Jul 31, 2022


Methinks anyone who
believes all seasons are
of equal length are
seriously confused! Or
am I mistaken that we're
just saying goodbye to
two thirds of summer?!

I intend to give some 
proper thought to how 
I want to spend August.
Obviously, visits to all
the kids are in order. Not
to forget I'm getting a tat
a week from today. That
will make 15! Yay!

I really have this urge to
go on a picnic. I've been
talking about it for a couple
of months and still haven't
done it. 'Tis high time!

I want to take a ride . . .
something we haven't done
since gas turned into a high
jacker! I love rides . . . a gift
from the fifties. Watching
the leaves begin to change
is also a fave of mine.

birthdays in july
fondly remembering you
visits from the past

Not to forget visits from
friends. Do come on by.
Sooooo, goodbye July and
hello August . . .

Jul 30, 2022

07/30/2022 - OMG

In our current day of the
quick and dirty . . . cell
phones, texting, e-mails,

. . . I get quite a kick out 
of those popular acronyms. 

"OMG, I simply can't get
over the deal I got on line
today! Now that my son,
would be NOYB! WTH,
I know it's a secret, but I
was going to tell you any
way. There's a good sale
going on a Safeway, LMK
what you think. SMH, the
teens of today just blow my
mind! Back in my day, we
would have been ROFL!"

One of the things I find
interesting is the inclusion
of using acronyms verbally
in conversation. I actually
find myself say 'what' a lot.

As a Lang Arts teacher of
40 years and living half of
those in Olde Mexico, I've
found the evolution of lingo
quite fascinating. Can't help
but wonder if it doesn't add
to the breakdown in . . .

I can remember my gran
saying, "Ta ta for now" but,
as the kids just say . . .
TTYL . . .

*See translations . . .
OMG - Oh My God
NOYB - None of Your Business
WTH - What The Hell
LMK - Let Me Know
SMH - Shaking My Head
ROFL - Rolling On the Floor
TTYL - Talk To You Later

Jul 29, 2022


Oh my God! Oh my God!!

We were just sitting there,
minding our own business,
as it were . . . when Mister
Ginormous came prancing
through! And, I'm not sure
the description depicts big 

He walked right by us, paid
us no bother mind, was so
close we could have almost
touched him! Big, black bear!

He's been coming regularly
this summer, But, 'tis one
to see him on the monitor or
in the back yard, and yet
another to have him walk by
right where you're sitting!

The thing is, you talk about
how you're going to hold up
your arms Crocodile Dundee
style and slowly walk away.
And 'tis yet another to actually
get off your paralyzed duff and
do so!

We've watched the show on the
monitor several times. Rather
shakes me down to the morrow
of my bones when we do so.
But, I did choose to live here,
didn't I?!

Here's begging the uni to let 
us continue living here, seeing 
these incredible creatures and 
still make it to old age!

feeling so lucky
so pray to keep on living
want lotto tickets

Jul 27, 2022

07/28/2022 - Happy b-day dear heart . . .

I'd be the first to admit, I do
have a thing for birthdays! 

A bit of an objection to the 
day part of it though; I rather
like the idea of a birth month!
Can't seem to get all of my 
celebrating done in twenty
four hours, anyway!

Today is my lover's b-day.
Under my subtle persuasion,
we've been celebrating for
days. Such fun!

Fam over for one afternoon, 
a glorious day on the town, a 
trip to a couple of local bergs, 
all my idea of how life needs
to be honored.

Can't help but wonder, if I'm
not talking a bit about how
life needs to be lived . . . life,
not just birthdays! I'm going to
have to give this some thought.

loving me some life
living over existing
must give this some thought

"What's wrong with being 
72 or 82 or 92? If God is good 
enough to give you those years, 
flaunt them." ~Iris Apfel, 96


"Flawed and fabulous . . . 
because perfect doesn't
exist and normal is boring."

Funny how the need for
New Year's Resolutions
can creep up at any time . . .

At 101 years of age, I still
seem to be struggling with
self acceptance. Of course,
I accept myself per se. But,
I'd be the first to admit, have
all kinds of issues with my

Seems to me, there should
come a time when we all 
grow up, accept each other
and ourselves . . . as we are!

