Jun 17, 2024


"There is ecstasy in paying
attention." ~Anne Lamott

I simply cannot believe how
much we take life for granted.
A gift not given to many . . .
I so need to pay attention.

Yesterday, we sat outside after
planting my gift of flowers.
'Twas Father's Day, a gorgeous
spring day, neighbors came by,
and shared cold beers.

I sat there, just looking at our
friends, and the perfection of
the day. Wow! Just WOW!!!
'Twas as if the gods conspired
to give Colorado dads the day
of their lives.

In this mode, I looked around
at this small scene in front of
my cabin. I felt such gratitude!
I just wanted to embrace the
moment and hug everyone.

Of course, they would have
thought I was crazy! Or, just
maybe their used to my crazy
by now!

 - - -

Anne Lamott is an American
novelist and nonfiction writer.
She is a progressive political
activist, speaker, and writing 
teacher. Lamott is based in 
Marin County, CA. Her non-
fiction works are largely
biographical. 1954-  Wikipedia

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