Jun 6, 2024


"It does not matter how slowly
you go as long as you don't stop."
Angel Feathers Tickle Me

You may not have been able to
hide your chuckles if you had
seen my cohort in crime and I
strolling down my stone walk
this early a.m. Certainly, gave 
me a wee laugh!

I find that laughing, chuckling,
hee hawing, rolling on the floor
although I can't get back up, 'tis
much better than sobbing one's
heart out. 

Though there are times . . .

Aging is what it is and some 
of us have it better than others. 
I suppose I'm about half-way 
in between. Still stand straight 
and tall, good decent stride, 
but just ask me where I hid that 
new bottle of wine!!! Can't find 
it for love nor money!

So, if you catch me red-eyed 
with hankie in hand, just give 
me a good slap and remind me
of the alternative!

Happy! Happy!!

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