Sooooo, here's to the times
I have one glass (or two) too
many. Getting angry and so
wishing I were the bigger
person. Patience with any 
and all around me, maybe
especially myself. Learning
to love the unlovely.

Methinks 'tis a good idea to
keep the list short! Here, let
me raise that one too many
glasses to a good start!

growing up and old
better and better each year
elderly so rocks

Jul 26, 2022


I have endured hunger and
the gift of anxiety it brings . . .

Imagine in all societies we know,
we experience different sorts of
hunger. For me, it's a hunger for
safety in all things. I like knowing
the next meal for my family is
secure. It matters to me that my
doors are locked at night and my
children are safe. Good job the
police caught that child molester.

I have suffered loss and
the gift of pain it brings . . .

My father built my dream home
in Mexico. I have never loved an 
edifice more, right down to the 
last bit of decor. Alas, I lost it in 
my divorce as is wont to happen.
Still, 'twas only a building and
not a life and for this I am much

I have known love and
the gift of joy it brings . . .

Spiritual love means the world 
to my peace of mind. I am ever  
so grateful to have found my path.
Security love of hearth and home 
is important to the entire family. 
Alas, many do not have it. Sexual
love in a committed relationship 
is both delightful and precious.

Somehow, I do feel overcome 
with gratitude . . .

known but recovered
feeling ever so grateful
ever fortunate

Jul 25, 2022


I dreamt of gypsies last night . . .
Can't help but wonder if it didn't
have something to do with my
friend Esther?!

Good witch, of much wit and
wisdom, she's been on my mind
of late . . . and thus entered my

Even in our modern day culture,
Gypsies are an enigma! Stories of 
yesteryear may keep the mystique 
alive, but in today's world, their 
place is still pure fascination . . .

I like to think we all possess that
salt and pepper amount of gypsy. 
Methinks the child within rejoices 
in the gypsy and the adult slowly 
eradicates . . . our loss!!!

For me, embracing my inner gypsy 
means honoring the child within. 
It means keeping the magick in  
life alive. Honoring wonder, not 
needing all the answers, playing 
with fanciful ideas . . . and for god's 
sake, dropping that old cookie cutter 

We are, and should be, each our own
sacred individual. As a teacher, I can't 
help but wonder if it isn't school that 
contributes and encourages all this
copy and be copied business?!

Oh, do let's bring back our inner 


 Mama, Whats a Witch? by Nico B. Paradis

     "Mama, what's a witch? 

A witch is a person, big or small, who loves
and honors all

A witch sees the magick that is everywhere
She uses Earth's energy for good, not fear

A witch sees the beauty that's all around
She blesses the sky, sea, trees and ground

A witch knows the language of the of the
Stars, Planets, and Sun

She asks them her questions and they
answer one by one

A witch can soothe heartache, pain, and hurt
She uses the gifts that come straight from 
the Earth

Witches find beauty in forgotten places
They see people for who they are, 
not just by their faces

Some witches love song, some witches
love dance

All witches are brave, not afraid t take 
a stance

A witch believes and knows anything 
is possible

The magick is love and that's the most 

    Mama, can I be a Witch? 

If you are a person, big or small,
who loves the earth and honors all

If you see the magick that is everywhere
If you use the Earth's energy for good,
not for fear

If you see the beauty that is all around
If you too, bless the sky, sea, trees and

If you learn the language of the Stars,
Planets and Sun

By asking them your questions and
accepting their answers one by one

If you love song or if you love to dance
If you are brave and not afraid to take
a stance

If you believe and know anything is possible
If you recognize that Magick is love
And know that it is the most powerful

Then you, my darling, are a witch indeed
My wish for you is in your self
Most of all you always believe"

Jul 23, 2022


It's a b-day; let's PARTY!!!

Methinks we adults simply
turn into kids again when
our birthdays roll 'round! 
The whole thing's a hoot . . . 
the anticipation, planning,
execution! Such fun!

Probably the best part for 
me would be the gathering 
of fam and friends that we 
haven't seen in forever. 'Tis
all about catching up!

