Jun 20, 2024

06/20/2024 - Summer Solstice

A Summer Solstice Blessing

"As the sun spirals its longest dance, 
cleanse us.
As nature shows bounty and fertility, 
bless us. 
Let all things live with loving intent 
and to fulfill their truest destiny."
A little bit witchy - A little bit hippie

Just shy of 3:00 this afternoon,
Summer will be peaking its 
shining head over the horizon.

Sooooo love summer! Seems 
I wait forever for him to come 
knocking and then he's gone 
in a blink of an eye. When I'm 
queen of the Universe, we'll 
have two summers and loose 
winter altogether! Vote for me?

Albeit summer is your fave
season or not, do enjoy it 
to the fullest. Swim, dance,
picnic, tell fireside tales and
raise a toast to his lovely 
warmth and beauty.


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