Mar 31, 2023


I know! I understand!! I get it!!! 
Time ever and always moves at
its same, steady pace! Having 
said that, methinks March peeked 
in an out so fast, it was barely here!

For me, moving into April is bidding 
adieu to the last vestiges of winter. 
Alas, our little corner of the earth 
doesn't seem to get that it's supposed 
to be spring. Still, today promises 
to be a nice day and I'll just have to 
settle for that.

Embracing the word spring, I made 
the mistake of looking at our weather 
forecast. Snow this afternoon, Tuesday, 
Wednesday, Thursday, and rain on 
Friday. Grrrrrrrrr ~!@#$%^&*()_+

Guess it may be spring somewhere. 
Just let me run and rent a moving 
van! I am sooooo outta here!!!

Mar 30, 2023


"Today is a new day. Don't let your
history interfere with your destiny."
~Steve Maraboli

One of the hardest things to deal with
as a Libra, is that constant struggle for
perfection. Go figure . . . because we
all know life isn't hard enough without
the perfect fight, as we call it.

So what if the toast is a tad burnt?!
Methinks that why the knife was 
invented . . . scrape it off a little! So,
my answer to perfect fight is, scrape
the toast.

Five minutes late to the docs? Scrape
the toast! Stayed too long at a friend's?
Scrape the toast! Had one too many?
Scrape the toast! Out of wine to offer
a guest? Scrape the toast! Spoke harsh
words? Scrape the toast!

We Libras tend to forget we're part of
the human race. Everybody knows we
are above and beyond and perfection
is expected. I get sick of it, yet seems
to be part of my eternal makeup.

Bottom line, I'm old enough to get over
myself and learn to, Scrape the toast!

Just watch me . . .

Mar 29, 2023


(n) magic, the power of apparently
influencing the course of events by
using mysterious or supernatural
forces Wikipedia

(a) used in magic or working by 
magic; having or apparently having 
supernatural powers Wikipedia

(n) magick, an ancient practice
rooted in rituals, spiritual divinations
and/or cultural lineage - with an
intention to invoke, manipulate, or
otherwise manifest supernatural forces,
beings, or entities in the natural world

Sooooo love me some magic/k!!! No
matter what, when, why or where! A 
child picking a dandelion and handing
it to someone, finding a quarter in the
street just when needing change for
parking, an unexpected kiss when sad.

I don't go in for magic shows although
I imagine they can be quite fun. For me,
it's all about those unexpected magic 
moments that bring out the smiles and

Best of all is when the universe gifts me
a magic moment I can share with another!

"Magic happens when you don't give up,
even when you want to. The universe
always falls in love with a stubborn heart."
~JM Storm

Mar 28, 2023


Ay Dios mío! . . . Methinks
mi ole man weathervane 
overheard me bitchin' 'bout
the cold yesterday!

Retaliation is the order of
the day . . . 'tis below zero! 
Guess I best stop complaining 
already!!! Alas, can't seem to 
help myself . . .

See why I say we get NO
SPRING until the last ten
days of the season?! We've
received 6" of snow and 0
degrees just since spring
'twas sprung, as it were . . .

I'm going back to bed . . .

 . . .

Guilt got to me, you know,
that gift that keeps on giving!
Wen't out and did the walk
from door to mail box . . .

Not sure I'll live! Frostbite 
at its best. Can't believe
we're already up to 5 degrees!

Mar 27, 2023


"Spring is sprung and the
 grass is riz." So, t's spring? 

Snowed all afternoon, as well
as throughout the night. Have
about six inches accumulation.

And, here I was planning a 
picnic with my son today, 
seeings hows it's spring, and 

I'd build a fire but the wood
is under those heretofore 
mentioned six inches!

I'd love to sit in my fave chair
and read downstairs, but it's
only about 50 degrees in the
living room.

Think I'll just go back to bed.
Wake me up when it's really
spring . . . I mean summer!

Seems there's no spring
to be had around here!

grrrrrrrrrrrrr ~!@#$%^&*()_+

Mar 25, 2023


What is it about fresh flowers
that simply brings one's heart 
to its knees?! 

Maybe it's their precarious
nature once they've been cut.
Perhaps we all tend to enjoy
more that which is short lived.