Now, I'd be lying through 
my teeth if I didn't admit to 
enjoying the food. What is
it about birthdays that seem
to inspire calories?! Yum!

And July does tend to bring
the gifts of both 100 degree
weather and plenty of rain.
I'd have to be a scientist if I
were to ever understand the

Sooooo, we'll just have to
wait and see what the day
brings. Pray I can enjoy
each and every moment!

Happiest of all happies to
my guy!

happiest of all bdays
calling it a day

Jul 22, 2022


I find myself caught up in the 
midst of b-days . . . Yesterday, 
was dad's birthday. Tomorrow 
my bro's, and then my guy's.

And, I so celebrate him; what 
a life he has had. Frankly, he
deserves all the celebrating he
can get! 

I would be the first to admit, 
I am well pleased the universe 
saw fit give my brother rest as 
he was much weary from his

But, being a daddy's girl, and
still missing him, seems I am
unable to bid him adieu. I talk
to him most days; he's a good
listener.  I may begin in prayer 
or meditation, but the next thing 
I know, I'm talking to my dad. 

I've apologized to God many a
time. Yet, I've had to tell him, 
"Dad was ever and always will 
be God to me; I guess I'll just 
be addressing him. Sorry!" Yet,
not sorry, really.

So, here's to my three . . . Daddy,
Sammy and my own dear heart . . .

"May you live longer in memory
than you have in life. Know you
are much loved, ever and always!"

Jul 20, 2022


Perhaps, the face of friendship
is changing somewhat . . . or 
maybe, only as we knew it.

I've often commented, just how 
much I miss daily mail . . . cards,
letters, those communications of 

I even remember phones . . . 
those rotaries hanging on the wall.
But today, we slide them into our
pockets and use them nigh onto
exclusively for texting.

And now, we Facebook and/or
Twitter. I've never been on the
latter, but find myself quite
enjoying the former, even on a 
daily basis. It's an interesting,
albeit different, way to stay in 

We get a peek into friends' lives
and even communicate briefly 
below pictures or in Messenger.
What I'm actually seeing is that
I need to adapt to these new ways
of doing things.

Sooooo, e-mail me once in a while.
I find myself missing you . . .

a message of sorts
be it one way or other
lets communicate


"Craful! Craful!" as my little
bro used to say. And Sammy,
Yes, I'm trying to be careful!

I'd be the first to admit . . .
there are days when this damn
aging process gets to me a bit.
And "craful" doesn't even begin
to cover it.

First of all, I get that we're lucky
to even be alive. We've lost so 
many much younger than we. I
also get that there are plenty of
issues that come with aging that
have to be faced and dealt with.

The slower walk, the shorter
stride, the lesser memory . . . 
Frankly, I find that last one to 
be the scariest. And, it's more
than just, "Where the hell did
I put my keys?!"

Methinks me lucky in that my
guy and I each forget and recall
different things. Fab way to help
each other. Pray we keep it up!

say don't i know you
tell me your name when we meet
almost certain i recall

Jul 19, 2022


I so loved to travel in days of
yesteryear. Something I used
to look forward to all year long.

I don't spend my time on tele
travel specials at this point. Still, 
I have phenomenal memories of 
trips from my younger years. 

Funny though, I find myself
sticking closer to home these
days . . . and enjoying it as
well. The small towns near 
here are truly sweet.

Country fairs to explore, little
antique stores, fun cafes with
interesting foods to try . . . 
to say nothing of the scenery.

Harking back, methinks I got 
caught up in the romance of 
foreign climes rather than
trying some local scenarios 
on for size. 

One of the fab things about 
perusing our surrounding areas
would be the joy found without
having to sell our souls to afford
it. Day trips are a real treat . . .
who knew?!

Care to join us at the pub in our
neighboring village? Such fun
to be had!

Jul 18, 2022


"What a difference a day makes."
~Stanley Adams

What is it about a day anyway?
The old song insists it lasts 
twenty four hours. . .  although 
I wouldn't swear to it!

I imagine the first thing, the most
important one, is waking up at all! 
Not everyone does, alas . . .

