Jun 30, 2024


"Age is a case of mind over
matter. If you don't mind, it
don't matter." ~Satchel Paige

Methinks I'm about half nuts!
I'm ever so excited about my
very own special b-day three
months from now . . .

 . . . I'm turning 75! Yay moi!

What I would really like to do, 
is spend each day of the month 
of October seeing a special 
friend, doing some memorable

For me, it's not about spending
money or doing anything big,
I just wish to give thanks to the
Universe for a gift I never
expected to receive.

So, my request to you . . . send
ideas! I need 31 plans for Oct.
and 11 more for once a month
for my 75th year. See?! This
will take some planning!

Want to get together? Just say
the word . . . can hardly wait!

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