28, 2019

11/28/19 . . . Thanksgiving

I find myself caught 'twixt and 'tween
a grin and a giggle; 'tis nothing short
of a TG smorgasbord. First, we planned
on a travel trailer trip to Utah with fam.
Then my guy got the angst; he really
wanted to spend it with the kids. I got
it; even had similar feelings. Still, I hope
we get to make said trip at some point
as I had a longing for it. We decided to
divide and conquer; he'd go to his and
I'd go to mine. But then, travel plans
got shot down due to weather. Our
latest attempt at familial celebration is
for both of us to join his family, idea
which I love, but the weather scares me
to death. We have roughly 18" plus snow
to shovel and so far, we can't get out the
front door. Guess we'll see what happens;
but that giggle may turn into a snicker if
I'm not careful; forget snicker, hysterics is
more like it. Happy TG guys; save drives;
be thankful . . .

okay surprise me
a day most unusual
hey go with the flow

Nov 27, 2019


I find it heartbreaking that there are
periods in our lives when we feel lost
to ourselves. I believe this happens
due to traumatic events that either
steer us from our chosen path or can
even cause us to crash and burn. The
accompanying fear brings about a sense
of disorientation which can then lead to
anxiety and depression. Overwhelmed
and disheartened, finding the way back
to self and one's true path seems
unsurmountable. In this time of gratitude,
let us truly remember who we are. In
the embrace of family, let us return to
our path. Seeing the bounty, let us find
and accept self once again. Let your heart
hear the words, "Welcome back, I've been
missing you."

been buried too long
who am i where have i been
triumphant return

Nov 26, 2019


Every now and then, the universe does
indeed gift a day . . . a very special day.
And, to be perfectly honest, I would have
to admit it's not just once in a while! We
awoke this morning to roughly 15 inches
of snow. Alas, there was naught for it
but to spend the day abed . . . with none
other than the great Indiana Jones himself.
Such fun and four entire adventures to be
had! Now . . . if only I could have breakfast
in be . . . along with a couple of mimosas!
Oh well, guess one can't have everything . . .

the angels at play
ma nature having a day
icing on her cake

Nov 25, 2019


'Tis confession time . . . I promised myself
to really take a close look at those things
for which I am grateful. It just isn't enough
to be thankful on Thanksgiving day . . . we
need to make that effort on a daily basis.
Obviously, I like to think that I am one who
appreciates on all grounds . . . but this a.m.
I awoke to a forecast for a dozen inches of
snow tonight. I have 'winter issues', but I
truly believe I could make it through winter
if winter would just stay in its allotted time.
Here at the cabin, starting in October and
through this month, we've had 4", 13", 8",
5" of snow and it isn't even winter yet!
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! ~@#$%^&*()_+   How
the hell am I going to make it through
winter proper? Pray, send me courage . . .

no can do like snow
am moving to the islands
winter wonderland

Nov 24, 2019


I have known love; I am sated . . .

I have known the love I have for my
children and the love they have for me.
I am sated . . .

I have known the love I have for my
family and the love they have for me
I am sated . . .

I have known the love I have for my
friends and the love they have for me.
I am sated . . .

I have known the love I have for my
students and the love they have for me.
I am sated . . .

I have known love; I am sated . . .

~Linda-Dale Jennings

Nov 23, 2019


My amazing niece has been doing
vast amounts of research into our
familial history. I realize 'tis a fad
to some, but to her, it's a mission
in live. She shares stories with us
that are simply remarkable! What
this does for me . . . a reminder
that life doesn't begin HERE! It
comes from wayyyyy back; we
tend to forget that. If our 'greats'
had not met when they did, had
they not conceived a child when
they did . . . we simply would NOT
exist today. I forget that from time
to time. Bless her for reminding us.
Indeed, I am thankful for our past.
It doesn't haunt; it heals!

