Jun 5, 2024


Last night, I simply couldn't
sleep . . . finally, about 4:30
or so this early a.m.

Dad used to say, "If you can't
sleep, you might try praying."

My mom always said, "Spend
the time thinking about your
life, what you're doing and
what you wish to become." 

I say, "I should have read all
night! Why didn't I?"

Think my parents might have
been on the right track! Call 
it prayer, thought, meditation,
but sleepless nights are few 
and far between, so they must
be there for a reason.

I do keep my current read by
my side and I have a fab little
light that attaches to my book.
Next time, I'm reading until
my mind urges me to thought
and meditation.

Sleep well . . . or if you can't,
rest easy!

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