Sustenance . . . what's for breakfast?
Do you splash out? Make do? Plan
a fave? Rumor has it that it's the 
most important meal of the day. I
tend to sin on the side of anything
goes, unless I have visitors. Hell,
I've been known to have ice cream;
go figure!

What's next? How to spend the day?
At home? Doing chores? Taking a
run into town? Making something?
Yard work? Again, I've come to the
idea that what one does during the
day makes a serious difference in
the whole matter of things.

I do know that once I crawl into bed,
the ifs, ands and buts of the day seem
to attack full throttle. The mind tends
to review those purported twenty four
hours whether you like it or not.

Did I do anything important? Worthy?
Did I befriend? Help? Encourage? Was
the day enjoyed? Wasted? Endured?

One of the things I want to do when I
grow up is actually create those kind
of days that make a difference. Make
Dinah Washing proud . . .

whats doing today
methinks making beautys good
theres an idea

Jul 17, 2022


We drove out, caravan style, 
to a place out and about. We
needed to get to our vardo,
gypsy wagon, well before

Cold ones in the little fridge,
a meat dish in the oven, and
food everywhere you could
see. I had expected just a few
gals, yet there seemed to be
guys as well.

Dragging out folding chairs
from the vardo, we finally
ate. Foods hot or cold, didn't
matter. Cold beers, however

We chatted, told the odd joke,
chuckled and tucked into our
little banquet. Quite the b-day
celebration and I'm not even
sure whose?!

For whatever reason, suddenly
I was startled awake. I think
an ancient toolbox fell. At least
there's a mess surrounding my
great grandad's old wooden one.

So it was all a dream, eh? I did
have a lot of fun although it was
a great deal of work. Glad all I
have to do is clean up the tool
box mess.

Still, not sure if I'm missing the
do or my great granddad. I loved 
him ever so much . . . 

life dishes daydreams
sleep the illusions thereof
all i have to do is . . .

Jul 16, 2022


I awoke this morn feeling
quite giddy and unsure why . . .
and then I remembered!

We were sitting in the living
room last eve; I got up to have
a look-see at the new fire ring
I had just created . . . WOW!

A giant black bear was ambling
across the yard, just between the
window where I was standing
and the fireplace. Living where
we do, we get bear often enough,
but I had never seen one so close
to me, so black, so beautiful.

I whisper shouted, "Get over here,
you have to see . . . " Must have
been the urgency, but we got to
stand in the window and simply
bathe in the beauty of the moment.

There are times when I can't
even remember why we moved
here, much as I love it. And then,
something like this happens. 

Indeed, I pray I won't run into 
this black beauty when I'm out 
in the yard. And yet, we have 
been able to see so much wild 
life from relative safety. 

For now, I feel as if Mother
Nature just kissed me on the
cheek and wished me well . . .

feeling the beauty
mother bless you for this gift
won natures lotto

Jul 15, 2022


I know! Time passes at the
exact same rate every single
moment of each and every
day. Having said that . . .

Seems to me that summer
simply races by! I had so
many plans . . .

Do the yard, invite friends
and fam over, drinks under
an auspicious full moon. 
To modernize Shakespeare's
and Alex Pope's old quotes . . . 
"Time flies when you're 
having fun!"

Maybe the answer lies in 
speed . . . Hurry up and get
outside. Hurry up and picnic.
Hurry and up end those ice
cold drinks. Hurry up and
have that flying fun!

Or, how about the old maxim,
Slow down and enjoy . . . 
Methinks 'tis the best idea! I
have to remind myself every
day . . . Live in the moment!

So indeed . . .  I'm living in 
the moment, dancing as fast 
as I can, and loving every
single second of summer!!!

lets hoist our glasses
so loving me these hot days
pray bring on the heat

Jul 14, 2022


"Every man is born as many
men and dies as a single one."
~Martin Heidegger

In pondering Heidegger's 
musings, I find I disagree
somewhat . . .

I understand that when we
come into this world, our
choices of who we choose
to become, are many. As we
grow and experience life, we
each choose our path and
become . . .