Indeed, they have a gentle
beauty no matter the type or
name, no matter tame or wild,
no matter the scent, pleasant
or not.

Not to forget, dried petals and
leaves add such beauty, color,
scent and texture to potpourris
as well.

I do so love fresh flowers, and 
as they are such a rare treat for 
me, I love them all the more.

My special thanks to Alice, 
Heidi and Joyce . . . you all
have so brightened my dark, 
winter days!


What is it about solo time?
Something I've always needed
and wanted to understand.

We have these pockets of time
and space . . . time with the
spouse, the family, friends . . .
Then why is it that we often
forget to allot time for being

I've found over the years that
alone time can turn into catch
up time if we're not careful.
"Oh, I'll just wash a few dishes
and then I'll sit by the fire." Or,
"I didn't realize how much I
needed to vacuum under the
dining room table."

It's a rare ability to simply sit
quietly doing naught! There's
a need to grab a book or a
crossword puzzle, hand work
of some kind. It's almost as if
our sense of self is attacked
in the quiet.

Alone time is important! Quiet
time is necessary!! Sitting still
is paramount!!! And, if we've
mislaid this monumental value,
'tis high time we institute it in
our lives.

Mar 24, 2023


I remember when . . .

Cooked all three meals a day
and served them at the table.
Alas, now it's once a day and 
eat in bed whilst watching a
murder mystery.

All meals had three to five
offerings. Alas, now it's just

Washed all the dishes once 
the meal was finished. Alas, 
now it's once a day. 

Went shopping for groceries
and fresh veggies every week.
Alas, now it's once a month.

Changed all the sheets in the
house on Fridays. Alas, now 
it's every three weeks.

Washed the car every weekend,
by hand. Alas, now it's once a 
year, at the car wash.

Spring cleaned the house every
season, windows and all. Alas,
now it's once a year, if not every

Can't help but wonder if I'm 
slipping or actually just getting

There are priorities, you know . . .

Mar 23, 2023


"What a difference a day makes!"
~Stanley Adams

I had a lovely day planned, but for
various reasonable happenings, this
no could do be, that's as it should be.

Clean slate, pristine palate, a read-
justment, if you will. Let's celebrate!

First of all, cold champagne in bed.
A stunning black bottle; tall, chilled,
enticing . . . sans paroles . . .

Chilled margaritas come to mind, why
wouldn't they?! I bow to the gods that
I had the presence of mind to have all
the necessary ingredients! Wow! Yum!!
Amen!!! Not really certain there are
enough superlatives in the dictionary
for such joy . . .

And oh my god, let's take a look at
the gourmet . . . my guy knows how
to cook . . . okay, let's say create! It 
may not be often that he indulges 
moi, but when he does, 'tis worth 
any kind of wait!

I'm having a look-see at this p.m . . .
think I see some coffee with Saint
Brendan's Irish Cream coming on.
There might even be some gourmet
snacks involved . . .

Good thing I don't drink several
months out of the year or I might
just be working my way towards 
alcoholism . . . or would that be,
Alcoholics Anonymous . . .

Can't help but wonder what this
magick night might bring on the
morrow . . .

Mar 21, 2023

03/22/2023 - The Basics

There are, of course, hundreds of
human emotions . . . different lists,
 different articles, different sources.

One article I read both surprised 
and saddened me as it listed only
six basic emotion; two positive -
the surprise part, four negative -
the sad part.

Happiness is obviously a very
positive emotion. Methinks we
have all experienced this in a
plethora of daily doses. Surprise
is the second one I consider to
be positive . . . although, I would
be the first to admit that it can be
negative as well.

The four negative emotions . . .
anger, disgust, fear and sadness.
Being an emotionally effusive 
person, I have a great deal of
experience with all six. 

And, it's not that I dwell more 
in the negative emotions, I think
I take the positive emotions for
granted so the negative emotions
get more attention. This is not as
it should be.

It strikes me that still being some-
what sane and sober, I should have
a certain amount of control over the
emotions I entertain. I do accept it
might be easier to think in terms of
six rather than 60 or 600. 