our past history
a different perspective
for this i give thanks

Nov 22, 2019


Holidays always seem to bring my
brother to mind. His was a harsh
story, some of which I have shared;
not certain I should have. His incredible
existence brings many lessons to the
table. Through him, I learned caring
for someone other than myself. I
witnessed people, real people, who
turned a blind eye and others who went
well out of their way to help. I saw his
dreams crashing down around him and
still he would rise and shine to face yet
another difficult day. Alas, I fear I am
grateful that I was gifted a normalcy of
sorts, that I received the gift of education,
that I was allotted the chance to create
my own life, and in turn, give the gift of
life to my children. I am eternally thankful
that I witnessed the courage it takes to
face day after day in the dark. That I
knew bravery when I saw it in a young
boy fighting for an existence of any kind.
That he fought and prevailed to the end.
I pray I grow to be even half the man he
was . . . and yes, I am eternally grateful.

always complaining
why cant enough be enough
time we get a clue

Nov 21, 2019


'Tis exactly a week away . . . this day
in which we gather with family, share
tales out of school, eat copious amounts
of deliciousness and are reminded to be
thankful for our blessings. Per always,
I like to spend time ahead of the day,
pondering meaning, remembering whos,
whys, and wherefores. Make no mistake,
I much enjoy the gatherings, the food,
the goblets of delightful contents, but
the bottom line is family, isn't it?! I find
I cherish them in a special way that day.
I see those missing and wish they were
there. Memories of those long gone visit
my soul and I yearn for them. Oh yes, I
will most definitely be thinking of those
much loved and the blessings they have
brought to my table, my life.

grateful beyond words
memories of yesteryear
pray partake with me

Nov 20, 2019


I had never given much thought
to the rituals we observe in our
daily lives. Yet, there they are!
Each morning upon awaking, we
do our own individual dance of
facing a new day . . . a stretch
perhaps, a groan to show our
disdain for the whole rise and
shine routing, a self-lecture about
getting on with it! Preparing meals
can be a bit ritualistic as well. For
me, it begins with opening the fridge
to see if anything falls out . . . no
really, I do look to see what I have,
take out ingredients of whatever
nature and create! Getting into the
car . . . check the systems, put on
the seat belt, look around and get
going. Planning a day may start out
with a list, organizing the order of
the day, thinking of a way to reward
oneself for all the accomplishments.
Bottom line, we really shouldn't be
surprised about enjoying spiritual
rituals, we've been ritualizing our
entire lives . . . food for thought!

good habits and bad
finding comfort in routine
my sweet rituals

Nov 19, 2019


Mother, forgive me for I have sinned . . .

Yesterday, I pontificated, complained,
sputtered and muttered about a missing
package. The package was incredibly
important and my heart hurt at its loss.
Later on in the morning, I perused the
property . . . and there was the package.
The wind must have blown it about or
perhaps an animal disturbed it. Bottom
line, the package is back and I am damn
embarrassed! My fait in my neighbors
in humanity, is restored. And, I find
myself vastly ashamed. Why is it that
when something goes wrong, immediately
the worst case scenarios comes to mind.
Bottom line, I have a lesson to learn here
and I damn well better learn it!

most disappointed
striving for understanding
determined to learn

Nov 18, 2019


I'm upset and not sure just who to
growl at! My order from Amazon was
taken from my front door. The walk
way trails up to it away from the road
and my property is fenced, so it's a bit
hard to envision someone stealing it.
Nonetheless . . .
I've obviously heard of the new game
in town where persons run in and take
packages off porches. But, it was never
going to happen to me! I live too far
away. My cabin is so tiny that even
the mice hesitate to visit. There are
no signs of wealth to attract a thief. Oh
well, it's finally happened to me and I
have no idea of recourse. The site I
ordered from doesn't have a 'contact
seller' logo. The whole thing is just
too sad. I find myself disappointed in
losing the package, but much more so
in losing faith in humanity.

