Jun 16, 2024

06/16/2024 - Father's Day

Chester Jennings, 1920 - 1992

No actual need for Father's Day
to remember mine . . . Still, it's
nice to have a special time ear
marked for celebration.

I can't think of my dad without
remembering camping trips,
road trips, drives . . .

I remember he'd pile us into the
car, ask for our silence, put on
some music and take off up the

I remember him at work. He was
a phenomenal carpenter although
he was a mason at work. He made
sure I stood at a safe distance and
then I could watch as long as I

Loved going canoeing with him.
Of course, he built his own. I got
to watch the miracle of its coming
into existence and then go with
dad on a lake.

I am ever so grateful that I got to
spend time with him as an adult.
He was such an interesting man, 
a true eccentric. His conversations 
were most interesting, knowledge
real. It was impossible to be in his
presence without learning.

Oh, how I miss him . . . 

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