Jun 12, 2024


"So much joy can be found 
in slowing down." ~Emily Ley

Really never thought about it
until my caring sojourn with
mom ended after three and a
half years.

Methinks there is naught quite
like retirement. Wow!

So enjoy stories of old timers
who hit the road in their travel
trailers or motor homes. Others
go North or South, driving or
flying to other cities and nations.

For us, it's more about staying
home and enjoying this tiny,
tiny145 year old cabin. Shade
trees, cold brewskies, friends
and fam stopping by. Might 
not be Europe or Asia but it's 
ole West welcome home and 
we love it!!!

For one thing, ever so glad there's
joy to be found in slowing down.
Don't think for a moment I could
go any faster! 

Come on over and sit a spell . . .

(Oh my God, that sooooo sounds
like my gran!!!)

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