On the other side of the coin,
we are born as this tiny, single
minded baby, only interested
in survival. Eat. Sleep. Live.

As we grow, we try life on for
size, as it were. Experience one
thing, discard another. Visit one
path, choose another. And, in
becoming our ONE, we also
wear many a hat.

That incoming babe, becomes
an outgoing entity . . . a student
of life, friend, spouse, parent.
Perhaps, even trying out different

I can appreciate that as we 'elder'
we pare ourselves down to size.
Discarding the many for the single,
we leave this world as we came in,
only interested in survival . . .
Eat. Sleep. Live. Ouch! 

Maybe, just maybe, Heidegger's 
right after all! Bears thinking

Jul 12, 2022


Guilt, it's been said, is the gift
that keeps on giving . . .

Can't decide if it's humorous
or annoying, all those FB
quotes telling one and all to
suffer no guilt!

I rather think my mom used
guilt quite creatively in her
parenting. I've used it myself
to keep me on the straight and
narrow . . . okay, not too straight
and not too narrow, but still . . .

Obviously, vast amounts of
suffering at the hand of guilt
serves no one. Still, modicum
amounts of guilt, keeping one
honest, is surely a good thing.

Say I forget to put out the trash
for example, and have to house 
it for another week, guilt would 
be this side of ridiculous. 

But if I hurt a friend, using guilt 
as a way to try and understand 
the pain I have caused, is a good
thing. I imagine it would also
encourage me to do the right 
thing and mend fences.

Guess my vote would be . . . ever
and always in moderation! Use it
for good and let it be!

Are you listening, mother?


Methinks 'tis the morn of
the day after . . .

Oh my God! All that yard
work! Thought I was rather
proving myself . . . And . . .
what I was really doing was
proving myself to be about
a 100 years old!

Things are looking really fab
around here. Too bad I might
be too dead to enjoy them!!!

All jest aside . . . and yes, I
wasn't kidding about being
half dead . . . okay, all dead!
What I was thinking was . . .
how lovely it would be if it
always looked like this?!

Funny thing about seasons
and their accompanying
weather . . . Seems they've
their own agenda and feel
no particular need to ask
my opinion.

Probably just as well and I'd
be praying for sun and you'd
be begging for rain . . . to
say nothing of the kid down
the street who wants some-
thing entirely different.

Here's wishing all a good
weather day, like it or not!

Prost! Cheers!! Salud!!!

bring on the bengay
or maybe make that a beer
down with yard work pains

Jul 11, 2022


Been a-porching of late . . .

So tiny and not particularly
comfortable, we've never
really sat out there until the
other evening.

Several things conspired to
make it more appealing. A
friend kindly put her hand
to the task of cleaning the 
space, so it's actually doable.

My guy put up my father's
art and I hung up my antique 
bell collection. It now has that, 
"There's no place like home," 
feel to it.

At the end of the day, we
inaugurated our spruced up
porch with celebratory margs; 
pure delight!

We were hefting our glasses
in toasts to the occasion when
a buck and his spike wandered
into the yard. Still in the velvet,
they made a phenom picture!

I'd be the first to admit my own
romantic take on most things.
Still, it rather felt like my dad
and little brother were coming
over to bless our efforts.

They were absolutely fearless!
Wandered the yard as if they
owned the place. Came within
four or five feet of me whilst
I was picking a handful of
posies for my altar.

Found myself tearing up; 
feel ever so blest . . .

loving summers gifts
helps me learn to live anew
joy in the small things

Jul 10, 2022

07/10/2022 - Oh Mary . . .

Dreamt again of family.
I find it quite unnerving . . .

What the hey? Am I just
trying to see them one more
time? Perhaps missing them?
Saying goodbye?

My step-family is ever so
beautiful. 'Tis headed by the
most prodigious matriarch. She
is brilliant; advanced degrees.
Ever gracious and thoughtful,
a true warrior in her own 
right! . . . To say naught of her
beauty, both inner and out!

I so miss the children, her own
babies, and now with babes of 
their own. They are becoming . . .
an amazing feat to witness. 
I find myself ever so proud of 

Accomplished scholastically,
adept in familial circles, fine 
parenting; rather takes pride 
to an entirely new level!