so glad to be home
nooooo someones been a 'thievin
feeling invaded

Nov 17, 2019


What a bright, sunshiny day here
in northern Colorado . . . and to
think it's snowing back home. We
are to return this afternoon; wish
it were better weather for the trip.
Still, The Lady Hekate awaits (my
cabin) along with a sweet fire to
welcome us home. I mention the
name of my cabin and smile as
last night was her night. The olal
traditions of yesteryear tell us that
the followers of Lady Hekate would
leave a treat of 'srooms and honey
for her on this particular night . . .
not too scintillating a dish to my mind.

lovely day all told
so wish mister sun would stay
much needing the light


Wow! What an experience!
I've had three tats before and
thought I knew all about it and
that I would be just fine. Not so!
Me thinks getting this mountain
lion on my right shoulder hurt
more than giving birth! I did well;
I didn't embarrass myself. But in
the end, I finally gave into . . .
whimpering! I was embarrassed!
The artist told me that he'd even
had military men cry, so I think I
handled the entire episode just fine.
Now . . . to enjoy her ladyship!

loving my lady
hoping to find me again
been lost for so long

Nov 15, 2019


We're off to see the wizard . . .
and trust me, he truly is a wizard.
I've been waiting 30 years to get
this particular tat redone. I got it
for my 40th. My sweet little girl
sat through it, held my hand and
didn't even whimper as I almost
squeezed it right off her arm. She
is my shero; murmuring helpful
words throughout. Now, my guy
is a man among men! and yes, he
will take me to the tattoo artist,
but he won't hold my hand and if
it's taking a long time, he leaves
for a while. Sooooo, take a bow
little girl. Yes indeed, you are my
S H E R O !!!

we humans are strange
body art clothes paints perfumes
never satisfied

Nov 14, 2019


Oh my God! What the hell is this?!
It's snowing yet again and this is
supposed to be Autumn, or Fall if
you prefer. First, we get 4" followed
by 13" and then 8" only to have yet
another 3" . . . and did I mention,
it's snowing yet again! I feel Fall
deprived as if it had simply been
sipped over! Not sure I can make
it! Maybe you'd better drop by
for a visit; be sure to bring dark
chocolate and a dark red . . . or
three. 'Tis dark times after all!

where is the sun stashed
love me my moon still need sun
longing for the light

Nov 13, 2019


Once in a great while we are
gifted with a glorious night,
an amazing day, a wondrous
afternoon. Last night was one
of those special times. A warm
fire, a glass or two of red, tales
told out of school . . . all the
while wishing the night would
never end. I do know that not
all are gifted with such special
friendships. I kneel in gratitude
to those mysterious entities who
saw fit to gift me so magnanimously.
I am overcome . . .

this light in my life
that courage to solider on
ever so thankful

Nov 12, 2019


Yesterday, 11/11/11:11, was a day
of pure magick! For those of you
interested in numerology, you already
know that the number 11 is of great
significance. To have it repeated four
times is beyond the pale, as it were.
One of the things I love about my man
is that is not only humors me in my
ways, but he takes me seriously and
never makes fun. He went out in 27
degree weather, cut a ton of wood so
we could spend the day by the fire.
Exactly at 11:11, we share a shot of
Chartreuse and honored each other in
a toast. Chartreuse is an archaic liqueur
made by the Tibetan monks. My circle
of women make it every few years
collecting and using as close to seventy
herbs as we can. I still have some of
the original batch from 2012 so it made
our toast extra special. So, here's to all
our elevens; may they bring us joy!

loving me some fire
flickering dreams coming true
a day without end

Nov 11, 2019


I love Mother Nature! She is the one
I serve. I know she can be a harsh
mistress, very demanding . . . but
she gifts such beauty! I look at the
seasons as she changes her clothing.
Emerging hues peeking out in Spring,
brilliant colors of all kinds erupting
forth, a la volcano, in Summer. And
Autumn . . . such beauty to behold.
I'm in love! But . . . Fall is supposed
to last until December 20 and Winter
is to begin December 21st. It's been
snowing hard, and I mean H A R D,
since midnight. Somebody needs to
remind Mama Earth that it's still
supposed to be AUTUMN!!!