What I'd like to see in my own life
would be to live primarily in a state
of happiness with the odd bit of
surprised tossed in to make life
it all more interesting.

Obviously, those negative emotions
reign eternal, but that's not where 
I choose to live. I get that they are
going to be experienced. Still, it
might be better to take a good look
at them, understand their source,
fix what can be fixed and let them
go. That's going to take some time
and practice.

I say . . . "Let happy win!"

03/21/2023 - Ostara

"Spring is sprung, the grass is riz,
wonder where all the flowers is."

I grew up with my dad quoting 
this fun little ditty. As a kid, I
thought it was his. As an adult
I've learned there are dozens of
versions, some attributed to two
modern day poets, but in reality,
written lo these many moons ago
and author unknown.

Still, here I am in my dotage and
quoting my father's version each
and every spring of my life. So,
what is spring, Ostara, all about?

Obviously weather wise, we have
hope for warmth, longer days,
spring picnics and lighter clothing.

But spiritually, it's a time for new . . .
in beginnings, ideas, promises and 
commitments to growth in all areas.
For me, it doesn't even begin to
compare to New Year Resolutions.
'Twill ever and always be spring
for me.

Like the above, it's important not
to get bogged down in long lists of
shoulds, woulds and coulds. Nor is it
a time for The Ten Commandments.
A very reasonable three might be 
just about right.

So, choose your spring resolutions
carefully and then stick to them. I'm
usually good for the first few days 
and then I'm back to my usual. Alas,
every year I swear I'm going to do
better. Damn! 

Maybe this year . . .

Mar 20, 2023


Coffee, Tea or Me
~Donald Bain

I'm a reader; my guy is a
viewer. Alas, I no can do
television. Didn't get my 
first one until I had been 
married a decade. Simply 
couldn't get used to it.

Still, we much enjoy the
odd murder mystery of an 
eve. And yes, I get that a 
lot of them did come out 
on television. Praise the 
gods for DVDs.

Pondering the vast menu
of choices, I find myself
wowed by the different
varieties offered . . .

Disney movies for family
and children, murder and
mayhem for the likes of 
moi, dark, dark venues 
that my own kids won't
allow me to watch. Go

I notice adventure, true
stories, newsworthy bits
and how to do anything 
from fly to the moon to
fly to the fish . . . or is it
fly fishing?!

I imagine that as one gets
older, the temptation to
be entertained at home via
the box is overwhelming.
So much easier than getting
out and about, especially in

Freely admitting homebody
issues, here's me striving for
balance in yet another area.

But first, I have to find out
who did it and then I can
get my ass in gear . . .

Mar 19, 2023


"I may have a wild soul, 
but I am a lover of simple 
things and quiet places." 

. . . 'Tis a good thing too, 
as at my age, my wild is well
housed in the depths of my 

Most certainly, I do NOT live
in the past. But, methinks there
is naught wrong with recalling
those most wondrous, amazing,
crazy, scary, marvelous travels 
of yesteryear! Those re-runs, I 
can enjoy again and again!

I so love sightseeing through
my classrooms of yesteryear.
Some of my most amazing 
experiences, peoples, kids
live there. Oh how I adored

Missing any of my umpteen
children, spouses and grands,
I visit them all. 'Tis one of the
gifts of a fine mind, isn't it?! 
I simply choose those perfect
moments from that picture 
book in my mind and view 
them to my heart's content.

So, my wild soul lives on in
memories most glorious. I
care not if the bod stumbles 
and falls . . .

Mar 18, 2023


"What a difference a day 
makes." ~Dinah Washington

Dinah said that and I said, 
"Oh what a day!" Woke up 
to nine degrees, frozen pipes, 
a plugged toilet and . . . as it 
was the maid's day off, no 
breakfast in bed. And, if you
believe that bit about the maid,
I have a property in Manhattan
I'd like to sell you . . .

So, adopting a very positive
attitude, off we go to Toys 'R Us
to buy a new toilet. All's well
and then we arrive back home
with cargo in tow. 

I step out of the pickup and 
go splat, all 180 lbs of moi. 
Face first, the pain so dear that 
not even God could've moved 
me. I just lay there, more dead 
than alive. Hope that's not too 
unduly dramatic for you.