Know I have loved you well. 
I have learned from you . . .
still learning, even now. I say!
Take a bow! You've earned it!

a gift of the gods
may i ever remember
whole new depths of love

Jul 9, 2022


Last evening, some friends
came over for a brewski. 
There was a light rain, so 
we chose to sit on the porch.

Now, this 135 year old porch 
is quite tiny and my gran's
high back chairs aren't really 

Still . . .  a few candles lit, 
bottles in hand, conversation 
flowing and all is rather 

I get that the evening's delight
was all about the combination
of things. But, methinks that
porch is pure magic. Can't help
but wonder about all the things
that must have happened there
in days of yesteryear. 

My cabin was built by a black
smith. In my mind's eye, I can
see him . . . exhausted after a 
day's work, sitting on the porch, 
maybe a homemade brew in 

Who know's if his wife was
ever able to take a moment,
sip a cup of tea, rest from her
daily endeavors. Were there
children at her feet, perhaps
playing with bits and pieces
from dad's forge?

Frankly, I much lament that
porches seem to belong to
another era . . . they truly are
absolutely phenom!!!

dreams of yesteryear
olde bearer of memories
times long forgotten

Jul 7, 2022


Methinks, I've won the lottery!
This morn, I get to see another 

Of course, we all value our 
relationships, albeit by blood
or by that true blue that exists
amongst real friends.

One of the things I've found
interesting as we grow older,
we may have less companions
as we're now retired and see
less people. But, friendships 
cultivated in the wisdom of 
the ages . . . priceless indeed!

What defines The real McCoys 
in friendship? I'm thinking, a
real presence in one's life. It
doesn't really matter if it is 
weekly, monthly or whenever.
What matters is what works
for both parties.

Listening is also incredibly 
important in a friendship . . . 
and both friends listening to 
each other. It can't just be a 
one way street.

Gifts, nice but not important.
It's truly sharing our lives that
matters the most. I beg that I
ever and always be the kind of
friend to others that I'd like to
have for myself.

love you near or far
gift of friendship paramount
ever and always


So loved seeing my mentor
today . . . she reminded me 
of eras gone by . . .

A life long lived, stories to
be told and shared, ahems to
be dropped and amazement
all 'round!

Can't think of anything more
amusing, durable, valuable, 
than telling tales out of school!

Those precious stories shared 
are rather what makes a life 
important. We tend to forget, 
others than ourselves have lived 
as well! And, they've lessons 
learned and to be compartido!

Today, I found myself dropping
my jaw, chuckling, downright
laughing and struggling against
tears . . . a precious time shared.

In today's world, the oral tradition
no longer properly exists. I so love
the written word, but I rather wish
we hadn't lost that invaluable 
sharing of stories otherwise untold.

My long time friend epitomizes a
life as I long for it to be. Let's learn
to not only enjoy, but to honor those
who have lived a time we've never

May we live rather than exist . . . 
may we endure until such a time
we can rejoice in a life heretofore

so longing for life
existence tis of no matter
pray lets truly live

Jul 5, 2022


"It takes courage to grow up 
and become who you really 
are." ~ee cummings

In today's culture, seems to 
be a bit of pride surrounding
this whole not growing up 
thing. Not sure exactly where 
I stand on this; I'm thinking, 
I'm thinking!

I believe we all gird up our
loins, sally forth and conquer
when the daily demands are
put upon us. Still, we enjoy 
pandering to the child within
as well!

Loved, enjoyed, cherished 
my 40 years of teaching. Yet,
being at play as an oldster
is priceless. Wonder if this 
doesn't have something to do 
with we old folks becoming 
a bit childish?!

And, no matter how much 
we enjoy our play; bills still
have to be paid, food bought
and prepared, house cleaned.

On the morrow, methinks I'm
going to go get in some trouble
with an old playmate of mine!
Can hardly wait and I already
have picnic ideas . . .

come and play awhile
caprice and whim at its best
can so hardly wait


Methinks 'tis the morn of the
day after and things are looking
brighter . . . That would be moi 
striving for a better attitude, my
very own promise to myself!

