Jun 26, 2024


"Your legacy is every life you've 
ever touched." ~Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou has always gifted
us with both beauty and wisdom
through her words.

In her above gift to us, I find the 
reverse even more compelling . . . 
every life that has ever touched 

As my own time nears an end,
I find myself pondering exactly
this . . .

-that older woman who helped
me up from the floor at Walmart
-those fun remarks from two
crazy checkers at Safeway
-drivers braking so I could walk
in front of them 
-unexpected compliments from
people on the street

Obviously, these are those little
bits and pieces from the unknown,
whereas one can't even begin to
enumerate those gifts from fam
and friends.

Thinking about this makes me
want to honor Maya's words . . .

Get my ass out there and make
a difference already!!!

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