My guy hauled me up and in, 
shoved a handful of pain pills
in me, gave me a heating pad
and sent me to bed. The pain,
rather worse than birthing a
child or two, made me glad I
didn't have to install the toilet.

My daughter woke me with a
sweet check up phone call and
right back to sleep I went. 

Sooooo, if you're feeling bored
of late, come on over and I'll
push you down the stairs. You
can feel sorry for yourself like
I do, catch up on your sleep
and tell you story over and 

Oh the joys of olde age . . .

Mar 17, 2023


"Every day is a new beginning.
Take a deep breath and start 
again." ~Ain Eineziz

I imagine every author from 
Kingdom Come has written 
words to this effect at some
time or another. Still, it was 
Ain's words that moved me 
this early morn.

Alas, we often tend to see our
new beginnings with the new
year. Luckier are those who 
see them at the changing of 
the weeks or even months. I
just love being reminded that
each and every day brings a
new beginning.

Surely, this bit of wisdom can,
and will, help with our personal
growth. If embraced as such, 
it's a winner. Used as an excuse
changes the entire paradigm.

Here's me hoping I possess the
maturity needed to embrace the
wisdom of new beginnings, real
change and thus personal growth.

Taking a deep breath here and
starting again . . . 

Thank you Ain!

Mar 16, 2023


"And sometimes you need 
to light the fire inside you to 
end the darkness around you."
~Madiha Batool

Out of the mouth of babes . . .
as it were! It's ever so easy to
sit around moping during the
winter months. Madiha gives
the answer . . .

I do often wonder about that 
proverbial fire inside me. Not 
for a moment do I believe it's 
out, just banked and burning
slow. And as I see it, there are 
indeed things that can cause a 
banked fire to blaze.

Anger is probably the most
common. It can be something
silly such as some old dame
walking by in her hippie mini;
that would be moi, by the way!

Or, something more serious as
the ongoing battle over abortion.
The treatment of the elderly in
nursing homes comes to mind.
Political dishonesty reaching
heretofore unknown heights,
depths and breaths.

Be slow to anger, third Bible
verse I've alluded to today. 
But, our beliefs should count. 

Our persuasions are real. And,
we sure as hell don't have to
agree with each other. Naught
wrong with having our own
opinions, stating them and
fighting for them. 

Draw the line though, when 
losing family and friends over 
them. We can all be careful 
as to the 'how' in expressing

Thinking here, I might just 
have to build up that banked
fire and blaze myself out of
this winter depression. Going
to give some thought to the
issues that matter to my soul.

Feel free to come on over
with wood and arguments
in hand. The fire will keep
us warm whilst we argue . . .

Mar 15, 2023


"Christian's call it prayer.
Atheists call it the placebo effect.
Scientists call it quantum physics.
Spiritualists call it manifestation.
Witches call it spells. Everyone's
arguing over its name. No one
is denying its existence."
Ancient Pagan Roots

Not quite sure everyone would
agree with this assessment, but
I so pray it's true. Surely we're
all headed in the same direction,
to the same place and time!

I love the idea of an afterlife, a
gathering of good souls, if you
will. A place where we are all
welcome. I get it's something
we must take on faith. I don't
think any of us have been there,
come back and told all about it.

Actually, it occurs to me that
striving for a heaven on earth
just might be the best idea yet.
We're all in the here and now.
Methinks we should all strive
to make it a better place. Be
kind, thoughtful, caring. Show
love rather than just talk about

And this prayer, meditation and
or whatever 'tis to be called,
might just be the path that takes
us there.

I pray . . . may the good in all of
us reign, may we walk the good
path, may we create a heaven or
a haven, every day of our lives. 

Mar 14, 2023


I simply cannot see a trunk 
without wanting to open it. 
I just know there has to be 
treasures inside.

I have trunks all over my 
place. Every room and even 
on the porch. I've made sure 
they hold interesting things.

My fave is the one that holds 
all those little treasures from 
my childhood that I couldn't
let go.

My last doll and her trousseau,
a ship my father built me, his
two page newspaper clippings, 
scrapbooks, my grandmother's
lace, high school annuals, etc.