This month marks the beginning
of the second part of the year. I
find myself taking a look-see and
wondering what I'm going to do
with it, to accomplish.

Trying hard not to think about it,
but summer brings about the yard
clean. Birthdays show up, expect
to be celebrated. Visits that don't
happen in the winter, finally come
to fruition. 

One thing that comes to mind . . .
I want to live each moment, in the
moment, rather than constantly in
the looking forward mode. I know
this, but somehow the lesson does
not stick . . . Maybe this time!

So today . . . I am spending it with
my guy, watching some old movies
with popcorn on hand. I'm going to
read in a bit. Always makes me feel
glorious to embrace the written word!

living in the now
a lesson needing learning
promise cross my heart

Jul 4, 2022

07/04/2022 - 4th of July

Not sure any of us spend much
time remembering, recalling,
thinking about the meaning of

Methinks that wondrous fam 
of four . . . mom and dad, son
and daughter, are mostly well
served, remembered, celebrated.

Still, what about our attitudes
towards large families, single
moms, single dads, mixed race
homes, gay parents, black fams

Looking around, I fear we have
forgotten that 4th of July means
liberty for ALL!!! I would like 
to think we get that and truly 
mean it as well.

I challenge us all . . .  and that
includes me . . . Let's work on
our attitudes, really work on
them. Let's celebrate life, and
the freedom to live this life as 
we can and should.

I know none of us have enough
shekels to save the world, but 
we do have enough love to go
around. Let's get right on that!

live life at its best
share the loving all around
lets grow truly grow

Happy 4th of July!

Jul 3, 2022


Today awaits . . . an unopened
present, a pending surprise, a
long hoped for celebration . . .

I often ask myself, "Why is it
that we tend to focus on the
negative when there is still so
much beauty in the world?

'Tis rather like not being able
to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner
due to worrying about who's
going to wash the dishes.

Can't help but wonder if it's 
too late to change the habits
of a lifetime?!

"Damn it, it's raining, or, The
plants are going to love this!"
"Alas, I'm out of shekels, or,
Ever so glad there's plenty of
food in the fridge!" "You're
dragging mud into the house,
or, Incredibly lucky to have a

Methinks 'tis high time this
camera focuses on the pretty
pictures of my life . . . Sooooo
need to leave the petty behind!

pretty or petty
lets have a petty party
leave petty behind

Jul 2, 2022


"Dedicated to every human 
being who looks different, feels
different, and thinks differently. 
I see you. I feel you. I am you. 
Stay different. Our world needs 
the difference we make." 
~Qasim Chauhan

I was always different . . .

Parents belonged to an unusual
religion. Brother was both blind
and special. Impoverished, hard
working people . . .

No way in hell could I be cookie
cutter! Part of me got quite a kick
out of this, yet another part of me
longed to be part of the crowd . . .
The good thing is, one grows out
of the longing and salutes the

My father was a true eccentric; the
older I get, I find the more I am as 
well. Praise gods for small favors!
Looking back, I have to ask, "What
gifts have eccentricity brought into
my life?"

Glorious kids, phenomenal students,
unusual life experiences, the oddest
of gifts, interesting people, strangest
of dreams . . . the rare . . . ever and
always the rare!

color me grateful 
outside the lines every time
doesn't cover it!!!

Jul 1, 2022


So love me those dwindling moments
just before slipping into dreamstate . . .
so wish I could capture a few!

I find them comforting, almost like a
mother promising a good night's rest.
I do find myself confused, let down,
almost betrayed, when treated to a
nightmare however. Where do these
come from?

A heavy supper? A bit too much to 
drink? Negative thoughts, worries?
Pondering here . . . In the grand
scheme of things, might these be a

Every once in a while, a nightmare
is so intense, so horrific, that I don't
even wish to sleep the next few eves.
So need this to be explained to me
by someone who's in the know!

Here's hoping tonight's rest will be
peaceful, coddled in the arms of
sweet dreams . . . 

ever so tired
wishing us all a good night
may sweet dreams abide