Jun 24, 2024


Been pondering self-selected
slaveries of late . . . and maybe
even what to do about them.

Seems to be so many . . . jobs,
work, marriages and or status, 
to name a few.

I've always considered my job
to be that for which I am paid
and work to be that for which
I am not. 

Best thing I ever did . . . my
kids! Adore the hell out of
them and that means the lot!
Linda and Lui, Pete and Katie,
Sarah, Miah, Zak and Chris!
'Tis the best gift marriage 
ever gives; make no mistake.

Ever so grateful that I liked,
loved, adored, enjoyed, my
40 years of teaching in two
countries! I wouldn't change
a thing, not for love nor

Now jobs . . . something else
indeed! Do I cook or not? 
Invite guests? Do the dishes?
Clean the house? Write my

Now that I'm nigh onto a 100,
I think I'm better about jobs.
I don't cook if I don't feel like
it. I wash dishes only once a
day and write my blog every
day come hell or high water.

Methinks I'll keep my little
slaveries like my kids, FACs
with friends and my blog.

Anything else may have to
fight for my attention!

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