Every now and then, I take a
proper look-see. Sometimes
there's tears, more often a few 
chuckles. Bottom line, 'tis a
reminder of a rather amazing
childhood and I am grateful.

If you are fortunate enough 
to have grandchildren, put a
trunk together for storytelling
times, fun and distraction.
You won't regret it . . .

Mar 13, 2023


I was recently asked why I always
keep my dining room table set up.

Strangely enough, in all the years,
no one has ever asked me. I like 
to decorate the table seasonally,
an altar to the times and seasons
of year, if you will.

My cabin is roughly 135 years old.
One can only imagine all the souls
that may have lived and perhaps
died here. It was originally built 
by a smithy as his blacksmith and
forge shop.

I have never solidified my own
beliefs regarding spirits, those
visitations one hears about. Still,
I have been told by very reliable
sources that both the man who
built the cabin as well as my own
father, are here.

Hence the table . . . As I stated
earlier, I have not been given the
gift. But if my father, or indeed
other ancestors, were to visit, I'd
always like them to see the table,
ready and welcoming. They could
sit a while, have a chat, share a
bottle of wine.

And by day . . . you and I may sit
at this welcoming table and enjoy 
the many gifts life brings . . .

Mar 12, 2023


"True friends are those special
souls who find you in the dark 
then lead you back to the light."
muses from a mystic

This has been my experience in
winter . . . that dark from which
there is no virtual escape. How
thankful I am for that odd e-mail,
the funny card, the stop by for a
visit and a beer.

Just yesterday, four gals came by.
I didn't feel well, wasn't up for
much. I sat there contemplating
their chat, laughter, sharing and
joy. I found my soul moving into
a completely different arena by
the time they left. Bless them six
ways to Sunday!

Strange how there isn't much 
to be done with SAD (Seasonal
Affective Disorder). Yet, the visit
of friends alters that depressive
quality. I am ever so grateful.

Bright blessings to Deb, Trish,
Joyce and Heidi! And methinks
a couple of hubbies helped out
as well! Bless you Wade and

 - - -

p.s. Pat just stopped by with half
a dozen books for me. Now, is
that a true friend, or what?!

Wow! Just. W O W !!!

Mar 11, 2023


"For I am the kind of dangerous
dreamer who executes all his
reveries, wishes, words, promises,
plans. The wildest and the lightest.
A wish for me is not a game: 
it's a creation." ~Anais Nin

Reading Anais Nin this early am.
I felt such a sense of loss. I am 
bereft. I used to be that gal who
left home at 15, lived in Mexico 
for 20 years, taught umpteen in a
poverty ridden high school . . .

 . . . and now, I live this quiet life
in a 135 year old cabin and rarely
leave the premises. No, I am NOT
complaining; I've had an amazing 
life, but still . . . Surely there's a bit 
more before I pass . . .

Here's hoping . . .

 - - -

Angela Anais Juana Antolina 
Rosa Edelmira Nin y Culmell 
was a French-born American 
diarist, essayist, novelist, and 
writer of short stories and erotica. 
Born to Cuban parents in France, 
Nin was the daughter of composer 
Joaquín Nin and the classically 
trained singer Rosa Culmell. 
1903 - 1947 Wikipedia

Mar 10, 2023


"I have lived through much and
now I think I have found what
is needed for happiness. A quiet,
secluded life in the country with
the possibility of being useful to
people." ~Leo Tolstoy

I used to think that there was one
perfect life for each of us in which
to find our happy. Now I see that
in reality, happy, its accompanying 
times and places, comes in eras.

The scholastic era, for example,
requires friends and parties. Over
simplified of course, but you get
my drift.

The settling down era needs a
partner, hearth and home, good
jobs, the odd pet and best of all, 
our children.

The retirement era begs for all
things smaller. A smaller home,
hopefully with the mortgage paid, 
smaller meals, smaller groups,
smaller vacations.

Still, bottom line, no matter the
era in which we find ourselves,
finding our happy and keeping 
it, is up to each of us . . .

Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy,
was a Russian writer regarded as
one of the greatest authors of all
time. 1828 - 1910 Wikipedia

Mar 9, 2023


I get that we're not supposed 
to live in the past. Still . . .

