Jun 21, 2024


question your journey
someone else does."
~Tiffany Aurora,
The Wild Keeps Her Holy

We all do this! I know we do!
I think of the time I've wasted
on what ifs; rather makes me 

I do enjoy looking back at 
my life, but I don't live there.
I even like planning ahead . . .
but, I'm making a conscious
effort to live in the present.

So today, first day after our
Summer Solstice celebration,
I am going to take TA's advice
and cease questioning my 
journey. Secondly, although 
I may love my memories, I
will make every effort to live
in and enjoy the present.

 - - -

Tiffany Aurora is a poet, lyricist,
contralto and artist. She loves
nature, swimming and all things
Harry Potter. Google Books

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