spring summer and fall
such beauty in all colors
need help with winter

Nov 10, 2019


I just told a friend a day or two ago that
it's our generation that has witnessed
the most diverse changes in technology.
Of course, this has been written about
ad nauseam, so no need to repeat. Still,
I can't help but remember a couple of
things that impacted my life. I was about
five when we got the first phone for our
family (no borrowing the land lady's any
more). It was a god-awful yellow thing
that hung on the wall. As a party line,
you had to wait for the rings to play out
so you'd know if the call was for you or
for a neighbor. I was allotted one, three-
minute call an evening, hence my intro
into first-grade phoning. Ug! You just
had to have been there. I can remember
playing that I was talking on the phone by
holding the button down and chattering
away. Such innocence. Obviously, now
I have a rather small one that fits in the
palm of my hand. Funnily enough, I still
have minutes available from when I got
it several years ago. Guess I just never
got used to it . . . but do love me some
e-mail . . . write any time!

too many ways now
write me a letter.

Nov 9, 2019


Funny! One of the greatest things
about being sick-a-bed . . . movies
ahoy! Since I enjoy murder mysteries
immensely and I was at the mercy of
the angel of death, I watched murder
after murder. Now, even my dreams
are plagued with death and demons.
I'd almost have preferred to have
stayed awake! I may have to break
down and watch some Disney flicks
today. Color me comedy ready . . .

may have to grow up
no can do handle horror
a child after all

Nov 8, 2019


"The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh
away." Or, so say the sacred words of
wisdom. Guess I've been having too
much fun celebrating my b-day for six
weeks. Today is the day of reckoning . . .
or should I say, last night. Well, one
must pay the piper and trust me, I'm
paying, I'm paying. So, alas, it's back
to bed with me, and my guy promises
hot cups of lemon and ginger tea. He's
the best part of all this silliness.
Damn it, I had plans for today !!!

feeling god awful
best laid plans of mice and men
paying for my sins

   Job 1:21 KJV
   John Steinbeck

Nov 7, 2019


We enjoy the odd wine tasting
from time to time, but never
dreamed just much fun a
beer tasting could be. We've
tried out a couple of places of
late and they've been ever so
much fun. Each taste consists
of about a communion glass
size of beer. So, by the time
you've tried a few, you haven't
even drunk what would have
been a glass of beer. Very
practical when you're driving!
I've received a beer tasting
gift card from a dear friend
for my 70th . . . even though
I said, NO GIFTS. Rather glad
she didn't pay attention. I can
hardly wait to taste a few.

relearning to live
experiencing anew
children all are we

Nov 6, 2019

11/06/19 - What's Cookin'?

Well I can remember the pride
I felt as a little kid putting together
my first peanut butter and jelly; what
a mess! Pure ambrosia! Next, I was
allowed to fill celery sticks a la Velveeta;
cringing here! Make no mistake, I was
expected to help with meals until I left
home; a fab learning experience. i was
fortunate enough to study Haute Cuisine
whilst in college. So loved preparing and
serving six course meals to special
friends during my 20 year sojourn in
Mexico. Much enjoyed spicing up parties
with special dishes upon my return. The
laugh is, I now open the fridge and see
what falls out. What happened to all that
joy and zest for creating special meals?
Even my besties are lucky to get a meal
out of me when they come to visit. Me
thinks I'm going to pass onto the better
life with a slice of toast in one hand and
a glass of milk in the other. Oh my God!
I've come full circle . . . get me the hell
out of this story!!!