Yesterday . . . Wow! Just Wow! 
Full Worm Moon, International
Women's Day and a delightful
FAC with dearests and bests!
Still . . .

International Women's Day is
an amazing accomplishment;
make no mistake. Founded and
recognized by the United Nations
in 1945, it's actual beginnings
hark back to 1848.  And here 
we are, lo these many years
later. Still . . .

Full Moons, Worm or otherwise,
have ever and always moved me.
And, I sooooo love that once a
month promise. It's magnificent,
mystical, magickal . . . reminds
me of hope for yet another day.
Still . . .

Surrounded by friends, sharings
and laughter, the tip of the glass,
might just have been the best of
the day. Still . . .

Ever so grateful for yet another

Mar 8, 2023


"You know how some people
become reclusive and weird
as they get older . . . I'm just
about there . . . " Zen to Zany

Feel my age, make no mistake.
Having said that . . . I have no 
issue with growing older as I
always recall its opposite!

Being that unbalanced Libra,
I find I'm about 50/50 when it
comes to that social side of
things. I need, nay require, my
alone time. Still, I just love the
people in my life. Not sure how
I'd do, or even cope, without

I find it interesting how older
people often don't bother with
social niceties. I like the idea
of becoming more oneself as
we age, but in no way should
that be a license to become a

Frankly, there's already enough 
sorrow and sadness in this world. 
Nothing wrong with adding in a
bit of nice . . . and/or even a bit
of naughty, as long as it fun and
not assholian . . .

Mar 7, 2023


I dreamt last night that I'd
signed up for some classes
in Boulder . . . an amazing
trek for someone who isn't
allowed to drive due to
health issues!

I found the classroom that
first day. I was somewhat
distraught as there were
nigh onto a hundred pupils.

Day 2, I walked and sought
to no avail. Couldn't lay eyes
on the place for love nor
shekels, as it were.

My friend Alice picked me 
up and decided to take the
back way home. Methinks
we must have landed some
where in India as we found
ourselves on a mountainous, 
unpaved road that not even 
God would have driven!

We picked up a hitchhiker
whilst pulled to the side of
the road so an old truck
could pass. She babbled on
and on about inconsequential

She got out at some point.
Good thing too as the car was
thrown off a cliff. I was so
scared I woke up . . . go figure!

If this dream was a foretelling,
NO, I am not hitchhiking to
Boulder everyday in order to
nigh onto die trying to find my
classroom. And NO, I am not
taking backroads to anything.
And NO, not picking up any
hitchhikers any time soon.

Sooooo, what the hell, is my
daytime life not exciting enough
that I have to try my adventures
on for size whilst asleep?

Dramamine anyone?!

Mar 6, 2023


I'm always somewhat awed, 
if not downright dismayed by
the nudges Mistress Destiny
gives us . . .

What would be different in my
life today had I decided to stay
in Colorado rather than go to
school in Arizona? What if I'd
not spent 20 years in Mexico?
What if I hadn't reunited with
my childhood sweetheart?

Had I not gone to Mexico, I
would be bereft without my
children because I wouldn't
have met their father!

Had I gone right instead of
left, stayed instead of going,
nursing rather than teaching,
this town rather than that
city . . . the list goes on.

Perhaps there's no point to
the ponder. Still, curious
some how. And then I recall,
wasn't it curiosity that killed
the cat?!

It is what it is and I'm sooooo
done wondering. Here kitty,
kitty, kitty . . . 

Mar 5, 2023


I dreamt I was hitchhiking across
the US . . . the idea being, at my 
age, I was unlikely placing myself 
in any particular danger.

I didn't have the energy to walk;
I didn't have the shekels to travel,
so hitchhiking seemed to be the
obvious answer.

Thumbing, I was picked up from
time to time. I was ever surprised
to find that I knew the different
drivers from times and places in
my life. We'd chat; I would share
my experiences and we would
catch up. Eventually, they would
need to diverge and we would part

At some point in my travels, it
occurred to me that the people 
I was catching up with were no
longer with us. Then the other
shoe dropped . . .

I must be dead . . . I had to be
dead . . . I was dead and there 
was really no other explanation.

I then started questioning . . .
Was this heaven? An alternative
universe? Reincarnated? What
the hell?!