love me some good eats
full body in evidence
must rehab myself

Nov 5, 2019


November always invokes in me
a pondering of those things for
which I am thankful. Of course,
I understand that the Thanksgiving
celebration brings this about. Still,
we would all do well to acquiesce
to such a positive endeavor. It's
hard to believe, much less accept,
that I've been granted 70 years of
life. I am utterly blown away by my
most amazing children; God's gift!!!
I love my sweet little 120 year old
cabin, even with all its foibles. My
lover is an amazing man. I do not
believe there is anything that he
cannot do and/or invent. I've been
gifted the most glorious friends in
kingdom come. I intend to live so
many more years, but were I called
home tonight, know that I would go
happy! Happier! HAPPIEST!!!

bathed in gratitude
song of solomon awaits
tis heaven on earth

Nov 4, 2019


I always feel such a sense of joy
once November one and two have
passed. I truly believe honoring our
families and friends after they have
passed on is most important. Still,
the day after . . . it's like a burden
has been lifted and a great joy fills
the soul. I've often wondered if this
isn't an actual gift from our families,
perhaps thanking us for honoring
them with our remembrances, stories,
ceremonies and their favorite foods.
I have loved the past few days, yet
now it's time for the living. Let's bask
in the gift of life that has been given us.
'Tis a new year waiting to happen!

know that i love you
you are always in my heart
remembering you

Nov 3, 2019


Here we are, almost at the end of
2019, and I feel as if it were the
new year. Although that sweet sorrow
that accompanies the Days of the Dead
has passed, those lovely memories we
invoked, somehow brighten the future
and give us hope . . . perhaps, a renewed
commitment to make our ancestors
proud. So, I honor the upcoming happy,
familial holiday, Thanksgiving. As for me,
it's the other side, the happy side to the
Days of the Dead. May we spend it in
our family circles, and in those fond
embraces, remember the phenomenal
fortune we possess in family.

happy families
bid adieu grief welcome joy
our hearts are bursting

Nov 2, 2019

11/02/19 . . . Día de los Adultos Difuntos

El día de hoy, honramos a los mayores
que hayan pasado a mejor vida. Es bello
y triste a la vez. Sé que pensamos en
ellos a menudo, pero hoy es el día
asignado para celebrarles. Para mí, es
importante estar cerca del altar en donde
se encuentran sus fotografías de antaño.
Adorno el altar con platillos pequeños de
sus comidas preferidas. Prendo las velas y
se comienza la hora de contar sus historias.
Hay risas dulces que suelen salir con los
cuentos chistosos. Las lágrimas caen
copiosamente con los relatos tristes. Doy
gracias que se les hayan asignado un día
especial sólo para ellos. Así, recuerdo el
cariño que les tuve, además es grato
recordar que me dieron el don de la vida . . .
porque sin ellos no existiría yo . . . Brindo
por ellos en hora buena. Espero que donde
quiera que estén, se acuerdan de mí.

honro mi madre
recuerdo a mi papá
lloro cántaros

11/01/19 . . . honramos a los niños que hemos perdido

Today is the first of two days honoring
our loved ones who have passed away.
This day, November 1st, honors our
children that we have lost. This is so
hard and yet beautiful. I recognize that
this custom might be difficult to
understand for those from the U.S. But,
it is indeed significant for those of us
who hale from Latin American countries.
It's interesting to note that these two days
immediately follow Halloween. So today,
photographs of the children we have lost
will appear on our altars, memories will
be recalled, stories shared and tears shed.
My heart aches . . .

know i miss you so
i pray you had never left
my tears flow to you

10/31/19 - Halloween

It has arrived . . . the actual day on
which I was to have been born. My
parents met just after WWII ended
and my father was released from his
unit. That infamous day occurred in
a movie theater where both arrived
to watch a Halloween flick on October
31st. They became engaged a year
later on October 31st. and married
the following year on October 31st.
I was to have been born . . . you
guessed it . . . on October 31st. the
next year. Of course, 'Miss never late
to anything' came a couple of weeks
early, damn it! Hence began the
wonderful nonsense of celebrating
the entire month of October . . . all
because I was born on the wrong
day! So . . . Happy Halloween!
Happy Samhain!! Happy supposed
to be birthday to me!!! God, I so love

hate to see you go
just began to celebrate
so long october