In thinking about it, I realized I
was getting a kick out of the whole
hitchhiking experience. So, why 
not simply enjoy it?! Enough with
all the questions already!

I awoke oddly comforted; not sure
why. Was the dream sent to me for
a reason? An answer? A warning? 

I find I am rather more intrigued
than anything else . . . guess I'll
just have to wait and see.

Mar 4, 2023


I thought there was naught better
than hot coffee in bed on a cold,
early winter morn . . .

 . . . and then I thought COFFEE
ICE CREAM!!! Tried it on for
size this very a.m. Yummmmm!

It occurred to me in one of those
rare positive moments whilst
slipping through the snow,  that
I need to be doing the crazy all
winter long.

Obviously, this requires some
thought. Going to be stretching
the old mind muscle to see what
ideas I can come up with.

Breakfast in bed, every single day
has to be one of the best. Ice cream
as a main meal works for moi!
Cold pizza in bed, Might these be
some of the reasons for winter
weight gain?

X-mas movies of an evening, 
(but not the ooey gooey ones
please!) Cross word puzzles are 
ever a fave. And, regular jigsaws
on the dining room table if it's
warm enough in there.

Nothing beats sitting by the fire
and sinning in whatever ways
one can come up with. I'm going
to be there this afternoon; make
no mistake! I fancy a cold beer
coming on.

Supposed to snow this evening,
let's just wait and see just how 
positive I can keep my attitude!!!

I've instructed my guy he needs
to stop using 4-letter words like
SNOW because they offend!

Hummmmm . . . chill, cold, cool,
gust, snow, wind . . . all forbidden
at this present moment! I even put
them in alphabetical order so you
can remember better!

Know this! I WILL wash out your 
mouth with soap if you use any
4-letter words in my presence!!!

Mar 2, 2023


"Don't stop dreaming just 
because you had a nightmare." 
~Sue Fitzmaurice

That word . . . dream . . . it's
everywhere I look. I find it in
my daily reads, in quotations
and sayings. Even other people
say it to me.

I find myself enjoying all of the
different meanings. That dream
you have during the night, those
dreams of who you wish to be
when you grow up. Daydreams
may be the most fun of all.

I often ask myself, "What is the
value of daydreams, anyway?"
And, I think I've got it. As a 
Lang Arts teacher of many years,
I always asked my students to
do different kinds of pre-writes.

Lists, scribbles and scratches for
starters. A run at the odd paragraph
or two. Then a rough draft and an
edit. For me, that was the fun of
writing. Final drafts are the end 
of the experience. Frankly, I often 
like the path of getting there over 
the end result. Go figure!

Methinks 'tis a bit of the same with
daydreams. We cast the out those
tenuous tendrils of thought and wait
to see what will coalesce from there.
Daydreams spawn all kinds of ideas.
That's our pre-write, as it were. Then
comes the fun of creation. When we
end up with the final draft, it may not
even look like that initial beginning.

So today, I'm going to take a bit of a
lie about, blow some lovely bubbles
just over my mind and see what they
explode into . . . Such fun!

And yes, I'm ever so glad that I'm
remembering just how delightful
that F-word is . . .

. . . Fun! FUN!! F U N !!!


"If I can stop one heart 
from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;

If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,

Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,

I shall not live in vain."
~Emily Dickinson

Methinks 'tis time for moi to
grow up, get over the weather
already and maybe think of
others who just might be in 
far worse situations.

Alas, 'tis ever so easy to get
stymied in ones own issues. 
I can remember as a kid, if I
complained, dad would ask
me to name several things I
was thankful for or that were
going right in my life.  Just
might be a habit I should 
return to.

Today we're off to the lab to
turn in some samples. I see
the techs hurrying around, 
gathering meds, putting away,
exchanging places, meeting
customers, never a moment's
peace. I just wish they could
all sit down for a few moments
and have a cuppa.

Everywhere you look . . .
people walking in the snow,
a tired mom holding a child's
hand, a car slip sliding to a
stop and not quite making it.

Here's to positive thoughts
and lending a helping hand!
Yeah, high time I got over 
myself! So glad I read Emily
this a.m.